Yama Rising

Chapter 6: Yin Yang Road


very good.

Qin Ye thinks, shouldn't he take off the sign of what happened behind him and replace it with "Sunset Red Ghost Recreation Center"

Put on the most dazzling national style.


No... This kind of dove is good at occupying a magpie's nest? Do you know how much this coffin cost

Qin Ye's eyes were carrying ice spears, frost arrows, pyrotechnics... he was desperately firing a death beam, but grandma turned a deaf ear, but smiled at the old ladies, "How is my grandson?"

"Yes, the skin is quite fair, and you don't need to buy skin care products after going down. Nine tubes." "It looks like a short-lived, and you can enjoy a few more years of happiness down there. Three cakes." The paper people and horses are all ready, is this the rhythm of being ready to go down and enjoy the happiness at any time?"

"Are you ready for the way to go down? Someone here told you, drowning is uncomfortable. The appearance of death is not very beautiful." "Wait! It's cut, 147,000... By the way, hanging is not very good, and the tongue is three feet long. , it is very troublesome to roll back." "It is recommended that you have a car accident, adjust the angle once and for all. If you take a good position, it will not break the phase and will not be painful. The spiral ascends to the sky and explodes in an instant."

I am Nima!

Is there still a king's law? !

Shouldn't the usual way of opening "how is my grandson" be "not bad, good boy", "what grade is it?" and "are you literate?"

Why is this bizarre way of reading now? Are you thinking too far ahead


Who is your grandson! Don't mistake relatives!

Qin Ye was blocked so much that he didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Grandma took a breath of cigarette comfortably and said lightly, "Take a closer look."

Sunset Red Qi turned her head and took a closer look, the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared. The mahjong in his hand was also put down.

The four of them looked at each other, and after a few seconds, an old lady tentatively asked her grandmother, "This is... Tai Sui?"

The sound of mahjong sounded again, eight hands were playing mahjong, and grandma smiled: "In front of the old man, he has to say no... just pretend he is not... Who, pour some rootless water over here, this The water in the sun is a little spicy."

Ahhh... Has he changed from grandson to that one...

The so-called rootless water is rainwater. It does not touch the sky above, the ground below, and the yin and yang. This is the only thing my grandmother has used this week.

Qin Ye took four cups, put them on the coffin board, turned his head and left.

Don't mess with brother, it's annoying.

This mahjong match went straight to midnight. Just when twelve o'clock struck, grandma stood up faintly and sighed: "Let's go... This should be our last mahjong match."

Following her figure, the three old ladies stood up in unison, gave their grandmother a slight blessing, and turned into four green smoke that dissipated beside the coffin.

"What is this?" Qin Ye asked curiously.

Grandma didn't answer immediately, she laboriously took out an old oil lamp from the coffin, covered with dust, and hammered her waist: "Five ghosts make money."

"...You play mahjong with the five ghosts fortune?"

"You know the shit! Today, I made 1.2 billion a day, why can't it be five ghosts fortune!"

What she said made sense... Qin Ye was speechless.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Grandma sat upright on the bed, restrained her smile, and looked directly at Qin Ye. Without waiting for him to speak, he said solemnly: "In the seventh and a half months, ghosts are running around. Today is the last day of the Yu Lan Festival. It's also the time when the gate of ghosts is closed."

"When a person's yang life is about to expire, it is the first day he enters the gate of hell. But... there are too many souls in the underworld, and there are relatively few yin differences. There are always some souls floating outside that were not detected in time. After the soul has not been reported for a long time, Only the instinct for the underworld is left and he loses consciousness. These spirits are called floating spirits. The three ghost festivals are the time to pick them up."

"Do you understand it?"

When grandma got serious, Qin Ye seemed to feel that he was in the center of the torrent. Having seen too many people, he knows that this is momentum, and the actions, demeanor, and words that he shows with extreme confidence in himself affect other people.

It's hard to imagine that such a dying old man would have such a frightening aura on his body.

Qin Yeqing couldn't help but restrained his smile. He pondered for a moment and said, "What do you mean... the person with 'it' will die within seven days?"

Grandma nodded. Qin Ye frowned slightly, then said, "I can't find him, but, tonight, this person will definitely go to the gate of hell?"

Grandma hummed. Qin Ye looked at her face carefully and tried frantically: "So... you said you wanted to tell me, but... "

A sly smile appeared on Grandma's face. Before she could finish speaking, she took Qin Ye's hand and yanked it suddenly. Qin Ye's exclamation didn't have time to let out, and his eyes went black. When everything was clear, he couldn't help gasping for breath.

Black and white, three-color world!

As far as the eye can see, everything has become black and white, whether it is the room or the bed, there is a hint of cyan smoke between them. And he actually saw his body, with his eyes closed, his grandmother held a hand and sat on the chair!

The two were like two stone sculptures, motionless.

"This is... a soul?" He looked at his hands in amazement, and his grandmother's identity and strength increased again.

He has seen a lot of soul-evoking methods, even monks and Taoists, but no one has ever been able to pull one's soul out of one's body! Compared with her, those so-called spirits are simply weak!

"First, don't look back." Grandma stooped and lit the ancient lamp.

This lamp is very unique, it is an ancient square lamp, about the size of a palm, bronze texture. However, on the lamp cover above, two carp, one black and one white, were actually drawn.

"Hammer stone?"

"Shut up... Second, don't open your mouth." Grandma's body started to move. As she took the first step, the black and white world shook slightly. Qin Ye clearly felt the temperature drop rapidly and the fog gradually thickened. stand up.

In all directions, the cyan fog seemed to be alive, but after a few seconds, only the sky of clouds and the sea of fog remained around them. In the whole world, that lamp is the only source of light.

In the surging sea of fog, he seemed to hear the mourning of countless people.

"Hold this. Also, hold my clothes." Taking the thing in his hand, Qin Ye took a closer look, it was a willow leaf.

As soon as you put it in your mouth, a warm feeling immediately spread to the tip of your tongue. He grabbed his grandmother's clothes, and the two finally started to move.

"This road is not for a living person." Even if he had some doubts, Qin Ye didn't say anything. After walking for 20 minutes, my grandmother's hoarse voice came from the front: "You living people, call it Huangquan Road. However, Huangquan Road is actually divided into three parts. The ferry from Wangchuan, the mother Meng died, and finally arrived. Fengducheng. We are only on the first leg of the journey.”

She pointed to the surroundings: "These cyan fogs are the yin qi of ghosts. It should be pure black, but the yang qi in the world is too heavy, and the two opposites oppose, forming this cyan yin qi."

"Once any creature speaks here, the yang qi is released, it is like a lighthouse in a tsunami. Countless ghosts will remember everything in their world, some are nostalgic, some are reluctant, these ghosts have not drank Mengpo soup. , will tear this person to shreds. So, don't open your mouth."

Qin Ye blinked, and suddenly thought in his heart that so much yin...is caused by the gate of hell

According to what my grandmother said before, today the gate of hell was closed, and countless floating spirits entered the underworld. But... This is so utterly converging into a sea, how many ghosts have gathered to form such a terrifying Yin Qi

Are the prefectural employees malfeasance

At this moment, a faint sigh came from the front: "Don't look back, because on this road, there is a kind of creature called the Responding Insect. As long as you speak, he will talk to you. This Responding Insect with a human face and a worm body is a Countless obsessions are condensed. Once caught by it, you will talk to it for thousands of years on this road. You will forever lose the chance to reincarnate."

Qin Ye gently tugged at grandma's cuff, and grandma said with a jeering smile, "Are you wondering why the old man talks so much, but no one responds?"

"Because... they dare not."

"Disperse." Following this word, her tied white hair spread out and danced without wind. The fog in all directions seemed to be emptied by turbid waves and poured down with a bang.

Everything in front of him finally became clear, Qin Ye only glanced at it, and immediately took a deep breath, only to feel a chill down his spine.

Where is the road under their feet, but... a silver-white skeleton!

This skeleton is quite huge, at least 100 meters wide, endlessly long, quite flat, and it looks like it should be a cervical vertebra. And on both sides of them, countless people... Countless people, some in suits and leather shoes, some in T-shirts and jeans, some in dresses... are accompanying them on both sides, walking towards the end of the skeleton together!

Unreal and hazy, with a numb expression, and the body exudes yin qi from time to time. What's even more terrifying is... these ghosts actually maintain the appearance before they died!

Someone had a long tongue sticking out and bulging eyes. Some people looked distorted, their limbs were broken, and they could only crawl over the bridge with half their bodies. Some people have their heads broken, and some people have a large slit in their chest and abdomen... It's a death expo!

Living Death Expo.

These living dead people just floated in the air, moving with them with their feet moving.

On the last day of the Yu Lan Festival, the gates of the ghosts were closed, and in the dark night where the five fingers could not be seen, the vast ghosts walked along this yin and yang road with the living.

Right next to you, right behind you.

However, as he couldn't help gasping for breath, people in all directions suddenly stopped.

Hundreds, thousands, and thousands of phantom ghosts all paused. Then... the body didn't move, the head turned like a machine, half the head, the long tongue hanging, and even... no head, countless scalp-numbing eyes looked at Qin Ye at the same time!

Greedy, confused... At this moment, Qin Ye's body trembled, and a strong sense of coldness rushed into his heart. At the same time, Tian Ling covered a thin hand and patted, and the coldness all over disappeared immediately. And all the ghosts beside him stared straight at him for thirty seconds, then turned their heads and walked aimlessly.

Dong Dong... Qin Ye touched his chest, his heart was beating wildly, the moment countless ghostly heads looked at him, his hair almost stood on end.

"Look there." Grandma's dry fingers pointed in one direction. Qin Ye glanced at it, and suddenly covered his mouth, his pupils shrunk.

In the distant place where the yin qi permeated, you could see figures as big as several hills. Can't see what it is, it's like... a bedbug magnified countless times. Two green eyes burned with flames in the dark. And it's... full of people!

A living man, or a living soul.

Everyone is desperately saying something, and they are more than ten meters away from the nearest person.

Answering insects, human chrysalis!