You Caught My Attention

Chapter 3


As soon as Tan Yin reached the door of the box, she heard thunder outside. She looked out the window and saw that the drizzle just now had turned into a rain shower. The sky had darkened completely, with lightning and thunder accompanying it.

"It's over! I didn't bring an umbrella!"

"Looks like we're either going to get caught in the rain or be stuck here and wait."

"I'm so annoyed. My movie is about to be released and I can't wait any longer. I have to go out in the rain..."

The corridor outside the box was filled with complaints from people who didn't bring umbrellas, but Tan Yin didn't care at all. She pushed open the door and walked out of the box, swaggering in the corridor, thinking about removing the plaster in a few days, as she couldn't walk well with the plaster on.

In fact, the plaster could have been removed two days ago, but because of the banner incident, Tan Yin was afraid that her father would break her leg again after removing the plaster, so she went home and pretended to be a tragic disabled person before she was ready to return to her normal life.

When Tan Yin walked to the door of the coffee shop, she found that the thunderstorm was quite heavy. There were several people with umbrellas standing at the door, opening their umbrellas and preparing to leave.

“This umbrella is too small.”

"The man holding the umbrella is too short."

"This umbrella is green. From a distance it looks like a green hat. It's unlucky."

"This umbrella doesn't look strong. It might get blown over if the wind gets strong."

Tan Yin commented while looking through a pile of umbrellas. After searching for a long time, she finally found a suitable one. This umbrella has a pure black canopy. The material looks high-end and absolutely sturdy. The canopy is very large. It is not a problem for her to get under it. The person holding the umbrella is quite tall. At this moment, from Tan Yin's angle, she can just see the other person's hand holding the umbrella handle. It is white, slender, and has distinct joints.

Although the person holding the umbrella had already walked into the rain, he had probably just left and was not far from the cafe.

Tan Yin thought, it’s him!

She covered her head with her hands, ran towards the other person in the rain, and then swiftly got under the other person's umbrella.

"It's okay, I'm not too wet." Tan Yin wiped the rain off his head and subconsciously looked up, "Big brother, can I borrow your..."

She choked on her words before she could finish. Who else could be holding the umbrella if not Chu Hang

Chu Hang stood straight, with one hand inserted and the other holding an umbrella, his eyes looking straight ahead. He was probably still in the same mood as before, with a slightly sour look on his face. However, he completely ignored Tan Yin who suddenly crawled under his umbrella, and now he looked coldly at the rain outside.

Of course, Chu Hang was not to blame for such a reaction, because he really couldn't see.

Not long after Chu Hang went abroad for exchange, Tan Yin was indeed struck by lightning. She didn't know whether it was a punishment from heaven or not. For a long time after the strike, Tan Yin felt nothing unusual. There was not even a lightning mark on her body. She even felt that as the chosen one who was still standing after being struck by lightning, she had a better appetite and ate more due to the psychological effect, and she even gained three pounds.

It was not until a thunderstorm several months after the accident that Tan Yin discovered something was wrong.

Whenever it rains or is about to rain, or there is thunder, she becomes invisible. Not only can others not see her, but they can also not hear her when she speaks. As long as the thunderstorm stops, Tan Yin will return to normal.

Being struck by lightning actually gave her super powers.

Once she accepted this setting, Tan Yin felt it was quite exciting! For example, at this moment, she was quietly hiding under Chu Hang's umbrella, and there was actually a hint of secret excitement

Thinking of this, she carefully moved closer to Chu Hang, not wanting to touch him, but also to avoid being drenched by the rain. Chu Hang was tall and had long legs, so Tan Yin had to jog to keep up with him and stay under his umbrella.

Xu Yu also held an umbrella and walked to Chu Hang's side. He teased, "To be honest, Tan Yin is pretty and loves you so much. I think you should just give in."

The two words "Tan Yin" successfully made Chu Hang's expression ugly. He frowned in disgust: "What's the use of being good-looking? Every year, his grades are at the bottom of the architecture department. He got the last place in the exam and he was shameless enough to hold a banner to celebrate. Is he with her to lower his average IQ or is he looking for death because he thinks life is not exciting enough?"

"Have you never heard of a saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can act pretentious. Based on Tan Yin's looks, even if she acts this way, there will still be boys willing to pay for it..."

As a result, before Xu Yu could finish his words, Chu Hang interrupted him coldly: "Can we change the subject? Or are you going to pay for Tan Yin?"

Xu Yu joked, "She loves you so much that she can't help herself. There's no room for me in her eyes."

However, with this interruption, the two naturally changed the topic and started talking about other things.

However, Chu Hang would probably never have imagined that the person he was criticizing was standing next to him, staring at him.

Tan Yin decided to justify her desire for revenge on her zodiac sign, after all, she was a Scorpio.

She pursed her lips, raised her hand, stood on tiptoe, and then pulled Chu Hang's umbrella over her...

The raindrops were more frequent at this time, accompanied by bursts of thunder. Chu Hang suddenly found that his umbrella was completely tilted to one side. Although the wind was strong at the moment, it was not so powerful. However, the umbrella tilted to that side for no reason and formed an exaggerated arc, so that his right shoulder was completely hit by the edge of the umbrella and was soaked by the raindrops rolling down the umbrella.

Seeing this, Xu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Chu Hang, didn't you eat? It's just a little windy, and you can't even hold up an umbrella? You're so weak at such a young age?"

Chu Hang pursed his lips and straightened his umbrella, but found that there seemed to be a force on his left side that was against him. He had to use all his strength to finally straighten the umbrella.

Tan Yin naturally refused to let go, she just continued to pull Chu Hang's umbrella, determined to fight Chu Hang to the death. But she didn't expect that even so, Chu Hang still refused to pull out his other hand from his pocket to fight, and pretended to be very relaxed and indifferent, holding the umbrella with one hand, and clearly trying his best to resist Tan Yin's strength, but on the surface he was still calm.

They say don’t show off, or you’ll be struck by lightning. Tan Yin thought, why didn’t God open his eyes and strike Chu Hang

Xu Yu didn't understand why, but Tan Yin and Chu Hang were wrestling on the umbrella, neither of them giving in. The wind was obviously not strong, but the umbrella was slightly tilted to the left and then to the right. In the end, probably because the two people were not using equal strength, the umbrella was actually broken. The high-quality umbrella was completely pulled away from the ribs by Tan Yin...

Xu Yu stared at the empty ribs of the umbrella held by Chu Hang in astonishment, and then looked at the umbrella cover that had been blown away by the wind. He was stunned for a while before he angrily said, "The quality of this umbrella is too poor! Isn't it a high-end brand?! The wind is so weak that even the umbrella cover and ribs are separated?"

Fortunately, they were only a few steps away from Zhixing Building. Tan Yin didn't care about Chu Hang and rushed into the lecture hall at full speed. This was the structural mechanics class taught by the department head. According to the bitter lessons of previous students, it was extremely difficult to score in the extremely difficult final exam of structural mechanics. Therefore, if you wanted to pass, you could only rely on accumulating more points in your daily life. The department head's full name was Zhu Kangmei. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. Adhering to the law of "extreme intelligence", there was no grass growing on his head. Although his name was very strong and full of revolutionary passion for the American empire, he was actually a complete pseudo-revolutionary. He loved to analyze with great pain how the American construction industry was far ahead of the domestic industry. In his opinion, even American bricks were better than Chinese ones.

"Tan Yin? Tan Yin? Has Tan Yin arrived?"

When Tan Yin arrived, the department head was calling her name. Tan Yin shouted "Here" breathlessly, but then she remembered that the thunderstorm had not stopped yet and the department head could not see or hear her at all.

This superpower looks beautiful most of the time, but there are also such ugly moments...

Zhu Kangmei frowned and put a big red cross behind Tan Yin's name on the attendance sheet: "Not here again?! She ranked last in the department and she still doesn't come to class. According to her usual scores, she can only be saved if she can get above 90 points in the final exam..."

Jiang Yilu raised her hand and tried to explain: "Teacher Zhu, Tan Yin is feeling a little uncomfortable. She..."

Zhu Kangmei gave Jiang Yilu a cold look and said, "An accomplice to skipping classes will be treated the same way and his regular marks will be deducted."

"… "

"Okay, we've finished calling the names. Is there anyone we missed?"

It was at this moment that Chu Hang finally arrived. He stood at the door of the classroom with a handsome and calm face: "Teacher Zhu, you forgot to call on me."

Zhu Kangmei pushed up his glasses and took one look at Chu Hang. Not only did he not question Chu Hang for being late, but his stern face swept away the coldness just now and replaced it with a beautiful smile: "Chu Hang, you are back home? Hurry and find a seat and sit down."

If Zhu Kangmei is the emperor, then there is no doubt that Chu Hang is his favorite concubine in the harem. He has an almost undisguised double standard towards Chu Hang. For others, being late is a capital crime punishable by immediate execution, but for Chu Hang, being late is just a tenderness and sweetness of "the flowers on the roadside can bloom slowly"...

As expected, Zhu Kangmei was intoxicated when his favorite student Chu Hang came. "You should all learn more from Chu Hang. With his grades and level, it would be fine if he didn't come to class, but he still insisted on coming. What kind of spirit is this? It's a thirst for knowledge and respect for the teacher! Look at Tan Yin, he is simply self-degrading!"

As soon as this topic was brought up, Zhu Kangmei couldn't hold back and couldn't help but switch to the map cannon: "To be honest, it's not that I can't understand Tan Yin. As a girl, it's normal for her to dislike architecture because it's boring. There are 54 people in our architecture department this year, and the ratio of boys to girls is half and half. But in every exam, the top 20% are all boys. Why? Is it because girls don't work hard? No, it's just that sometimes girls are not born to study science and engineering, because girls' thinking tends to be emotional. Look, how many architectural masters at home and abroad are women?"

In addition to being pro-American, Zhu Kangmei also has a major prejudice, which is sexism.

The other girls in the classroom all looked unhappy, but due to the "tyranny" of the department head Zhu Kangmei, they dared not speak out. It was not that girls were inferior to boys, it was just that Zhu Kangmei always gave low marks to girls' lab reports.

Tan Yin sat down next to Jiang Yilu angrily, and the noise caused the desk to shake slightly.

Jiang Yilu glanced at the empty seat next to her and asked in a low voice, "Tan Yin?"

Tan Yin tapped the table twice lightly and rhythmically.

Jiang Yilu showed a look of understanding. She took out a pen and wrote on the paper: "I heard that Zhu Kangmei has prepared the test questions for the next class. Go and get a copy."

In addition to roll call, Zhu Kangmei also arranges in-class tests regularly, which is also part of the regular score.

Jiang Yilu was the only person who knew that Tan Yin could become invisible. The two of them had been eager to peek at the test papers for a long time, but unfortunately the weather was not good, and it was not until today that the first thunderstorm in two months finally fell...


The structural mechanics class finally ended in a drowsy state. Zhu Kangmei dragged on for a while and spit some saliva before turning to Chu Hang and smiling, "Chu Hang, come with me to the office. There is a new topic in the department. See if you are interested. You can work with some of my graduate students to do it."

Chu Hang nodded and followed Zhu Kangmei out of the classroom. As soon as they left, Tan Yin followed.

The department director's office is located on the 6th floor, the top floor of the Zhixing Building. Zhu Kangmei took Chu Hang into the elevator, and Tan Yin naturally followed them in.

There was no one else in the elevator, so Zhu Kangmei took Chu Hang aside to talk about his exchange abroad. As Chu Hang answered, Zhu Kangmei's face was full of undisguised admiration.

"Chu Hang, after graduation, I suggest you go directly to the United States for further studies, and then stay abroad to work for two years." Zhu Kangmei said earnestly, "You are a boy, so it's okay to get a doctorate. The older a man gets, the more popular he is. Unlike girls, they can't even find a job after getting a doctorate. I don't accept many female doctoral students. If they can't find a job, it will affect my reputation. Besides, girls are not suitable for architecture..."

Tan Yin huddled in the corner of the elevator, simply sneering at Zhu Kangmei's remarks. Although she herself did not like architecture and her application was completely forced by her father, and she had no passion for architecture so her grades were indeed not good, there were many other talented girls in the department. The senior schoolmate who graduated with first place honors a few years ago was also gaining fame in the construction industry. Zhu Kangmei discriminated against women so blatantly and turned a blind eye to those outstanding female practitioners. Even as the head of the department, he often suppressed girls with prejudice and gave many competition and project opportunities to boys. Tan Yin felt that it was time for people like Zhu Kangmei to suffer the socialist beating from a superwoman like herself.

When they went up from the first floor to the second floor, several students from the Faculty of Arts came in, and Zhu Kangmei and Chu Hang were separated by the crowd. Zhu Kangmei stood at the end of the elevator, and Chu Hang stood at the elevator door. When the elevator reached the third floor, everyone from the Faculty of Arts left, and Zhu Kangmei and Chu Hang were the only two people in the elevator again.

Of course, there is also Tan Yin.

At this moment, Zhu Kangmei was leaning against the elevator wall looking at his mobile phone, while Chu Hang was standing in front of him on the left, the two of them maintaining a one-in-one-behind posture.

This is perfect soil for crime!

Tan Yin tiptoed to Chu Hang's back, and then attacked him with lightning speed -

Touched Chu Hang's butt.

Chu Hang was obviously unprepared. He tensed up and turned back with a frown. Behind him, Zhu Kangmei was still looking at her phone as if no one was around. In the entire elevator, besides Chu Hang, there was only Zhu Kangmei...

Chu Hang looked at Zhu Kangmei with a complicated expression, but Zhu Kangmei was still immersed in the world of mobile phone.

Maybe he was wrong. Chu Hang prepared himself mentally and turned his head back.

As a result, not long after I turned back, someone touched my butt frivolously again, and even pinched it as if it was not enough.

This is a bit unbearable.

Chu Hang tried hard to control his turbulent emotions. He pondered for a moment and said to Zhu Kangmei in a deep voice, "Teacher Zhu, do you dislike girls?"

Zhu Kangmei raised his head, a little puzzled, but soon, he nodded without any psychological burden: "Yes, I don't like girls, boys are better."

In the world of Zhu Kangmei, the sexist demon, there is nothing wrong with what he said. But to Chu Hang now, it has a different meaning.

Although she knew that the other person couldn't hear her, Tan Yin still subconsciously covered her mouth, fearing that she would laugh out loud.

Chu Hang's expression was extremely ugly. He stood in the corner of the elevator farthest from Zhu Kangmei and said word by word: "Teacher Zhu, I don't know if you have read some messed up comics, but I hope you know that I like girls."

Zhu Kangmei:

"I suddenly remembered that I have some urgent things to do. Let's talk about the project next time." After Chu Hang finished speaking, he almost couldn't wait to walk out of the elevator and left in Zhu Kangmei's stunned state. He took big steps and his expression was a little subtle, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hey! Chu Hang! This project is not complicated and can be explained in a few words. Come back!"

Unfortunately, the more he shouted, the faster Chu Hang ran. Before Zhu Kangmei could finish his words, Chu Hang's figure disappeared at the stairs.