Ying Chong

Chapter 35


Obviously, the Crown Princess said so, and today this matter cannot be resolved.

Pan'er sat down and observed the crowd, Hu Liangdi lowered her eyes and caressed her stomach, Xu Liangyuan's eyes were fixed on the princess, He Liangyuan didn't look at anyone, Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui both had their heads half down.

In fact, Pan'er doesn't believe in the theory of ghosts. If the evil ghosts can come back to take revenge, half of the people in the whole palace will die, but some people believe it, especially those who have done evil things. Otherwise, how could the princess be like this

This round was obviously aimed at the Crown Princess, just to take advantage of her illness and kill her.

In the previous life, because she was silent in this Jide hall, she was restrained by the princess, so naturally she was not favored by the prince, and there was a discord with the princess, so the baby of the prince was safe and sound until the delivery.

But this life has changed, because she has a different status since she entered the East Palace, the Crown Princess has lost control over her, she is the Crown Prince's concubine, and it is only natural for the Crown Princess to serve the Crown Prince, even if it is because of face Prevent.

What happened during the period, I don't know the specifics, but I only know that because the prince and the princess were angry, the prince stayed with her for several days, and then came again, and the princess got pregnant.

It is rare for the Crown Princess to be pregnant with this child, and the significance of this child to her does not need to be elaborated. Because of her mood swings, her fetal image was always bad. At such a good time, those who were hiding in the dark came out. First, while the Crown Princess was indifferent, an incident occurred, and rumors spread everywhere. The Crown Princess knew about internal and external troubles, and her body was leaking, and it was raining all night. Today, there was such an incident, and the purpose was probably the same as the previous plan. .

So who is it? So painstakingly trying to kill the princess

For some reason, Pan'er thought of Liu Chenghui.

But she didn't think Liu Chenghui's method could achieve such a level, there must be someone behind her, who hated the princess as much as her, but was more powerful than Liu Chenghui, to promote all this.

Pan'er looked at Hu Liangdi, feeling that she was stroking her stomach with half-down eyes, but the corners of her mouth seemed to be hooked.

While Pan'er was thinking secretly, the situation in the field had changed, and Fu Lu came to report that he had found out who the deceased was.

He is a rough envoy and eunuch of Jidetang. He is usually taciturn and has not had any quarrels with others recently. It is said that before going to bed tonight, I had a laugh with a few people in the same room, and there is no suspicion of suicide.

That's what people are for

But who can hang people to death in the yard of Jidetang without letting others find out

At this time, the lights outside were bright, and the atmosphere was very serious. Zhang Laishun was leading people to interrogate one by one, and the atmosphere in the hall froze again. When the maid served the tea, the plate was a bit cold, so she picked it up and tasted it.

This time it's not fragrant slices, but ordinary green tea.

The crown prince has been coiling the beads around his wrist, obviously not as calm as on the surface, in fact Pan'er probably guessed his mind, if it has nothing to do with ghosts, then it is exactly what the crown princess said, the only ones who hurt people are those sitting in the hall.

No matter whether they are favored or not, they are all his wives and concubines. I am afraid that he is also unhappy in his heart.

About two quarters of an hour later, the interrogation of the others was over, and there was no suspicion. They really didn't know how the little eunuch died, including his roommates. Everyone fell asleep in the dead of night. , no one knows when he went out.

In fact, thinking about it, there was such an incident in Jidetang before, few people dared to walk around at night, they either worked as errands at night, or hid in the house. But if you think about it another way, this is also an opportunity. No one dares to move around. Naturally, it is convenient for people in the dark to harm others, and it is not surprising that people will not find out.

The matter seemed to have come to an impasse, the prince put down the teacup, pinched the prayer beads on his wrist and said, "Go ahead and check, Fu Lu, you come and check, as for you, go back to your respective yards now..."

Before the words finished, the Crown Princess said: "Your Highness, we'd better wait."

As soon as she said this, everyone in the hall was a little puzzled, but Pan'er subconsciously looked outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, other people also reacted, some were a little restless, and some were frowning. After being startled, Hu Liangdi smiled and said: "It seems that the Crown Princess has already made arrangements, and I don't know if this matter tonight was also arranged by the Crown Princess in order to catch the so-called real murderer behind the scenes."

The princess patted the armrest of the throne and shouted: "Hu Liangdi, be careful!"

As expected of being a crown princess for a long time, needless to say the majesty on her body, even if the crown princess is still ill, this angry shout made many people bow their heads.

The prince was thoughtful.

At this moment, a few people walked in from the door, the leader was Nanny Chen who had not been seen all this time. At the same time, there are the servants of Liu Chenghui's courtyard, and Hu Liangdi's personal maids are picturesque.

They were escorted in.

Ruhua came in and cried: "Master, Mammy Chen led people to break into the courtyard, but the servants and Xiao Lizi stopped them, Nanny Chen said we disrespected the princess, and wanted to arrest us and deal with it."

Hu Liangdi lazily said: "Then let them catch you?"

Ruhua knelt there, wiping her tears: "Slaves are slaves of the master, and even if the princess wants to deal with us, she has to go through the master. Madam Chen is pressing hard, and the slaves really can't do it, so I follow her to make a clear distinction. Ruyan and the others are still guarding the yard, without the master speaking, even if the slaves and servants are killed, they cannot be allowed to break into the yard."

Look, this kind of slave is a qualified slave, Pan'er couldn't help thinking, if one day Cattail and the others encounter such a thing, I'm afraid they won't be able to do so properly. In the face of the prince, he sued the princess.

But in comparison, Liu Chenghui's servant was obviously useless. At this time, his legs and feet were weak and he was pushed in by someone. Before he could get close, he collapsed on the ground.

Liu Chenghui's face turned pale all of a sudden, and Pan'er had a realization in his heart that maybe today's matter might be over.

For the picturesque complaint, Mother Chen ignored it, but after saluting the prince and princess, she reported: "The servant was ordered to search the yard of Hu Liangdi and Liu Chenghui, and found a bag of unused items from Liu Chenghui's room. When the bag of white phosphorus was found, Liu Chenghui's personal court lady Yinger stopped her. When the servant found out that it was filled with white phosphorus, she turned pale with fright. The servant suspected that what happened tonight was ordered by Liu Chenghui. As for whether there are other masters behind the scenes, I don't know."

Pan'er became more and more excited to watch, the master's fight is so exciting, this turn of events, this time a horse shot, even the minions between each other are showing their sharpness.

Ruhua complained beforehand, and Nanny Chen backhanded the army. What she obviously didn't need to say made her speak as if there was someone in charge behind her back, and her thoughts were drawn to Hu Liangdi who refused to search the yard.

Sure enough, Hu Liangdi's counterattack also came.

"Then according to what the nanny said, I am the mastermind behind this? I would like to ask, why did the Crown Princess let the servants search my yard without the consent of me, Liang Di? Well, we treat everyone equally, but we only search for me and Liu Chenghui. What Liu Chenghui did has nothing to do with me. I have never had any contact with her, and we are usually nodding acquaintances.

"Oh, yes, it's not that we have no relationship. The third princess was sick a while ago, and the third princess liked the set of clothes Liu Chenghui sent, so I asked someone to get the materials and asked her to help the third princess make two The Crown Princess will not want to put a shit bowl on my head just because of this? Then, in the future, it is best for people in the backyard to meet each other and not to know each other, so as not to be splashed Dirty water."

The Crown Princess said with a straight face, "Hu Liangdi is careful, I didn't say that."

Hu Liangdi laughed: "You didn't say that, that's what the servants around you did. Anyway, no matter whether it's me or not, I will be suspected of being the mastermind behind it just because of what you did today? Blackwater doesn’t have your splashing skills either.”

The more Hu Liangdi talked, the more aggrieved she became, she stood up with her big belly, and instead of looking at the concubine, she just looked at the prince aggrievedly.

Liangdi is the same concubine, if this happened to Xu Liangyuan and He Liangyuan today, she could only knock out her teeth and swallow blood, but Hu Liangdi is different, not to mention that she gave birth to the three princes, and there is one in her belly. With her status, this matter cannot be handled casually.

Before the crown prince could speak, the princess concubine took the lead and said: "I ordered people to search the yard. Recently, there have been rumors in the East Palace, and the servants below are all panicked. If it spreads out, what will others hear? Don't worry. Hu Liangdi, don't worry, not only yours was searched, but other people's were also searched, it is estimated that Nanny Chen came back first because she was in a hurry to return."

The words of the Crown Princess made Hu Liangdi a complete joke.

It was also Nanny Chen who was treacherous and cunning, and deliberately misled Hu Liangdi. It is estimated that she and the princess dug a hole for Hu Liangdi.

Hu Liangdi sat back awkwardly, but she didn't admit defeat: "You guys didn't say it directly, so I can't blame me for misunderstanding."

Sure enough, not long after, everyone else came back, along with Xu Liangyuan, He Liangyuan and the servants around Pan'er.

Pan'er followed the prince to Jide Hall, and brought Bai Zhu with him, while the others stayed in the courtyard. This time, Aunt Qing and Cattail followed. Aunt Qing's face was serious, Cattail was full of grievances, it seemed that the yard had been searched.

Pan'er raised her forehead, she really came here for whatever she wanted, but there was nothing shady in her yard, so she was not afraid of being searched.

It's just that this matter can be one thing, not two or three. If the searcher deliberately planted a frame, it would be difficult to deal with this matter.

Because thinking of this, Xu Liangyuan and the others all looked solemn, but they didn't say anything. Now is not the time to talk about these things.

Nothing suspicious was found in other people's yards, only Liu Chenghui.

"You're framing!" Liu Chenghui fell to his knees and cried. He walked up to the prince step by step, "Your Highness, the concubine dare not do such a thing, and she will not do it. The concubine has no reason, and without even saying hello, she sent people to search the concubine's yard. The concubine is here Ji Detang, who knows if someone deliberately framed it, the servant girl doesn't know how the white phosphorous came from, and the servant girl can't get it."

"If you had said hello in advance, wouldn't Liu Chenghui have destroyed the corpses and wiped out the things long ago, and waited for the slaves and others to search? Besides, the slaves haven't said what the white phosphorus is used for, so why did Liu Chenghui want to get rid of it? See Come on, you know very well what this white phosphorus is used for." Mother Chen said.

Indeed, ordinary women don't know that white phosphorus can spontaneously ignite, and its ignition point is very low. Once it ignites, it will float in the air with the wind, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The reason why Pan'er knew was that Emperor Jianping was obsessed with alchemy for a while in his later years. Although it was just Emperor Jianping's mystification to confuse others, she didn't know it at the time. In order to persuade him, she learned about it privately.

This white phosphorus is very rare, except for those wandering warlocks who will use it in alchemy, it is only used by the Ministry of Industry and Shenjiying to develop gunpowder. Ordinary people can't see it, and naturally they don't know what it can do. I didn't see it before Chen Mama mentioned white phosphorus, Xu Liangyuan and others were confused, but Liu Chenghui acted as if he knew what it was.

Liu Chenghui also seemed to know that he had neglected it, and explained in tears: "My concubine doesn't know what the white phosphorous is for, but Madam Chen swears that it is a harmful thing, so my concubine naturally has to defend herself."

No one paid any attention to her. After Madam Chen revealed the characteristics of this white phosphorus, combined with her previous reaction, it was like stamping Liu Chenghui.