You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Author: 顾漫

Latest: Chapter 73

Status: Completed


Genres: Urban, Campus, Modern Romance

Tags: campus life  drama  family grudge  josei  modern romance 

A young love that leads to a lifetime of entanglement. Zhao Mosheng in college days was sunny and fell in love with He Yichen, a talented law student at first sight. She was cheerful and straightforward, and she chased after her, and finally made the talented him stop for her. However, he was not good at expressing and finally made her go away from a sad place. Seven years later, when Zhao Mosheng returned to China, he was the first to see him in a crowded supermarket. He was still handsome and outstanding... This book starts from the encounter in the supermarket seven years later, and tells a story of unforgettable love. sue. The male protagonist, He Yichen, is affectionate and persistent. Beneath his calm appearance, there is surging lovesickness, and the deepest tenderness is hidden in his cold language. If she had ever appeared in the world, anyone else would be a success for him, and he was unwilling to make it... As he himself said: "If this wait has an end, 7 years and What's the difference in seven minutes?"


A young love leads to a lifetime of entanglements. Zhao Mo Sheng is a university student with a sunny disposition. The bright and cheerful Mo Sheng fell in love at first sight with He Yi Chen, one of the top students from the Law Faculty. However, his poor communication skill, makes her depart sadly for overseas. Seven years later, Zhao Mo Sheng returned home and spotted him immediately in a crowded supermarket, …….

This is a very short and sweet story about two college sweethearts, who separated on a bitter note but fate tosses them together again seven years later.

 一段年少时的爱恋,牵出一生的纠缠。大学时代的赵默笙阳光灿烂,对法学系大才子何以琛一见倾心,开朗直率的她拔足倒追,终于使才气出众的他为她停留驻足。然而,不善表达的他终于使她在一次伤心之下远走他乡。七年后,赵默笙回国,在超市在拥挤的人潮中,第一眼就看到他,他俊挺依旧,出众依然……本书从七年后超市的相遇开始,把一段刻骨铭心的爱情娓娓诉来。男主角何以琛深情而执着,平静的外表下汹涌着刻骨的相思,冷淡的语言中暗藏着最深的温柔。如果世界上曾经有她出现过,其他任何人对他来说,都成了将就,而他,不愿意将就…… 就如他自己所言:“如果这份等待有尽头,7年和7分钟又有什么区别呢?”

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