Yama Rising

Chapter 8: Yan Luo Yin


The waterfall in this underworld is so magnificent, there are more than 100,000 Yin spirits staying in the world. Once it is crowded to the ferry of Wangchuan, the soul waterfall does not stop for dozens of minutes.

Clap la la... The boat is gently floating in the void. Qin Ye was still shaking, but the ferry seemed to never reach the bridge. Time passed by, and countless Yin spirits rushed towards the ferry like moths to the flames, and then fell into the abyss. Twenty minutes, forty minutes... Suddenly, in the waterfall of Yin Ling, a spiritual body stepped on the void out of thin air.

At the same time, the grandmother let out a long sigh. The figure suddenly disappeared, and a pitch-black yin qi traversed the sky, swept away the yin spirit, and when it reappeared, it was already standing on the ferry.

"It's him?" Qin Ye looked at this Yin spirit unexpectedly, it was a middle-aged man, his appearance was not damaged in the slightest. Square face, hooked nose. The eyebrows are very light, and the clothes can even see the Armani brand, which is very particular.

It took a lot of trouble for this magical old woman... She is such an ordinary person

"That's right, there are some changes in the underworld now. I can't know his exact location. Qingxi County has a large population and time is urgent. The old man can only know that he died in the past seven days, and he must have been in contact with 'it'. Come to the gate of hell to block him. It's the best choice." After saying this, the grandmother inserted one hand into Yin Ling's chest.

"Yah!!!" A shrill scream resounded abruptly in the opponent's chest, and the man's face twisted wildly. Immediately afterwards, an indescribable gloomy aura suddenly covered the entire ferry!

boom! Without warning, Qin Ye's ghost uniform was blown straight up with a swipe. His eyes widened suddenly, and he took a deep breath: "My God..."

This is Yin Qi.

Not too strong. Yet the quality is unbelievably high!

Om... The gloomy wind is blowing, this piece of void is slightly pressed down, and even the monster under the abyss is silent at this moment. It is impossible for this level of yin qi to appear on a just-dead yin spirit! Even scarier than grandma!

What the hell is this


A thousand-year-old ghost

"Hmph..." At this moment, the grandmother groaned and pulled out her hand, taking a few steps back. His head was covered in cold sweat, and his hands turned out to be golden. What's even more bizarre is that there are countless age spots on her face, as if she has aged dozens of years in an instant.

All the voices stopped abruptly.

Dong Dong... The heartbeat seemed to be beating in his ears, and Qin Ye realized that his whole body was soaked. With lingering fears, he said, "Ghost King?"

Grandma looked at her hand quietly, and after a few seconds she laughed miserably: "'It' is on this person... I figured it was in Qingxi County, but you couldn't find it. We can only come here Wait... when the ghost gates are closed on the Yu Lan Festival, and the bearer of 'it' is summoned here..."

Qin Ye blinked: "What exactly is 'it'?"

Grandma was silent for two seconds: "Yan Luoyin."

"Oh, so it was... Wait!" Qin Ye looked at his grandmother in disbelief and said in disbelief, "Yan Luoyin? The legendary foundation stone of the underworld? You lost the guy who was eating?"

It's a fluke that you're still alive...

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? It's not like you imagined." Grandma glared at Qin Ye and panted, "At the beginning of the establishment of the underworld, there were three innate treasures, and Yan Luoyin was one of them."

"For some reason, Yan Luoyin shattered. But there is a connection between any innate treasure, and as long as you find a piece, it will show you where else to go."

"Wait." Qin Ye came to his senses keenly, and pointed to himself: "Don't you have some unrealistic fantasies?"

"What do you mean, kid? As the last official civil servant in the underworld, what is the sense of responsibility as a public servant of the ghost people?"

"Fuck... I don't want it, okay?!"

"Okay, dog, you still have three days of Yangshou left."

Qin Ye's voice dropped an octave again in an instant, struggling frantically with the desire to survive: "...Then what... Let's talk about something serious, and don't bring up such disturbing topics, okay? For example... Let's talk about me Not very good at high-IQ games like jigsaw puzzles?"

Grandma glanced at him: "If the skin doesn't exist, the hair will be attached to it. Don't you understand? Once there is a problem in the underworld, the first person to die is you, the grass on the wall that doesn't lean on either side."

you are vicious!

Qin Ye turned his head with blue veins bursting from his temples. Life was like a strong X. Since he couldn't resist, he could just lie down and enjoy it. Now, he was ready to enjoy it with a forced smile.

Ah... don't... take it easy... grandma...

"He is a mortal who has contacted Yan Luoyin?" No longer thinking about it, Qin Ye began to look at this Yin spirit. What more to say, but suddenly stopped, blinked, and his eyes were almost glued to the other party.


"I've seen him." After a few seconds, Qin Ye turned around and frowned, thinking, "This is... Wang Chenghao's father?"

"Are you sure?" Grandma's expression immediately became serious.

"I'm sure!" Qin Ye replied affirmatively, "Qingxi County's richest man, Wang Zemin. I saw him during the parent-teacher meeting. His son Wang Chenghao is in the same class as me."

"He's actually dead? Why didn't you hear..."

The voice came to an abrupt end for the second time, and his eyes flashed slightly.

Wrong... Wrong!

The death of the richest man in Qingxi County must be a big news, and the county news and website will definitely say it. Taking a step back, even if not, Wang Chenghao will definitely have a reaction.

However, the other party did not.

Wang Chenghao's actions in the past two days are definitely not like his dead father. Most importantly, a dialogue resounded in his mind again.

"Qin Ye... Do you know how to deal with these things?"

"Are you afraid they will find you again?"

"No. It's not me... Actually... My family... Something's not quite right lately... "

Things are getting weirder.

The underworld seems to be shut down, Yan Luoyin is living in the world, the ferryman is dead, and the supernatural eruption in the world... He has overturned his previous assumptions, and in the underworld... I am afraid something more terrible than the suspension has happened.

"Let's go." Shaking his head, he said to his grandmother.

"Huh? What about your strong desire to survive?"

Qin Ye rolled his eyes, since resistance is ineffective, the best way is to do things. Is the desire to survive more important than living

live. The meaning of these two words is not to live like a dog, but to live under the tower and not to die. Even if the opponent has three Lucian, they must be as stable as an old dog.

"So, that's what I admire the most about you. It's quite impressive." Grandma took out a talisman and stuck it on Wang Zemin's forehead. into Qin Ye's pocket.

"... No, you worked so hard to find him, are you handling it so casually now?"

"Take a good look at it, your classmate... I'm afraid there is a crucial 'key.' But now is not the time to say that."

After saying this, she pushed Qin Ye away and walked over to Yaolu herself. Pressing hard, the whole ship made a horn sound again.

"Before... Didn't you guess that the underworld was shut down?"

"Since you have passed the qualification test, now, I will take you to see it. It is 10,000 times more terrifying than you guessed... the truth of the underworld."

Woohoo... Under the control of my grandmother, the speed of this ship was unbelievably fast, and it rowed straight towards the depths of the void.

I don't know how long it took, there was a roar in the crack, and ten minutes later, a huge woman's head slowly emerged.

Very beautiful, with eyebrows like Yuandai, eyes like apricots. The red lips are like blood, and the skin is white.

The facial features are all exquisite, if one more point is excessive, one point less is not beautiful.

However, only the head.

Under the neck, nothing! Three thousand blue silks scattered all over the sky behind, the head of this beauty is no smaller than the ferry, like a round of human-faced sun. It just feels so weird.

"This is the last emissary you've been looking for?" She looked deeply at the direction the two of them left, before sighing for a long time: "If the skin doesn't exist, the hair will be attached... Well said..."

"Then... the underworld is gone, why do you and I need to exist?"

"You have to fight to the death, what's the use?"

"If the world is going to be in chaos, wouldn't it be good to let it be in chaos? People and ghosts have different paths, do you really think you can solve it by your own strength? Why do you have to do that piece of feathers?"

Shaking his head gently, the beautiful head sank into the abyss again.

… … … … … …

Grandma gently rocked the boat, Qin Ye sat on the bow, and the boat sailed very fast. The front is full of pure black fog. With every movement of the boat, the water-dividing rod generally splits the thick fog and moves straight ahead.

I don't know how long it took, the front suddenly became bright, the thick fog cleared, and a huge bridge appeared in front of the two of them.

That is a bluestone bridge, wide... I'm afraid it is 10,000 meters away! Long can't see the head at all!

The whole bridge is made of neat bluestone, but it seems to be some years old and covered with dark scars. Occasionally something like moss crawls out. Telling the traces of the years.

People standing in front of it are as small as ants. Qin Ye was shocked to see the 10,000-meter-long bridge submerged in the thick fog, and took a deep breath: "Could this be... Naihe Bridge?"

Grandma's eyes were extremely complicated, she stopped shaking and pointed at the bridge: "A hundred years ago, I sat there, scooping a spoonful of soup for each forgetful soul."

Qin Ye followed her finger and pointed to it, but at the head of the bridge, there was a huge, cracked bronze tripod. It is a hundred meters tall, with flowers, birds, insects and snakes carved on the tripod. Four bronze dragons climb out of the tripod, and the dragon's mouth is only half a meter from the ground. And under the tripod, it was an ancient table of the Eight Immortals covered with yellow paper.

The tripod is there, the table is there, and the people are not there.

"It is said that there is a Naihe Bridge in Huangquan. When you come here, no matter who you are, you can only call Naihe. In front of the Naihe Bridge, there is a ferryman who ferrys Yin Spirits to the bridge on the water of Wangchuan. After drinking the Mengpo soup , enter the reincarnation." Qin Ye looked at this scene with some emotion, and murmured: "And after drinking Mengpo soup, you will forget all the past. If you want to remember, you must jump off the Wangchuan water and wait for a thousand years. "

"The ferryman died, and Po Meng came to the world for the first time. The entire Naihe Bridge was empty. Thousands of dead souls on the other side of the Forgotten River could not cross... Mr. Po Meng, what happened in the underworld?"

"You don't seem surprised at all?" Madam Meng looked at Qin Ye's expression, and the other party seemed to have expected it. Only the shock of seeing Naihe Bridge with my own eyes.

Qin Ye shook his head with a wry smile: "You said earlier that the ferryman sent ghosts to you, so I can guess your identity. After all, the ferryman can only go to one place."

Otherwise, you really don't dare to stand up and resist

Young Master is a bloody person! three days? What happened to three days

In three days, the young master can also die standing up, and he will never live on his knees!


The key lies in this but.

But the concubine can't do it. This great master can slap himself into a meat pie with a slap of the backhand. Is resistance useful

If not, let's change from strong X to being with X... The young master dealt with it flawlessly...