Ying Chong

Chapter 16


Pan'er knew about the three princesses, who were weak and sick embryos in their previous lives.

Hu Liangdi always used the Three Princesses to invite favors from the prince, she also knew about this, but because she was locked up in Jidetang at that time, she didn't know the details.

But she knew that the three princesses died later.

It wasn't at this time, it was later than this time, but I can't remember the exact time. After all, so many years have passed, especially when she first entered the East Palace, she lived in a muddle at first, and then was suppressed by the princess out of breath.

The reason why she knew it was through the gossip among the servants of Jidetang. It was said that Hu Liangdi had made a lot of trouble because of the illness of the three princesses, and even took the prince away from the concubine twice.

The princess was not angry (on the surface), but the servants below were very angry, so Pan'er listened to some nonsense.

Before that, Pan'er was thinking that maybe the Three Princesses started to suffer badly from this time, and Zhao Xiyue's bedtime service tonight was also worrying, and maybe the East Palace would not be able to live safely in the next few months.

Unexpectedly, the prince appeared at night and went to the wrong door, and because of her presumptuousness, he planned to let her sleep. Both of them went to bed, but Hu Liangdi came to stir up trouble again.

Before the prince left, he took a look at Pan'er, and after seeing him off, Pan'er went back to lie down on the couch.

She was thinking about something on her mind, but Cattail and Qingdai felt that she was unhappy, after all, pulling someone away from the bed would make no one happy.

"This Hu Liangdi is going too far, I stopped her once last night, and she's here again today!" Cattail huffed angrily.

That's why it's said that people have the bad nature of gloating, and they didn't feel it when the joke was opposite Dongxiang before, but when it was their turn, they got very angry.

"Okay, don't say a few words, I'm afraid the three princesses are really bad." Pan'er said.

"The servant feels that Hu Liangdi did it on purpose."

Aunt Qing came in, just in time to hear Cattail's words, and reprimanded: "Why have you learned the rules from Nanny Li for so long and still haven't learned how to be smart? Master, you can talk about it? It's fine to talk about it in this room, Be careful and die if someone hears it.”

Before, Aunt Qing had already gone back to the back room to rest. When she heard that the prince was coming, she got up in a hurry and did not dare to come in. She waited in the side room next to her. Naturally, she did not miss what happened outside.

After being scolded, Cattail said with a slumped head, "Auntie, I was wrong."

When Yuping was dragged away, Cattail was also watching. She only realized now that the inside of the palace is different from the outside.

"Okay, let's all go and rest, and I will also rest, and I have to get up early tomorrow to say hello."

And there is still a battle to be fought, just because the crown prince went to the wrong door tonight, Zhao Xiyue will not let her go tomorrow. But at the moment Pan'er was very happy, she felt that the beginning of herself and the prince was not bad. After all, if there is an intersection, will the prince miss himself

Although a bit shameless, Pan'er thinks it will.

Sure enough, I went to pay my respects the next day, and I knew about the prince going to the wrong door last night.

All the eyes were meaningful, Zhao Xiyue's face was very haggard, and it was scary ugly, the eyes almost swallowed the plate.

If it was before, the Crown Princess would definitely come forward and say something that seemed generous but actually provocative, but today she can't care about it either.

The three princesses are really bad.

She woke up yesterday afternoon and was fed some porridge. At night, she suddenly had a high fever and convulsions all over her body. People come calling.

It's really panic.

The princess was also disturbed and passed away at that time.

The imperial doctor was invited to come over, and he administered acupuncture and poured medicine, and the fever subsided only in the middle of the night. The crown prince waited for most of the night before leaving, and the crown princess naturally couldn't leave, so she could only stay by her side, so she didn't have the energy to deal with it today.

"Let's all go away. Instead of having the time to compete and be jealous here, you might as well go and see the three princesses, each of you is worry-free!"

After being reprimanded, everyone was honest, and when they left Jidetang, they didn't leave immediately, but made an appointment to see the three princesses.

Because Hu Liangdi had too many previous convictions, the princess of the third princess was ill, and everyone thought that she was deliberately using the child to invite favors. This time it seems that it is not the case, so I always have to go and see, especially the princess mentioned it again, even if it is Do it for the prince.

At the appointed time, everyone immediately dispersed without mentioning it.

After Pan'er went back, he asked someone to take the silver and went to the Construction Office of the House of Internal Affairs to make a long-lived lock.

The small cleats are engraved with the pattern of Fushoulu, which is neither light nor heavy in the hand. It looks like three or four taels, which is suitable for the age of the third princess.

Of course, the three princesses will definitely not wear it. The sender and the receiver are well aware of each other, but it's just a meaning.

The courtyard where Hu Liangdi lives seems to be the largest among several small courtyards, and it is also the most luxuriously furnished. It is said that the courtyard opposite her is also as big, and the crown prince can grant two Liang Dies as usual, but now there is only one, so the courtyard opposite is still empty.

Everyone went to see the princesses of the three princesses, and said some words of consolation that were neither salty nor light, and then presented gifts to each other. When it was Pan'er's turn, Hu Liangdi took a second look and said, "You really have a heart."

These words didn't make much sense, but Pan'er had been in the palace for a long time, so she naturally knew how to survive in the palace.

Giving gifts in the palace is the most taboo to give food and clothing, on the contrary, it is safest like her. It's a thin piece, and there's nothing hidden in it, and naturally it won't fall into someone's handle or be framed by others.

Pan'er saw Hu Liangdi's delicate and haggard look, and then looked at the thin and thin body of the third princess and her pale, almost transparent face, so he took her as a good word.

She is not good at other things, but she is best at self-comfort. After all, if she hadn't had such a big heart, she would not have been able to survive the first thirty years of her previous life.

Naturally, Hu Liangdi would not keep them drinking tea, so the group left without staying too long.

The illness of the three princesses cast a haze over the sky of the East Palace.

It is difficult for the prince to have an heir. If there are only three daughters, if there is one less, although the sky will not fall, it will be a very unpleasant thing.

For many days, the imperial physicians came and went in and out of the East Palace.

Even Empress Fu heard about it, and sent the envoy Bao Yuan from the Imperial Hospital. The Baoyuan envoy has superb medical skills, and he only treats Emperor Cheng'an, Empress Fu and the Empress Dowager. Maybe Baoyuan envoy can rejuvenate.

The envoy of Bao Yuan went in and out of the East Palace for many days, and it is said that even the prescription was changed several times, and the illness of the three princesses finally improved. In fact, the princess of the third princess did not have any serious illnesses, but she was prone to illness due to insufficiency in the womb. Coupled with her young age, a common cold could make her terminally ill.

It is said that the three princesses suddenly became so ill because of a cold.

It was said that the nanny did not take good care of her, and she was discovered by Hu Liangdi. At that time, Hu Liangdi was about to stick him to death in the yard, but the princess stopped her when she found out.

In the past few years, the king of Qi and the king of Chu have gained power after entering the court one after another. On the contrary, the prince finally got an errand, and he still repaired the "Cheng'an Dadian" for Emperor Cheng'an.

Emperor Cheng'an has been in power for nearly 20 years. He claims to be good at literature, governance and martial arts. Now that the world is at peace, he wants to compile a rare book that collects ancient and modern cultural collections, so that it will last forever. People will mention him after a few years. , but seeing this "Cheng'an Canon" can remind him of his prestige.

The Prince has been working on this "Cheng'an Canon" for nearly five years, and it has been started since his wedding. Emperor Cheng'an seems to want the Prince to continue to study, and has no intention of letting him come to court.

Now that the East Palace is in a bad situation and it is on the cusp of the storm, if Hu Liangdi kills the nanny of the third princess with a cane, it is not known what will happen outside, the Crown Princess will naturally stop it.

But this behavior seemed to offend Hu Liangdi, and it even extended to the possibility that the nanny was bribed by the crown princess to attack the three princesses.

Of course, the latter was guessed by Pan'er himself, because after this incident, Hu Liangdi seemed to be in a broken posture.

First, she took advantage of the fact that the third princess was not ill, and after the third princess's illness improved, she also took advantage of her own fetal gas and wanted to raise the baby, but she couldn't come to pay her respects. During the period, she went to Kunning Palace twice. Where is the tire gas.

There was no joy or anger on the Crown Princess's face, but her complexion became worse day by day. However, she was not negligent towards the three princesses at all, and asked about her health every day, even if Hu Liangdi showed her face, she still did not miss it.

After a few days like this, the princess suddenly fainted one day in Jidetang.

The imperial physician was invited to take the pulse, and it was revealed that the princess was pregnant.

This incident happened earlier than her previous life, and Pan'er found that many things had changed since she started her new life.

It is a happy event for the princess to be pregnant.

As soon as the news came out, the women in the back yard all went like running water.

Everyone else has gone, so Pan'er will naturally go too.

Xu Liangyuan always had a good face in front of the princess, and everyone in the room could hear her talking non-stop, while everyone else stared behind her.

Hu Liangdi didn't come, Pan'er didn't believe she didn't receive the news, probably because she didn't want to come, or she was worrying in the yard.

Once the princess concubine becomes pregnant, the backyard is bound to change.

Whether the change is good or bad, no one can tell, but the impact on Hu Liangdi is undoubtedly the greatest. Relying on this belly, she seemed to want to push down the princess, which was very embarrassing to the empress. Now that the concubine is pregnant, if she gives birth to a son, even if she gives birth to a son, the son will always be lower than the son.

Sure enough, just as Pan'er and the others stood still and said a few words, Kunning Palace sent someone to deliver things.

The person who came forward was Nianqiu, the disgraced maid next to Empress Fu.

"... Your Majesty wants you to take good care of yourself. If you have anything to do, just order someone to go to Kunning Palace to talk about it."

The Crown Princess wore a lotus-colored beige and sat on the bed. She looked a little pale and her spirits were not very good, but she behaved decently, and her attitude was not surprising.

"Trouble mother, worry about me. I will definitely take good care of my body and strive to give birth to a little grandson for Your Highness."

"The servant girl will not bother you, so as not to disturb the rest of the Crown Princess." Nian Qiu bowed again and planned to leave.

"Auntie, go slowly, Fuchun, send Aunt Nianqiu out."

Anyway, people in the palace are good at talking nonsense with their eyes open, obviously there is such a large group of people standing in this room, but Nian Qiu doesn't seem to see it, he must say that he is afraid of disturbing the Crown Princess' rest.

However, the Kunning Palace sent someone to send things that were fake, and only showed that the attitude was real.

Empress Fu came from a wealthy family, if it hadn't been for the fact that the Crown Princess had not been able to give birth to the eldest son for the Crown Prince, and the East Palace had not had many heirs, why would Empress Fu embarrass the Crown Princess overtly and secretly, and even praise Hu Liangdi. Now that the Crown Princess is pregnant, no matter whether she is pregnant with a man or a woman, Hu Liangdi has to step aside, because it is impossible for Empress Fu to cause trouble for the Crown Princess at this time.

Therefore, women in the palace are able to bend and stretch, especially in high positions, thunder, rain and dew are all kindness, they are merciless when they taunt you, and they can also put on a posture when they promote you.

After experiencing such a scene, Xu Liangyuan's flattering words were thrown out without any money afterwards. Even He Liangyuan, who was always aloof, stumbled and said a few nice words.

The Crown Princess is pregnant, so she can't sleep with her. According to her nature, now that she has finally turned over, she is bound to lift someone up to suppress Hu Liangdi.

And Hu Liangdi claimed to be a favorite and never walked alone, and because of the matter of the three princesses, she embarrassed the princess. When the crown princess lifts people up, she will definitely make some moves. The East Palace is about to be in turmoil. Whoever can take the lead may be the next decent person.

Needless to say, Xu Liangyuan belongs to the Crown Princess' faction. He Liangyuan's movements are unknown, and judging from today's situation, he may also fall for the Crown Princess. Not to mention Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, they were already invisible, so only Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue remained.

Zhao Xiyue had invested in the Crown Princess before, and the rest, although Pan Er appeared to be the Crown Princess's person, the two sides were not very friendly. Pan Er thought that his days would not be too quiet in the future.

After returning from Jide Hall, Pan'er told the people below to be careful when speaking before and after, so as not to cause trouble.