You Caught My Attention

Chapter 17: XVII


Tan Yin followed Chu Hang back to the teaching room with her head down. She hastily finished her own model and started to work on Chu Hang's. Perhaps it was because of Chu Hang's tyranny, or perhaps it was because she felt a sense of awe that she couldn't bear to defile Chu Hang's semi-finished exquisite model. Under Chu Hang's supervision, Tan Yin really worked very hard on it.

Chu Hang was redrawing the picture while Tan Yin was sitting beside him fiddling with the model.

When the sky was getting a little brighter, Tan Yin finally completed the model of Chu Hang. For a moment, looking at this finished product with a strong sense of design, Tan Yin couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

She turned her head to look at Chu Hang, only to find that he was still drawing quietly, his eyes fixed on the drawing, focused and devoted. From Tan Yin's perspective, she could clearly see the shadows cast by Chu Hang's long eyelashes at the corners of his eyes. He blinked gently, and Tan Yin realized that it was not only the shadows of his eyelashes, but also some signs of staying up late at the corners of Chu Hang's eyes. However, he did not seem tired at all. He was so focused that he forgot everything around him and did not even notice Tan Yin's direct gaze.

"I'm done!!! I'm done!!!"

It was not until another student in the classroom shouted in ecstasy that Chu Hang's concentration was finally broken. He subconsciously raised his head, but his eyes still maintained the expression when he was looking at the drawings -

It was a look that was so clean and clear, with earnest persistence and complete selflessness, a slight interruption of confusion, and a lingering concentration.

Tan Yin was caught off guard and ran into Chu Hang's gaze.

Tan Yin's heart suddenly started beating violently. She had known Chu Hangshuai for a long time, but she saw this face frequently. Tan Yin always claimed to be a person who had seen the world, so she was not surprised by his handsomeness with a bit of luxury and nobility. But now, after seeing him for a while, she really wanted to dodge.

This man is so handsome, and his gaze at that moment gives people an illusion, as if that kind of focused attention is not on the architectural drawings, but on the person in front of him.

This is really a bit terrible.

Tan Yin almost subconsciously began to change the subject, trying to dispel the subtle atmosphere. She glanced at Chu Hang's drawings and made up a random topic to pretend to be calm: "Why are you drawing so slowly? I was much faster than you in the beginning. Are you capable of this, Chu Hang? I have finished your model for you, okay!"

Chu Hang just glanced at Tan Yin, pursed his lips and said nothing. Then he lowered his head and continued to draw with concentration.

Seeing that he was too lazy to pay attention to her, Tan Yin calmed down. She was bored and had stayed up all night. Now she was energetic. She was not sleepy, but hungry. It happened that other students who had finished their work were going to a nearby 24-hour convenience store to eat, so Tan Yin followed them.

After she ate a bowl of instant noodles at the convenience store and returned to the technical school, she found that Chu Hang was no longer drawing. He was standing in front of his desk with his drawings in his hands.

He was looking at Tan Yin's plan.

Tan Yin almost subconsciously wanted to snatch her own blueprint back: "Chu Hang, don't peek at my blueprint and claim my design as your own!"

Chu Hang looked incredulous. He said coldly, "Tan Yin, are you having an illusion because you don't get enough sleep? Would I steal your design?"

"Although my plan is definitely worse than yours in theory, what if? What if you want to find inspiration from my drawings? Although my professional skills are not good, my artistic understanding and creative thinking are still pretty good. It is said that talent is like pregnancy, it will be seen by others after a long time. Maybe you have sharply seen my potential in architectural design and want to learn the essence from my work?"

"Your exhibition area has six floors, and your collection library has eight floors. And they are not connected to the exhibition area. They are either separated by the visitor center or the lecture hall. Is this your museum design plan?"

Tan Yin glared at Chu Hang.

"The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has more than 3 million exhibits and can accommodate 5 million visitors, but it only has three floors. It is common sense in museum design that the collection warehouse in the exhibition area should not exceed four floors, because the transportation of collections on the second floor and above must consider vertical transportation equipment and costs. Many large stone sculptures and architectural exhibits are also more likely to increase the risk of damage during such vertical transportation."

"When designing the layout, the collection warehouse should be as close to the display area as possible, because many collections may not be suitable for outdoor transportation. Changes in temperature and humidity should be avoided as much as possible when transporting them from the collection warehouse to the display area." Chu Hang finished speaking and pointed to Tan Yin's drawings. "The collection warehouse and restoration workshop in the display area should be arranged in a north-south direction as much as possible to avoid western exposure."

"Finally, your streamline design is also problematic. The flow of people in the museum should avoid crossing and duplication as much as possible."

Chu Hang looked at Tan Yin's drawings, from head to toe, and criticized Tan Yin for almost every design. His voice was even a little cold, with a serious and serious tone in his usual coldness.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tan Yin and said, "I can't find any bright spots in your design from beginning to end. How can I steal your design? Tan Yin, you are quite capable to be able to make a plan like this."

"… "

Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin and said, "Whether my drawing is good or not is up to the teacher to judge, but yours is definitely not good. Your drawing is far from the passing line."

Tan Yin was a little embarrassed, she said in defense: "I just don't like architecture. It was a mistake for me to study architecture. I was forced by my father. It's not that I can't do it, I just don't have any interest in painting..."

"Tan Yin, a person must be able to do at least one thing well before they are qualified to say that they chose not to do it because they were not interested." Chu Hang's expression was cold and his tone was heavy, "It's just that many people always use lack of interest to cover up their incompetence."

For a moment, even though Tan Yin was thick-skinned, he felt his face burning.

Chu Hang's dictionary didn't even have the word "stop when you're done". He didn't give Tan Yin any face at all: "You probably haven't even visited the museums in City A for on-site research. You just randomly drew the blueprints just to cope with the assignment. You have a poor foundation, you're not serious, and you have no intention of actively learning. How can you learn architecture well? In your opinion, architecture is just a way to get by? I can't imagine that once you graduate and enter the construction industry, what else can you do except add burden to your colleagues? Do you really care about the inner needs of the customers when you design a house? Do you have any humanistic care?"

Chu Hang is not an approachable person on normal days, but at this moment, when talking about construction, his attitude is more serious and cold than ever. He almost defends the construction industry as if he were defending himself.

"Tan Yin, if you don't respect and understand architecture, you will never be able to learn architecture well."

Chu Hang's voice was cold and hard: "I agreed to form a support group with you before because I thought you wanted to study architecture but didn't know how to do it. Anyway, you can still be saved. Now it seems that I thought too much." Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin, "I think you should have a good meal and go on your own."

Before Tan Yin could answer, Chu Hang issued an ultimatum: "Don't come to me again in the future. I will ask the counselor to replace the support group. And don't always try these crooked ways to get close to me."


Tan Yin had been staying up late to cultivate for several days, and was scolded by Chu Hang. She felt very dissatisfied. She admitted that she was not interested in architecture because of her resistance, and it was natural for Chu Hang to ridicule her, but...

But you said I am not good at architecture? Then I will learn it well and show you!

Tan Yin took a look at his useless drawings and made a serious decision for the first time.

She wants to work hard! She wants to strike back! She wants to slap Chu Hang in the face!

But this lofty ambition only lasted three days, and Tan Yin withered away.

Jiang Yilu watched Tan Yin muttering in a daze as he took out a professional book with a red face, and then put it down with a haggard face. He understood clearly: "You have to master the learning method, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort. If you want to counterattack and slap someone in the face, you also need a martial arts secret book!"

"Why don't you teach me now?"

Jiang Yilu lifted her hair and said coquettishly, "Sister, do you have any unrealistic fantasies about me? Do I look like I can teach you anything?"

"… "

"You should learn from the barbarians to defeat them." Jiang Yilu advised, "Besides, Sun Tzu's Art of War said, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Since you want to slap Chu Hang in the face, you should take a good look at how Chu Hang studies and learn from him. I heard from Chen Ziqiang that he hardly studies in the dormitory. So think about it, his grades are still so good, he must be secretly studying somewhere else. I don't know how hard he works behind the scenes to maintain his image as a top student."

Tan Yin was shocked: "People nowadays are so dishonest? Even men are so hypocritical nowadays?"

"Heh, haven't you heard of this saying? How hard do you have to work to make it look effortless? Don't be fooled by Chu Hang's seemingly effortless study. Maybe he's having a worse life than the rest of us. In order to maintain his honor of always being the first, he's under so much pressure that he suffers from insomnia, hair loss, and tears all day long..."

"Not really..." Tan Yin analyzed, "I don't think he has dark circles under his eyes, like someone who stays up late and suffers from insomnia. His hairline hasn't receded, and his eyes don't look like he's been crying..."

"Use concealer for dark circles, hairline powder for hairline, and ice compress swollen eyes with a spoon after crying." Jiang Yilu looked sympathetic, "Tan Yin, as an architecture student, you don't know this, how are you going to survive in the future? Dark circles, baldness, and crying late at night are standard features of our architecture department!"

"… "

Although Jiang Yilu's divergent thinking was really not flattering, her words did give Tan Yin some inspiration. Chu Hang's major was so strong, he must have worked hard. There happened to be a thunderstorm these two days, why don't I take advantage of the invisibility to observe Chu Hang and find out the truth? What good teaching materials did he secretly use? Why not buy one for myself


Chu Hang hasn't seen Tan Yin for a few days since he handed in his last design assignment. He just felt that his mood was brighter than the sunshine in the past two days.

Even though the weather was no longer sunny today and there was a thunderstorm outside the window, Chu Hang was still in the sunny mood as he sat in the library.

This little jinx has finally disappeared from my life.

I finally got some precious peace and quiet and can sit down and read a book.

He put the book down and was about to open it when he heard a surprised exclamation -

"You are reading The Journey of Beauty? It must be fake, right? There must be some other architectural monograph hidden in the cover of The Journey of Beauty. I didn't expect you to use this trick. I thought I was the only one who took off the cover of the math textbook and pasted it on the outside of the novel in order to read the novel. Chu Hang, Chu Hang, you are such a scheming man, I really misjudged you."

"… "

The library was very quiet. There was no one in front of Chu Hang's desk. The other students around him were also studying at their desks, and no one looked up.

Tan Yin's voice followed him like a shadow: "Have you heard of the butterfly effect? Many small changes can bring about long-term huge chain reactions. You may think that you are just mocking me, but you don't know that you have inadvertently made a strong enemy for your future. In the future, I, Tan Yin, will become a bold and colorful figure in the history of architecture!"

"I have two plans now. Plan one, starting from today, I will study hard and strive to catch up with the British and American masters in one or two years to successfully counterattack and slap you in the face. Plan two, if I can't surpass you in my major, that's fine, I will still focus on health preservation and physical fitness. As long as I live long enough, when you die, and when all of us who have better grades than me die, I will be a master. After all, life is a protracted battle. You won the sprint, but I will be the one who laughs at the finish line. Normally speaking, women have a longer lifespan than men. The only situation in which men can live a long time is if they castrate themselves. I heard that the eunuchs in ancient times lived a long life, probably because they eliminated human desires and were not prone to kidney deficiency..."

"… "

Chu Hang felt his head swelling. Who could tell him why this little jinx came again? !

Why am I hallucinating again? !


Chu Hang flipped through "The Process of Beauty" expressionlessly, while Tan Yin's voice was still in his ears.

"Huh? Are you really reading The History of Beauty? I'll write it down and read it when I get back..."

Chu Hang couldn't read the book any more today, so he snapped the book shut and turned on the computer screen, but Tan Yin's voice was still haunting him.

"Hey? This folder named 'Academic Materials' on your desktop makes me think a lot. It is said that folders named like this on boys' computers are usually..."

Chu Hang felt his blood boiling. With a stern face, he opened the folder named "Academic Materials"...

"Oh." Tan Yin's voice beside my ear was full of disappointment. "Architectural design drawings of famous buildings. They are really academic materials. Chu Hang, you are a bit boring..."

"… "

Chu Hang tried his best to ignore the inexplicable auditory hallucinations in his mind. He glanced at the computer screen and saw that the battery was running out, so he took out the power cord. The power sockets in the library were all on the ground, so Chu Hang had to crawl under the table with his upper body, bend down and squat to prepare to plug in the power cord.

"Wow, Chu Hang, your butt is so firm and perky in this pose, it's really tempting. Zhu Kangmei might even want to touch it after seeing it, hahahaha."

Chu Hang's composure finally failed him. His hand trembled and he lost control of the hand that was plugging into the socket. For a moment, he only felt a slight electric shock pain on his hand. A few electric sparks made him subconsciously drop the power cord.

The sockets in the library were aging, but fortunately Chu Hang was lucky enough to only get a slight electric shock and was not seriously injured.

Chu Hang stood up with a stern face and plugged in the power of the computer expressionlessly. Just when he was struggling with whether he should see a psychiatrist to deal with the auditory hallucination, reality finally dealt him a fatal blow.

"Chu Hang, you must concentrate when plugging the socket, otherwise what you hold in your hand will no longer be a power cord, but a key to heaven!"

Chu Hang looked in the direction of the sound, and this time he really saw a ghost. Not only was he hallucinating, he was also hallucinating.

Who else could it be but Tan Yin, sitting in front of him with her chin supported by her hands?! This little jinx was staring at him unscrupulously...

Things were getting a little tricky, and he might have really been electrocuted and had a damaged brain. Chu Hang thought he needed to see a doctor.

The author has something to say: Leave a comment of more than 20 words in this chapter and receive a red envelope~ (until 8 am tomorrow)

Manually highlight the next chapter update time will be at 11 o'clock tomorrow night (that is, Saturday)~

Note: The content about museum design in this chapter (that is, what Chu Hang pointed out) is referenced from Baidu's knowledge about museum design and the courseware on museum design of the Department of Architecture found on Baidu~

I'm not a student of architecture, so if there are any mistakes, please give me some pointers~

I'm pushing an article. As usual, don't forget to leave me a message before going to Yiqingbielian to read the article and the small theater after pushing the article~

This is a new article by Fuluwanzi, it’s about a very pretty and cute girl chasing a boy, and then chasing his wife to the crematorium!

—Search "Poor Man, Rich Woman" on the app, it's fat enough to be slaughtered~

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Reader's "Searching for Children" short play

After a long time, when Chu Hang discovered his and Tan Yin's special abilities, he began to settle accounts with them.

Chu Hang started to dig holes: You said you saw me taking off my clothes?! We weren’t together at that time, right?! How did you see it?! Or did you use your superpowers to do whatever you wanted and see it all over the school

Yinyin: I didn’t wrongly accuse you. I didn’t mean it. I promise I only looked at you!

Chu Hang: Do you promise to only look at me from now on

Yinyin: I promise, I promise with my superpowers, I will only look at you

Chu Hang began to take off his clothes: Very good, I can satisfy your request now

Yinyin: … Go to hell with you, when did I ever say I want to see it now