You Are Still Here

Chapter 43: (end)


When Yun Jin returned to her hometown, her mother's funeral was going smoothly. They didn't have many relatives and friends, but since people were gone, what was the difference between the wind and the wind.

The uncle said that Yun Jin's health is not good, let her have a good rest, and let him handle other things. He is right, she is really tired.

The day before the funeral, she remembered that some things needed to be discussed with her uncle. Uncle was on the phone in the kitchen. Yun Jin was wearing home slippers and walked to the kitchen door, but he didn't notice it.

Uncle is a simple and straightforward person. Usually, he talks on the phone in the living room, and Yunjin can hear 80% of the time in the living room. Now that he lowered his voice and hid in the corner, Yunjin had to feel strange.

"... Yes, basically everything is ready... Where, I still have to thank you... The hospital... Thanks to you... She is very good... She doesn't know... That child is stubborn... "

Yun Jin quietly retreated to her room. She knew who was calling. For so many years, she always seemed to be in the role of needing his assistance. He helped her, but he dared not let her know.

She poured herself a cup of tea and took a sip, a touch of bitterness mixed with sweetness. She wouldn't tell Cheng Zheng, but in the hospital that day, she had accidentally seen him hurriedly walk past the tumor ward. Then that afternoon, the chief doctor brought the news that he could move into a single ward. He pretended that nothing had happened. She didn't even mention it.

It turns out that having a shoulder to lean on is what it feels like. She used to think that she didn't need anyone, but now she understands that the longer a woman holds on, the more tired she will be, why should she give up the care she deserves for the sake of senseless pride. He is not giving her alms, he is loving her, she doesn't need to be strong in front of some people.

She could finally relax.

In the evening, her uncle called her into the living room. When her mother was there, although their stepfather and daughter were polite, they were always separated by a layer of film.

The uncle pushed a small box in front of her and said, "Yunjin, I know you never regarded me as a father in your heart, but I always wanted you to be my daughter, and now your mother is gone, this is what she left behind during her lifetime. Some relics should be handed over to you for safekeeping. Your mother has never been willing to sell the house remodeled in the school when your father was there. A few years ago, she transferred the house to your name, and it belongs to you. Just take it as a little thought from your parents."

Yun Jin opened the box silently. Inside were some paper sheets that looked like house deeds, a pair of earrings that my mother always wore, and two passbooks. The money in it was not much, a few thousand dollars in total. Most of them were old photos from when my father was alive. The group photo of her, as well as the photos of her growing up, most of those photos have turned yellow and have been rubbed with burrs. These are all my mother's.

Yunjin didn't cry, she stroked those old photos with her hands, as if they still had the temperature of her mother's palm.

"You know, I blamed you before, and I knew that it was the right choice for my mother to be with you later, but I still can't forget my father. I blamed you for taking away the love that belonged only to me and my father, and I began to deliberately neglect it. Mom... I'm not a good daughter, and I may not be able to really call you Dad, but there is one thing I have to say: All these years, thanks to you. Mom is not here, you are my relatives. "

After Yun Jin finished speaking, the man over fifty years old burst into tears in front of her.

After her mother's funeral, Yun Jin went to her hometown in the countryside. This is also the place where her father met and fell in love with her mother when she was in the queue. When Yun Jin walked through every inch of the land here, she could imagine that her father and mother also passed by here. . They were finally reunited in heaven.

There are also relatives on her maternal side in the village. This time Yun Jin lived at Uncle Tang's house. Although she was a distant relative, her family, including Aunt Tang, were very enthusiastic about her, and she was not afraid of her filial piety. Yunjin lived for a few days and slept late every day. After her uncle came back from the field, he played a few tricks with her on the chessboard. In her mind, she had never had such a leisurely and comfortable life in 28 years.

On the last day of the vacation, she moved a reclining chair on the drying yard. The sun in the winter made her feel comfortable. Halfway through reading a romance novel she found on the bed of her cousin who came back from working in Guangdong, she felt tired. climbed up. Yun Jin covered the novel on her stomach and closed her eyes lazily. In the novel, the rich male protagonist always has a mean mother who pushes a check to the pregnant female protagonist and says, "Isn't that what you are doing? Give you the money and let my son go."

That day, she got up from Cheng Zheng's side, tidy up her bedroom and kitchen, and just walked out of the door, when she met Zhang Jinyin who had returned. Just like in the novel, Zhang Jinyin invited her to her car to "chat" a few words.

She said in the first sentence: "Yun Jin, I once thought you would be my daughter-in-law..."

In fact, during the entire conversation, Yun Jin was silent, and Zhang Jinyin was not aggressive. Her good upbringing allowed her to stop on some topics and fully consider Yun Jin's feelings. But Yunjin knew that she had a history with Xu Zhiheng, and her infertility, and the other party was fully aware of it. It's no surprise that a circle can be so big, and there is no airtight wall in the world, not to mention Zhang Jinyin is such a strong person.

"I'm just an ordinary mother, I hope you understand." Zhang Jinyin sighed.

Yun Jin just smiled, "You have nothing to forgive me, because these are facts, I understand what you mean." She was even grateful that Zhang Jinyin didn't give her money, otherwise she would be even more embarrassed.

"Actually, I'm not forcing you to leave Cheng Zheng. I know the son I gave birth to. He's a stupid boy, and he won't look back if he thinks it over again. But Yunjin, even if we don't mind what happened to you in the past four years, no I don't care if I have children, but you have seen it, you have been together, but it didn't make each other happy. I hope my son is doing well, so I just ask you, can you promise to give him happiness?"

Yunjin pondered, then raised her head: "I can't."

Just when Yun Jin was about to fall asleep under the sun, someone picked up the novel she had put on her stomach. He read the title of the book in a strange tone: "... "The Sweetheart of the Evil Young Master"... Tsk tsk, Su Yunjin, tell me what to say about you, you came here just to study this kind of healthy and nutritious reading?"

Yun Jin didn't wonder how he found this place, reached out to grab his book, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed. Cheng Zheng slapped her face with his hands viciously, "Fake it, tell me, why are you running to this ghost place?"

Yun Jin lifted his hand: "Then why are you here again?"

"I... I'm here to get my things back, give me the necklace back!" he said confidently.

"But, those are the earrings you gave me." Yun Jin reminded him.

"I don't care!" It's his style to start cheating when he loses money. "What do you mean when you sleep and I'll leave, you have to pay for whoring a duck!"

Yun Jin sat up from the reclining chair: "Then how much you want, your service is not worth much."

Cheng Zheng gritted his teeth, "Anyway, you have to give me an explanation."

Yun Jin looked at him for a while, then walked back to the main room behind the Sun Valley Farm without saying a word, and came out with a pair of Go in her hand. She spread the chessboard on the drying field and said, "Cheng Zheng, let's use this to decide some things."

Cheng Zheng looked at her with a "you're crazy" look, and found that she didn't look like a joke, and then he had a discussion with her, "Why don't we change the way, such as running? ... I always have the right to Choose."

"You can choose to play or not." Yun Jin said calmly.

Cheng Zheng hesitated for a while, as if struggling inwardly, "Okay, I'm in the dark." Since he can't escape, don't suffer.

"Whatever. Let's start." Yun Jin sat down on the spot.

When they were together, he never wanted to learn chess, even though Go was a traditional program at his alma mater, and it was a surprise to Yun Jin that they hadn't seen each other for a few years. Cheng Zheng's chess game is the same as his style of chess. He opens up and closes, attacking the city and plundering the pool. When Black was at 65, Black had the upper hand. Seeing Yun Jin's brow wrinkled slightly, Cheng Zheng was secretly delighted. How could she know that she had been soaked in the breeze in recent years and had made great progress in chess, so under the stab of White 67, He was not in a hurry, even Yunjin showed a look of appreciation when Hei 73 broke. With the victory in hand, Cheng Zheng tried his best to control his smug look, this woman still wanted to use this trick to bully him, to see what she had to say after she lost.

Yun Jin thought for a while, the next 74 and 76 broke first, the white chess in the center suddenly thickened, and the black chess showed four breakpoints. , When Yun Jin was white at 94, White's advantage was unshakable, and even Cheng Zheng understood that as long as White fell at 96, the blockbuster black would not survive. So when Yunjin picked up the 96th son, he grabbed her hand and said, "The one just now doesn't count, I made a mistake."

Yun Jin smiled softly: "Cheng Zheng, raising your hand will not return a man."

"I don't want to be a man, I'll do it all over again." At this point, he decided to go to the end.

Yun Jin didn't care about him, the other hand took his hand away, and Bai Zi fell down steadily. "you lose."

Cheng Zheng swept the chess and cards with his hands and said ruthlessly: "What if I lose, just kidding, how can my happiness be determined by this game of chess?"

"I'm willing to admit defeat. I said that some things depend on this game of chess to decide, you didn't refuse, so from now on, the housework will mainly be done by you, because in the next period of time, I may have to find a new one. Work."

Cheng Zheng looked at her stupidly, what did she say? Did he hear it wrong

After a long time, Yun Jin heard a strange voice answer her: "I will learn!"

Following his hand and leaning into his embrace, Yun Jin remembered the last words she said to Zhang Jinyin that day: "...I can't. No one can guarantee happiness, but what I can say to you is, If Cheng Zheng is not happy, my heart will hurt more than yours."

Then she heard Cheng Zheng say slowly: "I have never regretted being separated from you, but no matter how far I go, I always believe that one day I will get you back. Su Yunjin, I finally got you back. "

Cheng Zheng didn't know how long he had been holding her. The laughter of the children came from not far away. He looked over and saw a few half-old children in mud looking at them, shaving and laughing. Children in the countryside are unavoidable. It's strange to see such a scene.

"That... Yun Jin, can we show up? My feet are a little numb." He still maintained the cross-legged posture of playing chess. Yun Jin stood up and pulled him again, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone."

In front of Yunjin's other cousin's uncle's house, Cheng Zheng saw Mrs. Tai, whom he had not seen for many years. Mr. Tai was over ninety years old and looked the same as before, except that his eyes were completely invisible. He was sitting in front of the main room. groping for dishes on the small stool. Cheng Zheng suddenly remembered that many years ago, when he pretended to be Yun Jin's boyfriend to attend her mother's wedding, he had promised A-tai that if they got married in the future, he would definitely tell the old man himself, thinking of this, he silently clenched his hands tightly. Yun Jin's hand.

Yun Jin pulled him to squat down beside A Tai's knee.

"Ma'am, I'm Yun Jin, and Cheng Zheng and I came to see you together."

A-tai stopped the movement in her hand, opened her toothless mouth and smiled: "Yun Jin, you are here, it seems that your mother was here some time ago."

"A Tai, I'm Cheng Zheng, do you still remember me? The one who beat the Japanese?" Cheng Zheng put his hands on Tai's lap and asked.

Ah Tai raised her head and thought for a long time, "The Japanese, oh... You are Yunjin's little boyfriend from our family."

"Yes, yes." Cheng Zheng nodded desperately, regardless of whether Auntie saw it or not.

Yun Jin glanced at Cheng Zheng with a smile, and said to A Tai, "A Tai, Cheng Zheng and I are together again."

A-tai continued to choose dishes, looking like she didn't think it was strange, "Aren't you two together all the time?"

Both of them were stunned for a moment, then silently clasped each other's hands, "Yes, Mrs., you are right."

"I remember when my great-grandfather and I were young, we were always noisy, and in the blink of an eye, for fifty years, no one would fight with me again..."

Ah Tai was still chattering, the warmth of the sun made Yun Jin sleepy, she rested her head on Cheng Zheng's shoulder with confidence.

We were also lost when we were young, but fortunately, after going around, you are still here.