Ying Chong

Chapter 11


Because they all live in the same place, the way back will inevitably go the same way.

The current situation in the Eastern Palace can be seen from the way they walk. Hu Liangdi led a group of maids and eunuchs in front, and Xu Liangyuan was behind. The two almost didn't quarrel in Jidetang, but they were very quiet when they came out. ignore anyone.

Not far behind Xu Liangyuan, He Liangyuan walks on the right rear with two court ladies. Some distance away from He Liangyuan were Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, each accompanied by a court lady, silently accompanying them.

After that came Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue.

The courtyard where the two lived was at the back, and they watched the others enter the courtyard one by one before arriving at their residence.

After entering the courtyard, Zhao Xiyue led Yuping into the east chamber without paying any attention to the plate.

Pan'er went back to the west chamber, and cattails greeted her.

She helped Pan'er take off her cloak, then led her to sit on the warm Kang in the east room, took off her shoes, wiped her hands and changed into homely clothes. Once she was busy, Aunt Qing went to bring a cup of hot tea.

The East and West Wings have the same regulations, with three rooms and two side rooms, and a back room behind.

The hall is in the middle, the study is in the west, and the ear room of the partition wall is opened in the east, which is divided into two large rooms and a small room. The second room on the outside is used for living, and there is a warm kang, and the bedroom is on the inside, with a black lacquered Babu bed carved with wishful blessings. There are dressing tables, tables, wardrobes and screens.

Behind the screen is a small room for cleaning and bathing.

Pan'er drank a cup of hot tea and felt much more comfortable.

Cattail asked: "Miss, do you want to sleep a little longer, or have breakfast first?"

Because I got up too early in the morning, I naturally didn't have breakfast. Taking advantage of Pan'er's time to go to Jidetang to offer tea, Cattail also got a general idea of the situation.

The East Palace has a special dining room for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

When it was time to eat, the maids and eunuchs of each courtyard went to the dining room to pick up the meals. Of course, if you want to eat something, as long as it does not exceed the limit, you can also give the menu to the dining room in advance, and the dining room will prepare it and bring it up when the time comes.

But Pan'er is just a low-level Fengyi, and there are not many servings. It is not easy to rely on servings to eat well. But it is said that it can make silver, which is what Cattail inquired about, and I haven't tried it yet.

In addition, since Fengyi is the prince's lowest concubine, as a rule, there can be one aunt or nanny in charge, four court ladies, and two eunuchs who run errands. Before Pan'er came back, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already sent someone over, waiting in the side room next to her.

While talking, breakfast was brought back.

The breakfast is extremely rich and the portion is not much, but it is very delicate, and it makes people appetite.

Pan'er was also hungry, and it tasted delicious, but his stomach was too small, so he was full after a few bites. She didn't dare to eat too much, and asked Qing Dai who also didn't have time to eat breakfast to eat it, so as not to waste it.

Afterwards, Aunt Qing and Cattail waited for Pan'er to wash their mouths and hands, and they went to the hall. Catpot called the two maids and two eunuchs who were waiting in the side room.

"Slave/servant, see Su Fengyi."

Two court ladies knelt in front, and two eunuchs knelt near the door. This is because the newcomer who has just entered the palace hates eunuchs like eunuchs, so as not to offend the master.

Pan'er knew it well, so she didn't say anything, and focused on the two maids first.

The appearance of these two maids is very ordinary, they can only be regarded as handsome, one seems to be younger, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the other has a calm face, and looks to be around twenty.

Sure enough, after asking them to report their names and ages, Pan'er guessed right. In fact, there was an acquaintance among these two people, which made Pan'er feel a little complicated.

"Well, no matter what you were called before, from now on, you will be called Baizhi, and you will still be called Baishu."

Bai Shu glanced at Pan'er, lowered her head and did not speak. Her name was Bai Shu, but Su Fengyi didn't expect to change her name. And Bai Zhi is that fifteen or sixteen year old maid, kowtowed quickly when she saw this, "Thank you Fengyi for giving me your name."

Next, two young eunuchs reported their names, one named Xiao Dezi and the other Xiao Tianzi. The two young eunuchs were not very old, both were fifteen or sixteen years old, one was tall and thin and had a clever face, and the other was short and chubby, looking simple and honest.

"There are only a few people in our room, but we must always have a clear division of labor, so as not to cause trouble in the future, and everyone will blame each other. As for rewards and punishments—"

Pan'er paused, and said: "I will not be merciful when I should be punished, and I will not miss you when I should be rewarded. Now that I am new here, you have never gotten along with me before, and you don't know my temperament well. But After getting along slowly, you will know. As long as you don't do anything against the Lord, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future.

"From now on, Aunt Qing will be in charge of everything in this room. Aunt Qing and I have been friends for many years. I hope you will respect her as much as you respect me. Qingdai is careful and takes care of the refreshments in the house. Baishu takes care of the jewelry and the money box. Clothes and storage. As for the cattails, you are in charge of food and all external affairs, and Xiaodezi and Xiaotianzi are also in your charge."

These words made the complexions of the people in the room change.

That's all for Qing Dai, she's an honest person, and it's not too cold to be in charge of tea by the master's side. When Cattail heard that the jewelry, money box and clothes were taken care of by the two newcomers, and instead let her take care of the outside and the two eunuchs, she couldn't help feeling a little wronged.

As for Bai Shu and Bai Zhi, they have been in the palace for many years, so they understand the situation in the palace. Su Fengyi's arrangement seemed random, but in fact it hit the nail on the head.

Clothes, jewellery, and even property are secondary to the things that are imported, and their lives are gone, so what do they need to do with these external objects, so they can see from this point that the new master is not easy to deceive , and do not trust them.

But just met, now it is too early to say trust. If Su Fengyi has shown that she trusts them as soon as she comes up, they will have a murmur in their hearts.

Not for anything else, people in the palace are all born for profit, what kind of master they vote for, and whether the master will have a future in the future, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. People who are too naive can't survive in this palace, but if the master is acting as a test, they have to weigh how to behave in the future.

But the two young eunuchs were not too entangled, they also knew that it was not their place to serve in the house, so they didn't worry so much about gains and losses.

After making all the general arrangements, Pan'er went to the inner room on the pretext of going back to sleep.

In fact, they wanted to talk to Cattail Qingdai and Aunt Qing, and Bai Shu and the others also understood this, and they all found things for themselves to do.

There was still grievance on Cattail's small face.

Pan'er asked Qingdai to help her change clothes, Aunt Qing pulled Cattail over, smiled and patted her on the shoulder, and said: "Master trusts you so much, thank you soon."

Cattail was dumbfounded.

It's still too young. Although it is smart and courageous, it still needs to be adjusted slowly. However, Pei Yongchang bought cattails and indigo daisies from Yangzhou, and he knows their origins well. Pan'er is just here now, and the situation in the palace cannot tolerate negligence, so he can only use them.

"It's okay to be in the Chen Mansion before. The girl is just a sojourner. Now that she has entered the East Palace, the wives and concubines are fighting, which can hurt children at least, and kill people at worst. The women in the back house are delicate and weak, and they seem to want to do something. It’s all imported by mouth, and you are in charge of everything imported, isn’t this trust?”

Aunt Qing's words completely confused Cattail.

Even if she wasn't stupid, she immediately plopped down on her knees: "Girl, no, Feng, Fengyi, master..." She was incoherent, and it took a while to finally get her words together, "I can't say anything nice, and I will definitely give it to my master in the future." Take care of the delicious food, and let no one take advantage of it.”

"Okay, get up quickly," Pan'er went to the edge of the bed and sat down, then said to Aunt Qing, "The two of them are still young, and Aunt Lao will teach them more in the future."

"Master, don't worry, the servants will definitely teach them well."

Pan'er said to Cattail and Qingdai again: "As for you, don't always think about arguing with others for a while, you were brought in from outside, and the rules in the palace are strict, ask questions if you don't talk about anything and don't understand it, not only you can ask Aunt Qing and I can also ask Bai Shu and the others."

Cattail was a little puzzled, "Didn't Feng Yi say that those people can't be easily trusted?"

Pan'er smiled: "It also depends on local conditions. These people are all sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There may be others among them, but there may not be any. As for whether there are or not, it has nothing to do with you asking them for advice. In the future, if you observe more and ponder more, you will naturally have the answer in your heart.

"In addition, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves? You just need to do everything you need to do, so that they can't find any loopholes, and you will naturally be invincible. In fact, these people are not impossible to use, the key is to See how to use it. There are many slaves in this palace. It is not easy to assign them to serve the master. Being able to come here shows that they have already surpassed many people. They must have their merits. If they are used well, they can also help A lot busy."

When Pan'er said these words, Cattail and Qingdai listened quietly, including Aunt Qing, who also looked thoughtful.

They are actually newcomers to the Forbidden City, and they still have a lot to learn. Fengyi, on the other hand, knows too much.

Cattails and Qingdai are fine, Aunt Qing couldn't help but take another look at Pan'er.

Pan'er knew that she had aroused suspicion, so she quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Qingdai, how much money do we have now?"

Qing Dai hurriedly went to the closet and found a money box.

Open the box, all of Pan'er's belongings are here.

Before entering the palace, Pei Yongchang gave Pan'er 5,000 taels of silver bills of varying denominations, and a box of gold and silver locks, both of which were about 100 taels, and two hundred taels of cash, both of which were five thousand taels. Two silver ingots for one.

It can be said to be very thoughtful and well prepared.

If the money was not spent carelessly, it would be enough for Pan'er to live in the palace for ten years. But if you want to get ahead, or do something, it may only be enough for a few years.

A businessman is a businessman, and there must be a deep meaning in everything he does.

Not to mention Pei Yongchang's efforts in advance, a few years is enough for people to see whether Pan'er is a man to make. If it is, Pei Yongchang will only have to offer it to her in the future, if not, these thousands of taels of silver are nothing to him.

It's not that he's calculating about money, but it's just a reminder to her.

Pan'er thought for a while and said: "Put away all the extras and lock them up, and leave some loose money outside. In addition, after the cattails, you can take some money out and give each person a reward of one or two. Since you want to employ people, you must not be stingy." gone."

Cattail answered yes crisply, and then the three of them went down. Pan'er was lying on the bed, the soft bamboo-green curtains were hanging down, and the voice of cattails could be vaguely heard.

It was roughly the rewards from some masters, and the voice of Odazi and Xiaodezi was particularly loud.

Pan'er couldn't help but think of Bai Zhu again.

Bai Shu was one of the palace maids who were arranged to serve by her side after she was favored in the previous life. At that time, there were two maids in the palace, and the other was the Crown Princess. As for Bai Shu, she was still not sure.

Why do you say that

Because she could feel that Bai Shu and that court lady were in the same group, but Bai Shu would always do something beneficial to her behind people's backs.

Just like when she got pregnant, because she was right under the eyelids of the Crown Princess, and the people who served her personally were all the Crown Princess's people, so she couldn't hide it at all. But at that time, Bai Shu covered it up for her intentionally or unintentionally, and it was not known until three months later that she couldn't hide it anymore.

In addition, she had dystocia during childbirth, and her life was hanging by a thread. It was Bai Shu who found an opportunity to stab her out, and finally saved her life.

Once she asked Bai Shu, Bai Shu just didn't say anything, but Bai Shu didn't stay with her for too long, and was released from the palace later.

And why she would do that has become a mystery.

In fact, Pan'er had a little understanding in her heart, but this matter has not been confirmed, and she did not expect Baishu to come to her again in this life.

Pan'er fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon.

Because she didn't have to go out, she casually wore homely clothes, and didn't wear her hair in an overly complicated bun. She just wore a bun and inserted a white jade hairpin.

The room seemed to have been cleaned again, the furniture was clean and new, the floor was slightly water-stained, there seemed to be some more decorations on the table and the Duobao Pavilion, and there were many sundries on the big table painted in the middle of the main room.

When Pan'er went out, Bai Shu was taking Qingdai to change the window screens, Cattail and Bai Zhi were holding some porcelain and placed them around, even Xiao Dezi and Xiao Tianzi were not idle, standing under the eaves in front of the door, hanging up holding something.

As soon as the plate came out, they all stopped to salute her.

Pan'er waved her hands and told them to do their own work. Aunt Qing walked in from the outside and told Pan'er that people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had come to set up the palace when she was asleep.

The so-called paving the palace means that after the concubine moves into a certain palace, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be ordered to send supplies and utensils that conform to its regulations. Although Fengyi is only the prince's concubine, the prince is the crown prince, and the emperor is the first class under the regulation, and the prince's concubine can also be regarded as a concubine.

According to regulations, no gold utensils are allowed below the empress, and no silver utensils are allowed under concubines, except for rewards of course. According to Pan'er's regulations, she can only use copper and tin wares and porcelain without dragon patterns, and these bronze wares, tin wares and porcelains have a rated quantity, which must not exceed, and make up for it by herself after damage.

In addition to the items sent to the palace, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also sent a copy of the plate.

This rule is divided into yearly rules and daily rules, including everything from food and clothing to the use of the concubine. One piece, one piece of Peng satin, one piece of palace silk, and one piece of Lu silk, as well as spinning and embroidery threads, and even cotton.

The palace does not provide additional clothes, but only releases materials to make by themselves. These things are used for a year.

In addition, there are charcoal, candles, tea leaves, sugar, rice, noodles, mutton, chicken, duck... No, according to the distribution of dishes, she does not have chicken, duck, fish, mutton and beef. She only has two catties of pork every day. She wants to eat Anything other than the quota is fine, and it costs money.

These daily supplies are not distributed to the concubines, but to the dining room or warehouse, and they will be picked up when needed, and there will be nothing beyond the quota.