You Are Still Here

Chapter 2


"Will you die if you move lightly?" Just after Yun Jin leaned against the table with her back to the back, a boy's impatient voice sounded behind her. Knowing that it was her unconscious movements that disturbed the classmates in the back row, she quickly straightened her back, did not turn her head, and whispered "I'm sorry", her voice barely audible.

But the boy sitting in the back row of her didn't seem to want to give up. Taking advantage of his height, he raised his body slightly, glanced at the chemistry problem on Yunjin's table, and said suddenly, "I said that I was stimulated by something, but I thought that It's lovelorn, it turns out that I can't solve the problem." Then he leaned in the direction of Yunjin again, "Let me see, ha, it's not as simple as that, can't you!"

Yun Jin was embarrassed and annoyed, but she remained silent, she just turned sideways to keep a certain distance from the head that came over to him, but the person behind her seemed to have made up her mind not to sneer at her for a round of swearing, which would be enough to provoke her. The surrounding classmates looked at their voices and continued to say, "Su Yunjin, what are you doing with your brain? You are really not ordinary stupid." , turned around with a swift thud, blushed, and stared fiercely at the man behind him. At this moment, he sat back in his seat and raised his head 45° upward, with a smirk that was not a good one. As if he was provocatively saying to her, "How dare you?" If vision can kill people, then Yunjin's eyes have stabbed countless holes in his body, all of which are fatal, but there is no if. She secretly clenched her fists tightly behind her, forced herself to take a deep breath, then slowly turned her head back, bowing her head and pretending to focus on the problem she hadn't solved just now. He guessed right, she really didn't dare to do anything, and she didn't want to attract the attention of people around her because of a dispute with him.

Cheng Zheng, this nasty guy, Yun Jin has fantasized about how many times in his heart, in front of everyone, slapped his big mouth on his face that made her hate it so much, and then looked at his arrogant arrogance. His expression shattered a little in front of her. Sitting in his front row was another mistake she regretted so much. After entering the second semester of high school, teachers need less time to explain in class, and more students do their own self-study questions, so their young class teacher readjusts the seats in the form of free combination, euphemistically called people-oriented . As a result, most of the classmates who are familiar with each other and can talk more choose to sit together in twos and threes. Anyway, in this class, she is not particularly close to anyone, so she lets other classmates choose seats, and everyone is almost in their own place. Later, she found an empty seat and sat down. At that time, there were not many seats for her to choose from, almost all of them were in the back row, so she chose the current seat. Her tablemate Song Ming is a small boy with deep myopia. In the science class, his English level is rare, and his personality is very high. Introverted; her back row is the "reason" that allows girls to watch sports news on time at night, and the reason why Yun Jin dares to sit in front of him is that although there are often girls chatting around Cheng Zheng, he is not a noisy person. , at least in the eyes of most people, he is considered to be suitable for movement and quiet, with outstanding ability on the sports field, he can also be quiet when studying, and his grades are top-notch. You don't bother him he's definitely not the type that bothers you. Based on this consideration, Yun Jin set up camp on this seat. When she just packed up and sat down, she secretly paid attention to the reactions of the people around her. Song Ming just glanced at her and said nothing. The one behind her didn't raise her head, basically ignoring her existence. That's good, she breathed a sigh of relief, and with peace of mind took out the book she was looking for from the stack of textbooks.

At this moment, another boy's voice suddenly came from not far away: "Azheng, don't you not allow girls to sit in front of you?" Yun Jin looked at him blankly, Zhou Ziyi was speaking, and Cheng Zheng was rarely seen. One of several besties. Before Yun Jin could react, she heard Cheng Zheng behind her bury her head in her homework and spit out a sentence: "She is also a girl?"...Is this what everyone thinks of as a good student? Yun Jin felt inexplicable, she couldn't remember when she offended a boy who never said a word.

"What do you mean?" She turned to face him.

"What 'what'?" He looked up innocently.

"Who do you say is not a girl?"

"Tell you, what, do you need verification?"

Several boys laughed maliciously. Yun Jin was burning with anger. It was the first time she discovered that there is such a big gap between a person's appearance and essence. This handsome face is so disgusting at the moment. Most of the classmates in the class who were arranging new seats looked in their direction, with the look of watching a good show, the dull and depressing senior year life needs such adjustment, but Yun Jin did not want to be the protagonist of this kind of drama, she hated being The feeling of people watching and mocking. Forget it, as if she was bitten by a dog, she turned around coldly and ignored him.

"Hey, Su Yunjin..." Some people don't seem to accept her peace of mind. "Why are you called Su Yunjin? Is 'Yun' pregnant?"

There was another burst of laughter, Yun Jin felt like she was going crazy, she was used to being an invisible person in the class, and she liked it, but the more she tried to avoid something, the more she seemed to encounter something, just like what she is facing now. This obvious slapstick.

Yun Jin stood up and looked at him condescendingly, "Cheng Zheng, have I offended you?" Her eyes were already red, and she tried her best to control the trembling of her voice so as not to let her tears fall.

"It's over, Azheng, you made this 'Xiaofang' cry." Zhou Ziyi shouted from the side, lest the world be in chaos.

Cheng Zheng also stood up when he heard the words, leaning forward slightly, as if he was looking at her face carefully "Are you really crying?" "I wouldn't cry for someone like you." Yun Jin ran out as if Teacher, pretend you can't hear the buzzing voice behind you.

She and Cheng Zheng's Liangzi settled on this. After that incident, she tried to move out of this unfortunate seat, but no one was willing to change seats with her. It's time to adjust your seat.

Yun Jin just didn't understand that Cheng Zheng was not usually a person who likes to stir up trouble, but he was so vicious towards her and would provoke trouble at every turn. "Just to her", this is really an ambiguous phrase, but Yun Jin is definitely not naive enough to think that Cheng Zheng has any special thoughts about her, she doesn't like reading romance novels, and she doesn't like the kind of "if you like you, just like" "Torturing you" is a bad boy plot, Cheng Zheng's disgust for her is so obvious, if someone wants to convince her that this is a sign that a boy attaches importance to her, Yun Jin will feel that this person is simply mentally ill. Fortunately, no one around seemed to think that Cheng Zheng's attitude towards her was especially a boy's attitude towards a girl - if he had to say something special, it was definitely because he didn't like her very much.

So she sat in front of him like this for three months, distracted by her studies every day, but also faced with his occasional provocation and "bad habits" every day. She hated him sitting sweaty behind her after returning from the school football field in the afternoon, the more she frowned, the closer he deliberately came; she hated that he stretched his long legs under her stool over the edge during class, and also dangling around carelessly, making her feel motion sickness sitting on the stool; she hated that he took getting in her way for granted, but she affected him a little bit - just like the way she leaned back just now, It will cause a strong backlash from him; I hate him and his best friend calling her 'Xiaofang', as if being born in a city makes them take her for granted; I hate him even more when he mocks her with a condescending attitude, "Su Yunjin, you You can't even do this!" However, Yun Jin knew that the best way to deal with a person like Cheng Zheng was to ignore his existence, take it as a surprise, and be self-defeating, she wasn't weak, she just didn't want to cause trouble.