Yama Rising

Chapter 99: Never thought (1)


The place was silent.

Old and young, all those who can participate in this seemingly unceremonious competition are moving their bodies. Occasionally, they can see a copper bell, a piece of talisman paper, shining with a meager white infuriating energy. Light, fluttering in the field.

Qin Ye raised his eyebrows, crossed his fingers, stretched his arms, and his bones rattled.

Scumbags, today I want you to know, what is the master of the nine predation areas!

Just as he was active, a voice suddenly sounded: "Mr. Qin."

Qin Ye turned his head to look, Su Feng didn't know when he was standing behind him, and snapped his fingers.

"Is something wrong?"

Su Feng didn't answer, but walked over to him, looked around the audience for a few seconds, and suddenly whispered, "Do you know why they are so active?"

Without waiting for Qin Ye's answer, he continued, "It's just the second ranking, so you don't have to come. Why... everyone is here today?"

"Of course it's because the ranking is related to the distribution of resources." Qin Ye frowned and glanced at the other party, "Aren't you here to tell me this kind of problem that can be seen at a glance?"

Su Feng smiled and shook his head, lowered his voice: "This is only one aspect, what I want to say is... In fact, there are many such unwritten rules in the entire First Cultivation University. It seems like a paradise here, but in fact it is still a Gu The basin, but a lot gentler."

"For example, the statistics of the professional title contribution for each half-term, such as the achievement points of each task, such as whether a tutor's students have improved? For example, each tutor's usual performance, teaching methods, etc. These schools will not say , but if you think you can sit back and relax when you enter here, you are wrong.”

"Leaders have a steel scale in their hearts. We are only the first batch of tutors, we assess students, and leaders assess us. Key tutors... may even get preferential treatment in some rules. If you are not qualified, you will see the final exam of the first semester. Believe I will leave a lot of people by then, and then you will see a lot of new faces."

Preferential treatment in the rules

Su Feng had something to say, Qin Ye squinted his eyes and asked, "For example?"

"For example... a discount on the exchange of merit points within the school." Su Feng said lightly.

Qin Ye's eyes suddenly flickered, he seemed to understand the purpose of the First Cultivator.

I will only talk about the generality, not the details. The details need to be digged and found by the tutor bit by bit. If you always want to live by it, you will never get the real rights of a mentor.

"Conscience found out?" He smiled and looked at Su Feng: "Is this an apology for the lateness of the false news?"

Su Feng was suddenly heartbroken.

Some things are good enough to know, why bring them up? Didn't you slap your face on the spot? Do you know that you are so uneducated

"I just remind you that the flame team and you are all in the same department, and there are only five of us in this department for the time being." Su Feng said coldly.


Su Feng said sternly: "Mr. Qin, we know that you are very strong, but this time we will do our best, and you don't have to worry about our face."

After speaking, he walked away.

Qin Ye shrugged.

Think too much, dear, how can I give you face? A person like me who pays for money... No, how can a person with a clear distinction between public and private be able to abolish the public for private reasons

"Don't worry, if you can use one move, you will never use two moves."

At exactly nine o'clock, two figures slowly walked onto the ring. It was Xu Anguo and Li Tao, the principal and vice-principal.

Xu Anguo looked indifferent, glanced around, and the impermanence-level infuriating swept the audience, and suddenly, the scene was silent.

"Very good, there are quite a few." Li Tao smiled inexplicably: "It seems that everyone is very smart."

"This time there is no ceremony, no fireworks, and no one cheers. Everyone, relax, this is just an intra-school competition. Don't take it too seriously, just follow the rules of the school. It seems that everyone is doing almost the same thing, then... Just talk a little more, old man, and say two rules."

"First, until the point is reached." Li Tao stroked the long beard under his jaw and smiled: "Second, no matter what the result is, don't make a private fight. The First Cultivator prohibits all private fights. It must not be because of a little bit today. He held a grudge in the competition, and in the future he would use the public for personal gain. Principal Xu…”

He looked at Xu Anguo and said with a smile, "Start?"

Xu Anguo also smiled graciously and nodded: "Let's start, the old man can't wait, all the souls below 35 are S-qualified, and I also really want to see the performance of the new generation of geniuses."

The two walked down together, and when they stepped on the last stage, Xu Anguo seemed to remember something: "Oh, that's right."

"The admission invitation post of the First Cultivation University has been made. The first session is not for the society, but for all sects, inheritance, ghost craftsmen, sects and inheritance dao lineage. Only a recommendation book is required. From B grade to S Rank, repair the sea to accommodate all rivers. And the seven ghost craftsman industry is too widespread, except for a few masters, all need to prove their qualifications, at least B+ qualifications. If you have someone in your mind, you might as well recommend it."

Qin Ye took a deep look at the two old men and lowered them again.

There is no struggle in life.

This truth, he knew very early, but life is too long, there is nothing worthy of his hands.

And the battle for the First Cultivator has already started just now.

The two cunning and cunning old men, whether it was from the arrangement of the venue, from the opening speech, or even the opening ceremony.

Everywhere is revealing: this competition is not important, it is just a routine, don't take it to heart, go through the process.


Without the last two sentences, he would have almost believed it.

"For inheriting Taoism... From B to S... The last-ranked tutor will be assigned to a student with S-level qualifications?" He smiled coldly in a low voice, and looked at the two old men sitting on the two chairs below, chatting and laughing.

There is no such exception.

Even ordinary schools know that students with good grades are handed over to key teachers for training. What's more, this is the cultivation world of the weak and the strong

"Students also have gaps... S-qualified students can get twice the result with half the effort, and they are much faster than ABC-level students. At the end of the term... they have to talk about their grades. Usually there should be various assessments... The source of students is not good— The tutor's performance is not obvious - the resources are getting less and less, and I am afraid that I can only get a dead salary in the end. This is a vicious circle... This is no way to fight, it is a hint that we are desperately fighting for the first place in each department... "

His thoughts opened, and he lowered his head and continued to ponder.

Why does the school do this

It's very simple, this competition is not only about the strength, but also... the sensitivity of the mentor!

Sensitivity to affairs and people.

There are thousands of ghosts, and all kinds of strange events will be encountered. This is a necessary condition for Yang Jian's cultivators. They can think of this level under their inadvertent hints and have more powerful strength. This kind of person is enough for the future. Be the big one.

Continuing to think about it, why do you want to train such talents who are "worthy of a big job"

"It seems that it is not only cultivating new students, but also cultivating mentors in a haystack. This is probably the Special Investigation Department and the SRC's 'Whampoa Military Academy'."

And he, can't fight

He smiled slightly.

Must fight!

The Special Investigation Department is the greatest treasure house where he built the underworld! He won't stay here for too long. He has eaten Tai Sui and will never die. At most five to eight years, he must leave for an excuse, and before that, he must get enough benefits!

If you can't move the treasure house of the Special Investigation Department, you have to move at least a corner, right... or I'm too sorry for myself.

Hamsters also have the dignity of hamsters!

"The first to compete were the five instructors of the combat department." Xu Anguo said with a smile: "The practical combat department is the most important department of all departments. What the students heard in class and learned from books , must be put into actual combat. Whether the instructors of the actual combat department can help them return safely and integrate everything is their responsibility. Therefore, we have specially selected five instructors with rich actual combat experience. "

"The first battle is between S9527, Qin Ye's mentor, against S8541, Lin Han's mentor."

Is the first one yourself

Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief and stood on the stage. Lin Han also stood on the other side with a solemn expression.

Li Tao also smiled and said, "Mr. Lin belongs to the flame team. Everyone knows that the flame team is one of the most efficient and fastest teams in the S qualifications to complete tasks. I don't need to introduce too much."

Just him

Qin Ye curled his lips secretly, and he couldn't finish it by fighting the soul for half an hour. Are cultivators of the same level in the world so weak

"As for Teacher Qin, he slashed the nine predation areas overnight. His speed and efficiency were unprecedented. Therefore, he was given a special rating of S..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a low voice of discussion below, and the belligerent gazes all looked at Qin Ye.

"Then... let's start!"

Following the order, all the scene went quiet, Lin Han burst out with true anger, staring at Qin Ye like a tiger of prey.

Brush la la la... With a fine sound, hundreds of copper coins quietly flew out of his clothes, twirled gently, and aimed at Qin Ye.

"I won't keep it." Lin Han gritted his teeth and said, "Although I know I'm not your opponent, but... I don't want to be the last one."

Qin Ye smiled and hooked his finger.

It's not that I underestimate anyone.

Everyone here is a spicy chicken!

As soon as the action came down, Lin Han's figure suddenly disappeared, Qin Ye's eyes flashed, his figure had already appeared beside him, and his leg whip rubbed the wind and kicked Qin Ye's shoulder.

For such an opponent, he is very clear that he must not have the idea of reserving strength.

boom! !

With a muffled sound, Qin Ye raised his left arm at will to block it, and then there was a sound of "kala la la" being scratched on the ground.

Dead silence.

The whole place was silent.

Lin Han was also stunned, Xu Anguo and Li Tao opened their mouths even more, and suddenly stood up from their chairs.

"No..." Su Feng blinked: "I... Did I see a fake S9527?"

Qin Ye was also completely stunned.

The ring is still the same ring.

People are still those people.

But he... was kicked more than ten meters by the opponent! The ground has brought out a gully of more than ten meters. And his left hand... was burning like a fire, and the pain was terrifying!

This Nima... not right...

This... Why is the genius in the sun so fierce

Wait... did I get the script wrong? It's impossible for a ghost at the level of the soul to kick this official so far, right? They simply can't do it! You scum who has to fight ghosts for more than half an hour, how can you kick this kick? The strength and speed are far from being comparable to ghosts and ghosts!

Lin Han blinked, and then his face turned red.

"Qin Ye!!" He growled as if humiliated, "I know you are strong... but you don't need to save me face!!"

"Are you... humiliating me?"

Before he finished speaking, the countless money around him condensed into a golden whip, which made a whirring sound and slapped Qin Ye's waist.

Qin Ye's heart is so full that he can't add more, wait... can you watch the scene! ! I've tried my best! Why is this the case!