You Are Still Here

Chapter 5


In the eyes of the classmates, there is no difference between Cheng Zheng and Su Yunjin after the "sanitary napkin incident". Cheng Zheng still often picks on her thorns, and Su Yunjin is still silent. They both never mentioned it. No one else dared to mention it deliberately, as if nothing had happened. But Cheng Zheng knew that it just didn't seem to have happened. In his heart, what should have happened had taken root long ago. He couldn't see her thoughts from Yunjin's face, the more calm she was, the less his heart would be settled. Sometimes Cheng Zheng thought that if she treated him a little bit worse, gave him a hit or two, or scolded him "rogue", he would feel more comfortable, at least it proved that the kiss that night was real. , not an empty dream that he imagined alone. Did she hear the last sentence he said, and did she know what he was thinking? No matter what, she shouldn't be so indifferent.

He still likes to stick his feet under her stool on purpose and sway, and when she frowns and turns his head, he smiles; her back is thin, and sometimes you can see the thin white lines under the washed blue shirt and school uniform. The shoulder strap, Cheng Zheng couldn't imagine it, every time he glanced at it, he felt his face blushing and his heart beating. Many years later, Cheng Zheng remembered the summer of his third year in high school. He looked at her behind her, and there was a kind of lost sweetness in his heart.

Until one day, he could no longer bear Su Yunjin thinking about a typical algebra problem that couldn't be more typical. When passing by her in spare time, he tried his best to write a draft full of detailed ideas and steps to solve the problem. She slapped it on her desk and ran away in a hurry. When he returned to his seat, he saw that she raised the draft in her hand and wanted to say something to him, "Don't think too much, I just can't stand the stupidity of others." Cheng Zheng grabbed in front of her, red Confessing with a face. Yun Jin also answered slowly after hearing the words: "Don't think too much, I just want to ask you what the word is."

"Pfft." The two of them looked at the same time, only to see Yun Jin's tablemate, and the small Song Ming laughing aside. Seeing them look over, Song Ming just made a gesture of begging, and continued to devote himself to the unfinished exam paper at his desk. Cheng Zheng ignored him and took the draft from Yun Jin's hand, "Which word? Saying you're stupid without admitting it, this is how it goes..."

In the next period of time, the classmates sitting next to them will be surprised to find that the relationship between Su Yunjin and Cheng Zheng has improved subtly. He asked Cheng Zheng for help in a loud voice. Although Cheng Zheng had an expression of being disturbed every time, he was afraid that the explanation would not be detailed enough. He didn't have much patience. He still looked blank when he saw Yun Jin, or was always angry when he disagreed. At this time, Su Yunjin often didn't argue with him, turned his back on him indifferently, and let him get angry. But within half an hour, Cheng Zheng could always be seen poking Yunjin's back with his hand, and said actively, "Oh, I haven't finished talking just now..."

After class on Friday afternoon, it was the "occasional relaxation time on the field" that the teacher acquiesced in. Cheng Zheng and a dozen boys in the same grade who had similar interests often played friendly games on the school football field. After he felt that his relationship with Su Yunjin was normal, he began to pretend to casually invite her to watch the football. Yunjin only said that he knew nothing about football and had no interest at all. After several unsuccessful invitations, Cheng Zheng was very annoyed and threw a harsh word before school on Friday afternoon: "Su Yunjin, if you don't go, give me a try if you have the skills." Zheng didn't have a clue at all, and he wasn't sure if Su Yunjin really didn't go, what should he do with her.

During dinner time, she sat on the edge of the bed in the dormitory to cope with the stereotyped meals in the school canteen. There were very few people in the dormitory today. Only she and Mo Yuhua, who used earphones to practice English listening while eating, did not speak, they were quiet. From time to time, the noise of the distant stadium could be faintly heard in the space.

"You really don't want to go and see?"

"Huh?" Yun Jin looked at Mo Yuhua who seemed to be focused on the voice of her earphones, not sure if she was talking to her.

Mo Yuhua, who was sitting across from her, took off his earphones and said slowly, "Are you full? Let's take a look."

Yun Jin was surprised that Mo Yuhua, like her, was usually not enthusiastic about such activities. "I'm not very interested in this." She lowered her head and unconsciously poked the leftovers in the bowl with a spoon.

"Let's go, treat it as if you were with me." Mo Yuhua snatched the bowl from her hand, placed it on the table next to her, then grabbed Yun Jin's arm and walked out of the door.

Yun Jin followed Mo Yuhua to the football stadium full of people. With a helpless expression on her face, Mo Yuhua took her to a corner with a relatively good field of vision. Yun Jin narrowed her short-sighted eyes by 200 degrees and wore red and white clothes. The two teams of boys in jerseys were running on the field, and there were many girls in the crowd watching on the sidelines. I wondered whether it was the ball or the person who made their expressions agitated.

She saw him, he was wearing a white jersey. Yun Jin wondered why she subconsciously searched for this person with her eyes, but it was not too difficult to identify him among the boys who kept running and changing positions. Unstoppable youth is flourishing. Yun Jin doesn't know anything about football, but he has to admit that Cheng Zheng's running posture is beautiful.

"How many girls are actually watching 'soccer' on this playground? It's just looking for an opportunity to blatantly stare and shout at that person." Mo Yuhua said lightly as he looked at the stadium. Yun Jin was waiting for the call, but found that the person who spoke did not look at her, but followed a certain figure on the field intently. Yun Jin curiously followed Mo Yuhua's line of sight to lock on the person she was looking at. She was surprised for no reason. Was the person she was looking at him? It doesn't get more unexpected than this. Yun Jin secretly glanced at Mo Yuhua as if to ask for evidence, the ordinary face had the same stereotyped expression as before. Seemingly sensing Yun Jin's gaze, Mo Yuhua tilted his head to look at her, and said with a rare expression of constriction: "I'm finally relieved to find out that I'm not looking at the beloved baby from your family?"

Yun Jin's face heated up: "He's not mine."

"I didn't say which he was, but you took the right seat, so you don't really hate Cheng Zheng that much, do you?" Mo Yuhua said with a smile, but that smile was quickly diluted by her subsequent self-deprecation." Could it be that the so-called 'turmoil' of adolescence is unavoidable, and they are all weighed down by three mountains of review materials, and they don't forget to linger on with fantasies." She paused and continued: "It's ridiculous. Well, you are also thinking, how could it be possible for me and that person?"

"Actually, I don't think so..." Yun Jin said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter if you think that way, I don't want any 'possible', but I just don't want to lie to myself." Mo Yuhua still looked at the boy in the white jersey, as if the lively crowd around her had nothing to do with her. Relationship, the huge stadium, only she and him. At this moment, Yun Jin discovered for the first time that Mo Yuhua's not-so-beautiful face had a flowing brilliance.

Yun Jin stared at the court for a while, Mo Yuhua said to her soon after saying those words to her that she had not finished listening to the listening practice arranged for herself today, so she threw Yun Jin on the court, Yun Jin hadn't heard from her yet. I recovered from the bombshell I just dropped. In fact, although she had relatively more contact with Mo Yuhua in the class, neither of them was a talkative person, nor did they have any deep friendships, let alone such revealing of their hearts, she did not understand what Mo Yuhua was. She will reveal to herself the secret thoughts of a girl that are hidden in her heart. Perhaps, she wants to seek a testimony for this unrequited love, at least, for a long time, Yun Jin has never imagined that she is like Mo Like Yu Hua, a girl who seems to be rigid and introverted, who is devoted to her studies, has such a worry in her heart.

She was completely immersed in her own thoughts, completely turning a blind eye to the fierce competition on the court. After finally reacting, she realized that someone was leaving, and the game was over. She naturally dissipated with the crowd, and before she reached the gate of the stadium, a sweaty man chased and squeezed beside her from behind. "Why are you here? Didn't you say you have no interest in the game?" Cheng Zheng said deliberately, but he did have a big smile on his face. Yun Jin took a half step back to prevent him from throwing the sweat from his hair on her, and only said dully: "The stadium is not yours, anyone can come."

"When did you come, why didn't I see you on the field just now?"

"… "

"How about it, my goal was a good one." Cheng Zheng ignored Yun Jin's speechlessness and seemed to ask casually.

"What goal?" Yun Jin looked blank.

Cheng Zheng's good mood suddenly disappeared, as if a child full of anticipation for praise had been poured cold water. Dare to love the person in front of him who was completely distracted from him just now. Just as she was about to have an attack, she found that even at this moment, her eyes had bypassed him and looked behind him.

Yun Jin looked at Zhou Ziyi who was standing not far behind Cheng Zheng. It was difficult for her to connect the master with this pretty cynical face to Mo Yuhua. She thought that she could feel Mo Yuhua looking at him. hopeless time. Of course, she didn't realize that Cheng Zheng's expression changed from a cloudy day to a torrential rain in an instant after he found the focus of her eyes.

Cheng Zheng was in disbelief when he was angry. He thought that she was finally willing to watch him play football. He was even more excited than the moment he scored, and the person she followed from start to finish was not him

"Hey, let go!" Before Yun Jin could react, Cheng Zheng had already dragged her a few steps forward. At this time, there were still many people around, most of them were classmates of the same grade. The few conversations that Cheng Zheng had caught up with and had just caught the attention of many people, and now every pair of eyes were watching.

Yun Jin's neck was burning red. She tried her best to free her arm from Cheng Zheng's side, but she couldn't resist the brute force of the boy. Angrily: "Cheng Zheng, you are crazy, everyone is watching."

Cheng Zheng threw off her hand when he heard the words, "Why are you afraid that others will see it, aren't you afraid that he will see it?" Yun Jin knew how ambiguous this scene seemed to others, and wished she could dig a hole in the ground and dig in. I wanted to scold him, but I was so confused that I couldn't think of words for a while, and I didn't want to entangle with him. I just wanted to leave this place immediately. She didn't know that her silence and dodging hurt Cheng Zheng even more. Before she ran away, he blurted out: "It's useless to look at him, who will look at you?" Yun Jin paused when she heard this. After a pause, he left without looking back at an even faster pace.

She didn't look back, but Cheng Zheng knew that his words were effective, she made him feel so uncomfortable, how could he let her leave with nothing. But why not feel the slightest joy of tit-for-tat? There is still a voice in my heart that repeatedly whispers: Where am I inferior to him