You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 30: If that is (1)


The new issue of "Beautiful Colors" has been released. The young man with a smug smile on the cover is a rookie in the field of architecture. In the past two years, he has won many awards at international design exhibitions, and he is well-known.

"Unfortunately, it's just not handsome enough." Xiaohong commented with infinite regret.

"That lawyer He is handsome, but unfortunately no one can interview him." Amei said loudly.

"Amei, don't say that." Xiaohong couldn't stand her sharpness, "Yijing has done her best."

Mo Sheng happened to walk over to their place, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but look at Tao Yijing, who was sitting on her desk, quietly writing with her head down, ignoring others.

Mo Sheng suddenly felt a little guilty and a little guilty.

"Asheng Asheng." Xiaohong suddenly remembered something, and shook her arm flatteringly, "We're friends, you won't help with a little favor, right?"

Mo Sheng immediately had an ominous premonition, and asked cautiously, "Xiaohong, you and that surgeon, um... have a problem?" Otherwise, why go on a blind date.

"Disgusting! Where did you think of it!" Xiaohong shouted angrily, holding her face in her hands, as if she was so sweet now, "This is it!" She took out an exaggeratedly large piece of paper out of nowhere. , shaking away in front of her with a slam, "Did you see clearly?"

Clear, but also dizzy. On the top of the paper is the four characters "Purchasing List" written in the center, and below it is densely listed various brands of clothes, shoes, cosmetics... and digital cameras

It was really diverse, Mo Sheng was dazzled by it. "Xiaohong, are prices going to go up recently?" This is simply a "buy list"!

"Hey, didn't you decide to go to Hong Kong with Sister Chen and the others? Don't change the subject, in one sentence, say, take it or not?"

The news spread so quickly, Mo Sheng sighed, "What's the benefit?"

After get off work, Xiaohong's doctor Cheng invited the guests to dinner. At the dinner table, Xiaohong kept reminding her: "A Sheng, do you know what a cannibal has a short mouth?"

Mo Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't worry, I'll definitely help you get things 'soft hands'. However, Xiaohong..." Mo Sheng leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Don't you want to keep your ladylike image?"

oops! She forgot again! Xiaohong reflexively sat up straight, put away a face of debt collection, and pulled out a perfectly curved smile. Mo Sheng saw that the graceful Doctor Cheng had a smile in his eyes, he clearly found it long ago, and was enjoying it.

She couldn't help but smile, and Xiaohong finally said goodbye to the past.

Going home alone after dinner, only after getting on the bus did I realize that I had taken the wrong bus. This bus was bound for where she used to live, so I quickly got off at the next stop and looked at my watch. went back.

After visiting the supermarket for a long time, I got home after nine o'clock. When I opened the door, the room was empty.

Went into the kitchen and took out everything in the bag, monosodium glutamate, salad oil, salt, soy sauce... There was nothing in the kitchen, what did Yi Chen usually eat

There were still some clothes in the bedroom that were not packed. Opening the wardrobe, Yi Chen's suit shirts were neatly hung inside, monotonous and deserted. He seemed to prefer gray tones, Mo Sheng hung her clothes beside him, then looked at it stupidly, and suddenly wanted to smile.

But heartache.

Yi Chen…

Yi Chen.

Take off your shoes and lie on the bed. She has been sleeping in the guest room for the past two days, but now she suddenly doesn't want to leave. A kind of inexplicable feeling that I can't explain clearly is flooding my mind, perhaps because of tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Friday, Yi Chen will be back.

She fell asleep without taking off her clothes in a daze. I don't know how long it took, and she seemed to hear someone walking while half asleep. She turned over and woke up after a long while. The room was dark.

It was dawn when I woke up again, I lifted the quilt and got up... Quilt? Mo Sheng was stunned for a while, um, it was probably because of the cold at night that she pulled it over to cover it.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face quickly. In the mirror, her hair was a little long, and it kept falling on her eyes. She needed to find a time to cut it. Take the good things and go out, the door opened, stunned.

Yi Chen in a neat suit was standing outside the door, holding the key in his hand, as if he was about to open the door.

Mo Sheng opened her eyes wide and looked at the person in front of her: "Yi Chen?" Why is he here, didn't he say he came back at night

"Yeah." Yi Chen put away the keys, answered hastily, and walked past her into the guest room.

After a while, he came out with a document in his hand. Seeing that she was still stomping at the door, he frowned heroically.

"You don't go to work?"

"Uh, let's go."

For some reason, Mo Sheng felt a little embarrassed. For the first time, I really realized that their relationship was different, and from now on, it will be like this, every morning, the first thing I see is him...

"I'll take you there."

Mo Sheng followed him into the elevator. "No, I'll just go by myself." The office and the magazine, one south and one north.

Yi Chen pressed the button of the parking lot on the basement floor, and said lightly, "I'm going to the X District Court, which happened to be on the way."

"Oh, that's good." That's it.

In the car, Mo Sheng remembered to ask him, "You... came back last night?" Otherwise, why would there be documents left in the guest room.

"Yes." Yi Chen answered briefly, focusing on the road conditions.