Ying Chong

Chapter 111


On the other side, in Jide Hall.

Crown Princess, no, she should be called Empress Chen now, and she is also eating with her children.

The dinner table was quiet, Empress Chen has always been very strict, especially when it comes to the upbringing of her children. It's not that she hasn't heard about the situation of the children in the East First Hospital when they got along with His Majesty, and after knowing about it, she disciplined the two children even more.

Although I never said it in my mouth, but my words and deeds are all saying don't learn from those people, it's no gain or loss of dignity.

Therefore, every time the mother and child have a few meals, they are always very quiet. Since I don't speak, it is inevitable that my mind will be distracted. Anyway, my mother won't find out if she is distracted.

What Wanshu thinks is that in Wanxuan's courtyard before, when the eldest sister Wanxian didn't speak, she should show the demeanor of a concubine princess and persuade her younger sisters to be friendly, but she didn't calm down for a while and left with Wanxian.

When she walked out of the courtyard, she regretted it, but she had no face to go back.

She missed such a good opportunity to benefit Wanxuan. If the queen mother knew about it, she would definitely be very disappointed.

Zong Duo, on the other hand, was still thinking about his father's examination of his and Zong Yue's homework.

Although he is nearly one year older than Zong Yue, it cannot be denied that Zong Yue is very smart. He has obviously worked very hard, but Zong Yue can always catch up with him easily. He has now learned the tenth chapter of "The Great Learning", and after finishing this chapter, he can read "The Doctrine of the Mean".

He originally thought that Zong Yue couldn't catch up with him, but today when his father took the exam, "The so-called one who governs the country is the one who governs the country: the elders are old, and the people are filial; the elders are long, and the younger brothers are happy... ", he actually answered better than him. better.

Zong Duo could see the admiration in his father's eyes at that time, he had received this kind of admiration before, he was very excited at that time, and Zong Yue was standing beside him at that time, but he didn't pay much attention to him. This time the same situation happened to him, he thought that Zong Yue's mood must be the same as he is now, or he can catch up with the ground behind his back

Perhaps because the expressions of the two children were too worried, Empress Chen noticed their distraction this time.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She put down her chopsticks and asked.

After seeing her mother, she put down her chopsticks, and both Wan Shu and Zong Duo put down their chopsticks. Wanshu thought that the queen mother saw that she had something on her mind, so she didn't dare to hide it. In fact, she also knew that she couldn't hide it. If the queen mother wanted to know, just ask the maids around her. said.

Although she didn't say why she left with Wanxian, how could Empress Chen not see it.

"Wanshu, the empress mother once told you that you are the concubine daughter of me and your father, and you are different from others. What is a concubine and what is a concubine is a hurdle that they can't get over in their entire lives, so Sometimes don't be as shallow-sighted as Wanxian and the others, if she has something, the queen mother will naturally give it to you."

Wanshu has always had a strong self-esteem, and was aroused by her mother's words that the eyelids were shallow, and her eyes turned red.

Zong Duo didn't dare to talk too much when he saw his mother and queen taught his elder sister.

"It's like you regret that you left. This kind of thinking is actually quite right. Only the weak will escape. Leaving at that time is actually a kind of timidity. If you are timid and jealous, it means that you have lost. At that time, you Standing up to appease the younger sister below is the demeanor of a concubine princess, what face will Wanxian have to put on airs of the elder sister in front of you in the future?"

Wan Shu bit her lower lip and said, "My daughter will know what to do in the future."

Empress Chen nodded, and said: "Mother told you this, not to condemn you, after all, you are still young, and your father really favors Wanwei." There is also that woman.

However, she naturally wouldn't say the latter sentence in front of her daughter, but her slightly low voice revealed all her thoughts.

Wanshu choked and said, "My daughter is actually jealous of her, jealous of her being able to please my father, my daughter is no worse than her, but my father..."

Empress Chen fell into silence, feeling pain and anger in her heart.

But how can she tell her daughter that because your mother is not as good as Wanrong's mother, your father likes Wanrong, so your father favors Wanrong. If she says this, it means that she has lost as she said to her daughter. .

She could only smile and said: "Wanrong is still young, she can act coquettishly and foolishly, but when you are old, how can you compare with her... In two years, you will be a big girl, and now your father is on the throne... Liao Ji, you are a princess, and you are still the first princess from the middle palace. You have to be more cautious in your words and deeds, because everyone in and outside the palace is watching. What she has, you have, and what she doesn't have, you also have, and you have Why bother with her.

"Although Wanxian is the eldest among your sisters, her mother is only your father's concubine. There is only half a year difference between you, so it is even more important for you to adopt the posture of a concubine and make this sister a good one. You Well done, your royal father will naturally see it, he always likes sensible children."

These words are extremely long, but Wan Shu can already understand the meaning inside.

Acting coquettishly and infatuatedly is done by the young daughter, and she will be ashamed to do it when she grows up, and she will show that she is sensible. Therefore, the more ignorant Wanwan Wanchan and others are, the more sensible she must appear, so that she will be the most caring daughter of the emperor in the future.

"My daughter understands."

As soon as the words fell, Fu Xia came in and reported that Zhang Laishun who was beside His Majesty had come.

Empress Chen hurriedly called people in.

Not long after, Zhang Laishun came in, saluted respectfully, and then said that he wanted to repair the yard for Wanshu, and said that it was because the servants below were not good for their work, and it was also because the Ministry of Internal Affairs was busy moving the palace for the emperor and concubines recently. I was negligent. Originally, His Majesty told me to renovate the yards for all the princesses, but they didn't do the job well.

This is just a scene, but everyone knows what it means. It must be that His Majesty knew about Wanrong and Wanchan's quarrel, and in order not to make himself appear too partial, he gave such an order.

But if you understand it, you understand it, and no one will break it.

Empress Chen looked at Wanshu with a smile and said: "I will see your father sooner rather than later, so I have to thank him very much. This is because your father loves his daughter so much. It's also because Wanchan is too headstrong, how old she is, and she still fights with her sister." Things, how old is Wanchan, Wanshu told Bengong when she came back, and Bengong also explained that she planned to talk to Concubine Hu Shu, and asked her to teach Wanchan well. She used to seldom go out in the East Palace, and she will be a princess in the future, so naturally she can’t Still the same as before."

The latter words were naturally spoken to Zhang Laishun, who was all smiles and did not express any opinions.

After Zhang Laishun was sent away by Fu Xia, the smile on Empress Chen's face faded a little.

"Your Majesty is still in the East First Courtyard?"

Fu Chun next to him said: "Yes. I just passed on the dinner before."

"I underestimated her, but I didn't hide it at all. Look at your Madam Su, how good a person you are. Knowing that you can't hide this matter, you simply told your father directly. When an incident comes to an end, it will be tactful." One person has been wronged, and the others are ignorant, bullying the youngest sister."

As she said that, Empress Chen pursed her lips: "Look at what mother said to you, this is a matter between adults and has nothing to do with you. Wanshu, remember what mother said, Duoer, work harder in your studies That's it."


It was getting late when I came back from the East First Hospital.

It's already the end of October, but it hasn't snowed yet, but it's terribly cold.

After Zong Yue went back, the servants below brought him hot water, cleaned his face and wiped his hands, and then served him to sit on the kang.

Seeing that it was getting late, Dequan said softly, "Master, let's rest."

Zong Yue, who was thinking about something, came to his senses and said, "I'm not going to stop, I'll practice calligraphy for a while." After saying that, he got off the kang.

Dequan couldn't stop him, so he could only follow behind and said anxiously: "It's so cold, and my hands are still not freezing when I practice calligraphy at this time. If the empress finds out, she will definitely be unhappy."

"Just don't tell your mother that you can't."

Dequan didn't say anything, but he was thinking in his heart, even if the servant didn't tell, there would still be Eunuch Feng.

Ever since Zong Yue divided the yard, Feng Hai has always been by Zong Yue's side, and Dequan was promoted by him. Although he is young, he is careful and steady. Later Zong Qian grew up, although he was not yet ready to divide the yard, but that boy was unwilling to be lonely, he always liked to run around, and also liked to drill into the yards of his brothers and sisters.

Pan'er was afraid that something would happen to him, so he asked Feng Hai to watch over him, so although Feng Hai was more around Zong Qian now, he still had the title of chief eunuch next to the second prince on his head. But he is also a capable person, even if he looks at Zong Qian, Zong Yue's... things around Zong Yue, he doesn't care about the details.

Especially after going through the incident last time, Feng Hai and Pan'er, the master and servant, can be regarded as candid announcements. Before, Feng Hai would help Zong Yue to hide some things, but now he can't, and they will report them one by one.

"I haven't practiced for too long. If you don't talk to Decai, he won't take the initiative to ask. Maybe he will hide it." Seeing that Dequan was still unwilling, Decai also heard the movement and came in. Seemingly wanting to help persuade, Zong Yue said again, "You guys went to look at the yard next door but the lights are off?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Dequan and Decai stopped talking immediately.

I didn't think it before, since the second prince also entered the upper study, the first prince next door suddenly started working hard. Earlier, the people in the courtyard here hadn't noticed it. It was only after listening to the gossip of the servants below that they realized that it was getting late and late for the First Prince to turn off the lights.

Now the two princes are fine on the surface, but they are competing in private. Dequan and Decai are not stupid. The first prince is weak, and he is only less than one year older than the second prince. There is a pet, now that there is no crown prince, it is still uncertain who will win, so naturally he will not stop the second prince from competing with his neighbor.

Even if Eunuch Feng was there, I'm afraid they wouldn't, so the two of them kept silent.

In the courtyard next door, Zong Duo has been reading silently in his study since he came back.

He did not read silently, but copied.

Copy what you have learned, copy it ten times if one time is not enough, and you can always remember it. Didn't the teacher say that if you read the book a hundred times, you will see its meaning? I just practiced calligraphy too.

He Nian has gone out to look at the Western clock in the next room several times, he has been hesitant to speak, with a worried look on his face.

Finally he heard the western clock strike ten times, he couldn't hold back anymore, and said in a low voice: "Master, you'd better go and rest, otherwise you won't be able to get up to go to the study tomorrow morning."

Zong Duo didn't speak, just glanced at him, and continued to copy with his head down.

For such an old child, even if the tables and chairs are lowered, it is very difficult to sit and copy books. It is better to stand, so Zong Duo stands most of the time, and only sits for a while when his feet are tired.

His stature has not yet grown, but his back is straight, and his wrists and elbows are also flat.

He Nian always felt that the Eldest Prince was pushing him too much, but the empress is now pointing at the Eldest Prince, so sometimes he dare not persuade too much, especially what happened again in Ji De Tang today.

Coming out of Jide Hall, He Nian felt that the Eldest Prince's mood was a bit off, and he really came back to compete with him.

Zong Duo coughed twice.

He also knew in his heart that if he coughed hard, He Nian would probably have to repeat some more words to make Gu Nian Gu Nian, so he subconsciously endured it all the time, even if he coughed, it was a stuffy cough.

But this cough couldn't be stopped, even after coughing more than ten times, it still couldn't stop.

He Nian hurriedly brought him water to drink, and then hurriedly rubbed his back. After finally stopping, He Nian said: "Elder Prince, you should take a rest, you can't suffer like this, lest you hurt your body." Seeing that Zong Duo seemed to be unwilling, he hurriedly said, "If you continue like this , the servant can only give it to the empress, if the empress knows that you don't care about your body now, she will definitely be sad."

With all the words said like this, Zong Duo could only listen to He Nian's words and rest.

After all, it has been a tough time, and the weather is too cold, and it suddenly snowed in the middle of the night, so Zong Duo coughed a bit when he woke up in the morning.

He Nian said that he would not go to the study today, so he went to report to his wife and asked for leave from the study, but Zong Duo insisted on going.

He Nian could only ask the little eunuch to dress Zong Duo thickly and add a fur cape, and chose a strong eunuch to carry him there.

But as soon as he reached the Qianqing Gate, he insisted on coming down. When He Nian looked up, he saw the second prince walking in not far away.