You Caught My Attention

Chapter 47


It's a pity that Chu Hang's emotions were too restrained. Although he felt like he had experienced an atomic bomb explosion in his heart, he still looked calm and composed on the surface. Therefore, Tan Yin didn't notice Chu Hang's emotional changes at all.

She continued to drag Zhou Ming, forcing him to continue to cooperate with her in showing their love. After the cafeteria, Tan Yin did all kinds of fancy things. As expected, after her efforts, she and Zhou Ming became the focus of attention on campus. Wherever they went in the school, it was almost like an advertisement. Thanks to this discussion, the rumors that Zhou Ming wanted to harass Duan Yingfei began to fall apart. On the contrary, the author of the rumor post was scolded to death for publishing false information. He had to make a special post to apologize and clarify. Finally, his ID committed suicide. The incident was finally settled.

"Now that my reputation has been cleared, should we stop pretending? It's embarrassing to have so many people looking at me every time."

It’s true, showing affection every time is actually quite tiring. Tan Yin also wanted to end it early, but reality made it difficult to back down. She had tried too hard to help Zhou Ming clarify things, and now she can’t stop…

"Before, we gave people the impression that we were in the honeymoon period. Breaking up without any reason at this time would be too suspicious. I am afraid that it would have the opposite effect and people would make up stories and criticize us."

Tan Yin sighed, "We need to let love cool down gradually and let it fade away naturally with time, so that the breakup will seem natural and reasonable. Let me go back and revise the script, and arrange a few scenes of quarreling in public. While showing our affection, we also need to let others know that although we were good friends before, we found that we still have many incompatible personalities after we fell in love. This way, we can have more quarrels and pave the way for a future breakup."

Zhou Ming, who was good-tempered, naturally did not refute. He was usually introverted and low-key, but he did not expect that relying on his emotional state, he could suddenly live like a campus star. At this moment, he just wanted to return to his original quiet life as soon as possible. He would cooperate with whatever Tan Yin said.


The first script that Tan Yin arranged was to be performed in the Zhixing Building. She had previously borrowed a bunch of architecture books from the library and piled them up in the special classroom. Now she just happened to take them out and use them as props.

According to the plot development, Zhou Ming will pick up Tan Yin at the entrance of the technical school after she finishes her design class. It is noon and the sun is scorching. Zhou Ming wants to take Tan Yin to eat first, but Tan Yin insists that Zhou Ming return the book she borrowed first, on an empty stomach in the hot sun at noon.

Tan Yin designed it very well. Such a plot neither affects Zhou Ming's image nor does it have any problem with herself. After all, it is understandable that girls in love may act a little bit crazy.

"Anyway, as the story progressed, I was acting up and making a fuss, not understanding you at all, and in the end I managed to annoy you, who was always good-tempered. Since you probably couldn't act out a quarrel in public, the plot was more in line with your personality, so you kept silent, and in the end you gave me the cold shoulder, turned around and left, leaving me alone, jumping and screaming."

"Okay, but you're..."

Tan Yin didn't care much: "Anyway, I was famous for my crazy pursuit of Chu Hang before, and there was also the banner incident caused by my father. A campus celebrity like me is born to bear pressure and attention that I shouldn't bear at this age. Don't worry, as a celebrity, being strong is a necessary quality. As long as it doesn't affect you, it's fine."

Zhou Ming felt very sorry, but now under the pressure of Tan Yin, he was in a difficult situation and could only cooperate.

So after the design class, Zhou Ming adjusted his mood and waited at the door of the technical teaching building.

As agreed, Tan Yin waited until everyone in the class had come out and the corridor was at its busiest before she slowly came out with a pile of professional books, her face showing signs of looking for trouble.

"Tan Yin, let's go have lunch first."

Tan Yin glanced at Zhou Ming and began to act according to the script: "I don't want it. Please help me return the book first."

"You're not in a hurry for this book, is it okay to go after dinner?"

Tan Yin ignored the situation and started to make a scene: "No, I want it back now. I'm not hungry yet. Please help me return the book first."

Zhou Ming said with an embarrassed look: "But it's too hot in the middle of the day, and I'm hungry..."

Tan Yin was so angry that she howled loudly, "Zhou Ming, are you a man?! These books are so heavy in my hands, why don't you take the initiative to help me hold them first?"

She prepared herself for the main event of the day, and was about to start a quarrel with Zhou Ming. But before she could open her mouth, her hand felt light, and when she looked again, the stack of books in her hand, which was an important prop, was gone...

Chu Hang's voice replaced it. He was walking past Tan Yin, holding Tan Yin's stack of books in his hand: "I'll help you return it."

Tan Yin:

Brother, did you know that you don’t have a name in this play

Chu Hang obviously didn't understand the meaning of Tan Yin's stunned expression. He just glanced at Zhou Ming coldly and said, "It's just returning a book before eating. Is it that difficult?"

After saying this, he ignored Zhou Ming's reaction and just glanced at Tan Yin again. Then he looked away, took the stack of books with ease, and walked away calmly, leaving only a tall and arrogant back to Tan Yin.

Tan Yin was completely stunned by this unexpected development.

How could he continue the fight without the important props in his hand? Zhou Ming, the honest boy, was obviously at a loss. He looked at Tan Yin cautiously for help, as if he wanted to find a solution.

It's just that although Tan Yin has a lot of ambitions, she can't stop Chu Hang, a stranger, from suddenly appearing and adding to her drama for no reason. She can only look at Zhou Ming blankly. The conflict has been resolved by Chu Hang, and when Tan Yin meets Chu Hang, her brain automatically short-circuits, and now she can't think of any solution at all.

At this moment, the crowds that had been thronging in the aisle just now almost disappeared, and everyone rushed to the cafeteria like hungry tigers...

Even if Tan Yin could come up with some more ways to pick quarrels, it would be meaningless without an audience...

The fight failed! The plan failed!

The first game was a crushing defeat!


Tan Yin was a little dejected. She and Zhou Ming walked to the entrance of Zhixing Building one after another, looking at the scorching sunlight outside.

Zhou Ming suggested: "Since the action has failed, then don't let your classmate return the book. The weather is so hot, and he has to carry so many books all the way to the library. It's too tiring."

Tan Yin thought about it and felt that it made sense. Zhou Ming's electric scooter was parked right at the door, so it would be better to just catch up with Chu Hang and get the book back.

She made a prompt decision and let Zhou Ming drive. She sat in the back seat of the electric scooter and immediately drove towards the library. Although Chu Hang was tall and had long legs, he was no match for the speed of the electric scooter. Soon, Tan Yin and Zhou Ming caught up with Chu Hang.

"Chu Hang!" Tan Yin squinted under the sun, "Give me back my book!"

Chu Hang was obviously surprised when he heard Tan Yin's voice. He turned his head slightly and finally saw Tan Yin clearly in the backlight. She was sitting behind her boyfriend's electric scooter in an intimate manner, waving at him.

Chu Hang secretly looked at Zhou Ming twice, his inner contempt was about to burst through the sky. Zhou Ming was thin and too unmasculine. Moreover, he had a small electric donkey for transportation, but he was unwilling to drive a trip to return the book to Tan Yin. I don’t know what the point of Tan Yin keeping such a boyfriend...

But Chu Hang felt something was wrong as he glanced at it. The electric donkey Zhou Ming was riding looked familiar...

Seeing that Chu Hang didn't respond, Tan Yin simply jumped out of the car and took the stack of books from him: "It's very heavy for you to hold. I can return it myself."

Chu Hang didn't answer him, he just stared at the eDonkey. After a while, Chu Hang raised his head and glared at Tan Yin fiercely.

"Is this the electric donkey you rode when you delivered food before?"

Tan Yin nodded repeatedly: "Yes, by the way, speaking of this electric donkey, I have always wanted to ask you, could your security guard who helped with the repair make a mistake? Zhou Ming said that the serial number of this electric donkey doesn't match? Is it possible that there are other electric donkeys in your community that are also being repaired, and they made a mistake?"

However, Chu Hang seemed to have not heard Tan Yin's words at all. He just continued to stare at the electric donkey, and there was a hint of accusation in his voice that Tan Yin felt was unbelievable: "You let him ride it?"

She explained almost subconsciously: "No, no, this electric donkey originally belonged to Zhou Ming. I borrowed it from him when I was delivering food."

Chu Hang's voice became full of gritted teeth this time. He looked at Tan Yin and said, "Good, very good. That's great."

Tan Yin was a little surprised. Chu Hang might not have realized that he had said three "good"s in a row. Tan Yin followed his gaze and looked again, and finally understood a little: "This small electric donkey is a very good brand. Do you want to buy one too? Zhou Ming, please introduce this to Chu Hang..."

As a result, before he could finish his words, Chu Hang's face darkened. Without saying a word, he looked at Tan Yin with a complicated and resentful look, then walked away in a huff.

It's really inexplicable.

However, Tan Yin did not have the energy to analyze such a small episode. She returned to the dormitory and read a romance novel for an entire night, summarizing all the classic quarrel and breakup scenes in the novels. She was not someone who gave up easily. If one plan failed, she would come up with another.


Zhou Ming's law school recently organized a weekend mountain hike. Compared to the architecture department, the law school is a large department. Zhou Ming's class alone has more than a hundred people. Therefore, even if not all students participated, there were more than 40 people in the end. And like all leisure activities, the law school can bring relatives and friends to the mountain hike. In the end, a group of more than 60 people was formed. In addition to the law school, almost 80% of the other majors in the school were gathered.

This is simply the most suitable breeding ground for the dissemination and spread of information!

Tan Yin made a quick decision and decided to follow Zhou Ming to climb the mountain: "I looked at the mountain we are going to climb this time. There is a resort halfway up the mountain, so people who just want to climb can rest and have a meal. So the dining and entertainment are also concentrated here. After resting halfway up the mountain, those who still want to continue climbing can continue up, and those who don't want to climb can just go down the mountain."

Tan Yin held up the law school schedule and said, "At noon, everyone will have lunch at a farmhouse halfway up the mountain. After lunch, we will have free time. Those who want to climb the mountain can continue climbing, those who want to see the scenery halfway up the mountain can do so by themselves, and those who want to go down the mountain can also do so. Therefore, our second scene will be arranged during the break after lunch. This is when the crew is most complete. If we have a quarrel, the dispersion will definitely be the greatest."

Tan Yin explained the scene to Zhou Ming as if she was making a battle plan: "After dinner, we had an argument about what to do in the afternoon. You said you wanted to continue climbing, and I pretended to have sprained my foot and couldn't climb anymore. I also insisted on not waiting for you there. No matter what, I had to ask you to carry me down the mountain to the hospital immediately, and then we had an argument."

Zhou Ming nodded and encouraged himself: "I hope it will work this time." He really couldn't stand everyone's attention on his "relationship" anymore, and hoped that they would "break up" naturally after this quarrel.

Although Zhou Ming looked worried, Tan Yin was very confident: "Don't worry, I am fully confident of this operation."

However, the facts have proved that one should never be too sure about anything. When Tan Yin saw Chu Hang and Xu Yu when they gathered at the foot of the mountain, her left eyelid began to twitch subconsciously. Next to Chu Hang were Anna, Duan Yingfei and... Zhang Chen

Xu Yu loves outdoor sports, so it's not surprising that he would participate in such activities. It's normal for Chu Hang to come along as a good friend. Anna is Chu Hang's girlfriend, so it's reasonable for her to show up. Duan Yingfei is from the law school and obviously wants to destroy Chu Hang and Anna's world of two people, so it's not surprising that she comes to participate. But what's going on with Zhang Chen

Jiang Yilu was also puzzled: "As far as I know, as a skin care expert, he advocates whitening, not tanning. He would never consider hiking outdoors on such a sunny day? Has Zhang Chen decided to change himself and start to go the handsome route?"

As a woman who wanted to win over Xu Yu, Jiang Yilu decided to go along with Tan Yin when she heard about this activity at the law school. She even said that she was doing it for Tan Yin so that she could fan the flames of the quarrel between Tan Yin and Zhou Ming and bring it to a climax.

Tan Yin glanced at the rest of the people casually, but her eyes unconsciously fell on Chu Hang again. He was wearing a sports suit today, and looked energetic, sunny and healthy. He was so handsome that people couldn't look directly at him. However, the expression on his face was not very sunny. Just as Tan Yin looked at him, Chu Hang raised his head as if he had sensed something, and also looked at Tan Yin. Tan Yin almost looked away in panic. For some reason, Chu Hang's eyes seemed to be a little bit vicious. After glancing at Tan Yin, he looked away faster than Tan Yin.

Tan Yin was completely confused. Was she afraid that she would destroy his and Anna's world of two? Besides, instead of glaring at him, Chu Hang might as well keep a close eye on his new girlfriend. Zhang Chen stood closer to Anna than he did. The two were talking and laughing intimately, and it seemed that they had a lot of topics to talk about. However, he stood aside with a cold and unpredictable expression, still some distance away from Anna.

But soon, when they started climbing the mountain, Tan Yin had no time to pay attention to Chu Hang. She didn't exercise much and her physique was not that good. When she climbed halfway up the mountain, she was really tired and out of breath. Zhou Ming was also a gentle type. Although as a boy, his condition was much better than Tan Yin, but he also looked a little tired. In contrast, Xu Yu and Chu Hang were both relaxed and at ease without blushing or breathing hard.

Why is the gap between people so big and unfair

According to the itinerary plan, everyone rested for a while and then had a meal together. After resting for a while, everyone left the farm restaurant and strolled in front of the souvenir stall halfway up the mountain.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Tan Yin winked at Zhou Ming and Jiang Yilu, and then she started to make trouble: "Ouch." Tan Yin screamed exaggeratedly, and then pretended to cry out in pain, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Zhou Ming followed the script and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Tan Yin said aggrievedly: "It's all your fault that you were only focused on looking at the souvenirs. I accidentally stepped on empty air and sprained my ankle."

The two of them followed the script and exchanged a few sentences, finally getting to the point. Tan Yin suddenly asked loudly, "What?! You want to continue climbing up later? What should I do then!"

"Why don't you stay halfway up the mountain and rest. I'll take you back with me after I finish climbing."

"No!" Tan Yin fiercely retorted, and began to make a scene, "I sprained my foot, I must go down the mountain to see a doctor immediately. Zhou Ming, at this time, you still have the heart to continue climbing the mountain? I order you to carry me down the mountain right now!"

Zhou Ming was not good at dealing with quarrels and confrontations, but due to the script, he could only bite the bullet and raise his voice slightly: "Tan Yin, don't be unreasonable. I've seen it. You just accidentally stepped on a small stone and almost fell. You didn't have a serious sprain at all. It's not serious enough to see a doctor immediately. It's just that you didn't stand steadily. I think you may be tired from climbing the mountain. You will recover if you take a good rest here."

Yes, it's fine. Tan Yin gave Zhou Ming an affirmative look, and then looked at Jiang Yilu. Jiang Yilu naturally obeyed the order. According to the plot, it was time for her to come out and fan the flames, and then push this small quarrel to a climax in one fell swoop...

But before Jiang Yilu could open her mouth, she heard Chu Hang's cold voice. He glanced at Tan Yin and said, "Did you sprain your foot?"

Tan Yin was stunned for a moment, fearing that Chu Hang would ruin this perfect plan again, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes."

"Need to see a doctor?"

Although feeling somewhat guilty, Tan Yin still nodded.

"Can't walk?"

"… right!"

All the answers are finished! Chu Hang, please leave! Don't disturb me while I'm acting!

Just as Tan Yin hoped, Chu Hang did leave, but before leaving, he took herself with him.

Before Tan Yin could react, she felt her body lighten, and then her feet left the ground. After she was stunned for a few minutes, she saw Chu Hang's handsome and stern face above her sight from a close distance, and then she realized that Chu Hang's arms were holding her in a princess hug, strong and steady. Although Tan Yin could not keep up with the pace of the development of the situation, Chu Hang's expression was calm enough for Tan Yin to feel that this development was normal.

He glanced at Tan Yin casually, then looked straight at Zhou Ming: "I'll take her down the mountain to see a doctor, you can continue up the mountain."

Tan Yin's eyes lit up. If she could adapt to the situation, this would be fine! Even Chu Hang was willing to send her to the hospital, but Zhou Ming, as her boyfriend, was unwilling. Isn't this a good point for escalating conflicts

But...wait, why is Chu Hang already carrying me down the mountain? ? ? The incident happened suddenly, Zhou Ming and Jiang Yilu were both stunned, and they just stood there stupidly, with no intention of stopping him, just watching Chu Hang carrying Tan Yin down the mountain...

Tan Yin was anxious. How could this be possible! Chu Hang sent her off like this, and she was carried down the mountain by him. Once she and Zhou Ming were separated, the quarrel could not start again! It has been brewing for so long, it is absolutely not allowed! Chu Hang, you don’t even have a name in the script! Why are you adding a role to yourself again? !

However, Chu Hang's steps did not stop at all. He walked steadily, without saying a word and pursing his lips.

Tan Yin was anxious: "Chu Hang, please put me down quickly. Why are you sending me down the mountain?!"

Chu Hang glanced at Tan Yin and said calmly, "Oh, I am the team leader responsible for safety in this event. The team leader must be responsible for the health of the team members. If you have any problems, I will naturally follow up throughout the process."

Tan Yin was so upset that she wanted to cry. She wondered when Chu Hang would stop being so strict with his sense of responsibility. He just abandoned Anna halfway. Although Anna would understand given her personality, she had Zhang Chen by her side who was eyeing her covetously! Chu Hang was too ambitious!

If it were someone else, Tan Yin might have spoken out a reminder, but in front of Chu Hang, she selfishly didn't want to say a word. Although the man holding her could never belong to her, it would be nice if he didn't belong to anyone else. Tan Yin always thought she was a kind person, but it wasn't until this moment that she realized she wasn't. She was kind because most of the time she wasn't obsessed with many things and didn't really want them, but Chu Hang was different for her. Even if she tried her best to suppress it and acted calm on the surface, and even told herself that true love was to watch the other person walk towards better happiness, some dark vines would still crawl out of the corner of her heart -

It was hard for them to maintain their cross-border relationship, wasn't it? Chu Hang was probably a bit arrogant and used to being very reserved with Anna. As long as she didn't remind him, would he break up with Anna one day in the future

On the one hand, Tan Yin felt that if a person did not care about himself, he would be punished by heaven and earth. On the other hand, she felt ashamed for having such a petty thought...

Until Chu Hang's voice interrupted her wandering thoughts: "Why are you with Zhou Ming?"

Chu Hang's voice sounded a little hesitant, as if he was a little hesitant about whether to ask this question, but once he asked it, his voice became firm: "I don't see what's good about him."

"Zhou Ming is good in every way." Tan Yin subconsciously refuted as if she was protecting a relative, "He has a good temper. He never gets angry no matter what I say. He is also very enthusiastic and never refuses to help. He is also very considerate..."

"Good temper? Enthusiastic? Careful?" Chu Hang interrupted Tan Yin without any courtesy, his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm that he tried to suppress. "How can he be good tempered or considerate to you? You wanted to return the book, but he was unwilling to help you. You wanted him to carry you down the mountain, but he kept climbing up the mountain."

The author has something to say: 500 red envelopes will be randomly dropped from comments with more than 20 words in this chapter (the next chapter will be sent out by 8 pm tomorrow)

There was a small modification yesterday. In order to match the subsequent plot, our Chu Hang did not open the love letter. He just sorted it out in chronological order and did not throw it away. As for why he did not throw it away or read it, there will be an explanation later. Hahaha~ Everyone will see his inner world when Chu Hang confesses his love~ So please be patient~ Chu Hang is really a man with a very tortuous mental journey~

Today’s question: Can Chu Hang wait until Tan Yin and Zhou Ming “break up peacefully”

Chu Hang: No

Reader "36046447"'s mini-theater

One day, Tan Yin saw a letter written by Zhenxiang Chu and asked, "What is this? When did you write it without telling me?"

Jealous King: "When you were someone else's girlfriend"

Tan Yin: Excuse me

Reader's "His Summer" short drama

Chu Hang: Let's see when you're done. Wake up! Break up with me, stay away from me, and chase me. If you chase someone, you have to act like a chaser.

Reader's short play "I love learning, but learning doesn't love me"

Tan Yin: Showing affection is really tiring!

Chu Hang held Tan Yin's hand, kissed her, and said with a smile: Are you still tired like this

Tan Yin blushed and said: No... Not tired...

What's up with those friends who support the cult CP of Tan Yin x Zhou Ming? Hahahaha what should we Chu Hang do!