You are My Sunshine (Silent Separation)

Chapter 49: Do not avoid (5)


When Zhao Mosheng was pestering He Yichen back then, most people in the law department watched the chase with the mentality of watching the excitement. No one believed that He Yichen would accept this girl, after all, he had rejected people with better conditions. Therefore, when He Yichen took Zhao Mosheng to class for self-study, I don't know how many people were scared. I am afraid that many of them secretly regretted why they were not active. Later, Zhao Mosheng went to the United States, and He Yichen returned to being single. Some freshmen were even more enthusiastic than Zhao Mosheng back then, and He Yichen always had a way to get rid of them in two or three days.

Once Su Min couldn't help but say, "You hate people pestering you? Why didn't you hate Zhao Mosheng back then?"

Su Min regretted it as soon as he said it, it was too reckless, so he hurriedly took him over with a haha, never expecting He Yichen to answer.

"That's different." He Yichen at that time said this, in a few words, in a very flat tone.

Su Min couldn't think of the difference, maybe it was - he gave Zhao Mosheng a chance to pester him, but he didn't give others a chance.

Listening to her words, Lao Yuan rarely said a serious sentence: "This kind of thing is like drinking water, knowing whether it's cold or warm, you care so much."

Yi Chen and Mo Sheng had already come over while they were talking, Yi Chen was still holding his handsome face, Mo Sheng was probably scolded badly, and his voice to greet everyone was much lower.

Mo Sheng used to be a frequent visitor to the department office, so she naturally knew Su Min and smiled slightly when she saw her: "Senior sister, hello."

Su Min reluctantly gave a "um", and was about to say something when she was interrupted by a surprised cry.

"Mrs In!"

The loud and enthusiastic voice made the slightly noisy hall suddenly quiet, and the non-standard English made people stutter. However, the rich middle-aged man who was in the limelight was unaware, and ran across the hall in surprise with a face full of surprise. in front of Mo Sheng.

"Mrs In, Mrs. Ying." The middle-aged man was so excited that he was a bit incoherent, "I didn't expect to see you here, this time you and Mr. Ying returned to China? I'm Lin Xianghe, the chairman of Dashang Company. I don't remember, hehehe, I was entertained by you and Mr. Ying in the United States last year, and this time you and your wife return to China, why do you want me to do my best as a landlord."

Mo Sheng was already stunned, her hands and feet were cold.

She still had an impression of the middle-aged and fat man in front of her. He had business dealings with Ying Hui's company. When he came to the United States last year, Ying Hui hosted a banquet for him and his wife at home.

However, why do you encounter it here

The worst time, the worst occasion.

Mo Sheng felt that the suspicious and surprised eyes of Lao Yuan and the others were on her, and she no longer had the courage to look at Yi Chen's expression.

I just felt a little bit of happiness, so weak, is it going to dissipate immediately...

The feeling of fear spread little by little to every corner of my body. However, the next moment, a warm and powerful hand grabbed her slightly trembling hand.

This hand, just now, pulled her across the road with anger.

But now, with reassuring strength, he held her tightly.

Mo Sheng turned his head slowly, Yi Chen was looking at her with a painful calm in his eyes.

Has he... guessed it


Mo Sheng heard Yi Chen's clear and calm voice, "I'm sorry, she is no longer..."

"You got the wrong person."

Mo Sheng interrupted his unfinished words quickly, Yi Chen paused, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Mo Sheng gently broke free from his hand and repeated to Dong Lin, "You have mistaken the person."

The voice was surprisingly calm. Although he knew that he would face that marriage sooner or later, it was definitely not at this time, nor in front of so many friends of Yi Chen. Yi Chen might be able to bear it, but she didn't want him to be judged by others because of her past. Yi Chen has always been so arrogant.

"I admit the wrong person? How could it be, hehe, Mrs. Ying, stop joking, hehe." Lin Dong snorted haha, a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to leave.

During the stalemate, the hotel door was pushed open.

The uniform "Welcome" sound of the waiter and the pompous pomp of the visitors attracted everyone's attention.

Surrounded by a large group of people, a handsome man who was in his prime walked in, with a precious handmade suit in his hand, walking with momentum and calmness. The bright lights in the lobby shone on him, adding a sense of honor. prominent.

Su Min noticed with sharp eyes that there was the top leader of C University, and couldn't help but glanced at it a second time, wondering what the man in the middle was from, which could make the school leaders so flattered.

At this time, Director Lin cried out with joy and waved his hand excitedly: "Mr. Ying, Mrs. Ying is here!"

The sound of "Ying Zong" reminded Su Min of a person - Ying Hui, the president of SOSO, the one who donated a building to the school.

The moment Lin Dong's voice sounded, Ying Hui had already stopped and turned to look at them, and a group of people around him also stopped. He stood still for a few seconds, raised his sword eyebrows, and walked straight towards them.

As if he didn't see Mo Sheng, who was already unable to respond, Ying Hui walked past her and greeted Dong Lin politely: "So it's Dong Lin, I was going to visit you tomorrow, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

Lin Dong was flattered and said, "Where, I'm lucky to meet Boss Ying. Haha, Boss Ying, this is Mrs. Ying. Just now, Mrs. Ying insisted that I recognized the wrong person." He pointed at Mo Sheng.