You Have Guts!

Chapter 56


When Zijun woke up, it was already dark. Seeing the figure beside the bed, she was startled, and sat up hurriedly: "It's me." Yanshen turned on the light, and the light that was released instantly made Zijun feel uncomfortable. Subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, put it down after a while, and looked at the man beside the bed.

Zijun is not surprised how he found his own, let alone how he has the key here. This man is super capable in some aspects, even to the point of omnipotence.

But such a man would do such a thing, Zijun always finds it unbelievable, but secretly smiles bitterly in his heart, it's ridiculous that he still has extravagant hopes for this man, Feng Zijun, you are too It's ridiculous, and this man, after saying something like that, still wants to do something to himself, and, what's more, he still looks so embarrassed.

Yes, this man is a bit embarrassed. I have known him for so long, and Zijun has never seen him so embarrassed. He is always methodical and meticulous, as if everything is under control, but now he is a bit embarrassed. , his hair was a bit messy, his coat was draped over the bed stool, his shirt buttons were unbuttoned three times, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His expression was quite bad, and he couldn't tell whether he was anxious, regretful, or annoyed, it was very complicated anyway. .

With Zijun's stupidity, it is impossible to guess. Now she doesn't want to guess anymore. She is tired, and it is the first time that she feels tired. She figured it out. This man is too tall. He is not as tall as she is. The height that can be climbed, even if he sends the ladder down and climbs up by himself, one day he pulls the ladder back, he will fall down, and the fall is even worse.

All love is a lie. In Chu Yanshen's world, even if there is a lifetime of love that does not belong to her, she should have known herself long ago.

Zijun was surprised by her calmness. The moment she heard those words outside the meeting room in the morning, she really felt that the world had collapsed, but when she came back here, she calmed down and faced the cruelest result, so she had no choice. After being hurt deeply, she despaired, so she was able to face Chu Yanshen so calmly.

He doesn't speak, okay, she speaks, anyway, the face is gone, what do I need to save face: "Feng is a big man, he has his own life, and I don't need my mother to take care of him. I am very relieved. As for the others, what should I do?" Come, just go, don't worry, I don't want anything, no matter what, I hope we can be separated."

So far away? These four words were like inserting a sharp knife into Yan Shen's heart, and blood dripped immediately. If he could really get away easily, how could he still be in such pain? Isn't it because he couldn't bear to let go, that's why he turned so many times, she did. Much more ruthless than herself, yes, she heard those words, those nonsense she said in a hurry.

He just wanted to drive Qin Fei away as soon as possible, but he didn't want to fall into her ears. No, he had to explain, he couldn't let her misunderstand him.

Yanshen reached out to grab Zijun's hand, but Zijun quickly moved away, as if he was a virus, Chu Yanshen was really stimulated, he could bear everything, but he couldn't, she avoided him, avoided him, which made him feel , I was about to lose her, and losing her was the most unbearable result.

He suddenly panicked, he desperately wanted to hug her and kiss her, so he rushed over and pressed her under him, leaning over to find her lips, Zijun didn't expect him to do this, she began to resist, the more she resisted , Chu Yanshen panicked more and more, and the more strength he used, the two tore up on the bed, like two fighters fighting to the death.

In the end, Zijun lost to Yanshen's strength, and was pressed tightly by him. His lips pressed against hers, nibbling, biting, tearing, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't find the warmth and sweetness he longed for. Her lips were so cold that there was no warmth, and she looked at him with disgust, as if he was a rapist.

Chu Yanshen raised his head, but still pressed her arm: "Do you dislike me that much?"

Zijun looked straight at him: "Chu Yanshen, do you think I'm very cheap, no matter whether you have another woman or not, no matter what you do to me, as long as you want, I have to follow you, you What do you think of me, you Boss Chu's exclusive prostitute, girl, even if you are already bored, bored, and tired, your big boss will do whatever he wants when he is interested."

Chu Yanshen let her go suddenly: "Feng Zijun, what nonsense are you talking about?"

nonsense? Zijun smiled self-deprecatingly: "Is it nonsense or your big boss is doing something nonsense." She sat up and said, "Chu Yanshen, why do you think I can let you do whatever you want after hearing what you said? You are not tired of it. Do you want to dump me? Don't bother. I, Feng Zijun, are slow and stupid, but at least I'm not cheap. As long as you say it bluntly, I won't rely on you. You don't need to collude with Qin Fei to collude with the hospital. In such a play, the child belongs to me, I bring it myself, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Zijun, listen to me." Chu Yanshen reached out to pull her, but Zijun avoided it, but Chu Yanshen insisted on pulling her. After pulling her a few times, Zijun couldn't dodge at all, and finally he caught her, and he pulled her. She put her head on his lips and kissed: "Zijun, listen to me, listen to my explanation, those words are my nonsense, really, believe me, I just don't want you to have this child."

Zijun looked at him fixedly: "Why? Don't tell me any nonsense about birth defects. If you tell me a convincing reason, then well, I believe you and listen to your explanation. If not, Chu Yanshen, what do you think, I Will I be stupid enough to believe you, even if I love you, I am not so blind, I am human, have a brain, and have the most basic ability to distinguish."

Yan Shen frowned and looked at her for a long time, then said with some difficulty: "I have a reason, but I can't tell you, I just want you to believe me, and you say you have brains, well, use your brains, use your basic discrimination You can think about it carefully, you should believe in me, Zijun, I love you, I would rather hurt everyone, including myself, than you, no matter what I do, I love you As a starting point, even if I can't explain now why I don't want this child, I can't be wrong to love you, I beg you to believe me, just believe me this time, okay, take this child away, we will still be as happy as before , with Feng Yi, with you, with me, isn't our family of three very happy?"

Feng Zijun's mind was a little messed up, she felt that she was really not this man's match, she was not at the same level at all, the words that were clearly spoken from his mouth changed when she turned her head, he kept saying that he loved her, but he wanted to take it away The child, and, without any reason, his unspeakable reason, could not exist at all, he just didn't want this child.

Zijun couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out anyway, she didn't want to think about it anymore, she decided to keep it simple, she pulled her hand out of his palm: "Chu Yanshen, get a divorce, you don't want this child, I want it, I will raise it Big her, if you don't want her to know that you are her father, I won't tell her, you go, I'm tired."

Chu Yan rubbed deeply and stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "I will not agree to a divorce, never will, you must take this child away."

Zijun looked at him fixedly: "Chu Yanshen, don't you think it's ridiculous that we are like this. I want a child, but you don't. I want a divorce, but you don't want it either. What do you want from me?"

Chu Yan looked at her deeply: "I love you, I just want you to believe this."

Zijun nodded wearily: "Okay, I believe, this is fine, you go, I want to stay by myself for a while."

Seeing that he was still standing there, Zijun sighed: "At least give me time to think, you know I'm stupid, there are a lot of things to think about, children's things, our things, we have to think about it."

Chu Yan looked at her deeply for a long time, and finally nodded: "I will give you time, but not too long, three days, I will give you three days, after three days, whether you think about it or not, you have to move back."

Yanshen got drunk that night, Qin Fei wanted to send him back to the villa, but this guy would never go back. After knowing Yanshen for so many years, Qin Fei never saw him get drunk, no matter how big it was. It's not a worry for him, and it's not like drinking to drown his sorrows, so this kind of Yan Shen is really quite new.

Originally, Qin Fei felt that people are always a little emotional, especially men. Proper emotional outbursts are conducive to physical and mental health. They are as rational as Yanshenhuo. What fun is there in life? Don't look at him now, Qin Fei Rather, he felt like a human being, with all kinds of emotions and six desires, not as cold as before.

If you want to say that Feng Damei is quite capable, don't look at it in a daze, she just melted Yanshen's thousand-year-old ice. Qin Fei sat in the car, looked sideways, and kept mumbling about his wife. The drunk man felt that, as a buddy, he had to help Yanshen no matter what.

Speaking of which, today's incident was caused by myself. If I didn't go to Chu's, nothing would happen. Qin Fei really regrets it now. Whether someone wants a child is a matter between the couple. What are you doing with the poor? It's good now, doing bad things with good intentions. If the two divorced because of this, I would be lacking in virtue.

If that girl Su Ran knew, she would scold herself to death, thinking about it, she said to the driver: "Go to Mingzhu Garden."

Feng Zijun did not expect that Qin Fei would come to visit in the middle of the night. Qin Fei was careful, afraid that Zijun would not open the door when he saw Yanshen, so he put Yanshen in the car downstairs and pressed the button himself. The building intercom told Feng Zijun that there was something urgent to find her, but Zijun could not refuse and had to open the door.

When she opened the door, she saw Qin Fei supporting Chu Yanshen, she couldn't help being stunned, Qin Fei chuckled: "Well, Yanshen drank too much, I was afraid that no one would take him back to the villa, so I sent him here." He couldn't help saying that he put Chu Yanshen in and threw him on the sofa, then turned around and ran away...