You Have Guts!

Chapter 57


Zijun stared blankly at Chu Yanshen on the sofa. She thought, maybe she is so stupid, why can’t she figure out these things? According to what he said, isn’t divorce the best result? Why doesn’t he agree? Why did I make myself so embarrassed? Did I want myself not to hate him? I still felt guilty.

If it's these two reasons, it's completely unnecessary, she doesn't hate him, it's just sad, now she thinks about it, there is nothing eternal in this world, let alone people's hearts, if you don't love him, you can break up. It's okay, forcing them together is torture instead.

She is such a stupid person, she finally figured out these things, and she didn't want to waver again, because she could accept it and figure it out the first time, but it didn't mean she could accept it the second time, she was far from being so strong, She is cowardly.

"Honey, I love you, I love you..."

The man on the sofa whispered the words in a drunken voice, which made Zijun smile wryly. If it was acting, his acting would be too realistic. He deserves to be the big boss of the Chu family. He can be the big boss and interpret infatuation Zijun couldn't figure out the reason why he did this so well, and she didn't want to think about it anymore, she felt tired.

He took a blanket from the inside and put it on him. He went into the room and took his mobile phone to call Professor Zheng. The teacher called her again yesterday, saying that Su Ran couldn't go, and asked her if she had changed her mind. The opportunity is so rare, the teacher still wants me to accompany her.

Zijun felt that maybe she could go out for a while, not to escape, but to calm down for a while and think about what to do in the future, so she agreed.

The teacher was very happy. The moment Zijun put down the phone, she felt a little regretful. She shook her head. Her indecisiveness should have been corrected long ago. If she could be more determined and decisive, maybe things would not be where they are today.

The man outside may have taken a fancy to this, so he did this. What is love? Zijun looked out the window. I don't know when it started to rain outside. There is a lot of rain this autumn. Yesterday the news said There will be heavy rain in T city in the next three days, but it is light rain now.

Autumn is here, and the temperature difference at night is big, and the windows are pattered by the pattering rain, which is soon covered with a layer of fog, and the lights outside become misty.

Zijun puts her hand on her stomach, sometimes thinking about it, life is really amazing, two completely unrelated men and women, gene fusion can produce a brand new life, he or she inherits the genes of the two , sprouted, born, and grew up. It is an independent living body, but it also continues the lives of the two of them.

Even though she has only been around for more than two months, Zijun can still feel that she is a girl, her daughter, and she will take good care of her. Even if her father doesn't welcome her, she still has a mother.

Chu Yan pinched his throbbing temple deeply, sat up, found where he was, and was taken aback for a moment, he clearly remembered how he came here when he was drinking with Qin Fei yesterday.

Yan Shen looked at the blanket on his body, and was delighted for a moment, then raised his head to meet Shang Zijun's gaze: "You..."

Zijun said calmly: "Yesterday you drank too much. Qin Fei was afraid that no one would take care of you when you went back to the villa, so he sent you here. Drinking too much alcohol will hurt your health. You should pay attention." He passed the honey water in his hand : "There is no hangover medicine at home, drinking some honey water will make you feel better."

Yanshen took it and took a sip. The honey water was made with warm boiled water. It was neither cold nor hot. It was warm in the stomach after drinking it. Yanshen finished drinking the whole cup and put it on the coffee table. Seeing that she was wearing an apron, Can't help but say: "What are you doing?"

Zijun said: "I fried two eggs. I went down to buy toast and ham just now. You can get up and eat before leaving."

Zijun's cooking skills can be described as horrible, but the sandwiches are not bad, because when she and Feng Yi were living abroad, they basically relied on this to feed themselves. Besides, there is no technical content, the only one that can be called The difficult thing is frying eggs. No matter how stupid Zijun is, he can basically learn how to fry eggs after six years. Therefore, Yanshen was surprised by the sandwich Zijun made.

It looks good, and the taste is decent. He always thought that Zijun was not good at these things, and he never thought about letting her learn. He felt that it was not important to know how to cook, but now, he suddenly felt that being able to eat his wife The things he cooks are actually very happy, even though they are not worth mentioning compared to the chef, but they can make him feel like a monk, and she is his wife.

Chu Yanshen ate up all the sandwiches, and looked up at Zijun: "Honey, let's go home, shall we?"

Zijun glanced at him and said nothing, Chu Yan sighed deeply: "Okay, I won't force you, let you think clearly." He looked at his watch, stood up and said: "I should go to work." How much he wished She can keep him, even if she says a word, he will stay, but she just nodded and said: "OK."

"Feng Yi, look, the aunt over there is so beautiful, even more beautiful than our little Zhou teacher." Yue Qun kicked the ball to Feng Yi and shouted loudly.

Yue Qun is Feng Yi's good friend. The friendship between the two was a bit strange. They didn't like each other when they entered the school. Later, the two had a fight and became best friends. The two lived in the same dormitory. One class, in and out of movement all together.

At the beginning, Yue Qun thought that Feng Yi was too young, and hated this kind of boy with a halo of genius. Later, after he became good friends, he basically became Feng Yi's fan. In his eyes, Feng Yi simply didn't know Yes, and omnipotent.

In terms of study, no matter how difficult the questions are to Feng Yi, it is not a problem. In terms of sports, take football as an example. Regardless of Feng Yi's small stature and young age, no one will try to take advantage of him on the football field. .

Even if he was playing games, the whole school, including the seniors, were defeated by Feng Yi, so he obeyed him and liked to tell Feng Yi if he had anything to say. Just now there was an aunt sitting in the stands over there, when Yue Qun went to pick up the ball Seeing that aunt's face, it was like discovering the New World, so I hurriedly told Feng Yi.

Feng Yi didn't want to look at it at first, but in his eyes, no matter how beautiful a woman is, it's useless, because his old lady is an out-and-out beauty, and this beauty's living habits and degree of confusion made Feng Yi feel certain The shadow in his heart even affected his outlook on life.

He subconsciously felt that all beautiful women must be similar to his mother, so he thought that he must not marry a beautiful wife in the future, and he still likes smart women.

I had a private discussion with his father on this issue once, and his father, who was bewitched by Junjun's womanhood, told him: "There are still smart and beautiful women in this world, such as your mother." Then this topic Just stopped, Feng Yi decided that he would never discuss such rational issues with a blind man who fell in love in the future, because it was impossible for that man to give him any constructive advice.

Therefore, being beautiful doesn't mean much to Feng Yi, but seeing how excited his friend is, he still took a look at it for the sake of saving face. He was stunned for a moment, kicked the ball back to Yue Qun and said, "What's so beautiful?" Auntie, that’s my Junjun, go to the dormitory first, I’ll look for you later, I wonder why Junjun is here, today is only Wednesday..."

Abandoning the stunned Yue Qun, Feng Yi ran over, and Zijun had been watching from the stands for a long time.

It was the first time she came to Feng Yi's school, and she had to admit to Chu Yanshen's vision that the school was very good, not to mention the facilities, even the atmosphere was very comfortable.

Knowing that her son was playing football on the football field, she came over and sat in the stands watching for a while. There were only two children on the huge football field. One was her son Feng Yi, and the other, Zijun guessed, was his son. The friend Yue Qun who I said before.

She watched the two of them chasing each other on the court, and the laughter kept coming. She was quite moved. Zijun never knew that her son had such a cheerful side. It's useless, causing Feng Yi to grow up prematurely and lose the innocence that a child should have. He is indeed a bit incompetent as a mother.

Feng Yi ran over, tilted his head to look at Zijun's face for a while, and said, "Have you quarreled again?"

Zijun took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead: "There are so many fights, mom just misses you, come and see you."

Feng Yi blinked, his small face lost in thought and asked, "Junjun, have you caused trouble?"

Zijun was embarrassed: "In your eyes, isn't mother so stupid, who often gets into trouble?"

Feng Yi nodded very shamelessly: "Well, moreover, the reasons are often very uncreative."

Zijun pulled him to sit next to her: "It's my mother's fault, which made my family Feng Yi worry about it. In the future, my mother will definitely change it, try not to cause trouble, or try to have more creative reasons for causing trouble."

Feng Yi frowned and looked at his mother for a long time, and said seriously: "Junjun, tell me the truth, did you cause some serious trouble, you are so weird today, I doubt that you are wearing my family's clothes Junjunpi belongs to someone else."

Zijun hugged him suddenly, Feng Yi struggled awkwardly, but heard his old lady say: "Son, let mom hold him for a while, just for a while, okay?"

Feng Yi didn't move, and Zijun let go of him for a long time, and touched his face: "If, I mean, if, one day, my mother leaves, will you miss my mother?"

Feng Yi frowned even tighter: "Does Junjun want to run away from home? There was a real quarrel, but I still want to say that it is very unwise to run away from home. If there are problems between husband and wife, they should sit down and talk about it."

As she said that, she suddenly approached Zijun mysteriously and whispered in a low voice: "I'll tell you a secret, once a man falls in love with a woman, he will become unprincipled, such as father, so, Junjun doesn't have to leave at all." If you run away from home, as long as you ignore dad for two days, no matter what, dad will agree."