Ying Chong

Chapter 108


If Zong Cong kept her for one night, Pan Er didn't think much about it.

But the next day she clearly planned to go back to the East Palace, but he still had no intention of letting her go back, so Pan'er guessed that there might be some deep meaning behind it.

It's just that he didn't talk, and she couldn't ask. Seeing that he brought back all the notebooks to read, and asked Fu Lu to bring her a few volumes of chat books to pass the time, she could only take them and read them.

There is a kang by the window, and children sit on the kang.

At first, she still thought that this was the Qianqing Palace, and she had to maintain her manners more or less, but gradually she forgot about this matter, and became more and more disrespectful. It was originally sitting, but it gradually became crooked, and then it became reclining.

On the side tables, besides pastries, there were two fruit bowls with dates and pomegranates, and a saucer of grapes.

The plate had already eaten up the grapes, so she began to nibble on the winter dates again.

The winter jujube at this time is very sweet, with thin skin and plenty of flesh, fragrant and crispy. The only bad thing is that it tastes noisy.

Fu Lu lowered his head and stood by the door, listening to the rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper in the room, and suddenly there was a movement in the middle that made people feel toothache.

Click, click, click...

Fu Lu looked up, and saw that Master Su was leisurely leaning on the kang, eating jujubes, and reading a book at the same time. He glanced over to the other side of the desk, seeing that the master had stopped writing, he also glanced over there.

After looking back, he didn't say anything, so Fu Lu naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Click, click, click...

After squawking for a while, Zong Cong put down his vermilion pen, came to the edge of the Kang and sat down.

"So delicious?"

"Sweet, if you don't believe me, try it." She handed it over, only to find that she had taken a bite out of this, and was about to retract to get a whole one, but he ate the jujube with his hand.

"It's really sweet," he said.

He reached out and took one and put it back into her hand, before saying: "I'm going to renovate the courtyards between Ningshou Palace and Yanxi Palace, and then let Wanyu and the others live there. Zong Yue and the others can't help but do things." The fifth house should be changed to the south three house, which is close to the Ningshou Palace, and the Ganxi five house will be reserved for my younger brothers who are underage, and it happens to be close to the father's heart-nourishing hall."

Pan'er knew where Nansan was, but she didn't know how many courtyards there were between Yanxi Palace and Ningshou Palace. It might be because she lived in the West Sixth Palace in her previous life, so she was not very clear about some corners of the East Sixth Palace.

"Just go out along Dongyi Long Street. The place over there is spacious and close to Ningshou Palace. I'll ask Zhang Laishun to lead you to have a look. You can also choose a yard for Wanrong and how to arrange it when you see it."

As soon as this issue was mentioned, Pan'er became interested. Her daughter will live in the place where she gets married in the future, so she naturally wants to see it.

After looking back, she still glanced at him, "Do you think I'm bothering you here?"

Zong Cong rubbed her forehead with a smile: "Ask knowingly."

"Then you can't blame me for this. Eating jujubes makes a sound."

Do you still eat with sound? Making an indecent sound in front of the emperor is a disrespect in front of the emperor.

Pan'er did it on purpose, but who knew that he wouldn't fall for the trap, and instead used other things to send her away. The key point was that she was sent away willingly.

After leaving the gate of the side hall and walking all the way to the Longguang Gate, Pan'er walked very cautiously.

Without him, she didn't know most of the people in Qianqing Palace, and Emperor Cheng'an hadn't moved away yet, so when she thought about this, she couldn't help but feel cautious.

After leaving Longguang Gate, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, Zhang Laishun also smiled, and leaned forward and said: "Master Su, go this way."

The whole group consisted of Pan'er and Cattail, Zhang Laishun and the two accompanying eunuchs. When passing by Jingren Palace, Pan'er couldn't help taking a look.

Zhang Laishun was very considerate and said: "The people inside are moving out. Your Majesty ordered that when the people inside move out, the whole interior will be renovated, so that the master will look brand new when he moves in."

When Pan'er heard that sentence, "renovate everything again," he couldn't help asking: "Which lady is living here?"

"It's Concubine Gao, but now it's not Concubine Concubine Gao, it's... Concubine Gao."

Pan'er came to a realization, no wonder it said it was going to be completely renovated, it really needed to be renovated.

If it is said that the renovation is only on the surface, it is estimated that it will have to dig three feet and check it before you can live in it with confidence. After all, there are many ways to harm people in the palace. Since Concubine Gao was moved to the palace, she must have guessed that it was for the new emperor's concubine. I don't know what will happen when the time comes.

While speaking, a group of people had already crossed Yanxi Palace and reached the end of the long street.

There is a gate. There are many gates in the Forbidden City. Some gates have names, while others do not. This gate does not have a name.

According to Zhang Laishun, several courtyards here were empty before, and later they were given to some unfavored concubines of the Supreme Emperor to live in. So not only is the house nameless, but there is no plaque on the courtyard inside. Several people live in one courtyard, no wonder Zong Cong said that it needs to be rebuilt.

Naturally, nothing can be seen in such a place. The buildings are always facing south in the Forbidden City. There are exactly six courtyards, which are not comparable to any palace in the East Six Palaces, but the place is not small. It is also suitable for the princess and the others to live in. enough.

There are a total of six courtyards in the longitudinal direction from south to north, and Paner didn't pick any, so he chose the second courtyard to go in and have a look. Naturally, the main body does not need to be moved, and all the repairs are in the details, including the bricks in the yard that have to be dug and replaced.

Pan'er remembered the overall structure of the yard in her heart, and planned to go back and decorate a boudoir for her daughter.

Yes, the boudoir.

When Pan'er was young, what he wanted most was to have his own boudoir.

At that time, the Su family's house was not enough to live in. She slept with Yao Jinzhi when she was a child, and it would be a headache if she got older. Later, she was sent to foster care. One of the reasons was that there was really no place to live at home. After all, the Su family has two sons, and Su Jiang and Su Hai still live in the same house, so Pan'er cannot be allowed to live with his two older brothers.

This is why Pan'er has great interest in furnishing houses.

After returning home, Pan'er was busy. He was busy all afternoon, but he only came up with a prototype. Her painting skills are good, but she only refers to the more abstract landscape paintings. When encountering this kind of painting that requires finer details, she is a bit blind and can only do it slowly.

But it gave her a lot of time. Zong Cong also went out in the afternoon. According to Zhang Laishun, he was going to the Imperial Study Room. After all, this is only the temporary residence of the new emperor, so he couldn't be here when he saw the minister.

In the evening, Zong Cong came back almost at midnight, and was a little surprised to see that Pan'er hadn't eaten.

"I ate some snacks, and I want to wait for His Majesty to come back and use them together."

Obviously this person is used to thinking too much, and his eyes only look at Fulu. But Fu Lu is also very innocent, he has been with the master all the time, and he doesn't know anything about Master Su's side.

"Ask Zhang Laishun."

Flo was busy.

Pan'er explained: "I really wanted to wait for you, I didn't expect you to come back so late."

"I was discussing with the minister, and I forgot the time for a while."

I'm afraid it won't be this time, Emperor Jianping used to do this often, otherwise he wouldn't be sick from overwork.

Pan'er glanced at him, but didn't say anything clearly, but said: "I'm busy, I have to use the meal, don't blame Zhang Laishun, he asked if it was passed on, I wanted to wait for you. Cattail, You tell Eunuch Fu and let him arrange for people to pass on the meal."


Zong Cong was obviously hungry, eating much more than usual.

Pan'er saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart. After the meal, the two of them rested. Pan'er told him some thoughts on how to arrange the courtyard after seeing it.

They were all trivial words, Zong Cong was obviously absent-minded, but he answered her one by one.

For example, if you think about it, tell Fu Lu and Zhang Laishun and let them arrange it. There are also furniture and furnishings, you can go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to have a look, and let them take notes after choosing them. There is also the Jingren Palace, it may take a while until it is rebuilt, how you want to repair it, you can also think about it in advance and arrange it.

Pan'er was really tired for him, after finishing her work outside, she still had to think about comforting her.

She buried him in his arms, stroked his chest, which had lost a lot of weight recently, and could almost touch the ribs below, and said: "Go to sleep, I know... You must be very sleepy, and I am sleepy too."

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Zong Cong woke up before dawn outside.

Pan'er was still in a deep sleep, he didn't call her, he let her go, got up lightly, and was about to go outside to change and wash, but Pan'er yawned and sat up too.

"The concubine serves His Majesty to change clothes."

"Go back to sleep, it's still early."

"It's getting late, I will have breakfast with His Majesty later, I should go back to the East Palace."

Zong Cong was wearing his outer shirt when he suddenly stopped. He made a gesture, and Fu Lu and the others retreated in a file. He turned around and sat down on the bed.

"I didn't drive you away, but you are in a hurry to go back."

Pan'er smiled and said, "I can't just hang around just because His Majesty hasn't kicked me out, it's against the rules after all."

Zong Cong looked at the top of her hair, sighed slightly for a long time, and his tone became much lower.

"Originally, I planned to give you the position of imperial concubine, but the position of imperial concubine is the same as deputy queen. This dynasty has never been established before, and it is the beginning of my ascension to the throne. The emperor is still here, and the king of Qi and others are dead but not stiff. , if you are made an imperial concubine, people will mistakenly think that the status of the queen is unstable, and there may be chaos, which is inconsistent with the overall situation. Don't worry, after two years, I will... "

"Okay, Your Majesty, I understand." She buried herself in his arms.

From the time he called her to Qianqing Palace against the rules, she understood what he meant, including staying her here for two days, including choosing a palace for her, choosing a place for Wanrong, etc., all of which were to compensate her.

He thought it was compensation. In fact, Pan'er didn't expect that he wanted to make herself an imperial concubine at first. After all, she was able to be an imperial concubine in her previous life. A large part of the reason was that Emperor Jianping wanted to suppress Empress Chen, and she gave birth to Xiaoliu.

Because he wanted to make her an imperial concubine, but in order to take the overall situation into consideration, he could only give up this idea temporarily, so he felt guilty, and put her in the position of favor as soon as he ascended the throne.

Just because she was summoned to Qianqing Palace for two nights before her name was rectified, in the following days, no matter whether it was the East Palace or the Forbidden City, no one would dare to ignore her.

"I really understand that there is no difference between a noble concubine and an imperial concubine." She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered.

Zong Cong knew that she was considerate, but for the first time, her understanding made him feel a little awkward, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only rub and pat her on the back.

After breakfast, Zong Cong was going to court.

This is the first time that Pan'er (in this life) has seen him dressed so formally. The bright yellow dragon robe makes him look very majestic, which dilutes the gentle temperament and adds a bit of sharpness that people dare not look directly at.

"It's still dark outside, you can sleep for a while before going back."

Pan'er did not refuse, and after Zong Cong left, she turned around and went back to sleep. After all, he helped her set up the shelf, and she had no reason to give up halfway.

This time, she fell asleep until Si o'clock, got up and went back to the East Palace, still sitting in the same shoulders that she sat on when she went.

Back in the East First Hospital, Aunt Qing came to welcome her with people, all of them were beaming, but Aunt Qing was a little hesitant to speak.

After returning to the house, just as he was about to talk, someone came to report the imperial decree of Dafeng, and the princess called everyone to Jide Hall.

At this time, Jide Hall was also full of joy, even faintly excited.

The imperial decree was issued by His Majesty, and this is his wife and concubine, so the eunuch who announced the decree did not put on airs at all, and he leaked it when he arrived at Jidetang, so everyone in Jidetang now knows that the crown prince is about to be crowned queen.

Naturally, receiving the order cannot be regarded as the same, it is setting up an incense table and making preparations.

The second wife is a married woman, so she is not suitable to be on the scene, so she can only stay in the room. After all the concubines from the Eastern Palace arrived and knelt down to receive the decree in order, the eunuch who announced the decree began to read out the bright yellow imperial decree.

"Following the emperor's decree, the Crown Princess Chen is diligent and submissive, graceful and pure, and has a gentle sex..."

First the Crown Princess, then Pan'er, then Hu Liangdi and others.

The concubine Crown Princess was registered as the empress without any surprise, Pan'er was the noble concubine, Hu Liangdi was the concubine Shu, Xu Liangyuan was the concubine De, and He Liangyuan was the concubine Xian. Li Liangyuan and Zhao Xiyue were concubines, Ma Fengyi and Qian Fengyi Qiao Fengyi were nobles, and none of the wives and concubines in the East Palace were married.

Except that Li Liangyuan was a little surprised that she was treated as the same as a Fengyi, and she was only made a concubine, but she didn't dare to say anything on this occasion.