You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 18: Destiny (4)


"No wait, in fact, I just want to come and see if she is doing well, and then, there are some things I want to ask her." Mo Sheng paused, "Now I already know that she is doing well, those things, I also suddenly I don't want to ask."

The end has been so, the reason is no longer important.

"Aunt Huang, thank you. Please don't say I've been here."

Before leaving, I asked Aunt Huang for the address of my father's cemetery, Block 157, Area A, Jinji Mountain, which seems to be the same number as a residential address.

It’s not the season of worship like Qingming, there are almost no people on Jinji Mountain, Mo Sheng is sitting beside his father’s tombstone, leaning his head on the tombstone, just like the father and daughter chatting posture when his father was alive.

Mo Sheng is also chatting with Dad now: "Dad, it took so long to see you, you won't blame me? Actually, I never wanted to come back..."

"I may be too cowardly to accept it. Why is it that I was alone when I left, but now I am a monument?"

"I always feel that as long as I don't go back to China, you are still alive. I still remember the cheese biscuits you bought for me before I got on the plane... At that time, you lied to me and told me to go to the United States to see if it was okay or not. Come back, but I don’t feel good at all, but I can’t come back…”

The young man in the photo of the cemetery who was somewhat similar to Mo Sheng smiled kindly from beginning to end, Mo Sheng grabbed his sleeve and wiped the photo: "Dad, this photo is still from your college days? You can pretend to be a young ghost."

The mountains were shrouded in thin rain and fog, and the surroundings were so silent as if there was no sound in the world, Mo Sheng knocked on the tombstone: "Dad, you ignore me."

After a long silence, Mo Sheng's eyes gradually became as hazy as the fog in the mountains. "Dad, he said, um, it's He Yichen, do you remember, he said we could be together again... Do you think?"

Naturally, no one answered. After a while, Mo Sheng muttered to herself in a low voice, "Actually, I don't think it's good either. He is so good and has always been liked by many people. He can find someone better. We have been separated for so many years. There are so many strangers between them. If they get together again, there will only be many conflicts. He will soon be disappointed with me. He used to be disappointed with me. Now it's like this, at least I'm used to it..."

Having said that, I can't go on. After an unknown time, Mo Sheng said softly, "I'm fine with everything, don't worry about me... I'm leaving, Dad."

When we came down, the rain had stopped. Looking back at the mountain top that was about to disappear into the night and mist at the foot of the mountain, it seemed like two worlds.

It was already dark when he returned to the city, Mo Sheng looked at the time on his phone, and it seemed that he could only leave tomorrow. When I went to the city to ask a few hostels, they all replied that they were full. Finally, I found an expensive hotel in the city center and stayed there. After taking a shower and drying my clothes, it was too early to go to bed, so I got up and went downstairs.

As soon as the hotel goes out, it is the most prosperous Zhenguan Road in Y City. City Y is also a well-known tourist city. At this time, there were still many tourists on Zhenguan Road. Mo Sheng suddenly remembered that the first time he saw Yi Chen in City Y was on this bustling road.

At that time, they were already boyfriend and girlfriend, but when they came home from the freshman winter vacation, Yi Chen refused to give her the phone number of her home. She felt aggrieved and sad at that time. How could there be a girlfriend who even had a phone number from her boyfriend's home? Don't know the number? After failing to grind hard at the train station before breaking up, Mo Sheng angrily turned around and ran away.

But after taking a few steps, he regretted it, what was he angry about, maybe Yi Chen would be soft-hearted if he cheated again. But looking back, Yi Chen was no longer in front of the train station.

When I got home, I started to feel unhappy, I didn't want to eat anything, and I didn't know what was on the TV when I watched it. Later, I didn't know what to do, and I started running into the street every day, thinking that maybe I would meet Yi Chen.

Then, it actually happened.

It was one day later in the year. There was light snow in the sky. He and Yi Mei, who didn't know him at the time, walked across the road. She couldn't react at that time. She actually met, but she didn't have any hope. There are so many people in the city... The next moment she was already rushing across the road, pounced on him and hugged him...

It seems that under this tree, the girl in the fluffy white hat hugged the boy who was embarrassed by the ambiguous eyes of passers-by, and shouted excitedly: "Yi Chen, I knew I would meet you. I knew !"

Mo Sheng closed her eyes.

When the past has become between them, the most embarrassing thing is that everything is as clear as yesterday.

She took out the camera in a fascination, and pressed the shutter to the place that was actually empty.

The developed photo shows an empty road with no one passing by, and it is completely blank.

After going to work after the holiday, Mo Sheng's work became even busier.

Only Xiaohong is very busy. She has just finished one of her columns, and she is in the free window period. Every day she hangs around in Mo Sheng's office, worrying about her lifelong affairs.

"Asheng, you can't waste time like this anymore, you must know that time is youth and beauty. If you find a man now, it's called saving society. If you go out in another two years, you will be mutilating fellow men, and..." Xiaohong whispered mysteriously. "It's more in line with physiological laws now, A Sheng, don't you want to sleep in a warm embrace at night?"

"Xiaohong, you...Did you have that kind of dream again yesterday?"

"Occasionally!" She pretended to be shy, blushed, lowered her head, and shook her body. After a while, she became serious, "A Sheng, you are finally normal now. It seemed like a man was robbed some time ago."