You Are Still Here

Chapter 37


Su Yunjin, don't think about it anymore, don't think about Lu Lu, don't think about Zheng Xiaotong, and don't think about Cheng Zheng. If you think about it or don't understand it, it won't make you feel any better. Yun Jin struggled to fall asleep amid such thoughts.

On the edge of the half-dreamer, the phone rang, and when she picked it up, she checked the time, and it was past twelve o'clock.

There is nothing surprising, if he gives up so easily, then he is not Cheng Zheng.

"Yunjin, I'm sorry, did you sleep?" he said.

"no, what happened?"

"I suddenly remembered that I accidentally left a data bag in your car this morning. I'm in a hurry to get it now, can you please bring it to me?" He said confidently.

Yun Jin sighed: "Is it a yellow paper bag? I put it in the security room of the community when I came back. If you want, you can pick it up directly."

He was silent for a long time.

"It's nothing, I'll hang up first, thank you for the meal you invited today." Yun Jin said as politely as possible.

He didn't buy it, "You just don't want to see me?"

"Cheng Zheng, what's the point of us meeting again like this now?"

"I don't care, you come down, I have something to tell you."

"We've already reached the end of what we should say..."

"Come down, Su Yunjin!"

"What are you trying to say to me... You don't know if it is... I won't go down. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

"You hang up and try it!"

Yun Jin closed the phone, took out the battery, and lay back on the bed, sleepless all night.

Early the next morning, Lu Lu didn't come to work, so he called Yun Jin, only to say that he had a cold. After Yun Jin made sure that she was fine, she also let her go. If she was Lu Sheng's niece, this job would not be so important to her. Yun Jin was just worried, seeing her meeting Lu Sheng would be like a The expression of fear like hell, I'm afraid there is another hidden meaning in it. But the world is so big, how many people don't have a past that can't be shown in their hearts

She called Yu Hua in the office. Yu Hua was on a day off today.

"Didn't you say last time that there are several 'excellent' unmarried male doctors in your hospital? Can you introduce me to me if you have time?"

Yu Hua was on the night shift last night, and his voice was obviously hoarse just after waking up: "Have you figured it out?"

"You don't often say that if you want to forget, you have to start over. I have to forget it completely, the sooner the better."

Yu Hua has always been a practical person. In less than a month and a half, he arranged a formal meeting for Yun Jin. Although things were rushed, the other party was actually in a very good condition. is quite witty and humorous. Even Yun Jin, who didn't have much expectations at first, had to admit that Dr. Wu was a worthy partner.

Dr. Wu is still single in his thirties. On the one hand, he was obsessed with his studies in his early years. On the other hand, people with good conditions are naturally not low-minded. Su Yunjin is about the same age as him, with impeccable appearance and temperament, and he can completely match him in terms of career. , the most important thing is a quiet and elegant personality. Although he occasionally lowered his head and raised his eyebrows for a moment, the past was hidden in his eyes, but at this age, who is a blank sheet of paper? Dr. Wu has been studying medicine for many years, and he takes this kind of thing very lightly. What he wants is a partner who can help each other, which coincides with Yun Jin. After the two met, they also went out to eat a few times alone, and they felt very good about each other. People pursue passion and mad love when they are young. In the end, they find that it is just the same between men and women. When you are lonely, you want someone to accompany you. When you are tired, someone will bring you a glass of water. Just like Yun Jin and Dr. Wu, you can’t say much love. , But if you get along lightly, who can say that it is not a relationship

During the month when the relationship with Dr. Wu slowly developed, Yun Jin rarely saw Cheng Zheng. Even his car might not have been seen in the parking lot for a long time. Once or twice, he was as indifferent as a passerby.

December 24, Christmas Eve, the traditional western festival. Over the years, the atmosphere of Chinese foreign festivals has become more and more intense. In fact, there is no need to delve into the religious meaning after Christmas. Modern people need festivals. people need more.

This day also happened to be the one-month anniversary of Yun Jin and Dr. Wu's acquaintance. The two had a pleasant dinner together. The two talked about interesting things about work and life. Many of their views coincided and they had a lot of conversations. joyous. After dinner, we went to the theater to watch a movie together. Christmas is a must for filmmakers, and there are "golden armor" everywhere. The film is very smooth. Love, suspense, and murder are intertwined. The ninety minutes passed quickly, and the two walked out of the theater together. The night was not wasted.

Dr. Wu smiled and said, "It's rare to see you look so serious."

Yun Jin said, "I didn't expect such an ending."

"I didn't expect Tony Leung to die?"

"No, I didn't expect him to love each other so much."

At the end of the film, Xu Jinglei's eyes made Yun Jin tremble inexplicably, "You have never loved me..." The woman named Jin Shuzhen in the film finally looked at her husband and said, not blaming her, but stating her heart ashes.

Tony Leung's husband repaid her with a bullet shot between her eyebrows.

Yunjin trembled slightly in the wind.

"Who doesn't have a broken city in their hearts." Dr. Wu said lightly, "Yun Jin, are you cold?" He took off his thin woolen coat and put it on her.

She didn't drive today, and he used his Lexus to take her home. On the way from the theater to her house, you could see the city lit up everywhere at night, with a carnival atmosphere.

He drove the car downstairs to her house and got off to see her off. Yun Jin took off his coat and handed it back to him. She wore a lot tonight, but she felt cold, and rarely felt like she needed someone to rely on.

"Goodbye, I'm very happy tonight." She said goodbye to him with a smile, turned and walked into the building. Every step she took, she felt that the void in her heart was eating away at her. Keep me, don't leave me alone.

"Yun Jin..." He stopped her.

She turned, feeling the urge to cry. He took a few steps forward and grabbed her hand with his hand, "Me too, it's very comfortable to be with you... It's cold at night, you go up, be careful of catching a cold."

His kiss fell on her forehead. This was the first time he had kissed her, and his lips had a soft coldness. Like her, he was a cold and thin person in essence.

Yun Jin said goodbye to his embrace and continued to walk forward. After all, he couldn't give her warmth.

"Is it a pity that he didn't keep you?"

"Yes, you guessed it right." She didn't think about it.

"He's right for you?" Cheng Zheng leaned against the elevator door and smiled, "I'm afraid he doesn't know what you want, you just want a man, how can that kiss on the water comfort you? Why bother? How about pretending to be arrogant and refusing to tell him?"

Yun Jin laughed, "It's rare that you know me."

He walked over to her, wrapped her waist lightly, and whispered in her ear with his lips, "If you just want a man, I can do it."

Yun Jin couldn't bring up the strength to be angry with him, she pursed her lips in his arms and smiled: "I'm so free tonight, so I don't need to accompany my girlfriend?"

"You don't have to worry about this, it's not like you haven't done it to the third party." His words were already on her lips, and he kissed her hard, burning her with his unique heat.

Yun Jin gasped and moved her lips slightly away from him, "But what if I would rather be a third party than go back to the grass? Cheng Zheng, we have already broken up."

Cheng Zheng put his hand on her face and said half-truth: "What if I say I regret it?"

"But I didn't." Yun Jin said word by word, she slowly took his hand away and left, and somewhere in her heart was cooling down.

Yun Jin turned away from looking at him, but her chest heaved up and down with the rapid breathing.

"Yunjin, you teach me how to fall in love with another person, and again and again." Cheng Zheng felt infinite sadness behind her, "Really, teach me how to be as unfeeling as you are. "

Yunjin turned her back to him and said softly, "I'll teach you, it's actually very simple, all love can be snuffed out, as long as you're desperate enough."

"Despair? It's been four years, I thought I'd be able to forget you. I told myself that I didn't want you. Without you, I no longer have to guess whether you love me or not, and I don't have to be careful for fear of losing. I won't go. Looking for you, I don't want to contact you, I don't want to hear anything about you, until I meet you on the left bank. I have thought about countless reunion scenarios, but I didn't think of this... Su Yunjin, I hate you, I hate me even more While I despise you, I can't forget you! You don't deserve to mention despair to me, have you tried to love someone and you can't get anything, have you ever tried to wait when you are the most hopeless..."

"But you haven't tried to lose the feeling of flesh and blood in your body! I've been waiting that night, I want to tell you when you come back, let's have a good time, because I'm pregnant... When I just found out I had a baby, I I was scared, but slowly, the more I thought about it, the happier I became, because he was yours, you and me. But what did I wait for, I waited until you said goodbye, and you said I didn't love you!"

Cheng Zheng stood there like a clay sculpture, "Child?" His words sounded like a dream.

"Yeah, I don't love you, but I want to be so cheap. I have already broken up, and I know that giving birth to him under such circumstances is the stupidest thing in the world, so I still can't bear to want him. Yu Hua said I was crazy. Xu Zhiheng also said that I was crazy. I was crazy. I gave up the training opportunity that I had longed for for a long time. No matter whether the child's father wanted me or not, I just wanted to give birth to the child of the person I didn't love. But God will punish me. , Two months later, I was in shock and was sent to the hospital. Only then did I know it was an ectopic pregnancy. He died in my stomach when he was still an embryo. The doctor took it out and I can no longer have children. "