You Caught My Attention

Chapter 50


Chu Hang felt mixed emotions. When he thought of Tan Yin at this moment, the only words in his mind were "it's over".

Even if he admitted that he did care about Tan Yin, so what? Would he really become a mistress like Chen Ziqiang said

It's so tasteless.

Although what Chen Ziqiang said did make sense, Chu Hang felt that stealing someone's girlfriend was completely contrary to the education he had received and was a disgrace to his manners. Moreover, if he became a mistress, he would probably have this reputation for the rest of his life. How could he do such a thing?!

Tan Yin is indeed an okay person, but no matter what, one must stick to the principles and bottom line of being a person. Moreover, Zhou Ming does not seem to be compatible with Tan Yin. The two of them have been caught by me several times in a row having conflicts and disagreements. Every time this happens, I have stepped forward to personally show Tan Yin the difference between people. I believe that sooner or later Tan Yin will see the situation clearly and turn back, knowing that Zhou Ming is okay as a friend, but not qualified as a lover. He just skipped lunch in the middle of the day to send a book, but he was unwilling to do so. His girlfriend had sprained her foot, and whether it was a pretense or real, he actually wanted to leave her there while he continued to climb to the top of the mountain to tour. Is this kind of person worth keeping for the holidays

Chu Hang felt that Tan Yin and Zhou Ming would break up soon.

Unfortunately, Chu Hang's smooth life suffered a setback because of Tan Yin. Three days had passed since he had made such a confident assumption that night, but Tan Yin still showed no signs of breaking up with Zhou Ming.

Although Tan Yin spent most of her time in the re-energized classroom due to the deadline, she packed up her things and went to the cafeteria with Zhou Ming to eat after finishing the drawing. The two of them looked very good and never ran out of topics to talk about. Tan Yin was obviously in a good mood and could eat nearly a bowl and a half of rice and two pieces of pork chops in one go. Chu Hang, on the other hand, had a poor appetite for several days and couldn't even swallow a good meal.

But I have become like this, and even lost a pound in the past three days. Tan Yin, who usually hangs around me all day long, whether in normal or invisible state, is completely oblivious to my changes.

Although Chu Hang was eating opposite Xu Yu, he was absent-minded and kept looking up at Tan Yin and Zhou Ming not far away. He didn't even pay attention to what Xu Yu was saying...

"By the way, Chu Hang, my sister has a classmate who saw a photo of you and me on her phone last time and fell in love with you at first sight. She kept pestering my sister to introduce you to her. I see that you are single anyway, so why don't we go out for dinner together next time to get to know each other?"


"Duan Yingfei's birthday is coming soon. She came to me and asked if she could convince you to play a piano piece at her birthday party. Are you ok with that? If you are, I will go and agree to her request."


"But why haven't you two reconciled recently? Why didn't she come and tell you directly, but hemmed and hawed and asked me to convey it?"


Xu Yu frowned: "What do you mean by 'yeah'? Are you listening to me?"

Chu Hang finally woke up from his dream: "What?"

Xu Yu sighed helplessly: "What's wrong with you recently, Chu Hang? Why do you seem to be in a trance? I think you look a bit like my roommate who was heartbroken."

Hearing the word "broken heart", Chu Hang almost immediately glared at Xu Yu and denied it flatly: "Nonsense."

Although Xu Yu thought Chu Hang's fierce attitude was a bit strange, he could not find any evidence that he was heartbroken, so he did not pursue the matter. After he called Chu Hang back to consciousness, he confirmed the questions he had asked with him. As a result, the answers he got changed from "yeah" to "no" or "no time"...


Tan Yin has been tortured half to death by the design class assignments recently. In the past, when she didn't have the right attitude, she would always rush to cram and just draw a picture carelessly to get it done. Now that she really starts to do it seriously, she finds that there are points to pay attention to everywhere. No matter how she draws, she is never satisfied. She just feels that she can do better and wants to keep improving.

This time, she didn't intend to compete with Chu Hang or give Chu Hang a slap in the face. She secretly wrote down the books on her list that Chu Hang had found in the library's architecture bookcase. They included not only professional science and engineering knowledge, but also biographies of many famous architects, such as Wright's "My Autobiography", and biographies of Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng.

Before, Tan Yin thought that apart from sketching and hand-drawing, architecture was full of boring science and engineering, calculations, surveying and mapping, structure and force analysis, and was not interesting at all. Even if she tried to catch up in order to slap Chu Hang in the face, she was only relying on an external force. It was only after reading those autobiographies and studying the architectural works of these famous architects that she realized that architecture was far more than just a boring subject.

For example, Wright's masterpiece Fallingwater, as a masterpiece of 20th century American architecture selected by the American Institute of Architects, is well-deserved of its title. Tan Yin was completely fascinated by Fallingwater just by looking at the photos of it. This is not just boring surveying and structural design, it is art.

If Tan Yin originally thought that comics were a form of art for expressing oneself, then after seeing works like Fallingwater, she felt that architectural design was the real art. Although entertaining comics were also creative work, they could not be compared with architectural design at all. Good architectural design works were the perfect combination of humanity and nature. Architectural design not only required scientific and engineering thinking, but also the vision of an artist, painting, drawing, expression skills, imagination, conceptual thinking, inspiration and other creativity. These were almost indispensable and much more difficult than simply drawing comics.

The design concept of Fallingwater Villa is very unique, organically integrating artificial buildings with natural trees, rocks, and streams, with a well-proportioned and staggered layout. Wright designed two platforms of different heights, which not only have a sense of layering, but also allow the stream to flow out from the platform below. All of this is simply natural, like being in a fairyland on earth, romantic, simple and elegant.

This was originally a private vacation villa designed by Wright for Kaufman, a Pittsburgh department store tycoon. However, a few years after Wright's death, Kaufman, the owner of Fallingwater, decided to donate the villa for people to visit, because he believed that "this is a work made by humans for themselves, not made by one person for another. It is precisely because of such a strong meaning that it is a public treasure, not just a private treasure.'"

This is not just architecture, but also supreme art and the crystallization of human wisdom.

When Tan Yin looked at the lives and works of these great architects, her heart was filled with indescribable excitement and passion. She also wanted to be such a person, someone who could prove and express herself through her works, and someone who could leave such public wealth for this society.

Although his original intention of settling down to study the major was just to prove himself, after peeling off the surface of architecture and coming into contact with the art and core of architecture, Tan Yin was truly conquered by this subject.

Today, Tan Yin is so devoted to her profession that she has completely forgotten the bet she made with Chu Hang. It doesn't matter if she can surpass Chu Hang or not, as long as she can surpass herself. Tan Yin is constantly learning from the bottom of her heart. In addition to the books that Chu Hang is reading, she also found a list of books recommended by famous authors in professional forums and read them one by one. She has read almost all the books with substance in the school's architecture bookshelf. Once she decides to do something, she is really a very tenacious and hardworking person.


But perhaps God saw that she was too tired from studying for nearly eleven hours every day, so he granted her a vacation.

Tan Yin was studying hard that day when a thunderstorm started.

So he could only take a passive vacation. Tan Yin sat up, stretched a few times, and relaxed for a moment. Then he remembered that he actually had things to do.

Actually, a week had passed since she started to suspect that Chu Hang could see her. It hadn't rained during this week, and Tan Yin was busy studying, so she didn't pay any attention to the matter. But Chu Hang seemed to be in a bad mood during these weeks. Every time he saw her, he would look at her fiercely, then turn around and leave. Perhaps he hated Chu Hang so much that he not only ignored her, but also showed undisguised hostility towards Zhou Ming.

Although it was puzzling, Tan Yin felt that she could barely understand it. After all, Anna had researched the buildings in City A and stayed there for a while. Now she had returned to the United States and she and Chu Hang had become a couple with a time difference across the sea and in a foreign country. Chu Hang had to be separated from his girlfriend by a long distance when they just fell in love, so it was normal for him to be in a bad mood.

And I don't know if negative energy is really contagious. Recently not only Chu Hang looks depressed, but Zhang Chen also looks a little absent-minded. Tan Yin met Zhang Chen several times in the water room of Zhixing Building. He was so dazed that the water he poured was about to overflow and he didn't react. Tan Yin reminded him many times before he woke up from his dream and was spared from being scalded by the boiling water.

But this is not the point. The point is that Tan Yin must first verify one thing: whether Chu Hang can see her.

It was not difficult to find Chu Hang. I almost ran into him every day when I went to the library recently. I thought he was probably in the library at this time.

Tan Yin did not delay at all and immediately headed towards the library, relying on the umbrella. As expected, she found Chu Hang at a table opposite her usual study table, looking down at an architectural journal.

If he could hear and see himself...

Tan Yin calmed herself down, walked to the opposite side of Chu Hang, circled around him a few times, and made a few faces at Chu Hang. During this time, Chu Hang raised his head slightly, but he did not look away, with a calm expression, and soon lowered his head to continue reading.

It looks like he can't see himself like this

But to be on the safe side, Tan Yin decided to try something else. She started telling jokes -

"Since he was little, Xiao Ming has been told that his face is too square and that he looks like a kite. At school, other students would say: Haha, Xiao Ming, you really look like a kite. In class, the teacher would say: Xiao Ming, you really look like a kite. When he got home, his family would also say: Xiao Ming, you really look like a kite! Xiao Ming was so sad and desperate that he jumped off the roof, and as a result... he flew..."

However, after Tan Yin finished speaking, Chu Hang continued to read with an expressionless face.

"Maybe this joke is too dull. Let me change it."

Tan Yin then racked her brains to tell joke after joke, but unfortunately Chu Hang was not moved at all. No matter whether it was a joke that was not funny or a joke that was so funny that Tan Yin burst out laughing halfway through telling it, Chu Hang just sat there and read the journal quietly.

Tan Yin was a little thirsty after talking so much, so she simply sat down opposite Chu Hang to take a break. However, once she calmed down and sat there quietly looking at Chu Hang, Tan Yin couldn't help but let her mind wander -

I hope Chu Hang breaks up with me whenever he wants. When he breaks up, when he is in the most pain, I will take advantage of the situation, show him gentle care, and pursue him. Maybe...

What Tan Yin didn't know was that Chu Hang, who remained calm even when the sky was falling, was thinking the same thing as her.

These past few days have been quite tormenting for Chu Hang. At first, he was very sure that Tan Yin and Zhou Ming were just playing house and would break up soon. However, let alone three days, it has been seven days now, and there is no sign of the two breaking up. Although according to Chu Hang's observation, Tan Yin was obsessed with studying this week, and was either teaching drawing and making models or soaking in the library all day, so the frequency of meeting Zhou Ming was only to have lunch together or dinner together, but Chu Hang was still a little irritable and dissatisfied. Since he wanted to concentrate on studying, he should completely stop having sex with men! Preserve the principles of heaven and eliminate human desires! As for lunch and dinner, do I have to eat with that Zhou Ming specially? It's so boring.

But it will be fine after they break up, Chu Hang comforted himself. After they break up, he will show his kindness to Tan Yin and show some concern for her. She doesn't look that stupid, and she will probably turn to the light soon...

But before that, it looks like there's another problem that needs to be solved.

It was a rainy day after a week. Although Tan Yin's invisible reappearance made Chu Hang feel a little happier, her next action made Chu Hang unable to laugh.

Tan Yin was suspicious.

Chu Hang was a little annoyed. His previous behavior in the classroom of the old campus might have attracted Tan Yin's attention.

But the devil is always one step ahead of the saint. Even if Tan Yin has doubts, as long as he holds on, no matter what she does, he will turn a blind eye. After two more unsuccessful attempts, Tan Yin will probably give up her doubts. For example, at this moment, after she told a bunch of jokes, she had already half given up and sat opposite him, complaining of being tired.

But this time Chu Hang overestimated himself and underestimated Tan Yin. Tan Yin rested on the table for a while, and then gathered his strength again.

Not only did she continue to act weird in front of him, but she also...


Although Tan Yin was making faces and telling jokes in Chu Hang's ear, Chu Hang still didn't have any unusual reaction. But for some reason, Tan Yin still felt uneasy. Apart from not having the superpower of invisibility, Chu Hang was an all-rounder after all, better than her in every aspect. It was hard to guarantee that he hadn't discovered something after all this time.

However, after so many attempts, Chu Hang did not show any abnormal behavior. Normally, his ability to be invisible should not have been exposed. Tan Yin tried to convince herself that she was probably overthinking it.

She observed Chu Hang for a while and found that when Chu Hang spread out the journal on the table and started to work out a structural mechanics research question on the draft paper, Tan Yin began to keep muttering in Chu Hang's ear in an attempt to disrupt his train of thought.

Tan Yin had a good plan. Even if Chu Hang was indifferent to jokes and funny faces, he would not be able to think of any ideas when faced with such a difficult professional analysis question in a noisy environment where he kept talking...

But before Tan Yin finished thinking of this solution, Chu Hang, who obviously couldn't hear her voice and was completely unaffected, calmly analyzed the problem...

At this point, Tan Yin finally felt relieved and relaxed. However, just for the last resort, Tan Yin decided to use his ultimate move -

She stood up and lifted the hem of her skirt in front of Chu Hang: "Chu Hang, you really can't see it, right? I'm wearing the high slits you hate the most today!"

According to common sense, this was a skirt that Chu Hang felt was extremely unsuitable for him, and he seemed to be very disgusted with it, so Tan Yin deliberately tried it out one last time to see if she would show the slightest expression on her face when she walked around him in this skirt that he hated.

However, no, Chu Hang looked completely normal, with just a slightly red face, but there was no trace of annoyance or impatience on his face.

Tan Yin breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that she should be safe.

Tan Yin had observed that Chu Hang's likes and dislikes were very obvious. No matter how hard he tried to endure it, his brows would still slightly frown into a tiny arc. However, this time, when she was walking around in such an unsightly high-slit outfit, there was no sign of that tiny arc appearing at all.

But Tan Yin herself didn't realize that it wasn't obvious when she wasn't walking, but now that she was walking deliberately to show off the high slit, she actually exposed her entire legs.

Chu Hang has fair skin, so once his face turns red, even if it is just a light blush, it is very obvious. However, Tan Yin did not take the change on his face seriously. After all, his expression looked calm and unchanged, so the blushing face was understandable. Not to mention Chu Hang, even Tan Yin felt a little hot.

Although it was a rainy day, the windows of the library were closed and it was very hot and stuffy. Tan Yin felt very uncomfortable. She originally wanted to leave, but at this moment, a few girls were blocking the door of the branch library and talking about something. Tan Yin had to wait until they left before taking any action.

It was just really hot, and she couldn't help but let herself go while fanning herself with her hands.

Anyway, after several rounds of testing, Chu Hang really couldn't see, so Tan Yin got bolder. She unbuttoned a few buttons of her short-sleeved shirt. Although this turned the formal short-sleeved shirt into a low-cut dress that was barely visible, Tan Yin thought that no one would see it anyway, and even if they felt hot, she would still unbutton a few more buttons, exposing half of her shoulders. Then she lifted the high-slit skirt up to her legs, tied it with a rubber band into a super short skirt, exposing her two bare thighs...

This was indeed much more comfortable. Tan Yin sighed and felt much cooler. However, Chu Hang looked even hotter. Not only his face, but also his neck and ears were red.

But it was not Chu Hang's fault, because soon, Tan Yin felt that even now, it was still hot. She thought about it, and seeing that the girls blocking the door of this branch library had no intention of leaving in the short term, she decided to go all out: "Forget it, why don't I take off my shirt? Anyway, there is still a tube top underneath, and no one can see it. The rain will not stop for a while..."

She started to unbutton her clothes, but when she unbuttoned the button on her chest, Chu Hang, who had been reading a book seriously, suddenly couldn't stand it anymore and spoke -

"Tan Yin, button your shirt for me!!!"

This angry rebuke from out of nowhere frightened Tan Yin so much that she froze in place.


Chu Hang is... is he talking to himself

He, he can see?!

At this moment, Tan Yin felt as if she had been struck by a bolt of lightning from the sky again. She was completely terrified.

Not to mention Tan Yin, Chu Hang's shout even made the girls who were blocking the door look over here curiously...

Tan Yinding had no idea where to put her hands and feet. Her head felt like it was experiencing an electromagnetic storm. She even felt dizzy and the ground beneath her feet seemed to be shaking. Not only the ground, but also the row of bookshelves behind her, and every book on them, were shaking.

Of course, she soon realized that this was not her imagination, because the girls at the branch library door also began to scream—

"The ground is shaking!"

“The table and chairs are shaking too!”

"Was there an earthquake?!"

"Hurry... hide!"

"Help! Help!"

All of a sudden, not only in the branch where Tan Yin and Chu Hang were, but also in other parts of the entire library, there were sounds of commotion.

There really was an earthquake!

Tan Yin was still standing there in a daze, when she saw Chu Hang, who had just been unable to bear it and spoke without looking at her, stand up almost quickly this time, completely disregarding good etiquette and not even caring about the chair behind him being knocked over. Before Tan Yin could react, she saw Chu Hang rushing in front of her like a 100-meter sprint, then he stretched out his hand, accurately grabbed Tan Yin into his arms with one hand, and with the other hand he supported Tan Yin's back, barely holding up the bookshelf that was about to fall down in the shaking of the earthquake.

Only the bookshelf was held up, but the books on the shelf could not be stopped from falling down due to the tilting angle.

Tan Yin was held in Chu Hang's arms, listening to the sound of books falling down from above her head. This cabinet was full of hardcover books, and the continuous slamming of books onto the floor made quite a noise. The thick and sharp corners of the books made a dull thumping sound on the floor, falling at the feet of Tan Yin and Chu Hang, and many of them inevitably fell on Chu Hang's back. Tan Yin lowered her head and closed her eyes in this dizzying spinning, and only heard the sound of the book spines hitting Chu Hang, and the muffled groan that Chu Hang tried to suppress.

There were screams, fear, noise and the still unstoppable shaking all around, but Chu Hang used his body as a shield, as if he had built a solid wall for Tan Yin. It was clearly the first time that Tan Yin had encountered such a situation, but with Chu Hang's arms around her, she did not feel afraid.

Her heart was beating wildly, not because of fear, but because of nervousness and panic.

Tan Yin's mind was in a mess. She felt it was a tangled mess and couldn't make any sense. Now, all this was of no use, even if she tried to numb herself.

Chu Hang can see me! He can see me! He was just pretending!

The author has something to say: 500 red envelopes will be randomly dropped from comments with more than 20 words in this chapter~ (until 8 o'clock tomorrow night when the next chapter is released)

Warmly celebrate Chu Hang being exposed!

The earthquake plot was written in the draft before the earthquake in Sichuan. Then the earthquake happened. I hope all the babies are safe.

ps: The description of Fallingwater Villa was referenced from Baidu, and there are quotations; I don't know if you have seen the famous joke that Xiao Ming's face is as square as a kite, hahaha, which is also quoted from the Internet. It is not my original work, please indicate it.

Reader's "Springfield Flower Kindergarten" small theater

Chu Hang: It's not impossible to sacrifice myself to help Yinyin escape from this inappropriate relationship

Tan Yin: Are we familiar with each other

Reader Zhou Yu's Little Theater Without a Name

Chu Hang: Licking Knife, are you going to kill someone today to offer sacrifice to the heaven? Who are you going to kill? I think someone with the surname Zhou is good

Zhou Ming: Brother, I was wrong, brother, can we talk it out? Can you put the knife down first? Wuwuwuwuwu, you damn ghost Tan Yin, come and save me!

Reader's mini-theater "The World and You"

Electric shock renewal screen:

On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, it was raining

Chu Hang returned home but didn't see his wife, so he quietly put on his helmet and renewed his subscription.

Reader's short play "You are the letter I can't deliver"

Chu Hang BGM: I finally became their mistress

Chu Hang speaks out: Please don't be someone else's mistress! This is wrong! I am a sinner for wanting to be a mistress!

Reader's "One-legged Goose by the River" small theater

He Ming: Only by fighting hard can you win! Love should be spoken out loud! Chu Hang: Tan Yin! I like you! I am waiting for you to break up! Tan Yin: If you hadn’t added drama, I would have successfully broken up long ago! !

Reader "Yaoyao"'s small theater

One day, Chu Hang lost sight of Tan Yin during a thunderstorm.

Roommate: Hey, Chu Hang, are you showing signs of baldness? You're using this again

Chu Hang: No, I am not, I don’t have

There is really no electric shock renewal plot in the main text hahahaha