Ying Chong

Chapter 80


When the news came, Pan Er was playing with two children.

Ever since they were half a year old, Wanluan and Yue'er have been the same day by day. At first they couldn't sit up, then they could sit up and look around with their heads propped up, and then they could crawl.

It was also from this time that the two little ones became more inseparable from people, and they had to be watched all the time, because if they didn't pay attention, they would crawl away without a trace.

Especially Wanrong, she was born stronger than her younger brother, and her arms and legs were also stronger. At first, Yueer could sit before her, but later she learned to crawl before her younger brother.

Pan'er was really afraid that they would fall and fall, so she had no choice but to spread a thick red carpet in the east room where the two children lived, and put away all the sharp, angular things, as well as those small and heavy things. If it's light, you have to beware that they want to stand up with something, and they don't have enough weight to hit people.

Not to mention that a nine-month-old child can't stand up, Wanrong has been showing signs of this recently. She usually sits when she is asked to sit on the kang, but now she is not satisfied with sitting, and always wants to support herself with something.

At this moment Wanrong was holding on to the Kang table, tremblingly trying to stand up. Pan'er has been staring at the side all the time, with his hands spread behind him to be on guard

She couldn't stand and fell, and when Xiao Dezi finished speaking, the room was suddenly quiet.

It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, only Wanrong was still exerting her strength.

Pan'er was a little unaccustomed to this kind of silence, and looked down, all of them lowered their heads, as if the sky was about to collapse.

She couldn't help touching her face. Could it be that she is really a jealous bag as the prince said, so jealous that even the people around her thought that she would not be happy when they heard the news

What gave them this illusion

Pan'er thought back very seriously, it should have something to do with the two times she ate vinegar on the southern tour. Especially for the first time, someone sent a beauty to the prince, and she recruited the beauty to watch the singing and dancing. It is estimated that everyone below can see that Su Fengyi, who will be passed on to the prince later, is jealous.

And that time at the Jiang family later, in order to dig a hole for the daughter of the Jiang family, she said some involuntary and eccentric little words to imply that the prince was jealous, which probably gave them the illusion.

But this time is not that time, this is the East Palace, even if it is entered, it is a serious selection process, it is bestowed by the elders, can she still refuse to follow

Well, she admits that she feels a little uncomfortable, but it's just a little bit, she is aware of her weight, definitely not as serious as they are, and now she is not jealous, nor is she jealous anymore.

The atmosphere that followed was a bit weird, and Aunt Qing seemed to be afraid that she would be in a bad mood, so she drove everyone out.

Only Wanrong continued to compete with the Kang table, and Yue'er sat on the other side of the Kang table, pointing at the strip-shaped goat's milk pastry on the plate, as if she wanted to eat it.

Speaking of the shortbread made with goat’s milk, it was served from the dining room. I chose fresh goat’s milk, boiled it and added almonds to remove the fishy smell. After cooling down, I used the goat’s milk to knead the noodles, and added eggs to the noodles. Porcelain is solid, then kneaded into strips, and baked in the hearth.

This thing is as hard as a door stick after it is cooled, but it is best used to grind the teeth of babies. Pan'er doesn't know how the dining room came up with it. One is in the little hand, and it can sit there and chew for half an hour.

Pan Er doubted that they would be able to eat this food, but later found out that the two children were actually very smart.

Aunt Qing picked up one and broke it in half, gave half to Yue'er, and planned to give the other half to Wanrong, so that she would not compete with the Kang table. But this little girl is stubborn, she usually likes it very much, but today she just doesn't notice it, she tried her best to stand up, but unfortunately she couldn't stand still and fell back to her seat.

She let out a very unhappy whirring sound and continued to fight.

"I don't know who this girl is following. I was not so stubborn when I was young." Pan'er laughed.

Seeing that Aunt Qing didn't speak, she glanced at Aunt Qing: "Auntie, you don't think I'm unhappy, do you?"

Only then did Aunt Qing look at her seriously, smiled, and sighed again: "It's fine if you can think about it, I was thinking about how to persuade you. If you were outside, even if you lost your temper... it's nothing, but This is not outside, but the Forbidden City. You have two children, and now you are a mother, so you have to be considerate when you do things. But I think it is too cruel to say that, after all, you are a child yourself.

"People in the world say that women should not be jealous, but it is natural for women to be jealous, but how to be jealous is a science. At the beginning, my aunt didn't study this knowledge thoroughly, but she was shocked by the reality beyond recognition. She wanted to give you some advice, but she didn't know where to start. Speaking of which, there are no suitable examples around me, so I can only say that you did a good job during the southern tour, and it is okay for women to be a little jealous, but if you make yourself look hideous because of jealousy, you will fall to the bottom."

Pan'er smiled, and took a piece of sour cream from the plate and chewed it in his mouth: "Don't worry, aunt, I know my own weight, the princess is not jealous, so it's my turn."

If it was the past, Aunt Qing would have been silent, but now she asked, "Really?"

It seems that he is really worried about her.

Pan'er couldn't help but touched his face again, thinking that the master has made himself like this, isn't it a bit of a failure? Or is she taking herself too lightly lately? No one seems to worry about her.

She was the last woman in her previous life, and she is only here now, but it is worth such a fuss to get in a few people. After that, there will be a draft every three years, and the crown prince will not be pulled down when he returns as the heir. If she really wants to be jealous drowned her

Pan'er felt that her thinking was quite reasonable, she nodded affirmatively, "Of course it's true."

Having said that, Pan'er found that she had become a fragile product, and the servants around her were very light-hearted all day long, even Cattail, who was always quarrelsome and laughing, stopped laughing, her little face was tense, Like who owed her a few taels of silver.

Pan'er can't pretend to the slaves that he's fine, he can only act as if he's fine and say nothing.

The prince came in the afternoon, he looked dressed as if he had come back from outside, and after sitting down, he held her hand and looked at her.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

The prince didn't speak.

Seeing his tightly wrapped clothes, Pan'er could only change the subject: "Are you still going to the front? If you don't go to the concubine, I will serve you to change clothes. It's so hot, and you still wear such thick clothes."

The prince thought for a while and said, "I won't go, I will stay alone with you."

Pan'er was surprised by this sentence. Generally speaking, the prince is not a sweet talker, and the prince is very busy recently, she knows this. The last time the prince came to her was four days ago, and the last time was five days ago, she was still wondering if she had fallen out of favor because of her old age, but only learned from Cattail that the prince has not come to the backyard recently.

Naturally, Cattail did not inquire about this news, but Xiao Dezi told her. Since she trained Xiao Dezi that time, this kid has changed his tricks. He no longer reported the matter to her, but told Cattail, and Cattail was deliberating whether to tell her or not.

In the past two weeks, the prince has come to the backyard three times, one time at noon, to have lunch in Jide Hall, and that evening to her, and the last time he came to her.

So the prince who is so busy suddenly spared half the afternoon and the whole night to accompany her, to be honest, Pan'er was a little flattered.

After the prince said such words, Pan'er naturally couldn't ask his servants to help him change his clothes, and the two went to the inner room. She personally found the prince's homely clothes from the cabinet, and took them out for him to change.

Unbuttoning and unbuttoning her belt, Pan'er was very familiar with the job, but the prince looked at her hair top, a little bit hesitant to speak.

What do you say? Don't be afraid even if you get a newcomer, he won't neglect her. Said that he thought the princess had learned it well, but who knew that she had learned it well, that is, she learned it too well.

These words can't be said, the prince himself can't say it.

In the past six months, he has been watching the changes of the princess. Seeing that the princess is sensible, he is actually quite relieved in his heart. the wall.

He even considered that if the Crown Princess could keep going like this, after a few years, when the first few children had stopped, he would give the Crown Princess another child.

Unexpectedly, this idea just came up, the crown princess took care of the queen dowager.

The prince suddenly felt mixed feelings in his heart.

But can he pick the princess' fault

... No, the Crown Princess did nothing wrong, she was not even jealous or contentious, and she took the initiative to ask for someone from the East Palace.

Can he say that from the moment the princess transformed, he has been waiting for the princess to reveal her cards, and now the truth is finally revealed, so everything is for this

No, saying this really proves that his heart is biased.

In fact, the prince's heart has long been sidelined, but he hasn't realized it yet. After this incident, he realized it.

The crown princess went to please the queen mother as a backer, and he felt that there was something tricky here, so he turned his head and reminded Pan'er to please the queen mother. The crown prince just took care of the queen mother's important people, and the next moment the prince felt that she had finally revealed her purpose. Everything was to deal with the woman he was guarding behind.

But calm down and think about it, the princess did everything right, at least on the surface, and it was his heart that was biased.

But if you say that the princess's purpose is completely pure, and she doesn't have the slightest intention to deal with Yuanyuan in her heart, the prince doesn't believe it either.

Otherwise, how could he say that the Crown Princess has learned so well, look, she is upright and upright, no one can find fault.

And when he came here, Yuanyuan seemed to have no idea why he came here, and sometimes the prince didn't feel that it was wrong to be biased.

If he didn't pay attention to such a foolish woman, not only would she become meat on the chopping board, but she would also implicate the two children.

The prince, who had been made quite helpless by his own brain, looked at Pan'er more and more hated iron for being weak.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you today? Your eyes are a little weird." Pan'er touched his lapel and said.

"It's nothing, Gu was just thinking, when will you learn to be smarter." The prince said in the tone of an old father worrying about a silly girl.


The smart princess is waiting to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and watch the tigers fight from the mountain. The smart Hu Liangdi may have already planned how to use the newcomer to make things difficult for the princess, but you just came to me who is not smart.

Pan'er sometimes thinks that men are actually quite selfish. On the one hand, he asks you to be tolerant and generous, and on the other hand, he asks you to be smart and sensible. You can't be too stupid. If you are too stupid, he will disappoint you, but you can't be too smart, too stupid. Clever women, especially high-ranking women, are too easy to give men a sense of crisis. You want to be able to go to the hall and become the wife of the clan, but in private, you also need to know how to be sexy and act like a baby, so as to satisfy his manly mentality.

In fact, Pan'er really wants to tell the people below that sometimes it's not that she lives too carelessly and comfortably, but that reality doesn't allow it. An opera singer who sings to the highest level can only make the people below cry, but sooner or later there will still be a day of acting, and the most comfortable way is to put yourself in it and fool yourself first.

So it's not that she's not smart or brainless, it's just that she's used to it.

"What are you sighing for?"

It wasn't until she heard the prince's voice that Pan'er realized that she sighed.

Obviously he was thinking too much, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes were serious and complicated.

Looking at his eyes, Pan'er thought, so he still takes himself a little bit in his heart, right? Otherwise, why came here in a hurry today, afraid that she would be jealous, that the crown princess's wrists are too high, she is not the crown princess's opponent, so she came to support her with open fire

So Su Pan'er, don't be too greedy, this life is much better than the previous life.

Pan'er, who was so moved by herself, immediately fell into the prince's arms and said nothing.

But how could it be nothing

The prince wanted to say something comforting, but he couldn't say it, and in the end he just said one sentence - "Everything is fine, but I'm too jealous."

The name of the vinegar bag has been firmly worn on the plate on the head, indicating that he does not want to say anything.

Needless to say, it was done, so Pan'er was very enthusiastic this evening.

It's also fortunate that the crown prince has a good concentration. He used to be abstinent all the year round, and he wasn't very keen on this kind of thing. If it was someone who sings and sings every night, I'm afraid it will be directly in Pan'er's hands.

For several days, the prince would come over every night.

Even if you don't do anything, just lie in bed and talk.

The people around Pan'er began to perk up again. Although it wasn't quite as smooth as walking, it was almost the same.

Because of this movement, the whole East Palace came to another conclusion - even if the Crown Princess turned over, Su Liangdi would not fall out of favor. Look at this posture, every concubine in the East Palace counts as one, and no one can be as good as a flatterer.

With Yuqing Palace's attitude here, few people would dare to praise the high and step down, so no one would dare, and some even secretly bet that even if those newcomers came in, they might not be able to steal Su Liangdi's limelight.

Soon, the newcomer entered the door.

As usual, the prince did not show up that night. But he is not in Yuqing Palace, but in Pan'er's courtyard. In the afternoon, Pan'er asked Xiao Dezi to send a stack of paper to Yuqing Palace, saying that it was a calligraphy practiced recently, and asked the prince to taste it.

The prince turned around, not to mention that he didn't make any progress at all, it was even worse than before, it happened that he had nothing to do at that time, so he went to Pan'er's yard, no one came out after entering.