You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 111


The environment under the moon is very artistic, otherwise there would not be so many people throughout the ages who choose this environment to compose poetry and paint.

So this time, Ji Qiu chose this scene to paint. The moon almost covers the entire sky, and there are two small dots below, sitting on a roof, looking up at the moon above their heads together.

Today is a full moon.

A man was holding a small wine jug, which was half full of wine.

The man raised the wine jug, without using a cup, but simply put the spout of the jug to his lips and drank it all in one gulp.

The lights were on and there were crowds of people under the roof, but there were only two people on the roof.

"Hey, where is my cell phone?" Yuan Yuanyuan searched the house for a long time. She walked around the house but couldn't find her cell phone. She also didn't know where her broken phone had gone.

"Boss, why don't you look at mine first." Tang Shi next to him picked up his own phone and shook it.

Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't find her own phone. She scratched her head, took Tang Shi's phone and started looking at it. She searched for the phone for a full half an hour, but Tang Shi had already finished reading today's update.

She clicked on it and looked at today's update. At this time, many readers had already finished reading it, and the number of comments below had already exceeded four.

Before Yuan Yuanyuan clicked on it, she suddenly saw the newest comment at the front. She was attracted by this comment first and took a look at it.

This comment was posted by a person with the id "Water Color Desert".

He said a long string of words in the comments, and judging from his level, he should be a loyal reader of "Yao Ji".

Yuan Yuanyuan looked over and recited his tongue-twisting words.

If one day you opened your eyes and suddenly found yourself living in a strange world, what would you do

In that world, you are you, yet you are not yourself. Your world is still your world, yet it is no longer your world.

You find that there are many people around you whom you have always dreamed of meeting, but you begin to feel fear of this world. What should you do now

This paragraph looked like one that was just a way to fill up the word count and gain experience, but Yuan Yuanyuan knew it wasn't. She refreshed the page again, and the comment was suddenly deleted, not even lasting long.

However, Yuan Yuanyuan sighed. She thought that the person who posted this comment must be scared to death, so he would post such a thing in the comment section of "Yao Ji".

… I guess that person will be scared again if he sees that this comment was deleted in less than a second.

Yuan Yuanyuan didn't think much about the stranger's affairs, although it was still interesting to think about it.

Maybe at this moment, the person on the other side of the computer may feel that he has been drawn into an invisible abyss or something like that... Maybe based on his own experience, he can write a dark masterpiece.

However, the actual situation is actually quite simple to figure out... Isn't it just a psychopath who found a few actors to act with him

Yuan Yuanyuan didn't think any more about it. She opened the comic and wanted to see what was inside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened it, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Under the moon and in front of the flowers, warming wine by the small stove.

She looked at the two people in the comic sitting quietly drinking under the moon and thought -

This couple is really fucking stable.

Ahh ...

… I think you should still remember that this comic is a hot-blooded anime for young boys, right

Yes, we still remember it, but Ji Qiu has obviously grasped the three essences of young hot-blooded anime now - passion, passion, and homosexuality.

Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the boss in red in the comic. Based on her many years of experience in reading comics, she thought that this man should be a bottom, and an older bottom at that.

I don't know why I think he is a bottom. Anyway, it all depends on the face. Fanning's face looks too decent, so it's really not suitable for him to be a bottom. But if he is a top, he will definitely be a popular top.

The host in red clothes sat on the roof, his eyes were dazed. He picked up the wine jug and took another sip of wine.

He suddenly turned around and asked, "You seem to like witchcraft very much?"

Fanning, who was sitting next to him, stiffened slightly, then immediately regained his composure.

He knew that this master was actually a monster, and a very powerful monster. However, because of his ability to hide his aura, no one guessed that he was not actually a monster.

When Yuan Yuanyuan saw this, she suddenly exclaimed "Ah!"

This this this…

This person is a monster!! He is actually a monster!!

Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly jumped up from her chair and started running around the table... Tang Shi was eating melon seeds nearby and asked in confusion, "Boss, what are you doing?"

"I'm a little excited, so I'll just run two laps and take it slow." Yuan Yuanyuan said calmly.

Tang Shi watched Yuan Yuanyuan run the lap expressionlessly, then sat back in his chair and silently lowered his head to do his own paper.

What the hell! This plot! This plot is about killing the master! Is it true! Is it true!

According to the routine, this person... no, this monster will definitely teach Fanning a few tricks, but because of their natural hostility, the two will definitely become strangers in the end.

This is a typical sadomasochistic love story! This is so... it really hits Yuan Yuanyuan's cute spot!

Yuan Yuanyuan kept trying to calm herself down. Fortunately, she had just run two laps, otherwise she felt like she would explode on the spot.

She kept reminding herself that this monster master should exist in reality, and might be even more miserable than her. However, this did not stop the corruption rising in her heart. After all, corruption was like appetite and sexual desire, which could not be controlled.

So after about three seconds, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt that constantly reminding herself that this was a three-dimensional existence did not calm her down, but instead made her more excited...

Oh my god! The three-dimensional world exists! The three-dimensional world exists!

"Boss, do you know that you are not normal today?" Tang Shi looked at the boss opposite and said with disgust.

"No, don't you think the guy in red clothes in today's cartoon is particularly handsome?" Yuan Yuanyuan leaned over to show her her phone.

"You are quite handsome, but everyone is more handsome than you anyway." Tang Shi said.

Yuan Yuanyuan ignored Tang Shi's insulting remarks and just happily took the phone back. For some reason, ever since she was drawn into the comics, she once again found the motivation to follow "Monster Records".

This shouldn't be something Ji Qiu did on purpose... He seems to have always claimed to be a straight man. If he looks so gay in his drawings, then he's probably gay in real life too...

Yuan Yuanyuan flipped through the pages again. After asking Fanning whether he liked witchcraft, the man in red suddenly turned his head and looked at the bright moon.

"You like witchcraft?" he said, "Then I will teach you."

At that moment, the wind suddenly seemed to stop, but the flowers of the other shore in the yard were still fluttering quietly.

Fanning suddenly stopped and secretly turned to look at the man in red clothes.

For a moment, he wanted to pull out his Taoist sword because he was worried that the red-clothed man had some intention.

However, the next second, the boss in red suddenly put the wine jug in his hand on the ground.

At that moment, Fanning suddenly saw the man in red disappear from the air, and his figure could no longer be found on the roof.

Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes in front of the screen suddenly widened. She realized that the man in red clothes had used a magic trick in an instant.

She was very familiar with this magic trick, it was a tricky step.

Although it is a bit difficult to recognize this trick from paper, it is still possible for Yuan Yuanyuan.

There may be some monsters and humans who are not familiar with this and cannot distinguish it. After all, this is not like other anime where they shout "Rasengan" or something before using a big move, so it can only be identified from some details.

Yuan Yuanyuan felt that there shouldn't be many monsters that could be distinguished, because the tricks used by the man in red were so graceful that they didn't even look like tricks.

There is a trick in the tricky steps called the tricky dance step, which is said to be easily recognizable because it looks like dancing when performed. However, this owner in red managed to make all the tricky steps have the effect of tricky dance steps.

Under the clear moonlight, only a red figure could be seen shuttling back and forth, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, making it almost impossible to see clearly.

Faning's eyes widened as he stared at the red-clothed master in front of him who suddenly performed a series of magic spells. He didn't dare to leave anything behind.

The red spider lilies in the yard were swaying in the wind, and when a red figure passed over them, they continued to sway with the same amplitude, as if they didn't notice anyone passing by at all.

While the red spider lilies in the yard were still swaying, the man in red clothes had returned to the roof, and he picked up the pot of wine that he had just put down.

He raised the wine jug, half leaned against the sloping roof, and took a sip gently, as if his position had not changed at all.

Fanning felt a little stupid. He stared blankly at the man in red next to him and suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something.

Shit... The guy in red is so handsome. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the screen, still thinking about the pictures just now.

Really... I can't describe that kind of temperament, but this person in red clothes really touched some of her cute points.

Especially when he was holding up the wine jug and drinking towards the moon, Yuan Yuanyuan found that posture so beautiful.

"Huh..." Liu An breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the updated comics.

Ji Qiu is really something. He actually mixed up two things together. In a sense, he is really cautious.

However, what the boss taught him at that time was not the trick, but the illusion. He stood behind and secretly learned the trick when the boss was teaching the little girl.

He was very good at learning things secretly. When he was in the mountains, as long as he took a look at something, he would come back and immediately make it himself secretly. Of course, no one in the mountains knew about this at the time.

The plot in the comics is not over yet, there is still a short part.

"You... don't seem to be in a good mood today." Fanning said to the man in red as tactfully as possible.

He remembered that after someone visited him this afternoon, the man in red drank alone in silence for a long time.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he's just some stranger." said the man in red.

Liu An was looking at the comics. He remembered that the boss's answer to him was "Don't worry about him, he's just a rich guy you don't know."

I still remember Liu An’s answer to his boss. I was speechless for a long time.

Damn, who are these rich people? He also wants to meet one or two of them.

"By the way... your magic is so cool when it's used." Fanning said.

After hearing this, the man in red suddenly turned around and looked at him.

There seemed to be a lot of inexplicable emotions in that look.

He suddenly opened his mouth slowly and said something.

"As long as I am here, no one can surpass me in this respect."

"Because I've never lost here."

Liu An was suddenly stunned while looking at the comic.

Hmm? Boss... when did you say something like that

Yuan Yuanyuan, who was looking at the phone, was suddenly stunned.

This sentence... Why does it sound so familiar

While she was still thinking, she suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the window.

When Yuan Yuanyuan was feeling puzzled, the glass of her room suddenly shattered and a group of men in black broke in.