You Caught My Attention

Chapter 43


Is there such a big difference between men's and women's aesthetics?! Tan Yin was stunned. Her pair of high heels, although uncomfortable to wear, were so beautiful! On the contrary, the pair of casual shoes on her feet were comfortable, but they really didn't look that good...

But no matter what, this pair of shoes is like a timely relief for Tan Yin, it came just in time!

She quickly thanked the sponsor for his good deed, happily changed her shoes and followed Chu Hang.

Chu Hang saw that she had changed her shoes, so he took a taxi and they returned to school.

On the way back, Chu Hang was obviously too lazy to pay attention to her. He lowered his head and looked at his phone. Tan Yin simply sat quietly, thinking about the design details worth thinking about in the museum she visited today. Tomorrow Chu Hang and Anna were going to visit the art gallery. Tan Yin was also very interested. When she got off the car, she glanced at Chu Hang and finally couldn't help but said: "Chu Hang, can I go to the art gallery with you tomorrow? I..."

Unfortunately, halfway through the conversation, Tan Yin slightly turned sideways and realized that Chu Hang had earphones in his ears. He probably didn't hear what she had just said. When he saw that she was staring at him, Chu Hang raised his head and looked at her rather coldly.

I don’t know why, but for a moment, Tan Yin felt a little discouraged: “Forget it, you probably don’t want me to follow you and Anna.”

Just when Tan Yin thought Chu Hang would never reply, Chu Hang spoke -

"Your feet are on your body."

Tan Yin was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and asked in surprise, "So I can follow you?"

Chu Hang snorted coldly: "Can I control you?"

Tan Yin said almost immediately: "I promise I will be very quiet, so quiet that you won't even be aware of my presence!"

"If you want to talk, then talk. Otherwise, when you're quiet, I'll think you're going to use some powerful trick against me."

"… "

Well, Tan Yin thought, her image in Chu Hang's mind might be impossible to clear...

"Don't be late tomorrow morning."

Chu Hang said this, looked at Tan Yin again, then turned and left.

Tan Yin said loudly towards Chu Hang: "Chu Hang, I guarantee with my personality that I will never be late, and I will never hold you and Anna back! I will never waste everyone's precious time!"


The next day, Anna got up very early. Although the weather suddenly changed to thunder and rain, she was in a good mood and arrived at the art museum ten minutes earlier than the agreed time. To her surprise, Chu Hang was even earlier than her and was waiting for her as if it was natural.

Anna almost ran towards Chu Hang with a smile, although she and Chu Hang were very different in cultural background. Even though she was Chinese, Anna, as a second-generation immigrant who was born and raised in the United States, considered herself an American in her bones. In the United States, ABC has its own circle, and in addition to playing with Chinese people of the same cultural background, there are ABJ and ABK around them. Asians always have a stronger sense of identity with each other, and these second-generation immigrants don't really hang out with international students from mainland China, but Chu Hang is a special case.

Anna still remembers the first time she met Chu Hang. He was standing downstairs of the School of Architecture and asked where the orientation for international exchange students was held.

His American accent is fluent and natural, authentic and without an accent, his profile is stern, and although his skin is fair, he has a well-proportioned body, which is not at all thin. Even among a group of white European and American people, his height still stands out. His broad shoulders are suitable for playing American football, and the restraint and coldness that is unique to Oriental men in him, which keeps people at a distance, makes him stand out among a group of European and American people who are always laughing and outgoing to the point of being heartless.

At that moment, Anna finally realized that even though she had never been to China, she did have oriental blood in her body. What was rooted in her bones and genes would not change, and she still couldn't help but be conquered by this oriental charm.

In addition to his stunning looks, Anna admired Chu Hang even more because he entered the professional field. His designs were always unconventional, bold and avant-garde, which were simply eye-catching.

Although Chu Hang's exchange time was only a short semester, it did not prevent Anna from becoming friends with him. Although the two people had different concepts about architectural design, every time they discussed, sparks flew and new ideas were always generated.

It can be said that the semester when Chu Hang was here was the one in which Anna had the most breakthroughs in design ideas. It was not until this introverted and cold exchange student left that Anna realized that her feelings for Chu Hang were not only admiration, but also something else.

This time, she came to China to research buildings for her thesis. On the other hand, Anna was also excited. Maybe she and Chu Hang could go further than just friends. After all, they were so compatible in architecture...

"Let's go, Chu Hang, it's raining heavily outside, let's go into the art gallery."

However, under Anna's urging, Chu Hang did not move. He looked around casually, and then said lightly: "You go in first, I'll go buy something."

Anna did not suspect anything. She nodded and went straight into the museum hall. However, when she stood at the door and looked at Chu Hang, she found that he did not turn around to go to the convenience store not far away, but was still holding the overly large umbrella, standing in the rain, looking quietly at the platform. She had obviously arrived, but Chu Hang looked like he was waiting for someone. As the rain got heavier and time went by, Chu Hang's expression became worse and worse. It was just that this ugliness was not due to anger, but mixed with a bit of anxiety and worry that he tried hard to restrain. Anna had never seen such a vivid expression on Chu Hang's face.

Chu Hang waited outside for another half an hour before he put away his umbrella and walked into the art museum with pursed lips. He then routinely introduced the architectural design concept and details of the art museum to Anna. This was originally Chu Hang's favorite part. However, unlike his concentration in the museum yesterday, he was a little absent-minded and distracted today. After Anna asked questions several times, he paused before realizing that he had to answer.

Chu Hang knew that this was wrong, but his mind seemed to have its own ideas and was completely uncontrollable as he thought about distracting things.

It was thundering today, and logically, Tan Yin would have followed in stealth, but she never came. Now Chu Hang had been giving a lecture to Anna in the art museum for more than half an hour, but Tan Yin still hadn't arrived.

Theoretically, this is not a big deal. Regardless of whether Tan Yin is invisible or not, she has a good reason to break the appointment, such as suddenly encountering an emergency, oversleeping, or suddenly changing her mind and not wanting to come. However, Chu Hang felt vaguely uneasy. He always felt that if Tan Yin had not encountered difficulties, she would come. For some reason, he had this kind of cognition and trust in Tan Yin. She was not a person who did not keep her word. Chu Hang could still clearly remember her excitement yesterday when she learned that he agreed to let her follow him, her small nose tip, her truly smiling eyes, and her lips like rose petals.

"The facade of this art museum in city A is deliberately made white, which forms a sharp contrast with the other brightly colored buildings around it. Although white always gives people a monotonous feeling, under this contrast, the pure white tone makes this art museum eye-catching. The arches and the window-shaped hollow designs on the walls create a visual staggered effect, allowing the visitor's sight to change and move with it..."

A full hour and a half had passed since the agreed time of eight o'clock, but Tan Yin still hadn't shown up.

"Chu Hang, how do you think the design of an art museum can handle the relationship between architecture and the natural and urban environments? How can the indoor and outdoor environments be integrated to the extreme? Is there anything that can be improved in the design of this art museum?" Anna kept drawing in her sketchbook, looking up at Chu Hang, "Chu Hang?"

Chu Hang was distracted again. He looked at Anna and frowned slightly: "Sorry."

Chu Hang made a decision almost at this moment. He didn't plan to be distracted anymore. He ignored Anna's doubtful eyes and said firmly and persistently: "I can't accompany you to the art gallery today. I suddenly have something urgent and need to go back to school first." Chu Hang pursed his lips and said, "I will contact my classmate from the Department of Architecture to accompany you to the art gallery. His name is Zhang Chen. He has a deep research on art gallery design. I think you two must have a lot of common topics to communicate with."

Before Anna could say anything, Chu Hang smiled at her faintly: "He happens to be nearby. Please wait for him for a quarter of an hour. I will send you the contact information later. Sorry, I have to leave first."

He looked very anxious, perhaps something serious had happened that forced him to leave halfway. After briefly explaining everything to Anna, he turned around and left.

Chu Hang was walking quickly at first, but soon he started running. Anna just watched Chu Hang run out of the art gallery with a stern and cold face, and disappeared at the end of the crowd...

I don't know why, and although I haven't said anything to Chu Hang, Anna has a feeling that this man has not just run out of the art gallery, but has completely run out of her life.


Chu Hang got a taxi with a stern face and went back to school as fast as possible. He knew he should stay calm, but he never seemed to be able to stay calm when it came to Tan Yin. At first he was mad at this little jinx, but later when he learned that she could be invisible he enjoyed watching her performance quietly. Now that this sticky bitch was gone, he was actually worried if something had happened to her.

Because she is invisible, no one can see her. If she encounters any difficulties, no one can help her in such a rainy day.

She only has herself.

Chu Hang rushed back to school in a tense mood. He couldn't maintain his usual calmness and composure. His face was full of undisguised haste and slight anxiety. He first called Jiang Yilu.

"Tan Yin? Tan Yin went out before it rained today. She said she was going to the art museum."

Jiang Yilu's words confirmed Chu Hang's guess. Tan Yin had indeed gone out and was planning to keep the appointment, but he hadn't seen her yet...

Was she stranded on her way to the art gallery, or somewhere else

Chu Hang was in a heavy mood. On the way back to school from the taxi, he had been staring intently out the window, trying to see if Tan Yin was trapped on the road, but to no avail. Now Chu Hang could only hope that Tan Yin was still in school so that he could at least look for her one place at a time.

He went to the Zhixing Building and opened every classroom to check it out, then the cafeteria, the school hospital, the library, the small supermarket, the small garden, the gymnasium...

Chu Hang braved the thunderstorm and walked almost the entire school, but still couldn't find Tan Yin. This little chatterbox who usually kept talking in his ear like a chatterbox was gone now, and Chu Hang actually felt uncomfortable.

He walked around the school twice but still couldn't find Tan Yin. Just when he was almost at his wit's end, he heard Tan Yin's trembling voice on the tree-lined path leading out of the gymnasium.

"Chu Hang, Chu Hang..."

Although the thunderstorm had gradually subsided, it had not completely stopped. Chu Hang controlled himself and did not look directly in the direction of the sound. He walked a little further away and then turned his head slightly as if naturally looking up.

The voice came from above his head, and it was not until Chu Hang inadvertently raised his head that he finally saw where Tan Yin was.

She was lying on a tree above her head in a strange posture. These trees were as old as the history of A University, so they had lush branches and leaves, and strong roots. No one knew how Tan Yin climbed up. She was wearing a skirt and was standing on the tree trunk in an awkward manner. Naturally, her whole body was drenched like a drowned chicken by the thunderstorm. Soon, Chu Hang knew why she was on the tree. In her other hand, she was carefully holding a pitiful little stray cat that was also wet. The cat's front legs were drooping abnormally, and it was obviously injured.

Just as Chu Hang was thinking about what to do, the annoying thunderstorm finally began to stop.


As soon as Tan Yin saw the rain stop, she almost shouted at the top of her lungs: "Chu Hang! Chu Hang! Help me! I'm up there! Above you!"

Thank God, there are usually not many people passing by the boulevard where Tan Yin is now, and there are even fewer people passing by on a rainy day like this. Fortunately, Chu Hang seemed to be looking for something today. After coming out of the gymnasium, he walked slowly and looked around, so now that the rain has stopped, he has not walked far.

But as for being on the tree, perhaps Chu Hang was no longer accustomed to his own miserable situation. He looked like he was mentally prepared and did not show any shock. He just pursed his lips, frowned, and walked under the tree.

Although Tan Yin was clearly looking down at Chu Hang from a high position, she felt so embarrassed that she was about to explode. The calmer Chu Hang's expression was, the more embarrassed Tan Yin felt. She coughed to cover up, "Ah, Chu Hang, what a coincidence? Since you're passing by, why don't you help me get down?"

Even on the tree, Tan Yin tried to keep a nonchalant smile. She pushed her wet hair aside and pretended to be calm, "Here's what happened. I wanted to go to the art museum with you today, but when I passed by this tree, I saw a cat trapped in it. There was a small hole in the trunk of the tree, and one of the cat's front paws was stuck in it. It seemed injured..."

Chu Hang was a little annoyed: "You saw the cat was injured and you climbed up the tree to save it yourself? Can't you ask someone else?"

"I see it's a heavy thunderstorm. This cat is so pitiful being soaked like this. I have to leave. I don't know how long it will take for the next person to find it." Tan Yin thought hesitantly. Besides, I'm invisible during a thunderstorm, so who can I find

Chu Hang didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly stopped talking. He pursed his lips, raised his head, and glared at Tan Yin. However, his eyes were not fierce, but rather a bit helpless.

"What should I do now?" Tan Yin said pitifully, "I didn't think much when I climbed up, but now it's so high, I'm a little afraid to go down..." And as if to highlight what she said, her feet slipped and she almost fell from the tree. Tan Yin couldn't control herself and couldn't help but start shouting for help.

"You jump down."

Tan Yin howled, "Why don't you go to the gymnasium and borrow a ladder?"

"It's too late. There's rain on the tree trunk, it's too slippery. You might fall down before I borrow the ladder. And as far as I know, there's no ladder in the equipment room." Chu Hang frowned, but his tone was very insistent, "You jump."

However, Tan Yin hesitated: "What if I jump and you don't catch me? Then I will break my leg..."

Chu Hang rubbed his brows and said, "You've already broken your leg jumping off a building for me, what are you afraid of?"

"… "

My friend, it would be better if you didn't say it. Now that you said it, I am even more afraid to jump...

However, Chu Hang, who was under the tree, had originally maintained the posture of looking up, but at this moment he raised his head for a few times, and suddenly abruptly looked away.

Tan Yin was anxious, thinking Chu Hang did it on purpose: "Didn't you say you would catch me after I jumped? How can you catch me when you don't even look at me now!"

Chu Hang had no choice but to raise his head again. However, as soon as his eyes met Tan Yin, he quickly looked away as if he had seen something he shouldn't have seen. Although they were at a distance, Chu Hang was so pale that Tan Yin could clearly see that his ears were burning rapidly, and even his cheeks were not spared. Tan Yin touched her chest. The front of the skirt was very solid and dark in color. Even if it got wet in the rain, there would be no exposure. What was wrong with Chu Hang's expression? !

It's already this late, why is Chu Hang being so awkward? Tan Yin is anxious: "What's wrong with you, Chu Hang? If I jump down, you have to look up! Otherwise, how can you catch me?"

"Your skirt..."

It was just four simple words, but Chu Hang found it particularly difficult to say. With just these few words, Tan Yinjian suddenly understood everything.

She was wearing a skirt today, and she was on the tree now, so Chu Hang could clearly see under her skirt when he looked up from under the tree...

Tan Yin's face suddenly turned red: "Chu Hang, you're a pervert! You peeked at my underwear!"

Chu Hang was furious. "Who peeked at your underwear, Tan Yin? Can you distinguish the priorities? If you weren't in the tree and I came to save you, would I need to look up? Do you think I want to look? I'm worried that I'll get stye when I return to the dormitory tonight! If you don't come down, I'll have to keep looking up!"

"Then, then turn your head away and don't look at me!"

"..." Chu Hang's voice was helpless and a little bit gnashing of teeth, "One moment you ask me to look, the next moment you ask me not to look. Do you want me to look or not?" He seemed to have made up his mind and no longer cared, "Forget it, don't worry about whether I look or not." Chu Hang's voice was also a little flustered, and he spoke without thinking, "Anyway, don't worry, I won't have any improper thoughts about children wearing Doraemon. Hurry up and jump."

Although it was very quick, after he finished speaking, Chu Hang realized something, so he immediately pursed his lips and didn't want to say another word.

Tan Yin's face turned red. What's wrong with Doraemon?! Does wearing Doraemon underwear mean you are a child?!

But Tan Yin also knew that what Chu Hang said was right. She was just making trouble. Chu Hang was just trying to help her out of kindness. With his character, he simply didn't want to have anything to do with her. He was probably afraid that she would blackmail him and hold him responsible. She also knew that the most important thing she should do now was to jump, but...

But I'm still scared.

Chu Hang opened up and was no longer shy about it. Although his face was still a little red, he looked up into Tan Yin's eyes. Chu Hang said firmly, "You jump, and I'll catch you."

"If you're scared, close your eyes. Just jump. I can catch you."

Chu Hang does have a kind of power that makes people trust him and feel safe.

Tan Yin gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind. She held the cat tightly, and then really listened to Chu Hang's words and jumped down with her eyes closed.

The tree was not actually very tall, but the feeling of falling was still frightening. However, before Tan Yin's fear had time to develop, her fall was stopped by a pair of strong arms.

She was hugged by Chu Hang.

He didn't lie to her and really caught her.

The author has something to say: 500 red envelopes will be randomly dropped in comments with more than 20 words in this chapter~

abc:american born chinese

abj: american born japanese

abk: american born korean

Orientation: The orientation activity for freshmen in the United States, which is basically a tour of the school, an introduction to the facilities, and some other procedures.

Today I am calling on everyone to click into my column and collect "You're Fired!"~~Collect and choose me, I'm super sweet~~

Reader's "I Say" short play

Tan Yin: It turns out that my little Chu Hang is the kind of boy in the legend, gentle to everyone, but very different to the person he likes... especially rude!

Chu Hang: This is my loving care!!!

Reader's "Elephant" small theater

Chu Hang: Where's the date we agreed to meet? Why hasn't Yinyin confessed yet

Tan Yin: What should I do? Chu Hang seems to like those who are ugly and gentle, but I don’t meet all the requirements. I’m waiting online and I’m anxious!

Reader's "Academic Master" Small Theater

Xiao Chu: I've been talking for so long, I'm so thirsty, how come you don't know...

Xiao Yinzi: I just want to be my own pig's feet

Reader's "disabled" small theater

Tan Yin: Chu Hang, you are big and good at what you do! You are rich and powerful!

Chu Hang: OK, I understand. Come to my room tonight.

A small drama by the reader "Shancha" (this friend is trying to steal the author's business, that's too much, hahahaha)

Later, Chu Hang asked Tan Yin to help him send a file. Tan Yin accidentally clicked on a folder and said, "Eh? Aren't these the photos I took when I went to the museum? Why are they all close-ups of me? Where are the buildings?"

Chu Hang: "... ... I took pictures of the details of the wall."

Tan Yin: "Forget it, no need to explain, no one will believe you, I forgive you because you took such a good photo."

Chu Hang: "It's mainly because she's good-looking."

Reader's short play "Starlight Falls into the Wind and Sandqyx"

Chu Hang: Why doesn't she praise me? Why doesn't she praise me? Can't you see that I like her

Tan Yin: Be your own wild chicken and add drama to yourself!

Reader's "Yi Wei Ran" short play

Chu Hang's inner thoughts: I do like people who are both beautiful and pretentious

I heard that the rainy season during the Huangmei period is more suitable for this article~