Ying Chong

Chapter 10


The prince frowned indistinctly.

Pan'er's heart was agitated, and at the same time, she returned to reality, and quickly lowered her eyes and raised the tea to the level of her eyebrows.

"Your Highness?" The Crown Princess felt strange and asked sideways.

The prince squeezed the bracelet on his wrist into his hand, and then stretched out his big palm.

The teacup was taken away, only slightly stained with thin lips, and placed on the tray held by Fu Lu.

"Get up."

Pan'er hurriedly stood up, bowed her head and took a few steps back.

The princess smiled and said: "Zhao Fengyi and Su Fengyi are newcomers. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask all the sisters here, or you can come to ask me. I hope you will do your best to serve His Highness, and open up for His Highness as soon as possible." .”


The prince stood up.

Everyone followed suit and stood up.

The prince twisted the bracelet on his wrist, made a no-send gesture, and left.

The prince is too taciturn. This is Zhao Xiyue's heartfelt voice.

The old people in the East Palace have long been used to it. The prince is not reticent, but he doesn't like to talk superfluously. He has a gentle temperament, but because of this habit, he always makes people feel a little bland.

Be indifferent to everything.

When the back of the prince disappeared from sight, the voice of the princess broke the silence.

"Zhao Fengyi and Su Fengyi have just arrived today, and we sisters know each other well. I hope Er and others can live in harmony in the future."

Only then did Pan'er raise her head, and looked at the faces in her memory, some of which were deeply impressed, while others were already blurred.

Sitting on the throne on the right side of the first place is the Crown Princess Chen.

She is wearing a red tapestry with butterflies and flowers, an indigo eight-piece Xiang skirt with gold woven skirts rolling on the skirt, a chaotic bun on her hair, and a red gold and red phoenix hairpin with seven phoenix tassels. Her appearance is not outstanding, but her facial features are dignified and majestic, her spine is straight, she is very majestic, and people dare not underestimate her.

The first one on the left is Hu Liangdi, who will also be Hu Guifei in the future.

This girl looks extremely charming, like a blooming begonia. Today she is wearing a begonia-colored begonia-colored gown sprinkled with gold and broken branches of peonies, combing a cloud-like bun, and wearing a set of red gold emerald emerald hair.

She is a charming yet extravagant beauty!

Sitting opposite Hu Liangdi was Xu Liangyuan. Compared with Hu Liangdi, Xu Liangyuan's appearance was a little tougher, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose and red lips, she was a beauty with a hearty personality.

Xu Liangyuan is next to He Liangyuan. She has willow eyebrows and fine eyes, and she has a dusty temperament. She wears a willow-green hang silk tunic and a pleated skirt with snow-wrought cloud patterns. She looked a little arrogant, and the others looked at Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue intentionally or unintentionally, but she was the only one who had forgotten herself, and there was a faint resentment between her brows.

Then there are Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, both of whom are not outstanding in appearance, they can only be regarded as below average.

One has a round face, which looks like a blessing, and the other has an oval face, which looks a little thin. The two of them are very low-key, and so are their clothes. One wears an autumn-colored beanie, the other wears a bamboo-green beanie. Their colors are old-fashioned, and they sit at the bottom with their heads half down, so they are easily ignored.

Concubines in the Eastern Palace may have one Crown Princess, two Liangdi, six Liangyuan, ten Chenghui, sixteen Zhaoxun, and twenty-four Fengyi.

However, the prince has never valued female sex, and without the two newcomers who just entered the door yesterday, there are only five concubines. Maybe five concubines are quite a lot for an ordinary family, but compared to a few adult princes who often have more than ten or twenty people in their backyard, the prince can already be regarded as pure-hearted and ascetic.

Among the five concubines, apart from Hu Liangdi who was bestowed by the empress, the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty had no side concubine, and Liangdi was the side concubine. In addition, Hu Liangdi gave birth to the third daughter of the prince, and now she is pregnant with another child. Very flattered.

Then Xu Liangyuan.

Xu Liangyuan is the daughter of a military general, with a bold personality and carefree attitude. She has always regarded the princess as the leader, and after passing through the family, she gave birth to the eldest daughter of the prince, which can be regarded as very respectable.

Except for the two, He Liangyuan has a cold personality and has never been favored. Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui are the oldest people around the prince.

This is roughly the current situation in the East Palace.

Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue, as latecomers, had the lowest status in Fengyi, so they had to salute everyone else one by one.

Hu Liangdi smiled and said to the crown princess, "The two younger sisters are really good-looking, the crown princess's natal family is worthy of being a place for beauties, and they are all so tender."

These words were a bit ironic, Zhao Xiyue and Pan'er were not stupid, so naturally they didn't dare to speak rashly, they just lowered their heads and pretended to be shy.

The crown princess glanced at her with a smile: "Sister Hu is absurdly praised. With Sister Hu's beauty, who dares to be more beautiful than before."

"That's true. It's just that I can't compare to a young girl. Especially since I got a body, my face is not as glamorous as before. Thanks to the empress empress who gave me the cream and jade powder before, my sister dared to go out. See you." As he spoke, Hu Liangdi casually stroked his slightly protruding belly.

For a moment, all eyes in the hall were on her lower abdomen.

Pan'er also looked over, didn't she know it a long time ago, she really didn't notice that Hu Liangdi, who was so glamorously dressed, was actually pregnant.

Judging by the size of my belly, it should be more than four months.

The Crown Princess didn't speak, she still had a slight smile on her face, but there was a bit of coldness in her eyes.

At this time Xu Liangyuan spoke.

"This snow cream and jade powder are tributes. Our East Palace also got a share from the crown princess, and gave it to sister Hu. Now the empress has given a share to sister Hu. Your highness always dotes on your sister, and even the queen The Empress and the Crown Princess also value Sister Hu very much, which is really enviable."

She said she was envious, but the expression on her face didn't show it that way.

Sure enough, she changed her voice and said again: "No, the Crown Princess is sympathetic to Sister Hu's pregnancy inconvenience, and I am afraid that she will not be able to serve His Highness, so she found two younger sisters here, which can be considered as a relief for Sister Hu."

These words were extremely heart-wrenching, but they just echoed Hu Liangdi's sarcasm earlier.

The smirk on Hu Liangdi's face could not be maintained, showing anger: "You—"

Xu Liangyuan raised her thick eyebrows, and smiled: "Why, is what my sister said wrong?"

"Okay, you two are not afraid of people's jokes, you are both old people in the East Palace, and you don't know any taboos when you speak." The Crown Princess seemed a little annoyed, frowning.

Xu Liangyuan hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy: "The Crown Princess still doesn't know my concubine's temperament. I'm used to being open-mouthed, offending people unconsciously, and I'm used to fighting with Sister Hu. Sister Hu never blames me, huh?" , she looked at Hu Liangdi.

Hu Liangdi put on a smirk: "Of course I won't argue with my sister."

The Crown Princess shook her head helplessly: "Well, you don't need to accompany the restless group of people, let's go away."

Everyone hurriedly stood up, and after bowing their knees to salute, Fang filed out.

Taking advantage of the gap between going out and turning around, Pan'er glanced back.

I saw the crown princess sitting upright at the head, her face was cold, her brows looked tired, but there was a strange light in her eyes.

She didn't dare to look any more, she bowed her head and went out.

After everyone left, Nanny Chen helped the princess to sit down on the kang in the next room: "Why doesn't the princess leave the two Fengyi to talk?"

Crown Princess Liu Mei frowned first, then stretched out: "No rush."

Nanny Chen hesitated to speak.

The princess glanced at her and said: "These two are newcomers, so let's see their temperament for a few days before we talk."

Nanny Chen nodded, thinking of Hu Liangdi's presumptuousness just now, she couldn't help complaining: "This Hu Liangdi is getting bolder and bolder, she dared to embarrass you in public, she really thinks she has a piece of meat in her stomach."

It's not a big deal, Hu Liangdi dared to challenge the Crown Princess because of the piece of meat in her stomach and the support of the empress behind her.

Thinking of this, the Crown Princess couldn't help but a bit of bitterness appeared on her face: "The empress mother has always had a grudge against me. She thinks that I have been married to the East Palace for many years, but I have never been able to give birth to a son for Your Highness. Didn't it be for Let her fight against me, now that she is pregnant again, the queen mother even praises her, no wonder she is so arrogant."

"The Empress really doesn't know how to be sympathetic to others. She herself suffered from the concubine's son. Now that the king of Qi and Chu are in the limelight in the court, they even overwhelm the crown prince. Isn't it because the concubine was born before the concubines? Now I want to let you suffer again, to praise that little goblin.

"It's also fortunate that the prince knows how to be considerate. No matter what, he will never embarrass you in front of others, and he will not let others pass you by. Look at the newlyweds yesterday, the prince didn't take a step back, and came back early in the morning to accompany you Breakfast, isn't it just to make a face for you, and tell those bitches that your position is as stable as Mount Tai. Let the old slave say, you just have to rest assured, take care of your body, and give birth to a son for the prince, and we will not be afraid of anything .”

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of anything anymore." The Crown Princess looked both happy and sad, saying that there was some sweetness in the sadness, but if it was sweet, there was bitterness in it, all in all, it was mixed.

She leaned on the lead pillow and stroked her lower abdomen unconsciously: "I'm not in a hurry, as long as this time..." Thinking about her thoughts, her hands gradually tightened.