Ying Chong

Chapter 81


In fact, it was better to practice calligraphy first, but Pan'er is half-hearted.

After the paper was laid out, she said she missed the child, and told the prince that Wanrong would stand up. The crown prince didn't quite believe this, not to mention that the eldest princess didn't learn to walk until she was over one year old, and the second princess and the third princess were held by the nanny when they were two years old.

Pan'er asked the nanny to bring the baby over.

The weather is hot, even if an ice basin is placed in the house, it will not relieve much of the heat. Both Wanrong and Yue'er were wearing small red bellybands and a pair of shorts underneath.

As soon as she took off her clothes, it was obvious that Wanrong was much fatter than Yue'er, but Yue'er was not shorter than her sister, on the contrary, she was a little taller than her sister, but she was a little thinner than her sister.

As soon as they saw their father, the eyes of the two children lit up, but Wanrong's performance was more obvious, she stretched out her little hand and tried hard for the prince, wanting to hug him.

"When you see the father, you have to hug him, you little man." Pan'er smiled and stuffed the hand into the prince's arms, and took the son over.

On the other side, just as the prince hugged his daughter, Wanrong was unwilling to be lonely, and grabbed the skirt of the prince's clothes and started to struggle, making the prince flustered.

"What does she want?"

Pan'er gloated and said: "She wants to stand. You hold her like this, don't hold her too tightly, this girl's energy is getting stronger and stronger, the two wet nurses can't stand her, so I have to add two more maids, Four people circle around her every day, and everyone is exhausted."

As she spoke, she put Yue'er aside, and went to help the prince into a hug position. Finally, no one was holding her down, and she stood up, grabbing the prince's skirt with a swish.

Standing up, she was still restless, her little feet were stepping on the prince's thigh, and she made an excited oooh sound, as if she wanted to jump up.

"Her legs are very strong." The prince looked at his daughter in surprise.

At this time, there was a crisp sound from the kang table, but it was Yue'er who went to get something on the kang table and knocked over the teacup.

"Yue'er, what do you want? Eat, or drink?"

Yue'er didn't even look at the Kang table, but looked at this side, stretched out two chubby hands, patted them, and spread them out.

This is to hug.

It was Pan'er who taught the two children, like this month-old child, who is in the stage of wanting to talk but can't say it, wanting to go but can't go, but he has already begun to have his own emotions and meanings. Once unsatisfied, he will lose his temper and cry.

Pan'er can only instruct the nannies in ordinary times, teach them to distinguish some things, point to what they want to eat, and point to the cup if they want to drink. Both children are very smart, and they can recognize things after teaching them twice.

As for the action of hugging, it was specially taught by Pan'er.

Without him, Yue'er is well-behaved, and her emotions are not as outgoing as her sister's. Wanrong would reach out to grab her when she wanted to hug her, but he just sat there and watched eagerly. Of course, this eagerness is Pan'er's own imagination. Anyway, she just can't understand it, so she privately told her son to want to hug him, clap his hands, and mother will know.

"Yue'er is jealous, seeing that the father only hugs his sister, not Yue'er?"

Obviously Pan'er's words are too complicated, Yue'er can't understand at all, but the child doesn't understand, the child's father understands, these words were originally meant for the child's father.

The child's father glanced at her, said "there are many tricks", put his daughter down, and took his son from her.

The child's mother went to hug her daughter, but Pan'er's small body couldn't bear Wanrong's tossing like this. She asked Cattail and the others to clean up the Kang table and put Wanrong in front of the Kang table. This stupid girl began to compete with the Kang table.

The prince still knows his son, he knows that he is more obedient than his daughter, and he is much more well-behaved.

Every time he hugs Wanrong, Wanrong tosses on him, pulling the hem of the clothes and belt is light, but he always sits obediently.

But this time Yue'er was dishonest, and even pulled the prince's skirt with his hands. It didn't count if he grabbed it, he also stood up with a whoosh.

In all the surprised eyes in the room.

Pan'er reacted the most: "Yue'er, when will you stand up, why doesn't mother know!"

Anyway, she asked Pan'er to watch, and she didn't find any intention of her son not being willing to sit. He was very quiet and well-behaved.

Yue'er couldn't speak, so naturally he couldn't answer her.

He slowly sat back on the prince's lap again, with a calm look of "flicking off his clothes when it's over, hiding his achievements and fame".

Of course, this is all made up by outsiders, but compared to Wanrong's usual bluffing, this can give people a sense of inscrutability.

The prince was surprised, but also felt that the child was very smart, knew how to be jealous, and knew how to express himself.

A child who is only ten months old.

He met a pair of eyes that were equally slender but smaller than his size, and the word 'child prodigy' popped out of his mind. However, the prince is not new to the world, so he knows that it is too early to say this.

After such a lot of tossing, it was naturally getting late, and it was time for dinner.

Now Wanrong and Yue'er can start to eat some food, which are not too hard food such as porridge, soup, boiled noodles and so on.

Originally, the nannies didn't agree with it, and they didn't even pass their first year, so how could they add food. Not to mention that generally the children of rich and noble families are breastfed until they are more than one year old before they start to add food slowly, and there are not a few children in the palace who are breastfed until they are three or five years old.

Everyone in the palace thinks milk is a good thing, especially human breasts.

But Pan'er was based on the experience of her previous life. In her previous life, because she fed Yue'er herself, when the child was seven or eight months old, the milk was no longer enough. She had no choice but to supplement him with porridge and noodles.

Unexpectedly, Yue'er ate well and her teeth grew well. Gradually, she ate more and more, and the milk became a supplement.

Moreover, the children raised in this way are very strong. Yue'er hardly suffered from any illnesses when he was young. Later, Xiao Shiliu was raised in the same way, and he was also raised very well. So this time, Pan'er didn't hesitate very much. When the two children were more than seven months old and showed great interest in eating, they asked the nannies to add some porridge for them, adding it gradually.

But this matter is still hidden from the prince for the time being, so when it was time to eat, Pan'er asked someone to carry the child down.

After eating, I want to digest the food, so I naturally mentioned practicing calligraphy.

The two went to the study.

The prince looked at it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with Pan'er's posture. The problem was the strength of her writing, that is, improper wrist force.

He walked over and taught her how to write, "Be light when it should be light, heavy when it should be heavy, fold it horizontally and vertically, write with strength when turning, and the character will come out..."

Pan'er was dizzy and lost his mind when he heard it.

Looking sideways at his face, he was already handsome, so focused, and smelled good. Especially the jaw, Pan'er once studied whether a person's face looks good or not is related to the nose and the jaw. As long as the jaw is delicate, people are generally not ugly.

She couldn't hold back a bite on his chin, kind of light.

The prince thought she was being naughty again, so he grabbed her hand with his other hand and pinched it, but she bit it again and licked it twice.

Now the meaning will not be misinterpreted, the prince's hand went down and pinched her thigh and buttocks.

Then it will be a matter of course.

The prince is not a very old-fashioned person, but it is the first time to do this kind of thing in the study, the study and the second room are separated by a curtain, there is no sound insulation at all, and the servants are guarding outside. That feeling was exciting and stimulating, both of them were like this, waiting for something to happen, not only did they fail to practice their writing, but the desk was also messed up.

Especially Pan'er's newly made skirt, which was stained black in several places, so she couldn't wear it anymore.

"It's all your fault."

Pan'er likes this skirt very much. The key is that the color of this skirt is good. The smoke color is matched with the dark pink veil. It is a beautiful skirt without adding any embroidery.

It is a tribute.

Pan'er is the only horse, which was rewarded by Empress Fu. In addition to making this skirt, the rest was used to make two bellybands.

The prince was also a little embarrassed, so I don't need to elaborate on why he was embarrassed.

"Hey, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has sent a new batch of materials. I'll ask Fulu to send you some tomorrow."

"Then what about these...?" Pan'er pointed to the mess on the table, the skirt was stained, think about those papers and so on.

"Let the servants clean up." The prince said disapprovingly, and then he left.


Yes, to the west bedroom.

Leaving the plate behind, she looked at the mess on the table with a sad face, he was sorry but she was embarrassed, so she had to clean it up by herself. Crush all the papers that seem to contain suspicious objects, throw them into the brazier, and then call the cattails.

"Master, are you alright?" Cattail thought the two masters had lost their temper, otherwise why would the prince go to the bedroom alone.

"What could be the matter? My father asked me to practice calligraphy. I overturned the inkstone and stained my skirt. You burn these. I wrote them all." She pointed to the brazier and hurriedly busy away.

After both of them took a bath and lay down on the bed, the prince suddenly laughed, very strangely.

Pan'er asked him what he was laughing at, but he didn't say anything.

She went to tickle him, Pan'er knew where the prince's tickle was, and she scratched him accurately, but the prince had no choice but to tell the truth.

Say she is a vinegar bag.

Vinegar bag is vinegar bag, anyway, he has already defined her.

Pan'er got up very late the next day, even the crown prince got up, but she was still still.

After the prince had bathed and changed his clothes, there was still no movement on the bed, so he could only shake his head helplessly and leave.

The crown prince rested at Su Liangdi's place last night, everyone in the East Palace knew about it, and the princess also knew about it. The princess was quite surprised that the prince suddenly loved Su Liangdi so much.

It's not that the prince didn't love Pan'er before, but the princess knew that the prince was busy recently, so she inevitably didn't come to the backyard much.

Recently, I went to Pan'er's yard suddenly and frequently, and the meaning could not be more clear.

But the princess didn't want to understand, because once she understood it, it would prove that she was still going the wrong way, and she had no energy and no possibility to change to the second way, so she could only turn a deaf ear to it.

Fortunately, the prince still showed up in Jide Hall this morning, but Pan'er did not.

"Su Liangdi feels a little uncomfortable."

This is the explanation given by the prince, and no one dares to question it. Those who can't hold back, such as where are you upset, why are you upset, why are you obviously upset, prince, you rested there last night, all were suppressed by this sentence.

After getting up, I heard the prince said that she was upset. Since he smoothed things over for her, let her continue to be upset.

Out of this kind of tacit understanding and a bit weird mentality, Pan'er was not feeling well for the next ten days, but she didn't forget to ask someone to send something to Yuqing Palace.

Sometimes it's the calligraphy practiced, sometimes it's a bowl of soup, sometimes it's the nonsense poems and lyrics that she made out of her poetic enthusiasm, and in the words of the prince, these are all obscene words and songs, which cannot be put on the stage.

However, he is very useful and useful, and he will definitely come back every time he receives something.

Usually it starts with feigning anger, saying that she is not good at learning, that she doesn't study hard enough, that the poems she writes are uneven and uneven, and that her words are not good, and so on. Pan'er always acted coquettishly and acted like a good boy, and usually ended up with the crown prince instructing her to compose poems.

After filling in the poem and writing the lyrics, the natural person doesn't have to leave, so the scene in the backyard of the East Palace has been staged every day recently that Su Liangdi is upset and the crown prince wants to see her every day.

After half a month like this, Pan'er knows that there are many people who hate her outside even if she stays at home, but she doesn't want to care about it now, he made it up, and he will end it by himself, just treat her as capricious.

But the crown prince just pretended not to know, and accompanied her to make troubles, which seemed to mean watching who would ride the tiger.

The concubine had already called the imperial physician back for Pan'er, but she was fooled by Pan'er. This was the second time that the concubine had asked the imperial physician to check the pulse of 'Su Liangdi who is not feeling well'.

Just when Pan'er couldn't help but wonder if enough was enough, the imperial physician diagnosed her with a happy pulse.