You Caught My Attention

Chapter 23: XXIII


The memory of nearly choking in the sea was indeed terrifying, but now thinking about it, Tan Yin still has no regrets: "I didn't think about anything when I rushed over to save people. I just think that people should be a little passionate sometimes. Isn't it said that human nature is revealed in times of crisis? Maybe the brilliance of my humanity is at work. How can saving people be considered stupid? Didn't you save me too?"

"Have you ever thought about this? If I wasn't here today, if you were unlucky, you would probably be dead. How valuable do you think your kindness is? If you really died, do you think they would remember your kindness? They would just want to erase your existence so they can avoid being blamed by others."

"Don't we have you?" Tan Yin interrupted Chu Hang with a smile. She lowered her head and kicked the sand. "Have you never heard that kindness is a choice? Even if the world is cold and indifferent, as long as there is one kind person, I think there is hope for this society. And don't you think I am a little sun?"

Chu Hang frowned, obviously not understanding Tan Yin's jump in thinking: "What?"

"'Because illuminating others' darkness is the instinct of being a light.'" Tan Yin's eyes sparkled as she stared at Chu Hang. "When others are in trouble or danger, I give them a hand. This may be the instinct of me as a messenger of light. Although it is said that the sign of maturity is to accept that you are not the protagonist of your life story, but just an ordinary passerby, I always feel that I am the golden finger in my life script. Don't you think I am very lucky? I didn't die from falling down the building, I didn't die from being struck by lightning, and I didn't drown in the sea. I am simply a bug-like existence. If I were in a fairy tale, I should be the reincarnation of a cockroach spirit, or maybe an alien species, the American cockroach?"

At this moment, Chu Hang did not frown for the first time because of Tan Yin's irrelevant words. He looked at Tan Yin in a daze, as if he wanted to see another soul through her. His expression was a little dazed. After a long time, he looked away and said softly: "You and she said exactly the same thing."

"Ah? Who?"

"My sister."

Tan Yin was a little surprised: "You have a sister?! But I heard that you are an only child!"

"She used to." Chu Hang looked towards the sea, his voice a little broken in the sea breeze, "She's dead."

"I'm sorry." Tan Yin looked embarrassed and apologetic. "I didn't mean to mention that." She tried to change the subject. "By the way, do you like seafood? To thank you for saving my life, how about I treat you to seafood tonight?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Hang did not respond, but continued the heavy topic just now. He glanced at Tan Yin calmly: "She was six years older than me. She was only eighteen when she died. She died because she saved a drowning child."

Tan Yin was stunned.

"It was a five-year-old girl. Her parents were bragging and chatting with their friends. She fell into the river. The current was very fast and she was about to drown. My sister jumped in to save her." Chu Hang lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "Unfortunately, the child was saved, but my sister was washed away. The river is connected to a reservoir. The body was soaked in it for three days before it was salvaged. It was beyond recognition."

With such painful memories, Chu Hang's voice was very calm now, but underneath his calmness, he tried hard to suppress hatred and anger: "But do you know how this child's parents treated us? They moved away and transferred the child to another school on the day the accident happened, and disappeared without a trace, without a word of thanks, shame, or apology."

Chu Hang took a deep breath and sneered, "A few years later, I finally found them. When I asked them why, do you know what they answered me? Because they were afraid that our family would blackmail them, that the burden of a life would affect the healthy growth of their children, and that the neighbors would point fingers at them and affect their normal lives. 'We have always been very grateful to your sister, but your sister wanted to save people on her own, and we didn't force her to do so. You can't blame us.' How ridiculous! My sister's life and her kindness were exchanged for this."

Tan Yin didn't know what to say about such a heavy past. Facing the grief of losing her loved ones, any words would be pale and insignificant. Some of the pain was something she could never empathize with.

"Time flies. It's already been seven years since she passed away." Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin, "I saved you because I don't want anyone to get into trouble for being a hero. Don't do this again next time." Chu Hang looked away, his voice soft, "Because of my sister, I don't want you to die. But I can't always be by your side."

"How about I just follow you all the time? That way you'll always be by my side, right? And we can develop some feelings at the same time?"

"… "

Tan Yin saw that her words really swept away the heavy atmosphere just now, and Chu Hang's face became lively again, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, Chu Hang's eyes were filled with too much hatred and pain, and his whole body was gray and full of depression. Now, he was glaring at her with gritted teeth, and he returned to his proper appearance.

I don’t know why, but at this moment, Tan Yin just wanted him to be happier.

Chu Hang really returned to his attitude of not wanting to pay attention to Tan Yin. The two walked in silence for a while before Tan Yin heard Chu Hang's voice again. She hesitated with some curiosity and some disbelief.

"Were you really struck by lightning?"

Brother, it’s absolutely true. If I hadn’t been struck by lightning, how would I have gotten my super powers

Tan Yin spread his hands and could only helplessly explain: "Of course I was struck by lightning, so I told you that I am lucky, I am the chosen one, and I have the thickest golden finger. If you have nothing to do, why don't you pray to me, maybe it can change your luck."

Chu Hang obviously wanted to hold back, but he couldn't hold it back in the end. He glanced at Tan Yin and said in a complicated way, "Are you sure that you were struck by lightning because you were chosen by God and not punished by God?"

"… "

Chu Hang, Chu Hang, I think this lightning should hit you! Tan Yin thought angrily, when I become invisible during a thunderstorm, I will install a lightning rod for you!


Although it was a false alarm, Tan Yin had exhausted a lot of energy after splashing around in the sea. She took a shower and changed her clothes in the room, and then fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, it was already dark, and the night had fallen on the beach. This was also the most suitable time to be at the beach. There was no scorching sun during the day, but it was not cold. The beach still had the residual warmth of the day, and the evening breeze was blowing, and the air was moist and fresh.

Although Tan Yin invited him warmly, Chu Hang obviously did not appreciate it and rejected her ruthlessly. But even if Chu Hang did not appreciate it, he still had to eat the seafood.

Tan Yin followed Jiang Yilu through many twists and turns and arrived at a food stall not far from the beach. This food stall was not as elegant and clean as a high-end hotel. Tables were placed in the open air. The large round tables were very ordinary and even simple, with plastic chairs. However, it was almost full and the turnover rate was very high.

"I saw this restaurant recommended by a local on the Internet. It's cheap and good quality, and it doesn't overcharge customers. Most importantly, the seafood is fresh enough, not short of weight, and the taste is many times better than those in big restaurants."

Jiang Yilu was sharp-eyed. She immediately found a seat and pulled Tan Yin to sit down. She was about to say something with a smile, but when she turned around, she looked furious as if she had seen a ghost. "Xu Yu, why can't I get rid of you wherever I go!"

Tan Yin turned around and found that Xu Yu and Duan Yingfei were sitting at the table behind her. The seat between them was empty, obviously reserved for Chu Hang, who probably just walked away at this time.

Before Xu Yu could say anything, Duan Yingfei hit back: "Come on, we were the first to come here. If we have any complaints, we should be the ones complaining." She gave Tan Yin a meaningful look, "And some people really should stop when they're done. Why don't they give up after being rejected so many times?"

Just at this moment, Chu Hang walked back to his seat from outside.

Tan Yin wasn't sure if Chu Hang heard her, but she felt she had to clarify: "Duan Yingfei, I'm warning you, you studied law, don't slander me without evidence. I only have respect for Chu Hang now, and this feeling is as pure as respecting my own father. How could I have improper thoughts about someone who is like my own father in my heart?"

Tan Yin said righteously: "Besides, my respect for my father is a little selfish. My respect for Chu Hang is really more pure than my respect for my father! You see, I won't think about how to cheat money from Chu Hang..."

Chu Hang had just pursed his lips and looked at Tan Yin. When she said this, he finally interrupted her as if he could no longer bear it: "Didn't you think of cheating me out of my money?" He sneered, "Then return my 250 yuan."

Tan Yin immediately thought of a solution: "It's impossible to pay back the money. Let's split the bill. It's fair. If you're still angry, I can call you daddy."

"… "

Just as Tan Yin and Duan Yingfei were talking back and forth, and Jiang Yilu and Xu Yu were giving each other death glares, the waiter finally came to serve the food. He served the restaurant's signature dish, spicy crab, to both tables.

Faced with such delicious food, Tan Yin had absolutely no way of refusing. She was too lazy to pay attention to Duan Yingfei's contemptuous gaze and began to eat with relish.

Although the two tables were obviously somewhat reluctant, the business at this food stall was so good that they were lucky not to have to wait for a seat. There were not even any empty tables, let alone changing seats. So the two tables of people, Tan Yin and Duan Yingfei, sat at adjacent tables. Except for Chu Hang, who looked indifferent, the other four were on edge.

Finally, Jiang Yilu glared at Xu Yu for a long time, but she gave in. Perhaps she felt that she had overused her eyes, so she began to search for eye drops in her bag.

Soon, after the spicy crab, the seafood dishes were served one after another. The people at the two tables finally reconciled before the delicious food and started eating in silence.

Tan Yin had just eaten two spicy crabs when her cell phone rang. She looked over and saw that it was the call from Dezhiwei, the delivery man. Tan Yin immediately took off her disposable plastic gloves, picked up her cell phone and walked out of the food stall. She walked around to a quieter corner and answered the call.

It was not a big deal, because Dezhiwei was having a limited-time promotion for takeout next weekend. With the temptation of discounts, sales would generally be very high, and the number of orders would naturally be larger. Therefore, the time of all part-time delivery staff was coordinated in advance to confirm whether they could take orders next weekend. Tan Yin had nothing to do next weekend, so he generously agreed.

But when she hung up the phone and wanted to go back, she was blocked by several figures coming towards her.

"Little beauty, are you here alone?"

"Leave me your phone number. I can see that you have a connection. I'll take you to karaoke and drink later tonight. I'm familiar with all the bars on this street. I'll take you wherever you want to go."

The leader was a rather sturdy looking man, not too old, but he looked very greasy and social. He was wearing a vest, and although it wasn't as exaggerated as the one with a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, some messy tattoos were visible from his vest, and around his neck hung a large gold chain to show his identity... The three people following behind him were probably his younger brothers, all of them had non-mainstream cool hairstyles, looked sloppy, and reeked of alcohol...

Tan Yin quickly looked around. She was a little far from the food stalls. Although the food stalls were bustling with people, everyone was busy eating, chatting and drinking. No one noticed Tan Yin's situation. Further away was the beach, which was now deserted. No one else was passing by...

This environment is not very optimistic...

After analyzing the pros and cons, Tan Yin knew that she could only maneuver at this moment. She gathered her hair, smiled shyly, and said in a delicate voice: "I'm sorry, I don't drink, and I don't go to bars. They are too messy. I don't think it's suitable for me. Thank you, brother."

It was also a coincidence that as Tan Yin was talking, she saw Duan Yingfei walking out of the food stall. She seemed to be looking for a toilet, so she walked around and then met Tan Yin's eyes.

Tan Yin almost couldn't wait to blink at her and try to send a distress signal.

The gang leader who was called "brother" on the other side smiled happily: "You don't know how to drink? Brother will teach you." He moved closer to Tan Yin and said, "You can call me Brother Qiang. Do you know what I am good at?"

Tan Yin said dryly: "Brother, I don't know."

When Tan Yin said this, Duan Yingfei finally walked past her. However, just when Tan Yin breathed a sigh of relief and thought that she would turn around to help her inform him, Duan Yingfei rolled her eyes at Tan Yin. She then looked at the gang leader with a look of contempt and ridicule: "He is so hungry that he doesn't care what he eats. It seems that he has given up after failing to catch up with Brother Chu Hang. He will eat anything."

"… "

After Duan Yingfei finished speaking, she walked away arrogantly... walked away...

Tan Yin looked at her back and felt her heart sink. It was all over now. She had been waiting for Duan Yingfei to pass by, but she turned out to be too prejudiced against her and thought that her brother and sister were enjoying it, so she just left with contempt!

At this moment, Tan Yin wanted to spit blood. In the eyes of the gang leader, Tan Yin's hypocrisy just now was obviously a sign of being docile and easy to bully. Now that there was no one around, Tan Yin's obedience just now made the gang leader Qiang Ge bolder. He approached Tan Yin and stretched out his hand to hold her waist: "Beauty, you come to the beach to travel, brother will take you around."

Tan Yin swiftly avoided the other party's dirty hands: "No need for that, big brother, I came here with my boyfriend."

The gang leader and his brothers exchanged knowing looks, and while pushing Tan Yin into a corner, they teased, "If you had a boyfriend, how could he not come to see you after you've been out for so long?"

The follower beside Brother Qiang was obviously very professional, and he was very good at flattering. He looked at Brother Qiang with a sly look in his eyes, "Boss, she does have a boyfriend!" The follower winked at Brother Qiang and said, "Just now, she didn't have one, but now she has you, Boss? Sister-in-law is right, isn't she here with her boyfriend?"

These words really touched Brother Qiang's heart. He laughed heartily and said, "That's right. Let's go and take your sister-in-law to get to know our place and meet the other brothers."

As soon as he finished speaking, several younger brothers surrounded Tan Yin, and Brother Qiang walked towards Tan Yin, preparing to take him away by force.

Tan Yin wanted to cry but had no tears. There was no one around, and it seemed that she could not escape. She could no longer care about pretending to be nice, and just pretended to be calm and said, "Brother, I really have a boyfriend! He is in the food stall. If he sees that I don't go back, he will come out to find me. He is extremely possessive, so possessive that he gets jealous whenever he sees me talking to other men. If he sees you guys like this, there will definitely be a conflict. He also has a tendency to be violent, and he won't attack easily, but if he does, it will hurt people..."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Then we have to meet him, beautiful lady. Why don't you call him out and see whether Brother Qiang's fist is more powerful or his fist is more powerful."

"Sister-in-law, there's really no need to stay with such a rubbish man. Our brother Qiang will never control you so strictly..."

In response to Tan Yin, the hooligans laughed. While laughing, Brother Qiang stretched out his dirty hands towards Tan Yin's hands. It was obvious that the pretentious and elegant chatup just now had exhausted his patience. At this moment, he finally showed his usual impatience and began to try to make a move. Tan Yin tried hard to dodge, but was surrounded and Brother Qiang still touched her face twice.

This place was too far from the food stalls, where everyone was chatting and it was already quite noisy. The sound of the wind and waves on the beach made all other sounds seem so small. Even if Tan Yin shouted for help at the moment, she might not be able to attract anyone's attention. Run? Being stared at and surrounded by so many thugs, there was no way she could run.

Dead, dead, my mother must be dying today to prove her loyalty.

Tan Yin had never encountered such a bad guy in her life, had never encountered such danger, and had no idea how to deal with it.

Tan Yin was panicking and scared. Although she remained calm, her hands were sweating. The beach was still very warm, but Tan Yin's hands were shaking subconsciously...

"What are you doing here? Why don't you go back?"

Just when Tan Yin was almost in despair, a hand roughly grabbed hers. It was slender and strong, with distinct joints. Although the movement of holding Tan Yin was a little unnatural, the gesture was unquestionably strong. She subconsciously held the hand tightly back, and her heart strangely calmed down and she stopped shaking.

It’s Chu Hang.

The author has something to say: If this chapter has more than 20 words, I will continue to give out red envelopes (until 8 o'clock tomorrow night when the next chapter is sent out)

Craving spicy crab!

In addition, the new article "You're Fired!" is now available for pre-collection. Interested little angels can go to the column and collect it~ After writing this, the love-hate lawyer CP~~ Unlike Qian Par and Yao Yao, one is a dog and the other is a cute, the heroine of this article is as dog as the hero~

Reader "Nan Ziqi"'s short drama

Tan Yin: Knock, knock, Chu Hang, have you knocked on the door of your heart

Chu Hang: quietly open a crack in the door

Reader "Shushu"'s short drama

Tan Yin: I am of French descent and I majored in architecture. I look sad every day and I will probably be bald before I reach middle age.

Chu Hang: Being bald or not represents a man's ability in certain aspects. It is impossible for him to be bald, even if he dies, he will never be bald. Stop dreaming.

Reader "小刀-a-niuniu"'s small theater

Chu Hang: Don’t do such stupid things next time!

Tan Yin: Plop, plop, you look so handsome when you scold me and worry about me