You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 1: Write to Turtle Man (Wen/Ming Xiaoxi)


It's finally time to write the preface to the long "Why Sheng Xiao Mo". You know, it's really not easy to wait until this day, it's not easy, let's be moved first. Turtle Man is often depressed, complaining that the pseudonym was wrong at the beginning. Isn't "Gu Man" just that "Gu" is still so "manic" regardless of the shattering of the sky, if she was called "Gu Kuai", she must have finished writing it long ago.

I often think Manman is a genius.

It's hard to be able to write so slowly and without a bit of genius, especially when she actually writes every day. Whenever a friend mentions the long "Why Sheng Xiao Mo", I reply that she has not finished it yet, and the expressions of amazement and amazement on the faces of my friends are really funny. She wrote this "Why" for two years. The tortoise has already climbed, how could it be so slow! Therefore, Manman has a very famous nickname - "turtle". Khan, seriously, the tortoise will be very aggrieved, its speed is much faster than the long, haha.

Writing here, I seem to be able to see the aggrieved expression on the long frowning face.

She writes slowly, also because her requirements for writing are too strict.

Every sentence, every word, every transition, she revises and considers it repeatedly, and carefully understands the nuances of different expressions. For example, "he pushed open the window" and "she lowered her head", she would think about these "xx" for a long time. If you write the climax of the plot, on QQ, you will see her constantly vomiting blood, hanging herself and hitting the wall. Even if it takes a long time, she must show the most perfect and in-place feeling. Sometimes we laugh at her seriously to the point of being a bit BT.

So "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is like a pearl. She spent a long time, painstakingly cared for, carefully revised and polished, so that the story is as crystal clear and moist as pearls, with a touch of light, deep inside, which may not be amazing at first glance, but it will soften the intestines and knots after reading it. , can no longer look away.

"Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is one of my favorite essays. It's light and affectionate, warm and affectionate. The words seem simple, but there seems to be an intoxicating aroma of wine between the lines, and I'm drunk without knowing it. Manman is best at writing warmth, and every warm scene is extremely moving.

I once saw a reader leave a message under her article saying-

"The warmth is not enough, because it is more penetrating than the warmth; the warmth is not enough, it is more lingering than the warmth; the romance is not enough, it is so real.

The kind of gentleness with a bit of arrogance, the kind of lovesickness that pretends to be indifferent, and the slightest thoughtfulness revealed in the indifference, such a man is the most beautiful love in the dream.

So I squatted firmly in the pit. "

Yes, it is precisely because of this that a story such as "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is not very long. It has been serialized for more than two years, but it is still unforgettable, and its charm lies in this.

Getting to know Manman starts from this article. At that time, I had a friend Sophie who liked "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" very much, so she kept saying "Gu Man" and "Gu Man" in my ear all day long, and encouraged me to read her texts. I'm not satisfied with the text Sophie only, but I must get to know the author Gu Man before I'm willing. Finally one day, she solemnly introduced me and Manman to each other on QQ.

Ah, why does it feel like a "blind date", lol.

I am a very slow heat type.

At that time, I just got to know each other, but I didn't get to know each other deeply. Thinking about it now, at that time, she and I both hid our "evil" side from each other, and we both pretended to be "lady", very humble, friendly and gentle, hehe, so there was a sense of distance. Later, as the days passed and we experienced a lot of things together, the "camouflage" could no longer be carried out, and it was surprising to find that we were such people who had a good relationship with each other.

Same gossip.

Same laziness.

Also likes to laugh and cry.

Later, it developed to the point of "meeting" every day, chatting all the time, gossiping all the time, writing articles together, and saying "goodbye" to each other at night before going to bed.

Such a close friendship may not last long (Khan, ignore me, I'm starting to be pessimistic again), but I cherish this wonderful time, which makes each other's novels seem to have more warmth and sunshine.

So, when Manman wants to publish this book, I have undertaken this sequence. I am a little ashamed, I am not good at writing prefaces, I have no theory, and I have no sense of logic. I always say something related or irrelevant. However, to be able to leave these words in the long book should be the best comment on our friendship.

What kind of story will Manman write next

She is an inspirational person, and all kinds of strange ideas will always pop up in her mind, often running up shouting, excitedly saying: "I thought of a story, a great story. , be sure to write it out!" Then excitedly wished that she would finish it in a few months.

We always look at her with "sympathy":

"Is "Why" finished?"

She suddenly showed a grieved expression of grief.

"If you can finish 'Why,' we'll trust you to finish the next one." We smiled reassuringly at her.

So, she would perform another show of vomiting blood and hanging herself against the wall, not speaking aggrievedly.

Now, Wu Guiman's "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is finally finished, and she can finally carry out her new article easily. Although I don't know how long it will take for her to complete it, I believe it will still be a very good article with her pursuit of perfection that is almost harsh.

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