You Caught My Attention

Chapter 42


Tan Yin spent the whole night in the dormitory, applied a skii mask, put on a super delicate makeup under the guidance of Jiang Yilu, and put on a red dress that was said to have a male-killing effect at her repeated suggestion. Early on Saturday morning, Tan Yin stepped on the thin and sexy high heels and ran to the entrance of the A City Museum to prepare for a chance encounter.

In order not to miss Chu Hang and Anna, Tan Yin started hanging around the museum entrance at 7:30 to be on the safe side. However, she didn't expect that Chu Hang arrived earlier than her. When Tan Yin arrived at the museum, he was already standing tall and slender at the entrance.

Perhaps her red dress was too eye-catching, and before she could say hello, Chu Hang saw her.

He frowned slightly and was about to speak when Tan Yin interrupted him. She pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah? What a coincidence, Chu Hang? Are you here to visit the museum?"

Although she maintained composure on the surface, Tan Yin's heart was beating violently. Jiang Yilu said that this kind of dress would attract Chu Hang, but at this moment Tan Yin became nervous and timid. Chu Hang was indeed looking at her, but when he first saw her, he glanced at her and quickly looked away. At this moment, he just glanced at her high heels.

Or is it a bit too formal

Tan Yin thought anxiously and subconsciously tried to smooth things over. She stammered and explained, "I, I made an appointment to visit the museum together. I didn't expect to run into you by chance."

After Tan Yin finished speaking, she felt a little regretful. This was over. Why did she use such an excuse? Wasn't she usually quite smart? Why did she become stupid just now?! Later, Chu Hang would definitely let her go out with the people she had made an appointment with to get rid of her!

But perhaps Chu Hang was a little nervous while waiting for Anna, so he didn't ignore Tan Yin. He just continued to frown and asked with a bad expression: "Who did you meet?"

"Just a friend from law school."


"Ah, yes, a man, Zhou Ming, do you know him? It's Xu Yu, he's from the same class as me."

I don’t know why, but after Tan Yin finished answering, Chu Hang’s expression became even uglier. He looked at Tan Yin twice, as if he was a little angry.

Perhaps it was because he was really unhappy that he had to run into Anna by chance after finally having some time alone with her on the weekend, so Chu Hang simply turned his head away and didn't want to look at Tan Yin anymore.

Tan Yin racked her brains and urgently called her ally Jiang Yilu on WeChat, asking her to call her quickly. Then Tan Yin pretended to be surprised and answered the call.

"Hey, Zhou Ming, huh? You said you can't come? Okay, okay, why do you have a fever? Anyway, your health is important, you should rest. I just happened to meet my classmates, so I will go to the museum with them!"

Tan Yin pretended to answer the phone, then looked at Chu Hang pitifully: "Chu Hang, my friend can't come. Since everyone is going to the library by chance, why don't we go together? I'll follow you and Anna, okay?"

Chu Hang didn't answer, but his expression became much better. Tan Yin was about to say something more flattering when she heard Anna's voice not far away.

Oh, no wonder he looked so happy, it turned out that Anna was here.

"Hi, sorry for the wait, Chu Hang."

Anna was wearing a sexy and playful miniskirt today, showing off her long legs. She ran forward and greeted Chu Hang, then saw Tan Yin. As soon as she showed a puzzled expression, Chu Hang spoke -

"Let's go, the museum is open."

Anna didn't doubt him, she waved to Tan Yin: "Bye, Chu Hang and I will leave first."

"… "

Are these two people so compatible? Don't they have any love from their classmates? Don't they want to take me with them

Tan Yin felt awkward for a moment, and felt like a slut who was adding drama to herself. Just when she was thinking about whether to shamelessly follow them or just be a decent person, Chu Hang turned around and gave Tan Yin a cold look: "Aren't you going to join us? Why don't you follow us? Do you want me to wait for you?"

After saying this, he turned around with a stern face and continued walking forward.

Tan Yin couldn't help but be delighted, and quickly climbed up the pole and followed nimbly.

Just be a pheasant, be your own pheasant, add drama to yourself! Send yourself to the sky!


The A City Museum is a very famous landmark building, which is a very good blend of traditional and modern elements. The location of the museum is very unique. It is located in the World Cultural Heritage Protection Area of the old city of A City, and the main body of the museum is connected to the famous historical garden, the Imperial Garden, in A City.

It's not like Tan Yin had never been to the A City Museum before, but before that, she just came here to visit the exhibits with the mentality of a tourist, and she never studied the uniqueness of this museum from the professional perspective of architectural design.

She originally thought that Chu Hang and Anna were just going on a date under the pretext of seeing the museum design, but...

"As you can see, the whole central hall with comprehensive functions has been split into parts, but the design of the visiting flow line is great, and it is still connected with the main body of the museum and the Imperial Garden. After visiting all the exhibits in the exhibition halls, you can visit the Imperial Garden very naturally by following the flow line. It not only closely follows the classical atmosphere of the museum, but also restores the history to the greatest extent and interprets the cultural heritage of City A."

Anna held the camera, took pictures, thought about the appropriate Chinese words, and asked: "I have read the information on the Internet. This museum is 50% underground. It is connected to the cultural heritage of the Imperial Garden you mentioned. There will definitely be problems with the deep foundation pit support during the construction process, right?"

"Yes, I'll talk about this question later." Chu Hang said, taking out two paper materials from his bag and handing one to Anna. "The last design class we did was museum design. I did my homework at the time. This is the area and proportion of each functional area of the A City Museum, as well as the floor plan of the first and second floors. You can compare them."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Tan Yin who was looking at the materials in Anna's hand, pursed his lips, and said coldly: "Don't bother Anna, just look at one copy with me."

"oh… "

Tan Yin leaned over to take a look at the materials in Chu Hang's hand, and she knew that there was a reason why Chu Hang ranked first in the department. He obviously did a lot of research and information collection before doing each design assignment. The data, design concepts, and floor plans listed on the paper materials were all detailed and careful.

In comparison, Tan Yin saw the gap between herself and him. Before she started designing the last museum, she had never studied the museums in City A from a professional perspective. Although she had recently determined to catch up with the UK and the US and her grades had improved a lot after studying madly, the shortcomings in the design assignment still made Tan Yin feel ashamed.

Compared with Chu Hang, she is still far behind.

Chu Hang led the two people and explained: "The designer's intention for the long corridor here may be to shrink people's sight and draw their eyes back from the wide exhibition room just now, completing a spatial transition. At the same time, this narrow corridor can also give people a sense of psychological expectation. Then, when they walk here, the water curtain screen and stairs serve as a turning point, naturally leading the flow of people to the underground exhibition hall area."

As soon as Chu Hang started the explanation of architectural design, he seemed to be completely immersed in it. He looked at every design detail in the museum with concentration and seriousness, and whenever he encountered something that resonated with him, a faint smile would unconsciously appear on the corners of his mouth.

While listening to the explanation, Tan Yin was distracted by his smile. Fortunately, Chu Hang didn't smile much. His smile was simply instigating people to commit crimes.

“The entire museum’s exterior space layout faithfully reflects Yoshinobu Ashihara’s view in his book “Exterior Space Design”: ‘When the exterior space layout has a directionality, it is hoped that something attractive will be placed at the end.’”

Although Chu Hang would repeat it in English when Anna didn't understand, fortunately, he was more accustomed to speaking Chinese, so he would always repeat it in Chinese in addition to the English version. Although Tan Yin's English was not very good, she could tell that Chu Hang's Chinese version was always more detailed and careful.

As a top student, Anna asked very professional and in-depth questions from time to time. Tan Yin actually had quite a few questions as well, but compared with what Anna asked, they were simply child's play. Tan Yin was too embarrassed to ask any more questions.

She was just very lucky. Every time she stared at a design detail that she didn't understand, as long as it wasn't long, Chu Hang would happen to talk about the concept and purpose of the design of this detail. Although every time she finished talking, she felt dry and had to drink water, but for some reason, he would glare at her with condemnation.

After walking through the entire museum, Anna was obviously learning a lot. Americans are probably more direct. She excitedly praised Chu Hang, using words like "incredible", "outstanding", "talented", "amazing", "awesome"... She simply came up with them effortlessly. After praising him in English, she did not forget to praise him again in Chinese.

It's a pity that she didn't use the authentic Chinese slang to praise people -

"Chu Hang, you are so handsome!"

Tan Yin:

Anna, however, was unaware of the awkwardness of these usages and continued to praise: "You are so sweet!"

Tan Yin:

The next scene is even weirder...

Anna said with enthusiasm and sincerity—

"You are mighty and majestic!"

"You are so handsome!"

"You are so talented!"

"You are invulnerable!"

"You're so strong!"

I have to say, this American friend is really crazy when he uses idioms to praise others...

Tan Yin wanted to laugh a little, but just as she raised the corners of her mouth slightly, she saw Chu Hang looking at her viciously. Although he didn't say anything, his face was almost as if he was saying "Don't laugh".

Chu Hang's expression was a little fierce, and his cheeks were slightly flushed with embarrassment. It was obviously not Tan Yin's fault, but Chu Hang still glared at her.

Really! Why are you glaring at me? Why don’t you glare at Anna? Tan Yin felt that she was really innocent.

After Anna finished praising him, she ran to the bathroom, leaving Tan Yin and Chu Hang staring at each other.

Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin, coughed, and said in an unnatural voice: "Don't you have anything to say?"

Tan Yin waved her hands seriously and said, "No, no! Really not!"

With Chu Hang glaring at her like that, how could she dare to express any opinion

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, Chu Hang's expression darkened. He was quiet for a moment, then once again looked unnaturally at the exhibition hall in the distance, and asked calmly: "If you really have something to say, just say it. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you a chance. You can say whatever you want."

Haha, man.

Tan Yin sneered in her heart, isn't this a common routine? On the wedding anniversary of a couple, the wife gently said to her husband, "Dear, you have worked hard along the way. Today is a special day. If you have any opinions about me, just tell me. I won't be angry. I will accept it with an open mind and correct it." Then, if the husband is really stupid enough to tell everything, what will be the final result? The result is that he will be beaten up by his wife.

Chu Hang said generously that he could say anything. Could he really say that? If he really said something, would Chu Hang punish him when he got back

Humph, Tan Yin thought, I won’t fall for your trick!

She immediately said righteously: "No! I really have nothing to say."

As a result, Chu Hang's expression did not brighten up. On the contrary, his face became long, his lips were tightly pursed, and then he looked at Tan Yin with complicated meaning, like an emperor whose mind is hard to predict.

Although she didn't know the reason, Tan Yin could sense that Chu Hang was actually a little unhappy, and the result of his unhappiness was that he ignored her and looked not far away.

Tan Yin felt a little uncomfortable in this silence. She tried hard to recall what had just happened, trying to figure out why this fickle man Hang suddenly changed his face. Just now... Nothing happened just now. Didn’t Anna just praise him crazily and inarticulately while she didn’t say anything

Wait... Thinking back to this, Tan Yin suddenly realized something. Is Chu Hang... is he angry because she didn't praise him enough

"Chu Hang, you just asked me if I had anything else to say. Did you want me to praise you?"


Although you say no, why does your face look so long

Tan Yin decided that no matter whether it was the crux of the problem or not, she still had to praise Chu Hang. She coughed and was about to praise Chu Hang profusely, but was interrupted...

"I'm back." At this moment, Anna came back with a smile. She looked at her watch and said, "We've finished looking inside the museum. Let's go look at the external structure and outline, and take some photos to make a sketch."

Tan Yin looked at Chu Hang, it seemed that this was her fate, she couldn't blow any more rainbow farts. But she thought, Chu Hang shouldn't mind, after all, Anna was back, he should be in a good mood, after all, Anna's smile might be better than several tons of rainbow farts from her!


The three of them walked outside the museum. Anna would mutter a few words of praise in English wherever they went, and then frantically pressed the camera, wishing to miss every detail. Chu Hang didn't know what was wrong with him today, probably infected by Anna, and actually took quite a few photos as well.

Just every time—

"Tan Yin, stand by the wall."

"… "

This is a common practice in the Department of Architecture. Whenever taking photos of buildings, we usually find a person as a reference, so that we can more easily and intuitively feel the proportion and size of the building in the photo. Of course, in such photos, the main character is the building, and the person standing there is just a reference that is stronger than the background wall. Therefore, as long as the building is photographed beautifully, it doesn't matter how ugly the reference is.

As an architecture student, Tan Yin is well aware of this. After all, she is a girl who loves beauty. She usually refuses to become this kind of reference. After all, this kind of photo is simply a disaster for those who serve as a reference.

A recent example is Chen Ziqiang, who went on a trip with his girlfriend. When his girlfriend was taking photos at a famous ancient building, Chen Ziqiang's occupational disease broke out. In the photos he took of his girlfriend, the building was magnificent and tall, but his girlfriend's photos were either blurry or she just found the ugliest moment to take photos, with her eyes rolling, her mouth wide open laughing without any image, her hair blown all over her face by the wind, and her face completely blackened by the backlight... Now after seeing the photos, his girlfriend broke up with Chen Ziqiang...

As for being a reference, between herself and Anna, Chu Hang really chose to let herself go. Although she felt bad, Tan Yin still stood over with a good temper. Let her take the photo. She smiled brightly at Chu Hang's camera and posed seriously. Even if she was not the protagonist in Chu Hang's photo, as a supporting role, she had to show the aura of the protagonist. Even if she was a wild chicken adding drama to herself, she had to be the wildest, fiercest and craziest one!

No idea what happened. Chu Hang had taken a lot of photos when he was doing the big design for the A City Museum. Today, perhaps to show off in front of Anna or something, he suddenly became very interested in taking photos. As soon as Tan Yin came back from the corner, Chu Hang gave her a signal and asked her to stand back.

Chu Hang actually took thorough photos of all the visible facades of the A City Museum by having himself serve as reference objects.

It's a pity that this guy was so ruthless. After the filming, Tan Yin asked to see it, but Chu Hang coldly took the camera and rejected her mercilessly.

But perhaps he was a little embarrassed about his own incompetence, so he hid the camera so hastily that it was almost rude, and his voice was a little unnatural: "Photographic works are also original copyrights and have intellectual property rights. You should take the photos yourself."

"… "

Okay, you vixen have successfully attracted my attention by playing hard to get!

The more Chu Hang acted like this, the more motivated Tan Yin became. She thought that she must get Chu Hang. Once she got him, it would be a long time before she could take revenge. Then she could settle all the scores one by one!

After that, the three of them found a flower bed outside the museum, sat down quietly and started sketching. Tan Yin and Anna sat closer, while Chu Hang chose a position some distance away from them and started painting diagonally behind Tan Yin.

Although her original intention was to ruin Chu Hang and Anna's date, Tan Yin eventually immersed herself in this learning journey. After listening to Chu Hang's professional explanation and thinking about her previous museum design assignment, she suddenly had some enlightenment and realized what problems existed in her design and where she could do better.

For a moment, Tan Yin calmed down. She looked carefully at the museum in front of her, which had a very classical design and stood harmoniously and perfectly in the modern downtown area. While drawing sketches, she thought about the ideas of the museum designer.

Once Tan Yin devotes herself to something, she devotes her whole heart into it. When she came to her senses, she realized that she had maintained the same posture for half an hour. She turned her neck and rubbed her cervical vertebrae, but it was only when she leaned sideways like this that she felt something was wrong.

Someone is watching her.

Tan Yin subconsciously turned around following the line of sight, and unexpectedly met Chu Hang's gaze.

Painting the museum's dormitory, what does he see himself doing

Chu Hang, who met his gaze, turned his head away almost immediately. Then he stared at the museum, looked at it intently for a few seconds, and then lowered his head to paint again.

Oh, maybe I saw myself accidentally.

Tan Yin didn't think much about it and lowered his head to concentrate on his sketching again.

After Anna finished her sketch, she was still unsatisfied. She looked at the time and said, "Why don't we go to the next point and visit the A City Art Museum?"

Her suggestion was very reasonable and natural. The A City Art Gallery is not far from the museum. Generally, architecture students who go out to study architecture will arrange to visit these two places in one day, half a day at the museum and half a day at the art gallery. It is compact and does not waste time.

But Tan Yin was in a dilemma. Of course, she wanted to go with him. Now she didn't want to be a big light bulb. She just wanted to learn more from Chu Hang and see more buildings. But today, she believed Jiang Yilu's evil and wore this pair of high heels. After walking through the whole museum in the morning, her heels were already worn out. Although she tried to maintain her elegance in high heels, Tan Yin felt that she was almost at her limit. She finally understood the feeling of walking on the edge of a knife with every step after the little mermaid changed her legs... If she went to another art museum, her legs and heels would probably be useless.

Just when she was struggling, Chu Hang made the decision for her.

He glanced at Tan Yin lightly, then pursed his lips and said, "Sorry, I have something urgent to do this afternoon. Let's stop here for today's schedule. We'll meet at the entrance of the art museum at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Although Anna was a little disappointed, she nodded: "Okay, I plan to go shopping nearby in the afternoon. There seem to be many attractions here." She looked at Tan Yin, "Tan Yin, do you want to go shopping with me?"

"No, no." Tan Yin wished she could go back to school and change her shoes. She waved her hands and said, "I have to go back to school. I still have a homework assignment for structural mechanics to do."

Chu Hang told Anna some routes and precautions for the scenic spots, then called a taxi for her. He watched her get in the car before turning around and preparing to leave.

This time, Tan Yin felt jealous again.

What? Why is he so considerate to Anna? He was so gentlemanly to call a taxi for others, why didn't he call a taxi for himself to go back to school? When it was his turn, Chu Hang just turned around and left!

Just as Tan Yin was complaining, Chu Hang turned his head back as if he had sensed something. He frowned and looked at Tan Yin: "Why are you still standing there?"


"Aren't you going back to school?"


Chu Hang looked at Tan Yin as if she was an idiot, and said, "I'm going back to school too." Then he turned and left.

Since you are going back to school too, why don’t we share a car and go together

Tan Yin was full of questions. She kept looking back at the taxi stand she had just come from. Then she followed Chu Hang and walked to a... a large shopping mall? !

"Chu Hang, do you want to buy something?"

Chu Hang was obviously too lazy to pay attention to her and walked straight to a women's shoe brand store.

Tan Yin was afraid that he didn't know, so she quickly explained: "Do you want to buy shoes? But this brand only makes women's shoes, not men's shoes."

Chu Hang turned a deaf ear to him and walked into the shoe store with a cold face.

Tan Yin guessed Chu Hang's thoughts like reading an imperial decree. She probed, "Or do you want to buy women's shoes? Buy them as gifts for others? But the women's shoes in this store are all casual. I heard they are really comfortable to wear. The only shortcoming is that they don't look good. If you want to give shoes to girls, it's better to buy the kind that looks fancy at first glance!"

This time, Chu Hang finally raised his eyes reluctantly and looked at Tan Yin with a puzzled look: "I really can't understand you girls. What's the point of looking good but not feeling comfortable in your clothes?"

"So when you're looking for a girlfriend, you have two choices. One is very beautiful but pretentious, and the other is 'I'm ugly but gentle'. Which one do you want?"

"… "

Chu Hang choked, probably because he was speechless after being refuted. Chu Hang quickly glanced at Tan Yin, his expression was unnatural, and his ears were slightly red. Then he looked around the store and pointed at a pair of shoes and said to the clerk: "This pair."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Tan Yin: "What size are you wearing?"

"36, what's wrong?"

Chu Hang ignored her: "Get a pair of size 36."

Tan Yin was confused, but still tried on the shoes under Chu Hang's gaze. She had to admit that although they didn't look very good, they were really comfortable. As soon as she took off her high heels and put on the shoes, Tan Yin felt like her feet were liberated.

"Okay, wear them and go." Chu Hang left for a while, and when he came back he just said this. He pursed his lips and glanced at Tan Yin, then turned his head away. "Your high heels are too ugly, polluting my sight. I really can't stand looking at such ugly shoes all the way, so I bought this pair for you."

Tan Yin:

Before Tan Yin could say anything, Chu Hang glared at her again: "Do one good deed a day to help the poor." He glanced at Tan Yin and added, "Aesthetic poverty is a new type of poverty."

"… "

The author has something to say: If you write more than 20 words in this chapter, you will receive a red envelope~ (until 8pm tomorrow night)

Keep shouting, please go to my column, bookmark the author, and then click on the pre-collection of "You're Fired!" to bookmark it~~

Our Ji par is more sexy than Chu Hang~~ (Chu Gong's small drama is at the end)

《You're Fired!》


Bai Duanduan reluctantly returned to City A from City B to practice law. As a result, that night she felt that although she gave up the client resources in City B, it was totally worth it to return to City A and start over!

She fell in love with a man at first sight in the court. The man had deep brows, gentlemanly temperament, stern appearance, and was well dressed. He was simply stunning.

The other party was answering the phone at the moment, and the slightly frowning look on his face made him look like a fairy from heaven.

Bai Duanduan's heart was beating hard, and just as she was about to take the initiative, she finally heard the content of the other party's call -

"Who is the other lawyer? Bai Duanduan? Okay, tell her, you want to reconcile? Dream on."

“There’s no case I can’t win, and no executive I can’t fire.”

Later, Bai Duanduan found out that the other party was Ji Lin, a well-known weirdo in the legal circle of City A.

Small Theater

One day later, Bai Duanduan and Ji Lin had an argument.

Bai Duanduan threatened: Break up! We must break up!

Ji Lin: I've always been the only one who fired others. You want to fire me? Dream on.

Bai Duanduan died angrily: Okay, then just fire me!

Ji Lin: No

After a moment, he added expressionlessly: I can't bear to do that.

App address: Search for article name or author name

Small Theater

Host: What was your first date

Chuhang: Museum

Tan Yin: