You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 3: reunion (2)


"No, nothing." Yi Mei bowed her head. It's just that she clearly saw them, why did she leave so easily? And Yi Chen clearly saw her...

Didn't expect to come back here one day.

During the interview, the editor-in-chief asked her, "Miss Zhao, why did you choose to work in City A?"

Mo Sheng suddenly didn't know how to answer. why? Because I have studied here for more than a year of university? Because I knew him here? Because I've been through a lot here

She didn't know it at first. The first thing she thought of before returning to China was this place. It wasn't until she saw him that day that she understood that she wanted to see him. Although he no longer belonged to her, she just wanted to see him.

Just look at it.

"Maybe it's because I can't go home." Mo Sheng said. The editor-in-chief looked at her strangely for a long time, kept her, and became a photojournalist for a women's magazine.

But the editor-in-chief's over-emphasis on her experience working for a foreign magazine disturbed her.

"It's just a small magazine." Mo Sheng said to the editor-in-chief.

"Hey! A Sheng." The forty-year-old female editor-in-chief called her name affectionately, "Are you complimenting my knowledge? I know even a small magazine in the United States."

Mo Sheng laughed, and the anxiety was also swept away.

The editor-in-chief said sternly: "A Sheng, I know how difficult it is for a Chinese to be a photographer in the United States. You must be better than most white people. They always think that we Chinese have no artistic talent."

Having settled down like this, she still went shopping at that supermarket, but never met them again. Until one time, the security guard of the supermarket stopped her.

"Miss, please come to the security room."

Mo Sheng was stunned for a moment. His gut feeling was not good. There were too many reports in the newspapers about supermarket security guards forcibly searching and beating people.

Mo Sheng stared at him cautiously, and the security guard said helplessly, "Miss, I have no ill intentions towards you, I just wanted to ask you if you lost anything a month ago."

She just returned to China a month ago. Could it be that she didn't know what she lost? Curiously followed him into the security room, the security handed her a black wallet.

Mo Sheng didn't need to look inside to know that it wasn't hers. She shook her head with a smile and said, "You made a mistake, it's not mine."

The security guard was unexpectedly stubborn: "You open it and take a look."

She took it and opened it, and saw her own picture.

The security guard said proudly: "Miss, this is your photo. Although it is very different from now, I still recognized it at a glance."

The difference is huge because it was an entrance photo taken when I was just in college. She still had her long hair in a ponytail and smiled silly.

How can it appear in a strange wallet

Mo Sheng returned the wallet to the security guard: "It really doesn't belong to me."

The security guard said stupidly, "Isn't the person in the photo you?"

"It's me, but the wallet isn't mine."

"But it must be someone who knows you, miss, maybe the owner of this wallet has a crush on you..."

Hey, who said Chinese people don't have associative power

"But… "

"Take it and take it. No one has come to claim it. It is difficult for us to deal with it here. It is also confiscated when you hand it over. It's better to give it to you. You must have something to do with the owner of the wallet. Ah! Maybe I will Made a wonderful marriage..." The security guard was immersed in his imagination like a TV series.

About a month ago, when she met He Yichen and He Yimei, could it be he who fell? With such a ridiculous guess, Mo Sheng took the wallet home.

After taking a shower at night, I carefully studied it on the bed. It is simple in style, expensive brand, and there is not much cash. I can't determine the identity of the owner at all.

As for that photo, Mo Sheng carefully took it out, and there were traces of a steel seal on it, which must have been torn from some document. Turning over unintentionally, she was suddenly stunned, there were words behind her! She would never forget the handwriting that was so dashing and fierce that it seemed to be ripped out of paper.

It was Yichen's handwriting, written in black pen—

my sunshine!

Life in a complex city can be very simple, working, eating and sleeping, that's all. After a hectic adaptation period, numb repetition followed.

"Asheng, I'm looking for you everywhere."

As soon as Mo Sheng stepped into the magazine office, she heard someone shouting from far away.

"Old Bai, what's the matter?"

Lao Bai is actually very young. He is another photographer of the magazine. His surname is Li. He is nicknamed Lao Bai because he always speaks white characters. He is very good at coaxing stars, so he is responsible for the shooting of magazine cover characters.

"My wife is about to give birth, can I trouble you about taking pictures of model Xiao tomorrow?"

Xiao Xiao? Mo Sheng was a little embarrassed, "I don't have any problem, but I heard that Xiao Xiao's temper is very strange, not an acquaintance who doesn't cooperate at all."

Lao Bai also thought of this, thought for a while and said, "Well, you go try it first, and call me if it really doesn't work."

The next day, when Mo Sheng saw the glamorous and moving Xiao Xiao, she was completely stunned. She is unfamiliar with domestic stars, and has never seen Xiao Xiao's photos before. I don't know that she... actually looks so similar to her college friend.

But her friend is such a simple and clumsy rural girl, but the person in front of her has slender legs crossed, smoking skillfully and charmingly...