Ying Chong

Chapter 113


These words immediately made Pan'er sober up.

What, is this planning to establish a crown prince

Pan'er was not surprised that Zong Cong would want to establish a prince. This kind of old custom has always been the case. When the emperor ascends the throne, apart from sealing the front and rear palaces, the most important thing to consider is to establish a prince.

After all, the crown prince is the foundation of the country. Generally, people who can become emperors are not young, and most of them have already had sons, and there are more than one. People all advocate more children and more blessings, but just look at the royal family, and sometimes this truth is not entirely true.

As the princes grow up day by day, there will be more and more vassals around them, tangible and intangible, subconscious and subconscious, everyone is betting. Can the family be kept prosperous for another hundred years? Who doesn't want forever

In her previous life, at first she never dared to think that Zong Yue could sit on the position of emperor, after all, the position of the crown prince was as stable as Mount Tai. It was only when there were signs of it later that she discovered that Zong Yue also had that kind of thought, so she gradually moved her mind.

But before that, even before Zong Cong mentioned it, she hadn't thought about it at all. Maybe she subconsciously felt that many things had changed in this life, so she didn't think about it. She felt that Zong Yue was still young, so she didn't need to think about it for the time being, but Zong Cong's words woke her up immediately.

How to answer

Although she is getting better and better with him now, and the two of them have become so caring, and he is willing to tell her some troublesome things, but these trivial things are different from those of Prince Li.

Prince Li is too sensitive, especially the second son Zong Yue was born to her.

So she rolled over in his arms and said, "Your Majesty's question is so strange. I have never been a prince. How do I know whether it is good or not to be a prince? You should ask your majesty this question. Didn't you use to be a prince?" Prince?"

"I used to be a prince, but a long time ago, I really didn't want to be this prince."

Pan'er fell silent, Zong Cong didn't speak, and fell into memory.

Everyone thinks that the crown prince is under one person and over ten thousand people, and that the future Ninth Five-Year King must be infinitely beautiful and highly valued. Little do they know that all of these are shackles, an existence that makes him walk on thin ice.

Zong Cong never wanted to recall many memories of the past, those years when he was burdened with his mother and himself, those years when he studied hard behind his back, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and calm, and those annoyances had to be magnanimous Days, those days when you know you have bad intentions, but you face them with a smile, those open and hidden arrows, those nerves that are tense every day, those days that force yourself to do everything without omissions, those...

So today when Zong Duo seems to be suspected of following his old path, Zong Cong's mood is very complicated.

If he was in good health, he might be gratified amidst the complexity, but he was in poor health and had to compete with Zong Yue.

But he can't blame the child for not working too hard. As for Zong Yue, he is even more innocent. Is it a mistake to be smart and competitive

Zong Cong can predict that when all the dust settles, there will definitely be a heated discussion in the court to establish a crown prince.

When and how

"Brother Cong, don't think about it too much. After all, those things have passed. Now that you are the emperor, I remember you told me that you have a lot of things to do? You still have so many important things to do, so why bother?" Think about the little things."

Yeah, he still has a lot of big things to do.

I have to say that Pan'er is quite good at comforting people, no, it's to divert attention, and Zong Cong's attention was quickly diverted to government affairs.

He was lost in thought, caressing her back with his hands one by one, while Pan'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though it was a cold day, Empress Chen was very active, and would ask about the progress of Ningshou Palace's repairs every day.

Seeing that it will be the New Year's Eve in less than two months, every year on the first day of the lunar new year, the wives will enter the palace to celebrate, especially the first year of the new emperor's enthronement. The method was moved out of Kunning Palace.

It snowed two more times in a row, and the repairs had to be suspended.

Empress Chen was very anxious, but she couldn't say anything on the surface. At this time, Zong Duo fell ill again. Although it was just a cough, it was still not good after half a month, which added fuel to the fire.

Immediately afterwards came the conferring ceremony, and the canonization ceremony of the concubines in the Eastern Palace.

After finishing this work, she has become a legitimate empress. Although she hasn't moved the palace yet, the few concubines with lower status who can't be the master of the first palace have thought carefully about who they will go to after they move the palace. Live in the empress palace.

Naturally, there is no need to think about Kunning Palace and Jingren Palace, one is the place where the empress lives, and the other is the residence of Concubine Su. Concubine Su Gui has always been a loner, she is not close to anyone, she is favored by others, and it is impossible for someone to go to her palace to share the favor. Then only Concubine Hu Shu, Concubine Zhou Xian and others are left in the palace.

At first, when Concubine Hu Shu saw Qian Guiren and others coming to the door frequently, she was a little surprised why they came? But she has always been a vegetarian, and she doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. She will see people when they come. Anyway, it's winter and there is nothing to do. It's good to have someone to talk to and flatter.

Until Qian Guiren revealed his tone, Concubine Hu Shu's nose was almost crooked, and she lost her temper in a rare way, and drove Qian and Qiao away.

Qian Qiao and the two were still a little bit wronged, so if they didn't want it, they didn't want it, why bother to get so angry. Concubine Li found out about this, and even went to make fun of them.

"You don't go to Concubine Su's place, but to Concubine Hu Shu's. Didn't you make it clear that she is not favored, and you two need your help?"

The two of Qian and Qiao had a great realization, and they had to go after they had realized it, otherwise, every palace in the East Six Palaces would have the main seat, if they were not wanted, or if they were given to Concubine Li by the queen, what would they do

They went to Concubine Xu Xian again. Concubine Xu Xian was very decisive and directly refused because the fifth prince was unwell recently and it was not suitable for someone to come to the door.

After these two episodes, Concubine He De was naturally not stupid, so Princess Six felt a little uncomfortable.

So there are only two places left: Li Concubine and Zhao Concubine.

Concubine Li is very proud at this time, you don't like me because I don't love you and don't want to live in my palace, what are you doing now? Immediately closed the gate of the courtyard, and then Concubine Zhao's place has been very lively recently.

These are all Pan'er listening to the people below, just like listening to a book, after listening to her, she poured a basin of cold water: "The queen hasn't moved the palace yet, where else do the others want to move, isn't it too early for them to do this now? "

In fact, it proved that Pan'er's words were correct. When it was only a few days before the New Year's Eve, Empress Chen finally realized in despair that it was impossible for her to move the palace this year, and she had to live in the East Palace.

There is no need to think about commanding a wife to pay homage to her, or being worshiped by others on the Phoenix Seat.

On New Year's Eve, Zong Cong held a family banquet in Qianqing Palace. There were many people present. Apart from the princes and their families, some close relatives, the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, several concubines and the female relatives of the Eastern Palace them.

The atmosphere is very harmonious, although some may be false, at least it proves that most people have agreed with the reality that the new emperor ascended the throne.

Before the family banquet was over, Zong Cong led everyone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to visit the Supreme Emperor.

This New Year's Eve Mental Cultivation Hall is probably the only place in the entire Forbidden City that does not have a festive atmosphere. The Supreme Emperor wants to recuperate from his illness, so naturally he must be quiet, especially since the Supreme Emperor fell ill, he can't speak, and his temper is getting worse every day. The servants are waiting around Cautious and dejected.

The scene of a group of people wearing auspicious clothes to visit the Supreme Emperor is particularly ironic.

But now no one dares to pick this kind of thorn. After all, it is not easy for the new emperor to still think about the Supreme Emperor.

On the contrary, the Taishanghuang seemed extremely restless, and he didn't know what to say, but no one paid attention to all this.

Only King Qi made a fuss by taking advantage of the performance of the Supreme Emperor, and reprimanded the servants for not being careful in serving him. The meaning in that remark seems to be that Zong Cong treated the Supreme Emperor with superficial filial piety, but in fact he secretly made people learn Taishanghuang, otherwise Taishanghuang would behave like this

But no one believed his words, not to mention that so many concubines were there, and they had to line up to serve the sick every day. This matter was Pan'er's idea to Zong Cong. It is false to serve illness, but it is true to avoid suspicion. It seems that King Qi is too unreasonable to make such a fuss, and at the same time, it also faintly shows that he is at the end of the road.

After all, if he really has a way with Zong Cong, how about making a fuss out of such a trivial matter? There are quite a few clan members present, so naturally they have their own considerations.

On the first day of the lunar new year, the new emperor offered sacrifices to his ancestors and Taimiao, and announced at the Great Court Meeting that he would change his name to the Yuan Dynasty, and the year name would be Jianping.

At the same time, Kunning Palace was also bustling with activity.

The foreign wives came in to congratulate them one by one. Empress Dowager Fu lived in the middle, Empress Chen lived in the lower left, and Pan Er and other concubines of the new emperor stood on both sides.

They are all dressed in gorgeous auspicious clothes. It is really difficult for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to rush to rush so many auspicious clothes, but this posture really has the momentum of a new year.

It's not the New Year's new weather, since the opening of the seal on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Zong Cong has been making all kinds of big moves.

Pan'er didn't care about government affairs, but heard that Empress Chen's father had been made a marquis.

Marquis Cheng En, this is an honor that only the relatives of the emperor can have. Generally, after being named a queen, they will benefit from the mother's family, but it is lower than the previous life. In the previous life, he was a duke.

Empress Chen was very happy and proud. When Pan'er went to pay her respects, she could see the joy on her face.

But in this way, Empress Chen was even more anxious to move the palace. After the first month was over, she was concerned about the repair of Ningshou Palace.

During this period, the Sixth East Palace is also undergoing simple renovations. The only major renovation is the Jingren Palace, as well as the residences of the princesses and the South Three Palaces where the princes live.

Just before March, Zong Duo and Zong Yue moved to the Nansan Institute, and Pan Er went to look at it several times. The paint was newly painted, the doors and windows were newly replaced, and the furniture and furnishings were all new. The warehouse has added a lot of decorations to Zong Yue.

In April, Ningshou Palace was finally repaired.

Empress Chen personally supervised the arrangement and furnishings inside, and waited for another half a month before going to Kunning Palace to pay her respects, and carefully mentioned the things that Ningshou Palace had been repaired.

Pan'er was there at the time, and now that she is the new emperor's concubine, she can't be as lazy as before.

That's fine at the Queen's place. After all, there are the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager. She can't put on airs all day long and wait for all the concubines to come to greet her, so she still gathers in Kunning Palace to greet the Empress Dowager Fu. It is up to her to decide whether to go or not. The Palace of Compassion and Ning pays respects to the Empress Dowager.

It's not that the Empress Dowager Fu is unwilling to go, but the Empress Dowager also knows that she is getting old, and she is annoying people every day. She only comes to greet you on the 15th day of the month, and she won't say anything. She thought it was noisy at first, but as time went by, it gradually became less and less.

Although Empress Chen was very particular about how she spoke at that time, she didn't get straight to the point, but mentioned something through the courtyard where the princesses lived, but Pan'er still saw Empress Dowager Fu and Nian Qiu who was beside her look at each other.

This action is a bit meaningful.

So it is really not something ordinary people can do as a queen, Pan'er sighed again.

It's not that Empress Dowager Fu has tasted the hardships of being a queen before, but now she still has to pick Empress Chen. You think the palace is so big, wouldn’t some of Empress Chen’s actions catch people’s eyes and ears, staring at the progress of Ningshou Palace’s repair, at best it’s filial piety, and at worst it’s anxious to make Empress Dowager Fu Moved out from Kunning Palace.

But it's not wrong to say that she is a queen and wants to rush into the Kunning Palace.

So the human heart is like this, everyone is right, but unintentionally, countless contradictions gather in daily life.

Fortunately, all of this had nothing to do with her, and Pan Er was sincerely grateful.

Empress Dowager Fu didn't delay too much, and ordered her servants to clean up the next day. She has been a queen for many years and has lived in Kunning Palace for decades. There are many things that can be imagined.

After Zong Cong heard about it, he went there specially, saying that the Ningshou Palace had just been repaired, and he should wait for the paint inside to dissipate for a while before moving it, anyway, there is no rush.

Empress Dowager Fu didn't say anything, she just said to move things over slowly first.

But when Zong Cong came out, Nian Ci told him what happened yesterday.

Ask Paner why he knows

Because it happened that she was recruited to Qianqing Palace that day, Zong Cong rarely lost his temper in front of her, showing his dissatisfaction with Empress Chen.

He is becoming more and more open about Pan'er, but Pan'er is in a hurry. You said that he said bad things about the queen in front of him. As a favorite concubine, should she persuade her or not