You Caught My Attention

Chapter 10


After going back and forth like this, Tan Yin finally sat in the library to listen to Chu Hang's lecture on structural mechanics. Without the attacks of mosquitoes, she now really sat down and listened to the lecture obediently.

Chu Hang looks cold and aloof on the surface, but he is very serious and responsible when he explains.

Perhaps it was because of this experience that she let go of her psychological burden and resistance. Tan Yin's state of mind really improved this time when she listened to the lecture. She gradually caught up with Chu Hang's thinking. For some questions, as long as Chu Hang gave her a few ideas for solving the problem, she could draw inferences from one example!

The second half of this hour seemed to pass very quickly. When Chu Hang packed up his textbooks, Tan Yin felt reluctant to leave: "How about doing one more question?"

Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin and said, "I have been alone with you for an hour tonight." He rubbed his brows and said, "Tan Yin, you should know when to stop. You can hold me back for a while with the excuse of doing another question, but you can't hold me back for the whole night."

"… "

Brother, I really want to study hard...

Unfortunately, Chu Hang obviously didn't think so. He just gave Tan Yin a warning look and turned to leave. But before leaving, he turned back again -

"Structural mechanics isn't that difficult. Don't get yourself into trouble because you can't solve the questions."

Tan Yin was stunned for a moment, and then she realized belatedly that Chu Hang probably took Jiang Yilu's words seriously. However, before she could explain that it was a misunderstanding, she heard Chu Hang continue -

"One moment you want to commit suicide because of your poor grades, and the next moment you jump off a building because you can't catch up with me. Tan Yin, you're not always so lucky to only break your legs when you jump off a building."

"… "

"Don't worry about your grades. In the future, we will meet in the study group regularly. I will teach you. Combined with your spirit of studying in the dormitory until one or two in the middle of the night, your grades will not be bad. There is no need to get stuck in a dead end and commit suicide when your self-esteem is frustrated. There is no need to go out to vent your feelings on a thunderstorm." Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin and said coldly, "Do you really want to be struck by lightning when you go out on a thunderstorm?"

Tan Yin thought desperately, my friend, you don’t know that I have been struck by lightning and blessed…

"Of course, there is no way to make me like you. No matter how hard you try, the result will not change. You are an adult now, so you still need to keep a calm mind."

"… "

After Chu Hang finished speaking, he looked away and then turned around and left.

Tan Yin stood there in astonishment, until the other person's figure disappeared completely, she finally remembered to shout out -

"Wait! Chu Hang! I really didn't jump off the building for you! Come back! Listen to my explanation!!!"


"This is so exciting! Did you know, Tan Yin, that Chu Hang just had dinner with that woman, and then he disappeared. For the whole night, no one saw Chu Hang in the commercial area outside our school. Only just now did Chu Hang return to the dormitory. And it is said that he looked a little haggard. He took a shower and went to bed as soon as he returned to the dormitory. He looked like he had been abused! We analyzed that there is a high probability that Chu Hang may have lost control and went to get a room with that woman!"

Tan Yin studied until she was exhausted. She finally said goodbye to Chu Hang. As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Jiang Yilu pulled her aside and told her the latest gossip about Chu Hang.


"Chu Hang checked into a hotel?" Tan Yin denied it almost subconsciously, "That's impossible, he..."

Jiang Yilu winked at Tan Yin and interrupted her, "Then how do you explain Chu Hang's tired look after he disappeared tonight? You have to know that Chu Hang is famous for his good physical strength. He played two basketball games with other schools before without taking a break. What could make him look like that? Think about it, isn't that kind of thing said to be very physically demanding?! Crazy output!"

Tan Yin choked and felt the need to clarify for Chu Hang: "Actually, he was tutoring tonight..."

Although it was also a crazy output, Chu Hang's crazy output tonight was indeed knowledge...

"Hahahahaha." Jiang Yilu interrupted Tan Yin with laughter without even thinking, "Let me ask you, who is he tutoring? Who has the ability to make someone like Chu Hang look so exhausted while tutoring? Is he a pig? How stupid does he have to be?"

"… "

Tan Yin hinted with difficulty: "Jiang Yilu, according to the arrangement of the college, the person who is paired with me to help with poverty alleviation is Chu Hang..."

"Wouldn't it be easy for you then? Chu Hang will definitely not be willing to teach you, and you can be free and easy then."

"Why wouldn't Chu Hang be willing to teach me?!"

Jiang Yilu curled her lips and said, "Put yourself in his shoes. If Chu Hang draws a cartoon for you, can you repay him with kindness and help him improve? Even if he really forms a study group with you, he must be preparing to punish you! He has dug a big hole for you and is ready to bury you!"

"… "

"Oh, by the way, what did you do when you went out tonight?"


"Tan Yin, your joke is not funny at all!"

"… "


It’s just that although Jiang Yilu didn’t believe that Chu Hang would really tutor Tan Yin, Chu Hang, the strongest king, actually helped Tan Yin, a bronze player, to improve himself.

Although Chu Hang's attitude was always cold and he only talked about the questions and hardly said a word to Tan Yin, after getting used to his pace, Tan Yin really found the way to structural mechanics slowly, and her enthusiasm for learning was high all of a sudden.

However, Tan Yin didn't know that her studies, which she did with a clear conscience, were seen as something completely different in the eyes of others.

That day at noon, she had just finished her meal in the cafeteria and finally found a seat to sit down when someone came to her door.

The man came with great momentum and sat down directly opposite Tan Yin. The noise made Tan Yin tremble. She had to move her sitting position carefully to maintain her precarious balance.

The chair she was sitting on was still empty in such a crowded cafeteria, not because it was vacant in anticipation of her arrival, but because the chair was inherently flawed. The screws that should have fixed it to the ground had long been loose. The chair was designed to be connected at one end to the other, so if improper force was applied to one end, it would easily cause the person at the other end to fall over.

"Are you Tan Yin?"

Matching the opponent's aggressive actions is the opponent's aggressive voice.

Tan Yin swallowed the meatball in her mouth, looked up, and recognized the person at once. She had long curly hair, an oval face, fair and rosy skin, and was well-dressed. It only took a few glances to spot the conspicuous brand logos on her. She was quite pretty. Although her round eyes were full of hostility, she was still somewhat cute if you looked closely.

Isn't this the heroine of Chu Hang's hot date night that night? !

Before Tan Yin could respond, the other party continued to speak. She sneered contemptuously: "Judging from your reaction, it's definitely Tan Yin."

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you should be clear-headed and recognize your position. Don't think that you can stick to Brother Chu Hang all day long under the name of a study group. He tutors you only because it is the college's task and he is kind-hearted, but this cannot be an opportunity for you to deliberately seduce him..."

Tan Yin didn't give the other party a chance to speak out. She interrupted him righteously, "You are simply slandering me. Who is deliberately seducing me? I am now obsessed with studying and have no intention of falling in love. I no longer love your brother Chu Hang. What I love is studying. Studying makes me happy! If you spread rumors again, I will slap the test papers of the top 20 students in this architectural mechanics quiz in your face!"

The other party didn't expect Tan Yin to be so tough. He was stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened again: "I've heard of you. You pursued Brother Chu Hang before, and even jumped off a building for him. You are the type who will never give up. I don't believe you will give up so easily, but I tell you, I have seen many people like you. I kindly advise you that you and Brother Chu Hang are not from the same world, and you are not worthy of him at all."

Hearing this, Tan Yin was unhappy, and all the fighting factors in her body were activated: "Why am I not worthy of your brother Chu Hang?"

"Brother Chu Hang has a noble bloodline..."

"You are not breeding cats, so why do you care about bloodline? And how is his bloodline noble? Isn't it just that his ancestors have some French blood? French bloodline is noble? I only know that the French are the fastest bald people in the world. Chu Hang's hair looks quite lush now, but it's hard to say. Maybe when he turns 30, his noble French bloodline will make him unable to escape his fate and become Mediterranean directly?"


Tan Yin rolled her eyes. "What do you mean by you? Do you understand the principle of virtual work? Do you know what the polar moment of inertia is? Do you understand the law of the internal force diagram of the beam?"

"… "

"Look, you don't understand anything, and you still have the nerve to tell me that Chu Hang and I are not from the same world? We at least have so much in common!"

"… "

"Besides, whether you know how to do it or not, you came to me and asked me to stop pestering Chu Hang. You should at least take out a check, right? If you don't have a check, at least use Alipay to transfer the money, right? At worst, you can take out a wad of cash!"

The other party was simply stunned: "How can you be so shameless!"

"I jumped off the building for Chu Hang, so what else can I not sacrifice?"

"You are so shameless!"

Tan Yin put down her chopsticks and asked, "Are you a freshman this year?"

The girl opposite became alert: "What's wrong with being a freshman? Are you still going to talk to me about seniority? Oh, brother Chu Hang and I grew up together. At that time, you didn't even know where you were getting moldy!"

"Respecting the elderly and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. As a freshman, you should talk to me nicely and be polite, understand?"

"Just you?!"

Tan Yin wiped her mouth calmly: "I'm warning you, if you do this again, I'm leaving."

"Get lost! Do you think I want to see you?! You are so shameless..."

Before the other person finished speaking, Tan Yin stood up suddenly. Almost at the same time, the arrogant girl opposite her lost her balance in the chair and had no time to respond. She fell on her back with a bang. The noise was so loud and the posture was so awkward that all eyes in the bustling cafeteria focused on her.

Tan Yin looked at the man who fell to the ground in an indecent position and shook her head. "You are indeed a freshman. You don't even know the mystery of this chair and you are unwilling to respect the elderly and love the young. Young man, this is a lesson that life is teaching you."

After Tan Yin finished speaking, she smiled and ignored the other party's expression as if he wanted to rush up and strangle her to death. Just as she was about to leave without leaving any credit or fame, she turned around and saw Chu Hang standing not far away with a complicated expression on his face. She didn't know how long he had been there.

He pursed his lips, walked over, glanced at Tan Yin, then quickly looked away. Then he walked past Tan Yin and reached out to pull up the girl sitting on the ground.

"Brother Chu Hang!" As soon as she saw the newcomer, she started to act like a spoiled child, wiping tears and complaining. She pointed at Tan Yin and said, "She deliberately made me fall."

Chu Hang helped the other person up and then let go of his hand. He frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Fei Fei, stop messing around."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Tan Yin. Chu Hang only glanced at Tan Yin, then lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "It's not worth it to risk your life for me."

Tan Yin:

"As for whether I'll be bald at the age of thirty, that's not your concern."

"… "

"Now that your grades have improved a lot, there is no need to form study groups at the same frequency as before. We can try to communicate via email in the future."

Tan Yin said with a sad face: "Now it has become distance education? From university directly to correspondence courses? That's not good..."

Chu Hang glanced at her coldly: "Teaching you is also very exhausting. Didn't you kindly remind me? I have French bald blood. I'm afraid that if I continue like this, I will be bald before I graduate from college."

"… "

"Okay, get out of the way, you're blocking my way."

"… "

Tan Yin quickly made way, and then watched Chu Hang walk away calmly with his back straight. The hair on the back of his head was now thick and black, but Tan Yin suddenly became curious about what kind of baldness Chu Hang would have in the future? Mediterranean baldness or M-shaped baldness