Yama Rising

Chapter 69: Supreme Body (1)


Wang Chenghao was swearing his sovereignty cross-legged on the wide bed. He was typing with great joy. When he saw him come in, he immediately jumped up: "Brother Qin, how is it? Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Qin Ye waved his hand and lay on the bed, suddenly feeling a little empty.

Perhaps not emptiness, but anxiety about the road ahead.

He actually entered the special investigation team... My identity is so shameful... I still can't believe it when I think about it now.

Feeling a little irritable, Wang Chenghao's crackling typing sound came from his ears, fast as lightning. He frowned impatiently: "Hammer, what are you playing? The internet is down now?"

"You don't know?" Wang Chenghao was stunned, and turned over the computer: "There is still a local network. The government temporarily launched/launched a local post bar, and now the Internet has exploded."

Is there such a thing

Qin Ye sat up with a bum, grabbed the computer and looked at it immediately.

This is obviously a temporary forum, very rudimentary, but... The number of posts on it has reached 300,000!

Bao'an has a total of 3.2 million people. In just one night, almost one in ten people posted!

"The truth of last night! There are pictures and videos! It is only 100 meters away from the battle site!" - Little Goldfish.

This is the pinned post, Qin Ye clicked into it.

First of all, it is a large picture. The Internet speed is not slow. Qin Ye looked at it. It was the moment when countless soldiers shot their bows and crossbows.

"Look at this picture, it's obvious that the bows and arrows hit something. But what is it? I can't get it with my eyes or my camera at all! The flames must have exploded on something to have this mark!"— Small goldfish.

Just below this first picture, there are thousands of comments.

Qin Ye readily clicked in.

"Can't believe it... Agree with the landlord! Is this experimenting with some kind of militarized weapon?" - User 4738126.

"It's not like, could it be, there's something unseen in human society...and the military is protecting us?" - User 27184.

"Didn't you connect with the hell incident last night?! I fucked up! I saw it!! Our whole family was on the couch last night and didn't dare to sleep at all! I swear I saw it!" - User 231234 .

"It's not just you, it's a large area of hell... I was run by the community. I just ran the whole community. Have you heard of Songjiang Community? 2,000 people, 1,300 people are damned to varying degrees. Now the whole community is running. Soothing." - User 12379.

Qin Ye saw the second picture.

It was still a battle scene, but many soldiers were photographed falling down. The little goldfish followed up and said, "I can see it clearly! It was fine one second, but fell down the next second! I deny that this is a military exercise, it must be fighting against something that cannot be seen! We live What's wrong with society?"

The following comments were equally exploding: "Ghost!" "Absolutely ghost!" "I'm a ghost too... I went to the bathroom last night... Ahh! I can't remember anymore! Support upstairs!" "Support Lz+10086! "

Each picture has at least 3,000 comments. By the end of the video, the number of comments instantly exceeded 30,000!

"We need the truth! I really don't dare to live in Bao'an City! What happened to Bao'an City, where I was born and raised? Are there really ghosts?"

"Don't dare to live? My dear, at six o'clock this morning, our family drove to Donghai Province, but the result... all blocked, no entry or exit. Do you understand?"

"Didn't the government say it will give you an answer within three days?" "You expect the government to tell the truth?" "Whether it's true or not, I just want an answer! I don't dare to sleep now!"

No posts were deleted.

There is also no moderator.

Qin Ye's eyes flickered, and Arthas said softly, "Very clever."

"What happened last night could not be covered up, and too many people witnessed it. The voice of the masses needs a place to vent, and the Internet is the best platform. Moreover, it also gives everyone enough buffer time for the masses to bury 'the world has The concept of "invisible things", it will be much easier for the whole unveiling."

Qin Ye nodded and continued to look down.

The second most replies were, "Three days later, the government announced the city. Guess what the truth is?"

This is a poll reply.

There are only two voting options.

First: Ghosts!

Second: military exercises.

Those who voted first, reached 76%, more than 200,000 people!

This is silent guidance.

He can guess that even if someone voted for 2, the government will definitely change the data to put it at the top.

"Don't follow the waves. You know exactly what's going on, don't spread the word. If there is any trouble at this time, I can guarantee that the nervous special investigation department will immediately invite you to drink tea." Qin Ye returned the computer to Wang Cheng Hao said.

"I know, I didn't say anything." Seeing Qin Ye closing his eyes wearily, Wang Chenghao leaned over and said in a low voice, "By the way, Brother Qin, just now... my bank card has been released!"

Qin Ye pushed the other's big head away: "Understood, let me rest for a while."

Wang Chenghao waited for a while, but didn't hear him speak again, and after another two minutes, he heard light and even breathing.

Wang Chenghao was quite resentful.

Do you have nothing to attract others? Can't even buy someone's heart with money...

Time passed quickly, and when Qin Ye woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

He didn't wake up by himself, but was woken up by a burst of radio.

There is a TV in the room, and the same sound as the radio is playing on the TV.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. For three days, Bao'an City will still be on red alert. But all daily life can be guaranteed. Please stay at home and don't walk around."

"Three days later, the Bao'an Municipal Government, and the minister directly under Yanjing, will visit Bao'an City in person to face the city's exposure... the truth that you can't imagine."

"The city government hereby assures that although the truth is difficult to accept, but... from the day the Xinhua Kingdom was established, the people's army, and some people who are unknown to everyone, have been silently protecting everyone."

"When did it start?" Qin Ye asked in a hoarse voice.

"Twelve o'clock at noon. The Internet has exploded. The number of posts has exceeded 400,000." Wang Chenghao knocked on the bowl: "Brother Qin, eat first?"

Only then did Qin Ye feel that a strong aroma floated into his stomach, and instantly, his stomach began to growl.

A hot pot is placed on the central table, with many dishes next to it. Hairy belly, goose intestines, meatballs, beef... It is as rich as eating hot pot outside.

"What's your name?"

"Of course... I almost vomited after eating instant noodles!" Wang Chenghao drank a glass of Coke and narrowed his eyes comfortably: "Brother Qin, what do you think... Bao'an City will do?"

Qin Ye shook his head. He was also curious, what would the country do

A large-scale supernatural outbreak that was unpredictable and unmanageable spread to a prefecture-level city! The military, government, and the three worlds worked together to forcibly withstand the 100-year-old Yin Linghai accumulated by Cao Youdao, and even the provincial capital supervisor came to help... Not only that, there should be special commissioners from other cities last night, but he didn't see it.

The establishment of a practice college... Bao'an City is directly under the jurisdiction... These are the two pieces of information he has obtained so far, no matter how he looks at it...

"I'm afraid it's an iron-fisted policy this time..." He sighed with relief and sat down at the dining table: "It's either option..."

A winter hot pot meal, the two people who eat it are humming. After lying on the bed, I realized that there was no other channel on the TV, only Baoan News, and Baoan News was broadcasting last night's battle damage.

"... 433rd Regiment, 70 killed, 150 seriously wounded, and the rest injured..."

"The Municipal Public Security Bureau, 20 people were killed, 200 people were seriously injured, and 532 people were slightly injured..."

"... Special Investigation Division, seven dead..." "254th regiment, eighty-three dead..."

Not only broadcast, but also accompanied by a lot of video. Whether it is the battlefield, or the medical team in the rear.

A series of numbers did not explain why they died in battle, but it made everyone understand who was protecting them last night, and did not say what they were facing, but it aroused the feelings of the entire Bao'an City.

Qin Ye took the computer and looked at it.

On the forum, there were still people who questioned in the morning. They questioned that the government would not give the truth, and they questioned that they were being deceived. But now, it's almost a one-sided rhetoric.

"Maintaining stability." An iD wrote in seemingly mature words: "It is impossible for the government to tell the public about this kind of thing. Seriously, I don't want to hear it either. I finally feel that my taxes have not been paid in vain."

"We're still alive, thanks to these soldiers... I'm sorry, I always thought the Chinese army couldn't fight."

"What is it? I'm so afraid now." "What are you afraid of? The government has said it, and everything is under control now." "Isn't it still a red alert?"

The wind direction became fast.

Thousands of years of ancient country, what to do when encountering such a mutation

The city of Yanjing, the heart of the country, has already made plans.

"Brother Qin, you really didn't hear the wind?" Wang Chenghao whispered.

Qin Ye shook his head, it's strange to hear the wind on this kind of thing... Wait!

He suddenly remembered something, took out a mobile phone and fiddled with it.

"Huh? Who bought you a cell phone? You... have someone else?" Wang Chenghao was surprised.

"...Why can't I buy it myself? What else is there to call someone else! I'm from start to finish... Go away!!"

Wang Chenghao blinked and looked at Qin Ye up and down: "No...you used to be poor...no, you are so frugal, you are willing to buy a full-screen ceramic curved phone? By the way, do you know what a full-screen ceramic curved surface is? This mobile phone is at least 3,500 yuan. above."

Young man... It's not so hard to talk, we are still good friends...

Qin Ye rolled his eyes at him, and Wang Chenghao wanted to come over to look, but was kicked away by the other side's foot on his chest.

Quickly turn on the mobile phone, in addition to the normal software on the mobile phone and other mobile phones, turn to the next page, there is only one APP on the blank screen.

There is only a blood-red eye and a sharp knife on it.

Just a single word,

Silver hook iron painting, iron horse Jinge.

He opened it immediately, and a line of words suddenly lit up inside: The following will be a voice prompt, please wear headphones.

He grabbed a headphone strap from Wang Chenghao, tapped the screen, and the sound suddenly rang.

"Please fingerprint to unlock."

"The system is directly connected to Beidou, the main brain of Styx, and the database will not go wrong. It is detected that the user is logging in for the first time, please enter your fingerprint first, and then use the fingerprint to unlock."