You Have Guts!

Chapter 71


Zijun finally understands why Yanshen loves children so much, looks forward to having children, but forces her to have an abortion, and even colludes with the doctor in the hospital to lie to her.

Zijun stared at those materials, almost unable to lift half of her strength. With a shake of her hands, the folder fell to the ground, and the pages inside were scattered. No, she couldn’t accept such a result. When she could go on happily, after she came back with great difficulty, and after she remembered everything, she could not accept such a result, and she could not accept it no matter what.

Perhaps, she can pretend that she didn't see this, and act like nothing happened. She doesn't know anything, she only knows that she is Yan Shen's wife and Feng Yi's mother, and she wants to keep this hard-won happiness. Thinking of this, she squatted down slowly, picked up the scattered materials one by one, clipped them back, and closed the drawer.

Yanshen came in as soon as he was done. Yanshen was very happy that she could come. He was still thinking about her during the meeting just now. Yanshen came over and hugged her and kissed her: "How do you know? I was thinking about her." you hmm?"

Zijun tried her best to be natural and said, "Is the meeting over yet?"

Yan Shen lowered his head and held her lips, and he let go of her after a long time. He looked at her carefully for a while and said, "What's the matter, you don't feel well?"

Zijun shook her head: "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired from walking."

Yanshen suddenly remembered something, his face darkened, and he said decisively: "Don't want me to promise you to touch the car." His tone slowed down: "Good boy, just let the driver take you wherever you go in the future. Many, what if..." Saying this, his face darkened: "Is it okay for my wife to do it for me?"

Zijun looked at him fixedly, and then remembered that the two of them seemed to have a cold war last night because of this incident. She felt that it would be more convenient to drive out by herself. Besides, there are so many cars in the garage. It’s okay to go out, she’s not used to it, let the driver take her everywhere, like a vulgar rich lady who shows off her wealth, although Shanshan said that she is, but she still wants to be more comfortable, and she doesn’t want to attract a lot of envy and envy wherever she goes The strange look of hatred,

Yan Shen firmly disagreed, and even when she mentioned it, he changed his face and told her that he would never touch a car again in his life. After his hard and soft lobbying failed, he also became annoyed, and simply turned around and ignored her. He fell asleep and fell asleep.

The next morning, when she woke up, Yanshen had already gone to work, so the two of them were basically in a state of cold war, but Zijun was a type of person who would put his claws and forget it. She forgot even if he didn't mention it. This kind of thing, think about it carefully, I am actually a bit willful.

The car accident two years ago almost separated them forever. No wonder Yan Shen was so taboo. If he didn't love himself too much, why would he be like this? Zijun suddenly felt that perhaps he loved himself far less than he did, and he didn't have any love at all. After thinking about this, she forgot that the car accident meant almost losing himself to him, and what he had to bear was more than that. It was so pitiful for Yan Shen to have an ignorant wife like herself.

Thinking of this, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips: "I'm sorry, I won't drive in the future, I will do what I say."

Yan Shen's eyes darkened: "I don't accept such a sloppy apology, maybe you can be more sincere..."

It was still noon when Zijun came to Chu's, and it was already night when she was carried out of Chu's by Yanshen. The man had been tossing around all afternoon and even missed lunch.

Zijun thought that this man was a little too much, but thinking about his life in the past two years, she felt that he should make up for him. Suddenly thinking of those materials, Zijun couldn't help but flinch.

Yanshen took a few steps over to put her in the car, took off his coat and covered her, touched her forehead, and couldn't help frowning: "It's a little hot." Zijun recovered and touched her forehead. It's a little hot to the touch, but I don't feel anything wrong, except that I'm hungry.

Zijun decided to put this matter completely behind her. No matter what relationship she has with Yanshen, she doesn't recognize it. She only recognizes him as her lover and husband. She wants to be so happy with him for the rest of her life. in spite of.

But Zijun did not expect that what she tried to ignore, but because of her pregnancy again, she had to think about it. As a top student in the biology department, Zijun knew better than anyone else the dangers of inbreeding, even if Feng Yi seemed so It is normal, but it is hard to guarantee that Feng Yi's genetic defect may be passed on to the next generation, and no one can guarantee that the child in her stomach will be as normal as Feng Yi.

Zijun felt that the world was quite funny. The incident two years ago miraculously happened again, but this time it was her own choice. Only then did she realize how difficult Yanshen was at that time.

Zijun sat outside the obstetrics and gynecology department, looking dully at the beautiful baby paintings on the wall. This is the place where life is born, and it is also the end of life. Zijun can't control her thoughts at all. What kind of child is it? Is it like yourself, like Yanshen, or no one? Depending on their merits, it should be a beautiful child. It should be even more beautiful than the child in the picture on the wall. Maybe , is also a genius like Feng Yi.

Zijun put her hand on her lower abdomen subconsciously. She was reluctant, but what could she do: "Feng Zijun..."

Su Ran came out from the pediatric consultation room opposite with her arms in her arms. Hearing these three familiar words, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Looking sideways, she happened to see Zijun entering the consultation room. After thinking about it, she called Qin Fei .

As soon as Qin Fei heard that she was taking Mao Mao out for an injection by herself, she immediately became anxious: "Su Ran, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to take Mao Mao out alone, do you know how chaotic it is outside and how many bad people there are... "

Su Ran couldn't help but rolled her eyes, put the phone away, waited for him to stop nagging, then put it back to her ear and said: "I saw Senior Sister, she entered the consultation room alone..."

Qin Fei stood up and said, "What did you say? Did you see Feng Damei? In the obstetrics and gynecology department, it's broken. Which hospital are you in..."

When Yanshen rushed over, he saw Zijun huddled on the chair in the corridor, hugging his knees, bowing his head. He looked pitiful. Yanshen felt a pain in his heart. He didn't realize until Qin Fei called him. Maybe she inadvertently looked at the materials she put in the drawer, no wonder she has been doing something wrong lately, she has ignored these, but Zijun is already pregnant.

Zijun felt a figure in front of her eyes, and couldn't help raising her head. The moment she saw Yanshen, she couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into his arms and cried: "What should I do with this child? I can't bear to take it away." What should she do?"

With ecstasy in Yanshen's eyes, he fixedly looked at her and said, "You, you didn't take away the child?"

Zijun shook her head: "I don't want to, but I, you, we..."

Zijun's tears fell, Yanshen wiped away her tears for such a funny and tragic life of his own, and said in a low voice: "Silly, since you read those, why did you hide it from me, do you know that almost It will cause us a lifetime of regret.”

Zijun looked at him stupidly: "You, what do you want to say? Why can't I understand?"

Suddenly thought of something, grabbed his tie and said, "Didn't your father be born by my grandma, it's not between us, it's not..." He still couldn't continue.

Yanshen said, "Your grandma did give birth to my father."

The hope that Zijun raised in an instant was shattered in an instant, but Yanshen said again: "But your father was adopted."

Zijun was taken aback, and raised her head hastily: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Yan Shen said: "It took me two years to find your father's adoption information. It was because my intuition told me that there was no blood relationship between us and we could love each other, so I went to confirm my intuition. I didn't Thinking that you would see those materials, I didn’t explain them to you.”

Zijun said: "I'm already dead at that time, why do you still do these things, even if you prove it, what's the point?"

Yanshen held her in his arms, and kissed her ear: "It's meaningful, I think it's meaningful, because I love you, even death can't stop me from loving you, Zijun, you won't know how much I love you." I love you, I almost followed you when I thought you were leaving, and at one point I hated you so much, I hated you for leaving just like that, I hated you for not giving me a chance to prove it, I hated you for leaving us behind Father and son, and how much I hated you at that time, I love you so much now, Zijun, you are not my sister, you are my wife, my lover, we will never be separated in this life, I love you."

Zijun never knew that such simple three words could be so beautiful. Perhaps, it would be especially beautiful only when spoken from the mouth of a lover. Anyway, God is kind after all, even though he often plays tricks on them. Men and women, finally fulfilled them.

Zijun looked up at him: "So, I can have this child."

Yanshen nodded, Zijun's eyes lit up, he held his hand and said, "Then what are we waiting for, let's go home and tell Feng Yi that he is going to have a younger brother or younger sister."

Yan Shen said: "Sister, he will have a sister, the sister who was lost but came back."

Zijun looked at him sideways and nodded for a long time: "Well, it's my sister, my sister is back."

After leaving the hospital, Zijun couldn't help exclaiming: "Look at the rainbow."

Yan Shen looked over, it was still raining just now, but now it has cleared up, a rainbow hangs in the blue sky, exuding colorful light, the gorgeous colors light up the sky, the beauty is thrilling.

He heard Zijun whisper: "Only after the phoenix rain can we know the splendor of the rainbow, just like us."

Yan Shen looked down at her, and a beautiful rainbow fell into her eyes, such colorful light, maybe this is the color of happiness.

The author has something to say: It’s finally over. The first half of this book is written with a lot of feeling, but the second half doesn’t know why it suddenly stopped. I originally wanted to write 400,000 words, but I can only finish at 250,000. The next book I hope I can make progress, thanks to those who have been chasing until the end, and there are two extra volumes, those who like it, forget to read it...