Yama Rising

Chapter 61: Warlock with dog


time flies.

Cao Youdao's face changed from crazy and resentful to calm.

He is waiting.

Wait for the moment when Qin Ye arrives in person. He knew that the other party would definitely come.

Forty minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door: "MAYiCoMeiNg?"

"It's hard for you to remember that this official is in line with international standards." Cao Youdao smiled: "CoMeiNg."

The door slammed open, but the person who came in didn't look like a human at all.

It's still Qin Ye's physique, but with dark whites and white pupils. Full of white hair dancing without wind. Pale skin.

The quality of the shadow suit looks much better, the whole body is soft and silky. Black tunic with slanted lapel, embroidered three-circle black and white dark pattern, wearing a black hollow six-in-one uniform hat. From the tie around the waist hangs a belt tag that was not there before. On it was written in blood-red words: Detention.

Qin Ye walked in slowly. As expected, there were no other Yin spirits here. All yin spirits were bitten to death by the mortal army. There's no room for back defense at all.

Furthermore, once you reach the point of confinement, the yin spirit will no longer completely surrender to Cao Youdao.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Qin Ye carried a scabbard of 1.5 meters on his back, looked at the ruined Yulan Club, and said with emotion, "You have a lot of money, fellow Daoist Cao, you can smash millions of equipment as soon as you want it... This way, I didn't vomit blood, so it's good for me."

The corner of Cao Youdao's mouth drew a line slightly, but he did not speak.

Across the deep pit in the center, the two faced each other from north to south. Cao Youdao put both hands on the hilt of the sword. The soul-defying suit was dancing like a wild dragon, and dark yin energy emerged from the seven orifices and sleeves.

The opposite Qin Ye was the same, but Qin Ye's face was even more sinister. The dark whites and white pupils seem to declare that the two are not the same creature.

"Do you know?" Cao Youdao finally spoke, his voice was very calm: "I thought about it for a long time just now and came up with three answers."

His voice was a little hoarse: "First, I didn't expect your underworld treasure to cover up your breath. Second... I underestimated your shamelessness, hiding under the protection/umbrella of the world, and completely abandoning the creed of disjoint yin and yang, you can There is no limit to it.”

Qin. He became a monk halfway through. Ye can say that it is unpleasant to want to be.

What is shameless

This is called a tactical choice!

Cao Youdao continued to speak on his own: "Thirdly, I didn't even think that... you actually have a real certificate of misdemeanor!"

"Only in this way can you be promoted to Juhun without Yin Silu... The time is right and the place is right, and I won't take any of it. This official loses no wrong."

No one spoke, and there was silence for a moment. Qin Ye also restrained his erpi face and sighed: "I can't bear to attack my former colleague..."

"Can't bear it?" Cao Youdao sneered: "No one in this world will tolerate the existence of another self."

"If I don't die today, if I turn my head, I will rack my brains to kill you."

Qin Ye smiled: "Yeah, actually, I don't want to be so tired tonight. If it wasn't for being demoted to the ground by a dead old woman, I wouldn't be too lazy to do it. Now that I think about it, the other party's aggressive tactics are very clever... always accurate. Hit my g/spot..."

Cao Youdao said with a smile: "If you become Yama, I'm afraid you will be the most limitless Yama in history, right?"

"It's too much, I just don't want to die. I'll kill anyone who wants to kill me. If the world is at peace, you'll find that I'm just a happy salted fish. Alright..." Qin Ye thumped the huge scabbard. Paused on the ground: "Are there any last words?"

Cao Youdao raised his sword with a slight smile: "The last question."

"You were promoted just now and didn't encounter the impermanence of Luanshan City? Killed you on the spot?"

Qin Ye smiled and said: "It's simple... Of course I met it, how could I have an impermanence? It's just... I used the treasures on my body to disguise myself as impermanence, and told him that I'll take your life in person. .So...the other party left quite wisely."

"It's much more advanced than my Yin Silu." Cao Youdao sighed with a smile, and the next second, a sword slashed into the air, stabbing Qin Ye's throat!

"A new entrant, you dare to be presumptuous in front of the old senior!" Qin Ye tilted his head, his white hair was cut off and flying, Cao Youdao's stern shout resounded through the hall: "Today, this official is here to teach you, what is it? It's the soul!"

In an instant, the long sword in his hand turned into ten thousand cold stars. Unlike the last time, this time on every sword, Li Gui can be heard howling, confusing people's minds.

boom! ! Before the sword arrived, the sword arrived first. The huge ghost-headed sword was one foot three inches wide and four feet five inches long. It was stained with green flames and faced the sword rain.

In the midst of the loud noise, Cao Youdao's eyes narrowed, and he was knocked three meters away with a grunt! It hit the wall with a thud.

The sword is light and the sword is strong, and the two are connected. There is no suspense in the defeat of Cao Youdao, who has no formal ghost certificate.

Green flames spread like poisonous snakes, and before Cao Youdao reluctantly shook the flames in front of him, the wind pressure in front of him was as real, and there was a muffled sound of "hu" in the air. Two green lights came out, which were suddenly installed with the wind pressure in front.

There was a loud noise, and green flames shot everywhere. Cao Youdao's body almost fell into the wall, but he blocked the knife anyway.

"Heh..." He let out a light sigh of relief, gritted his teeth fiercely, and his body exploded, turning into a cloud of wind surrounding Qin Ye.

Almost at the same time, Qin Ye's big knife had already landed on the spot, and a huge crack appeared in the shock.

At this moment, on his ghost-headed knife, a whole skeleton spread out from the skeleton head of the hilt, crawling on the blade, and the whole knife showed a grayish-white bone. Burning green fire.

Without the domineering of the official post of ghosts, it adds a gloomy and ghostly feeling. It fits perfectly with the identity of the yin.

In the next second, the yin wind took on the same substance, forming a 5-6 meter yin cyclone, surrounding Qin Ye, and in the cyclone, countless tragic blue lights appeared, like a sky full of stars moving towards Qin Ye. rush.

Dangdang! The rain hit the pipa, and Qin Ye's sword dance made a circle of flames, but when he first came into contact with it, his eyes paused slightly.

Good weight…

I don't know what those green firelights are, but his ghost-headed knife trembled lightly every bit that could hit him. It is conceivable that once it hits his body, it will break his muscles and bones.

"Idiot!!" At this moment, a long-lost voice sounded: "Who told you to stop it?"


Such an angry reprimand, it seems that he is completely awake...

Qin Ye didn't have time to answer, because at the same time, all the flames gathered from all directions, forming a circle of green fire, and strangled him from all directions!

"Fuck!!" Qin Ye shouted loudly, his long sleeves were like a mad dragon going out to sea, forming a defense like a rotating iron barrel by his side.

boom! ! !

The green fire was everywhere, and the light was like a sky full of stars being bounced off, but it was immediately flexible like a swimming fish, and spiritually disappeared into the cyclone.

"What the hell is this? I can't beat a former cadre whose license was revoked?" Qin Ye asked in surprise.

"Vinner." Alsace said lightly: "Some things, long-term in the shadows, nourished by countless yin, and over time, will form yin. Originally, in the realm of restraining the soul, some yin techniques can already be used, but it is a pity , he doesn't have a ghost certificate. He doesn't recognize the world, so naturally he can't borrow it."

"Then I..."

"Idiot..." Arthas gritted his teeth and said, "As an official underworld messenger, everything on your body is a vaginal weapon! And you are many times more advanced than the other party! Pure underworld production! Use your knife to smear your hand, and throw it out to kill him!"

Qin Ye smeared his hand with the back of the knife.

Then he stared blankly at the Soul Sealing Ball floating out.

"What's wrong with me #@*)! &*(&#!@!!!" Alsace's three corpse gods jumped violently, suppressing the mentality of rectifying the opponent's five thunders, and gritted his teeth: "Use! Knife! Blade! !!"

Qin Ye swallowed his saliva, carefully stroked the blade with a light stroke, and grinned as the blood dripped on the blade.

"You..." Alsace gritted his teeth: "I should praise you for not escaping in front of Cao Youdao... I really think you have changed..."

"You know the shit! Has this officer ever backed away when it was time to fight? This is obviously an unnecessary injury. You can't feel the pain in a car crash, and you can't feel the pain. Go to the hospital and get a needle on your little finger to make sure you have the mentality to die generously!"

"...Why does this palace feel that after my recovery, you have a lot of confidence? You still have the time to complain against opponents of the same official position?"

Just as the blood dripped on the blade, the Ghost Head Sabre suddenly burst out with a dazzling red glow. Like a bloody wind blowing, the surrounding Yin Qi was swept away and re-condensed into Cao Youdao's figure. The look on his face was shocked.

Just beside him, a string of human skull rosary beads, ninety-nine-eighty-one, surrounded him, and green flames emerged from the skull's eye hole.

"Yin Soldier's Blade..." Cao Youdao looked unwillingly at the bright red blood-like long knife, and said from between his teeth, "You are a newcomer to the soul... How could you possibly understand this kind of thing!!"

Sha... Before he could finish speaking, the scarlet blood light illuminated the entire Yulan Club. Above the blade, a figure slowly stood up.

It was only one inch in size, but Cao Youdao trembled and retreated to the corner as if he had seen the most terrifying thing. The human bone rosary surrounding him also dimmed under this red light.

The little man seemed a little sleepy, turned his head to look at Qin Ye, and bowed respectfully. Then turn to the direction of Cao Youdao.

"No… "

Before Cao Youdao finished speaking, a wind pressure suddenly flashed in the air, and Cao Youdao's head fell to the ground!


Extremely fast.

Qin Ye didn't even see how the villain made his move, no... How could such a small person make such a big move? In the moment just now, it wasn't just Cao Youdao, his whole body coat, beard and hair were flying straight in the moment just now. There was a piece of chicken skin on the skin.

Absolutely suppressed!

He suddenly felt that the knife was a dog.

With him the warlock...