You Caught My Attention

Chapter 24: XXIV


Chu Hang's face was as handsome as ever, and as ugly as ever. His brows were furrowed, and his face was full of impatience: "How long have I been waiting for you?" As he said this, he forcefully pulled Tan Yin out from the encirclement of several thugs, "Let's go. Let's go back and eat spicy crabs."

This attitude was extremely bad, but Tan Yin was no longer afraid. She held Chu Hang's hand tightly. Just like when she was on the verge of drowning and death, Chu Hang reached out his hand to her again and pulled her out of danger again.

Unfortunately, the hooligans didn't give up so easily. Brother Qiang blocked Chu Hang and Tan Yin's way, his face full of disdain and unwillingness to give up: "Boy, I advise you to stay where you want to be. If you don't want to be beaten, just get out of here. Who do you think you are? Do you still want to learn to stand up for the weak?"

It was obvious that Brother Qiang wanted to overwhelm Chu Hang with his aura, but unfortunately his burly figure had no advantage in front of Chu Hang. Although compared with Tan Yin, Brother Qiang was considered tall and strong, but people are always compared to each other. Chu Hang simply stood in front of him with an expressionless face, and the difference in height was immediately apparent. Chu Hang was half a head taller than him.

Although Brother Qiang tried very hard to make a contemptuous expression, due to his height, he had to look up to look directly into Chu Hang's eyes. A noble and cold expression of contempt for human beings was made to look like he was rolling his eyes to the sky. If there was some white foam at the corners of his mouth, it would probably look more like food poisoning.

Chu Hang stood coldly in front of Brother Qiang, tall, long legs, well-proportioned muscles. Just from the body lines under the clothes, one can see Chu Hang's excellent body proportions. He has a temperament between a teenager and a man, with the aloofness and coldness of a mature elite man, and a bit of the arrogance and purity unique to a teenager.

At this moment, his beautiful eyes were narrow and upturned, perfectly interpreting his natural contempt. Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin nonchalantly, and then paid some attention to the gangster in front of him: "Didn't she tell me who I am?"

The gang leader was obviously angered by Chu Hang's attitude. He stretched out his hand with a grin, and was about to hold Tan Yin in his arms. Unfortunately, before his hand touched Tan Yin, it was intercepted by another hand in the air.

Chu Hang's movements were light, as if it was effortless. He held the man with one hand and raised his eyelids coldly: "Don't you understand what I'm saying? Didn't you hear her say that her boyfriend is jealous and violent?"

Brother Qiang put more force on his hands and gritted his teeth as he said, "What the hell is this got to do with you?!"

Chu Hang smiled and said unscrupulously: "Because I am her rubbish boyfriend."

His tone was so light and casual, yet it was full of undisguised provocation. It was clearly an ordinary sentence, but when Chu Hang said it, it had a bit of unclear meaning. Although she knew it was false, at this moment, Tan Yin's face couldn't help but flush, and her heart began to beat wildly.

She couldn't help but glance at Chu Hang's profile...

If it was a rubbish boyfriend like this, Tan Yin felt that she would still be willing to recycle him. After all, isn't the green economy the norm now? Young people should still respond to the country's call...

Brother Qiang naturally refused to accept it. His face turned red because of the effort. However, he still had to try hard to create an effortless look like Chu Hang. Unfortunately, he used too much force and even spoke with difficulty: "Since, since he is a rubbish boyfriend, let's change him."

"You can ask her to change if you want." Chu Hang still easily stopped the other party's actions. He smiled and said, "But you have to be able to beat me."

Chu Hang's tone was still dull, but every word seemed to be filled with arrogance. Unfortunately, he really had the capital to be arrogant. Even the big gang leader could not get the upper hand from him, and could only stumble in disappointment after being pushed by Chu Hang.

But as a gang leader, how could he retreat so easily in front of his younger brother? Brother Qiang immediately gave a look and prepared to besiege Chu Hang.

Seeing this, Tan Yin subconsciously grabbed Chu Hang's arm and said, "Chu Hang, don't worry when we fight later, I will definitely not abandon you and run away!"

"Who said we should fight?" Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin coldly. "In modern society, we should be more civilized and stop fighting over everything. Why would I fight for you?"

As if to verify his words, as soon as Chu Hang finished speaking, police motorcycles and police cars drove over with sirens blaring.

Brother Qiang and the other thugs looked a little panicked. Although Brother Qiang was unwilling, he still made a "retreat" gesture, and the other thugs followed suit and prepared to turn around and leave.

Tan Yin breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Chu Hang and asked, "Did you call the police?"

Chu Hang said as a matter of course: "If you don't call the police, do you expect me to fight a few people for you?" He said coldly, "I will only fight for my girlfriend. Do you?"

The crisis was resolved, and Tan Yin was completely relaxed. She blinked her eyes and said, "Um, didn't you just say he was my rubbish boyfriend?"

"You treat your benefactor like this?" Chu Hang snorted coldly, "I came to your rescue, and you're planning to blackmail me?"

"No, no." Tan Yin shook her head wisely, "I just said it casually. Thank you for that, but do you like girls?"

Chu Hang had a look on his face as if he had stepped on dog shit, and he couldn't help but raise his voice: "What do you mean I like girls? Should I like boys?!"

"You... that... Xu Yu?"

"Tan Yin, you are quite bold. What kind of pornographic garbage is on your mind? Do you want to publish your comic manuscript to the whole school?"

Tan Yin waved her hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, people are afraid of being famous just like pigs are afraid of being fat, I just want to be a low-key person... Wrong, wrong, accidental injury! This is an accidental injury! The friendship between you and Xu Yu is pure, I get it!"

It seems that I misunderstood! According to Chu Hang's reaction, it seems that the person who is seeking but cannot get is not Xu Yu! It is someone else, and it is a woman!

Facing Chu Hang's dark face, Tan Yin didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and just changed the subject: "Let's go, I'll treat you to a spicy meal when we get back..."

She and Chu Hang had already turned around and walked towards the food stall, but just as Tan Yin was about to say spicy crab, she turned her head slightly to look at Chu Hang, and saw the gang leader with a ferocious expression turning around and rushing towards Chu Hang, and the blade in his hand...

Perhaps because he had lost face and was drunk, the gang leader became furious and wanted to take revenge. He wanted to teach Chu Hang a lesson before the police arrived.

This turn was too sudden, and his movements were too fast and fierce. This knife was full of murderous intent and was heading towards Chu Hang's vital part of the lower back.

In a split second, Tan Yin had no time to remind Chu Hang, so she could only push Chu Hang away subconsciously.

But Chu Hang was pushed away, and Tan Yin was unable to dodge. She subconsciously used her hand to block it, and soon she felt the pain of being cut by the blade and the hot sensation of blood gushing out.

Chu Hang was also caught off guard by this development. He was pushed away by Tan Yin and looked at Tan Yin again. The moment he saw Tan Yin's wound, Chu Hang's whole face turned cold and his eyes became ruthless and fierce. Before Tan Yin could react, he saw Chu Hang pursed his lips and roughly dragged the gang leader to the ground. He didn't even have time to knock away the opponent's knife, and he punched the opponent hard without mercy or hesitation.

Although Tan Yin's hand was injured and bleeding, for some reason she always felt that Chu Hang's punch was probably heavier than the knife she had suffered.

The thug wanted to struggle, but Chu Hang seemed to be ruthless. He didn't say a word and firmly suppressed the other party. His punches were fierce and heavy, but his face was cold and indifferent, his beautiful lips were slightly pursed, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It didn't look like he was fighting at all, but like...

It's like interpreting the aesthetics of violence.

It turns out that good-looking people are also so good-looking when they fight.


But now was not the time to appreciate these things. The sound of police sirens was getting closer and closer. Tan Yin turned around and saw several policemen running towards him from the police car. Chu Hang called the police, and it seemed that they were going to arrest him as well.

Chu Hang obviously noticed the movement around him. The situation was obviously urgent, but he was still calm and elegant as always. He punched the thugs below him a few more times viciously, and then slowly stood up. Just when Tan Yin thought that he was ready to face the police calmly, Chu Hang came over. He took another look at Tan Yin's wound, and only spoke after confirming that the scratch was not serious and the bleeding had stopped.

"Do you still have the strength?"

Tan Yin nodded in confusion, and then she thought of something and cautiously asked, "Do you want me to arrest or attack the police with you?" Tan Yin swallowed and said, "I don't think this is a good idea. Why don't we die together, share the hardships and happiness, and go on a one-day tour of the police station together?"

Chu Hang looked at her as if she was mentally retarded. He pursed his lips, not wanting to pay attention to Tan Yin's expression. He didn't say anything, but just looked at Tan Yin and stretched out his hand to her.

Those unreliable younger brothers of Brother Qiang had already fled as soon as they heard the news, and now only Brother Qiang was left, lying on the ground groaning in pain, accompanied by the sound of the police getting closer and closer.

Chu Hang glared at Tan Yin, and urged her while still holding his hand outstretched to her: "Hurry up, the police are coming."

Tan Yin looked at Chu Hang's slender hand with distinct joints and felt unsure for a moment. The situation was critical. She was stunned for a few seconds before she suddenly came to her senses. She rummaged through her skirt pocket for a long time, first taking out a hairpin, then a piece of chewing gum, the key to the homestay, and finally a crumpled ten-dollar bill from the corner of her pocket.

She quickly flattened the ten-dollar bill and respectfully placed it in the hand Chu Hang extended to her.

Chu Hang looked at Tan Yin with a look of astonishment the whole time. He stared at the crumpled ten-dollar bill in his hand, his face darkening: "You're giving me this?"

Tan Yin quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Chu Hang, I don't carry many banknotes with me now. I'll give you ten yuan first, and then I'll send you a red envelope on WeChat later."

However, Chu Hang's expression did not improve, and even his voice was gnashing his teeth: "Give me back the money? What do you think of me?"

"Then what are you doing with your hand?"

Chu Hang did not answer Tan Yin's question. He also did not have time to answer because the police had already run behind them. Then came a loud roar with full of energy -

"Take all the people who were fighting over there back to the police station!"

Chu Hang pursed his lips at the roar, and resigned himself to his fate as he pulled Tan Yin's hand. He did not give Tan Yin any chance to refuse. As for how to treat the police, he only gave Tan Yin one word -


The author has something to say: Leave a comment of more than 20 words in this chapter and you will get a red envelope~ (until 8 o'clock tomorrow night when the next chapter is published)

Small Theater

Chu Hang: Don’t fight. Fighting is something only barbarians do.

… A moment later…

Chu Hang: If you are a man, you have to fight.

Reader's "Lemon Sweet" short play

Chu Hang: Every time Tan Yin has problems, I happen to be there for her. This is not a coincidence, she has always caught my attention.

Tan Yin: Isn't it because of my identity as the Chosen One

Chu Hang: …

Reader "chili"'s short play

Mou Fei: That little bitch on Mouyin, she was flirting with other people outside in just a short while!

Mou Hang: I understand, it’s my turn to perform again!