You Are Still Here

Chapter 42


Yunjin said, "If you don't let go, the eggs will be fried. Aren't you hungry?"

"Of course I'm hungry, but it's not eggs that I want to eat." His lips drifted vaguely in her ear like his whispers.

"Don't do that." She turned her head slightly.

Cheng Zheng murmured in confusion: "Why can't you do this, you still don't want me?"

Yun Jin put down the fire, put down the pan in her hand, turned her face to face him, "If I said I didn't want to, I'd lie to you, I'm not a saint. Really, Cheng Zheng, if you want a passion , I can give it to you, but if □ could solve the problem for both of us, it would not be today."

"I'm not a whore, I'll just find a woman to solve it. I'm like this because this woman is you, and I thought you understood." Cheng Zheng frowned.

Yun Jin smiled, "Don't forget, it's been four years, and we're not who we were before. At the very least, have you forgotten Zheng Xiaotong?"

Cheng Zheng was silent, just when Yun Jin decided to give up the conversation, he said: "Yun Jin, I am also a person, and there will be a day when I will be tired. At one point, I almost thought that I would never be able to hold you again in this life. Yes. Xiaotong... She gave me a lot of comfort."

"So, you shouldn't be like this now, right?"

"Maybe you won't believe that there is a girl like Xiaotong, many people think she is stupid, yes, she is very simple, but she is really kind. She found me that day and told me to see you at Liurong Temple, I I just found out that she actually knows who you are, but she asked me to come to you. I can't believe it, Su Yunjin, a selfish, awkward, cold-blooded, stubborn person like you, how could he believe that such a person exists... Like you Than, she's like an angel." Successfully seeing Yun Jin's gloomy expression, Cheng Zheng laughed at himself, "But I just can't fall in love with an angel."

Yun Jin lowered her head and said nothing.

Cheng Zheng raised her face with his hand, "Don't tell me that kind of guilt, feelings are never fair, I admit to betrayal her, but continuing to be with her is also a kind of betrayal, I hate mother-in-law dragging along. If I'm sorry for one person, then I can only be sorry for her, because I absolutely can't let go of the other person. You say, are we just as selfish? "

Yun Jin waved the hand he put on her face, Cheng Zheng placed it behind her waist and pressed her body against him, "What else do you want to say, how long do you want to torment me?"

"Don't do that." Yun Jin struggled to distance himself from him.

"It's okay if you want me to let go, unless you say it yourself, you don't love me, say it, Su Yunjin, look at me and say, you don't love me..."

As soon as Yun Jin opened his mouth, he was domineeringly gagged. Cheng Zheng's passion was on the verge of unleashing, and he tugged and unbuttoned her clothes, and then it was his own. When his upper body was in front of her, she saw the pendant on the chain at a glance, and Hyland Bao's soft light scorched her, "So it's with you."

Cheng Zheng grabbed her hand and put it on the pendant, as well as on his chest, "You said you wouldn't throw it away, you said it!" Yun Jin held the pendant in her hand, closed her eyes, and wept .

The two were entangled, from the kitchen to the bedroom, the moment they fit in, they both sighed. Cheng Zheng's actions seemed to embed her in his soul. He almost thought that this scene could only be in a dream forever. Seeing her slightly painful expression, he felt that he had made up for all the years of repression. When sprinting, he gasped, leaned over to look at her under him, and every time he hit, he was accompanied by his painstaking questioning: "Say you love me or don't love me, say, say, I want to. You said it yourself..." The chain around his neck slid down, shaking violently following his movements, Yun Jin was tossing and turning in passion, when he asked more and more eagerly, he stood up and held it lightly with his mouth The pendant hanging in front of her eyes, Cheng Zheng groaned, exploded in her body, and when the joy reached the peak, he sighed: "Actually, you love me..."

After the passion, the two embraced quietly until the sweat slowly dissipated before Yun Jin said, "Cheng Zheng, are you asleep? Can we talk."

Cheng Zheng gave a vague "um".

The two have known each other for eleven years, and have been together for nearly three years. They have shared all the most intimate first times between men and women, but they have never had a serious quiet conversation, and have never asked each other what they want most. .

"When the child was two months old, it suddenly gave me pain. In fact, before the blood loss shock, I began to fear that I might lose it. It was my last implication in this world at that time. I can't live without it, as long as It was safe and I was willing to exchange everything for it... But in the end I couldn't keep it. There was a little problem during the operation, and the doctor told me later that I would not be able to have any more children in the future. I was lying in the hospital bed, the only feeling Just hate you because I don't know who to blame, I have to find a stronger feeling instead of despair. So I swear, I'll never wait for you again, I'm going to forget you. But when I see you again When I got to you, I began to forget my oath, you see, the punishment is coming, and I can't keep a single important person around me."

Cheng Zheng raised his head and looked at her: "It's an idiot! If I made you break your oath, it would also punish me. You said that you can't keep anyone around you unless I die too."

Yun Jin laughed, "It's still nonsense. Cheng Zheng, I'm a very bad person. I always thought I knew what I wanted, but in the end I always found out that I was wrong."

"No one has said that if you make a mistake, you can't go back, Yunjin, we have to start all over again."

"Start over?" Yun Jin was a little lost, "We used to love each other so much four years ago, but what happened? Not to mention now..."

"But you never gave me the security of love back then. From the first time I saw you, I've been chasing you, you've been running away. I'm too nervous, and you're too sensitive, I don't know what to do with you Okay." He rolled over and looked at her, "I'm stupid, and my love needs a guarantee."

Yunjin stroked the pendant on his neck: "You're not worth it, I'm not even a complete woman."

Cheng Zheng deliberately looked her up and down, "Where it's not complete, I think it's all there." Seeing Yun Jin not smiling, he realized that the joke was not funny, so he said, "If we are destined to have no children, then let us live by each other. ."

He buried his head on her chest greedily, "Just treat me as your child, love only me, little mother..."

Cheng Zheng fell into a deep sleep after exhausting his energy, and woke up in pain until he felt his hands pinching his face. He intuitively thought it was Yun Jin, turned over and wanted to hug her, muttering: "Pinch her again. I bit you."

His hands fell on the sheets empty, and then his ears hurt, and he heard a voice resembling his mother saying: "You damn child, it's not easy to come back, what daydreams are you doing in the daytime, and you dare to bite you? Mom?"

Cheng Zheng jumped up quickly, and saw Zhang Jinyin standing in front of the bed with his eyebrows raised and his ears twisted, with Yun Jin beside him. He shoved away his mother's hand in fright, pulled up the quilt to cover himself, blushing and embarrassed: "Then you come in without knocking on the door?"

Zhang Jinyin sneered, "You don't even know that the door is about to be taken down, tsk tsk, it's still covered, I haven't seen anything on your body. You say, why do you take off your clothes and sleep alone at home during the day?"

Cheng Zheng finally let go of his heart. It seemed that his mother didn't see Yun Jin, but he didn't care. If she encountered such a situation, she didn't know how embarrassing it would be.

"I'm hot, you take care of undressing?" He ignored it, and started to be rude.

Zhang Jinyin pouted and walked out, "In the winter, you don't need to sleep with your ass bare when it's hot."

Cheng Zheng checked the time while putting on his clothes. He slept for about three hours. Where would she go? Why don't you say a word when you go home? When he was buttoning his clothes, he felt as if he was missing something, and when he lowered his head, the aquamarine earrings that had accompanied him for four years were gone.