Ying Chong

Chapter 32


Why did you mention big characters again

Pan'er secretly rolled her eyes, rubbed her face on him, and didn't make a sound, she was very well-behaved, and she was frightened at first glance.

The prince smiled: "Tomorrow I will ask Fulu to change the yard for you, and I will move it to the East Third Courtyard opposite."

Change yard

Pan'er sat up suddenly: "Why did Your Highness think of changing the yard for me?"

The prince glanced at her and said: "Your room is facing the sun in the west, and it's sweltering in summer. Didn't I tell you a long time ago, why don't you want to?"

"That's not true." She lay back again, grabbed the hem of his pajamas and rubbed it, but she was thinking about something.

Thinking about the incident outside recently, he came here and said that he didn't have a good meal and that she had a bad appetite recently, how did he know

Either it was someone with the prince by her side, or it was reported to him by the dining room.

Pan'er didn't think that if he had someone with the prince by his side, it was the dining room

Thinking that he came to accompany her for dinner because he knew that he had a bad appetite recently, and he wanted to change the yard for her, did you think she was frightened? Pan'er felt sweetness in her heart, but at the same time she thought of the princess.

"Didn't you say you have to wait? Your Highness, I'm not afraid that the Crown Princess will be unhappy if she finds out?"

Actually Pan'er didn't want to say this, but this question can't be avoided. The Crown Princess has made a big move, it's about the son-in-law, whether the prince is willing or not, the face will be given enough.

Now that the crown prince is busy with important affairs, if Pan'er guessed correctly, the crown prince should be busy with entering the court. This has happened in her previous life, and she doesn't know the details. But I don't know why the prince did it.

Since the Chen family's contribution must be indispensable to the relevant government affairs, if she is brought out at this time, will there be any troubles

Hearing this, the prince's subconscious reaction was to frown, and in an instant he understood that Pan'er's words meant literally.

He also didn't think that she, a woman in the backyard, could know what was going on in the court. Since she wasn't the court, she was the princess. Any man would be unhappy if he heard this kind of words, and he was afraid that his wife would be unhappy if he promised something to his concubine's room.

The Chen family is indeed useful, but on such a major matter, the Chen family and the Crown Princess are separated. The Chen family has the Chen family's goals in life, and helping him is not only for the crown princess, but also for the long-term stability of the Chen family.

"Don't worry about it, since I said I'll change it for you, I'll change it for you."

Pan'er also knew that what he said made him feel unhappy, so he couldn't help posting it up again, and put his arms around his waist. Of course, he did some little tricks, holding the hem of his pajamas with his fingertips.

Seeing her being so obedient, the prince couldn't hold back his face: "Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow morning."

She hummed softly, leaned against him and closed her eyes, sleeping surprisingly peacefully that night.

The prince left early the next morning and didn't stay for breakfast, but he didn't forget to tell her before leaving to let her eat well and practice calligraphy, and he will come to check in a few days.

Pan'er instinctively ignored the handwriting practice.

As for how to check when eating, she touched her waist and blushed accidentally.

What the crown prince ordered was done quickly.

When Pan'er came back from Jide Hall, there were already people here. It was Zhang Laishun who led more than a dozen young eunuchs to help Pan'er move.

Packing and packing, because it was moved to the diagonally opposite, and there were not too many things on the plate, so it was not difficult to dispose of.

In fact, Pan'er's things are not too small. When she entered the East Palace, she only brought a few burdens. These days, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent to shop the palace, the crown princess rewarded, and the crown prince rewarded bits and pieces, as well as those books, and they were busy until after noon.

Aunt Qing, Cattail and the others were all beaming, and finally they didn't have to look at Zhao Fengyi across the way.

Not to mention, one is proud and the other is not, no matter whether you are proud or not, you are facing each other every day, and you feel unhappy. As Pan'er became more and more favored, the other party didn't dare to find fault openly, especially after Zhao Xiyue fell ill, it stopped a lot, but this was only on the surface, and there were still some contradictions in private.

These contradictions are concretely reflected among the slaves, Chun'er Xianger's little six sons are fine, they are slaves from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they know the importance of advancing and retreating, and the days of serving Zhao Xiyue are also short, so they are not loyal at all.

But Yuping, Yuxia, and Nanny Zhao are different. They are old people around Zhao Xiyue, and their fundamental positions are opposing. And when they saw Pan'er's shabby appearance, and when Zhao Xiyue taunted her, she was so weak that she didn't even dare to say a word.

Now that such a person has climbed onto their master's head, even if Zhao Xiyue is convinced, they are not convinced.

The servants in the west chamber were all instructed by Pan'er, and they never disputed with the east chamber, but they lived in the same courtyard, so it was inevitable that they would be a little social.

For example, the small kitchen used to boil hot water, because the east and west rooms are all made for the concubines with lower status, there is no separate small kitchen itself, only one small kitchen is shared by both sides.

This small kitchen is usually not used a few times, and food is always brought from the dining room, and it is usually used by the servants below to warm up food and boil hot water. The rules in the Forbidden City are strict, there is no well in the courtyard, and the daily charcoal is collected by oneself.

Charcoal is fine, it can be used for a long time once you get it, but water has to be picked up every day.

So every day, a little eunuch would pick up water and deliver it, but only one tank of water was sent, which was not enough for him to pick up later. Since the small kitchen is shared by both sides, the water tank is divided into two places. If it's eating and drinking, it's fine, all the people up and down can't eat much, but the master bathes and washes frequently, so it's more water-intensive.

Since Dapan'er became favored, Xiaodezi and Xiaotianzi didn't have to choose the water they used, they just talked about it, and someone brought it on their own initiative. But there is no East Wing, what should the servants do if they want to save trouble

Anyway, no one is watching the water tank, so let's borrow some.

Of course, in order not to be discovered by others, the servants in the East Wing are relatively restrained. Even if they know about it in the West Wing, they will turn a blind eye to it if they don't see it too much. But ever since Zhao Xiyue lost face when she didn't stop the prince, she probably fell ill because of embarrassment and anxiety.

This time, the conflict became serious. On the surface, the East Wing was very low-key, but in private, the cattails found dirty things in the water tank in the West Wing several times in a row.

The water tank is covered, and it is never opened when it is not in use. Usually, the servants are careful, and they are afraid that the master will be soaked, and there is no possibility that dirty things will fall.

That's what the people in the East Wing did for revenge.

At that time Cattail was about to go to the East Chamber, but was stopped by Pan'er. She was not afraid of Zhao Xiyue, but just didn't want to cause trouble, and also thought that if she hadn't stepped forward to disrupt the situation, maybe Zhao Xiyue would not have entered the palace, and would not have experienced all this .

This is destined to be an unsolvable puzzle. Maybe even if Pan'er doesn't disturb the situation, Zhao Xiyue will also enter the East Palace in this life, but Pan'er is a little stubborn because of her previous life. Anyway, it wasn't a big deal, so she asked Cattail and the others to find another place to put the water tank so that the people in the East Chamber couldn't reach it.

Among them, Cattail and the others added a lot of burden, so I won't go into details, all in all, this matter is over. Seeing that the west wing was on guard, the east wing didn't continue to do other things.

Now that they don't have to meet Dongxiang Riri, it's no wonder they are so happy.

Moreover, the room is bigger than before. It is estimated that the crown prince explained that Zhang Laishun did not arrange the pan in the east and west compartments, but in the main room.

Because of this, Pan'er felt a little bad, hesitated for a while, and then called Zhang Laishun to ask.

Zhang Laishun, Fu Lu's godson, served the prince beside him, so he was very respectable in the East Palace. Usually people don't say that their nostrils are upturned, and they are not so kind, but now they are full of smiles, the smile almost ran out of their eyes, and they half bent over to talk to Pan'er.

"Returning to Master Fengyi, it was ordered by Eunuch Fu himself, saying that you have a lot of things, and I'm afraid the east and west compartments won't fit in. Besides, the prince often comes to your place, and you live in a spacious room, and the master is more comfortable. It's just right Eunuch Fu can still be the master of this matter, so he took care of it."

Pan'er didn't believe it, if it wasn't for the prince's words, Fu Lu has always been cautious in handling things, dare to do this? But since the prince had arranged everything properly, she didn't worry too much about it.

"The furnishings in this room were all arranged with the help of the servants in the past few days. If Master Fengyi thinks it's not good, you can change it. Look here... The crown prince personally picked this curtain, and this vase... "

Zhang Laishun led Pan'er to search all the houses.

The main building is still a structure of three rooms and two side rooms, but because of the depth of the two rooms, it is larger than the previous West Wing.

In the middle is the hall, and only one and a half rooms are used for the hall. There is a tea room separated from the back of the middle hall painting; The Duobao Pavilion and the flower cover are separated, and a kang is set up near the window, and several armchairs and flower tables are set up under the kang.

The west room is combined with a side room. In addition to the second room on the outside for living, the inside is the bedroom. There is a black lacquered Babu bed inlaid with mother-of-pearl flowers and birds. The dressing table, table and wardrobe are all in one water The black lacquer is inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which looks elegant and luxurious.

There is a screen in front of the door and the bed, which is black lacquer inlaid with mother-of-pearl and embroidered with seasonal flowers. This kind of screen does not block the light, but it can block the position where people cannot directly see the bed.

On the right side of the inner room, there are two small compartments, one is used as a bathroom, and the other is used as a cleaning room. At the same time, it can also store some things.

Zhang Laishun waited for Pan'er to say she was satisfied, after all, with her status, she couldn't live in such a house with such rare things.

Pan'er was indeed very satisfied, and she also properly expressed her satisfaction in front of Zhang Laishun. When Zhang Laishun was about to leave, she asked Bai Shu to seal her with twenty taels of silver.

After all the irrelevant people have left, Cattail can finally show his joy.

Looking back and forth in the house and yard, I could hear her startled and joyful sounds after a while, and she ran to tell Pan'er that the back room is bigger than before, and there is a special place for a warehouse. There is also a small kitchen, maybe you can cook something in it in the future.

Pan'er, who was used to seeing big scenes, was so infected that he was in a surprisingly good mood.

Thinking about what he said last night, and wondering if he was just coaxing her

On the other end, Zhang Laishun went back to the prince and said that Su Fengyi liked the new house very much, and even tipped him twenty taels of silver.

For the palace, this tip is considered a lot.

The prince thought that she really liked it, and also thought that as a Fengyi, her regular silver would only be a few dozen taels a year. After thinking about it, he asked Zhang Laishun to send a small box of gold and silver ladles over, and specially ordered not to make a big fuss.

Just changed the house, and now the money is sent again. In fact, Pan'er is not short of money now, but she is also very happy.

When Aunt Qing and the others saw her touching the box of gold and silver locks, they were reluctant to let go. They all knew that the master was happy at the moment, and they all smiled.

Cattail was a sweetheart, so she approached Pan'er and asked her what she wanted for lunch.

Pan'er ordered a few dishes, and generously grabbed a handful of silver cleats from the box and handed them to her, asking her to take them down and share among several people, and use the rest for the dining room.