You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 2: reunion (1)


It was seven years later when I saw him again, in a crowded supermarket full of people shopping on weekends.

Zhao Mosheng pushed the shopping cart alone and struggled to stop and go in the crowd. She had just returned from abroad, and she was not quite used to such crowds, but such a lively and friendly scene made her smile unconsciously, almost listening to the noisy local accent with gratitude. She didn't know if others were just like her when they just returned to China, and the excitement and joy in her heart could hardly be restrained.

Seven years! It's been a long time!

But why did he meet him just after returning home? No, exactly, it should be them.

Mo Sheng silently looked at the pair of shadows standing in front of the vegetable rack, and once again experienced the wonder of fate. Seven years ago, it was they who finally made her decision to go abroad.

Now that they're shopping together, they're still together in the end! Fortunately, she walked fast, otherwise I'm afraid it will only hurt more deeply.

He Yichen, He Yimei, she is so stupid, how could she think that if they have similar names, they must be siblings

"We are not siblings at all. In the past, our two families were very good neighbors and both had surnames He, so the adults chose similar names. Later, Yi Chen's parents had an accident, and our family adopted Yi Chen."

"Do you think you can compare to the relationship between Yi Chen and I for twenty years as childhood sweethearts?"

"I want to tell you today that I love Yi Chen, I don't want to love him secretly, I want to compete with you openly."

At the age of nineteen, the day before Mo Sheng's birthday, her good friend He Yimei, who had always been quiet and introverted, suddenly declared this to her with courage. Yi Mei, who has always been gentle and not arguing with others, said this, she must have been in love to the extreme.

But what does she use to compete with Yimei? On the day Yimei declared war, she was defeated and fled to the United States for seven years.

He Yichen—suddenly thinking of his cold brows and unfeeling words that day, Mo Sheng's heart throbbed, shallow, almost imperceptible, but it existed.

They walked in her direction, Mo Sheng grabbed the cart and the knuckles of her fingers began to turn white, and almost immediately wanted to turn around. But the supermarket was so crowded that she couldn't turn around while pushing the shopping cart. And in the next moment, she also thought about it, why should she escape? She should say to them calmly, "Hi, long time no see." Then walk away gracefully, leaving them with a beautiful back.

What's more, they might not recognize her at all. She has changed a lot. Her long flowing hair has turned into neat short hair, and her fair skin has tanned the California sun. Wearing a wide T-SHIRT, jeans, and sneakers, she is too far from before.

They approached slowly, step by step, and then… brushed past.

It's not heart-wrenching.

If there is a voice that seems to be absent.

"Want to buy some milk?" Yi Mei's soft voice.

"… "

The answer was incomprehensible. I miss it so much, Yi Chen's deep, cello-like voice, after all these years in a foreign country, still recites in her ear all the time.

Disappointed, but also relieved, Mo Sheng raised her head, which had been lowered, and took a step forward.

With a bang, the shopping cart slammed into a hill of discounted soap on the ground. The culprit, Zhao Mosheng, foolishly watched as hundreds of bars of soap collapsed. The scene was quite spectacular.

Uh, can she pretend that she didn't do it

"My God! This is the third time today." The supermarket tally clerk who appeared out of nowhere groaned in pain.

So, it shouldn't be her fault, no one would pile up the goods in the middle of the road. Mo Sheng stuck out her tongue quietly, trying her best to put on a guilty expression.

The movement here caught the attention of the people around, including He Yimei. She just inadvertently looked at that particularly noisy place, and then froze—it was her, it was her! Yimei could hardly believe her eyes. She has come back

"Yimei?" He Yichen was puzzled by her reaction, asked aloud, and followed her.

The tall and straight body instantly stiffened.

Zhao Mosheng!

That little girl with an innocent face and her head down is not Zhao Mosheng! His face was 100% apologetic, but there was an unmistakable mischievous smile in his eyes. From a distance, it's actually hard to see her expression, but Yi Chen knew it. He had always known that she was like this. She was used to leaving a pool of spring water irresponsibly, selfish and hateful.

Seven full years... Does she know how to come back

He Yichen lowered his eyes. "Yi Mei, let's go!"

He Yimei looked at Yi Chen with a calm face in surprise: "Don't you want to go say hello? Maybe..."

"She is no longer the person in my life." The unhappy tone seemed to be nothing.

Yimei looked at his expression carefully, but couldn't find any clues, and finally sighed: "Let's go!"

He looked at Zhao Mosheng one last time, but found that she just turned her head to see her, eyes collided in the air, Mo Sheng seemed to be stunned for a moment, then a shallow smile appeared on her face, and she nodded in greeting.

Yi Mei hurriedly turned her head and called, "Yi Chen..."


"She..." Yimei stopped stunned, looking back at the crowd, she was no longer there.

"What's wrong?"