Yama Rising

Chapter 76: Captain Teemo is dying


He shook his head vigorously, throwing off all kinds of nonsense in his mind. Qin Ye daringly walked to the main stage, and waved his hand like a robot to the applause that exploded again below. He felt that the bottom and the back were full of green wolf eyeballs, and he saw that his husky's hair stood on end.

"It seems that Comrade Qin Xiao was too pleasantly surprised by this decision." Governor Gao, who is so talented, immediately joked. At the same time, he winked at Mayor Zhao next to him: Didn't you notify before

Mayor Zhao was confused: I said it earlier!

It was already decided to let Qin Ye come to power.

Speaking of which, it always makes people feel a little unreal. It would be great if someone could stand here and speak out in person.

S Qualification, even cut down the nine predation areas, and joined the Special Investigation Division with a deep sense of righteousness. He has a good reputation among all the personnel in the system who participated in the battle that night. What better candidate than him? Can't let the judge and impermanence demonstrate in person? Juhun said that the big is not too big, and that the small is definitely not too small, neither too big nor too small, just right.

Qin Ye's laugh was even uglier than his crying. He kept his hand on his waist, ready to draw his sword and leave at any time when his identity was discovered.

Surprise... This is pure fright!

Zhou Xianlong walked out, and in Qin Ye's flickering eyes, he placed a certificate of honor in Qin Ye's hands. He smiled and said: "Twenty thousand, merit points, it's not easy. These merit points can be exchanged for some good things, which can be found on the APP. Many people have reached the impermanence level, but they are only 40,000 or 50,000."

"Well..." Qin Ye replied with a stiff smile.

Except for a dry laugh, he can't say anything else now.

Zhou Xianlong looked at his face and frowned, "Can you... can you hold on?"

"It's alright..." Qin Ye's mind was almost blank. The Wolf King was right in front of him, staring at Husky and asking if you were feeling well, how comfortable you were in our wolf den... Of course you can hold it! You let me down now! I really can't take it anymore in a few minutes!

The domineering arrogance of your whole body has already overwhelmed the official's breathing, okay

Even Alsace was silent.

"That's good." Zhou Xianlong breathed a sigh of relief: "Then... let's demonstrate it to everyone."

ah? !

What did you say

I couldn't hear clearly!

Qin Husky Ye kept a smile and looked at Zhou Xianlong in horror.

It can be said that it has been fried.

I can't wait to slap myself a few mouths!

It's alright, your sister! What the hell was I talking about just now! Director, I got the wrong script! It wasn't there before!

Zhou Xianlong thought he didn't understand, so he laughed softly: "Show your technique to the audience in front of the TV and the computer. It doesn't need to be too advanced, but it must be deterrent. Let everyone understand what a cultivator is."

Before Qin Ye could speak, he turned his head and said to everyone, "Maybe the people watching the live broadcast don't know what an investigator is. However, I can give you an intuitive impression."

no more...

Qin Ye looked at the sky with tears in his eyes, and the sky died and I too... I beg you to stop talking!

Husky has been set up by you, what do you want from me? How To

As if hearing the call of his soul, Zhou Xianlong's voice suddenly rose: "So! I have invited the youngest investigator in history, S9527, to prove to everyone what a cultivator is!"

clap clap clap! There was thunderous applause, and countless envious eyes below looked at Qin Ye.

"Hey." The handsome man in the third row snorted dissatisfiedly: "If I wasn't there that day... Nine major predation areas, it's not that I couldn't give it a try..."

"Good luck." A woman beside her sighed with emotion: "This exposure is equivalent to leaving an impression in front of the future practice academy, and it makes the entire investigation department look familiar. Why do I have no such luck?"

Qin Ye only felt that his mouth was not his own, so he tried his best to keep a smile and said, "Sir, please allow me to prepare there for five minutes."

Zhou Xianlong nodded, Qin Ye walked to the side of the stage, and immediately said in a low voice, "What should I do! My moves are all yin qi! As soon as I use it, I will collect the corpse! Don't worry, I will definitely sell you before I die!"

"Why are you so...don't be nervous!" Alsace was too stubborn. No judge in hundreds of years has ever encountered such an embarrassing situation, and he pondered for a moment: "It's okay! Yan Luoyin is an artifact of the underworld, and one piece is enough for you to deceive. Pass the other party! Unless the yin qi burst out of promotion, it will never be discovered at other times!"

"However, your moves are disguised as Yin Qi, what about your clothes? You can only use your moves when you are in the ghost state! Once you enter the ghost state, even if your whole body is full of true energy, you will be recognized immediately! The features are too obvious. There is definitely a record in the sun room!"

"So hurry up and find a way! How about I tear open the Soul Sealing Ball and let you out?"

"Don't... don't... Ben Gong thinks it's good to stay inside, we must have other better solutions."

"Don't you usually induce this officer to tear it apart all the time!?"

"Is it normal now!!" Arthas was furious, and after pondering for a few seconds, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Bengong remembers it!"

"The ghost service can be transformed into any form, but there is only one chance for each realm! You only need to transform him into a completely different form from the ghost service, plus Yan Luoyin covers up the yin, and you will definitely be able to get through!"

"What form?"

"You think to yourself! Isn't the modern age a big explosion of information? Can't you just use any of the domineering transformations in the anime movies you watch? Iron Man! Hulu Baby! There are so many Hatsune, you can use any one you want!"

"What the hell is Hatsune..." Qin Ye gritted his teeth, the more anxious he became, the less he could think of it. At this moment, a male voice sounded beside him: "Mr. Qin, the chief asked me to ask you, are you ready?"

Qin Ye gritted his teeth fiercely: "Ready... well... now!"


With a stiff smile, Qin Ye stood in the center of the main stage again. With it, there are more than three million pairs of curious eyes.

Zhang Linhua's eyes widened in the student union, he still couldn't believe that this "godfather" was actually a person from the investigation department!

Some things his father could not say clearly, he suddenly figured out.

"I...what did I give up at that time..."

More people are looking at the screen with interest. What is a cultivator? Is it like flying through the clouds in the novel? What kind of terrifying combat power will this boy who looks younger than himself burst out

"Come on." Zhou Xianlong smiled and nodded. This is the most intuitive impression, just like any brand has to ask for celebrity endorsements.

Qin Ye took a deep breath, his temples were tensed. Facing the inquiring eyes from below, he only had one thought in his mind: Transform, transform, transform...

Holding the grass... The more I get to this time, the more inappropriate I feel! Nothing fits!



iron Man

Why did you suddenly enter the sci-fi style

"Mr. Qin?" Zhou Xianlong raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's time to start."

This is an urging, right... Qin Ye kept a stiff smile, countless MMPs poured out of his heart, and tried his best to delay his speech: "Then... I'm starting?"

Zhou Xianlong smiled and nodded. Although he was laughing, his eyes were all saying: Hurry up!

He couldn't hide, Qin Ye took a deep breath, and while everyone was holding their breath, he coughed lightly, "I... Really started."


The big guys on the stage were still smiling and nodding.

The smile is a little subtle.

boom! ! As Qin Ye gritted his teeth, a cloud of infuriating qi burst into the main stage, and just after it exploded, it revolved around Qin Ye like a cyclone, and within three meters there was confusion.

A director watched this scene seriously and nodded: "The quality of true energy is very high, and the explosion range is very large. He is indeed a genius who can smash the nine predation areas in a row."

"Yeah... Thinking back then, it was not bad that you and I could communicate with each other." Another director was also very interested: "His infuriating qi has changed, it should be similar to the line of inviting gods, but it is almost lost. I I'm very curious, which Buddha can he invite? Or a city god?"

And in front of the big screens, the people who were already engrossed breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately exploded!

"True or false!" "This is something that humans can do? Isn't it a special effect?" "Grip the grass... This is a cultivator? Is it really possible?"

The shock on the film is completely different from that seen on the spot!

The film, no matter how you know it's fake, it's art, but... now it's real! Really appeared in front of them.

What's in the smoke

What will it become

In the villa, a little fat man clenched the mouse tightly. At the school, several peers waited with bated breath. Under the LED screen, the woman eating snacks also stopped chewing.

At this moment, everyone is watching.

In the home court, Qin Ye's body was like a dread. One second... two seconds... three seconds later, the cocoon-like cyclone suddenly burst!

A figure appeared in it.

"Come out!" The director's eyes narrowed: "Let the old man take a closer look..."

However, before he could finish speaking, all the words were stuck in his throat.

The next second, the whole place was dead silent.

No... Not the audience, but the entire Bao'an city was silent.

"Heh..." Qin Ye wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Immediately, he pressed it to his waist, and then slowly stretched out.

Good, not attacked.

That is to say, he was not discovered by the wolves...

Reaching out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat, he suddenly realized that he was wearing a glove on his hand.


"This is..." A bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart, and he immediately touched his face, then looked down, and at a glance, he almost collapsed and roared.

Just before the eyes of millions, he wore an old-fashioned jungle combat helmet. There is also a pair of red goggles on the helmet. With a red scarf, green military boots, and two rucksacks, rolls of blueprints are clearly visible inside.

"This is..." In front of the screen, 70% of all the young people who were engrossed in it were stunned, and then burst into laughter.

"Awesome! Awesome!!" A high school student slumped with laughter: "Teemo! It's actually Teemo! Hahahaha! Is this a script?! There must be a script! I'm dying of laughter!"

"Strength CoS Teemo! Awesome! I have a crush on him!" "Hold the grass... This, this is so fucking dazzling?! You have taken off your pants, show me this!" "God restores Teemo! Convince I only serve you!" "Brilliant +1... Although I respect the Special Investigation Division, why do I want to laugh so much? No... I can't help it... Hahahaha!"

"Ahahaha!!!" In the third row, the handsome man leaned back and forth with a smile: "I'm so stupid! No way! I'm going to die of laughter!"

Su Feng also stared blankly at the main stage, blinking his eyes to indicate that he was completely absent.

On the main stage, Qin Ye looked at Zhou Xianlong, whose face had turned black, "Sir... If I say this is a misunderstanding... Do you believe it?"