You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 2


A dark and windy night, a day of murder and arson -

There is one thing Yuan Yuanyuan has to say with pride. Due to the brutal life of being hunted down, she learned the talent of shapeshifting without any guidance, and she is even very good at it.

In the remote alley, the smell of blood was strong, and even such a heavy rain could not completely dispel the smell.

"Gurgle... Gurgle..."

In the dark alley, there was a very strange sound, like someone was making noises or swallowing something.

A tall figure stood in the alley. He was nearly three meters tall and looked like a small mountain. A tall bone protruded from his back, like some kind of armor.

This person looked really weird, not like a normal person at all. He was bent over, squatting on the ground, doing something unknown, his head rising and falling, and making "gurgling" sounds from time to time.

The rain was getting heavier, everything was hazy and a layer of fog rose.

There were few people in this alley during the day, let alone on a rainy night like this. No one knew where this person came from, and no one knew what he was doing.

The alley was very quiet, with only one or two "gurgles" occasionally heard.

Just as this strange man was squatting on the ground, concentrating on doing something, a voice suddenly rang out in the rain, "Big guy, get up."

The sound was sudden and totally unexpected, like an accident in the rain, a wrong note played on a tune.

The big guy squatting on the ground paused and slowly turned his head. He looked towards the exit of the alley, where stood a figure, tall and thin, looking foggy in the rain, like a silhouette in an old movie.

The moment the big guy turned his head, a series of red drops fell from the corners of his mouth, like a string of beads that had broken off the string, and slowly dripped onto his chest...

The black figure just stood there, saying only one sentence, and then there was no more movement. The big man squatting on the ground was obviously a little confused. He stood up and walked to the black figure, wanting to see what was going on.

But the moment I got closer, the black figure suddenly disappeared, like an illusion.

At the same time, a figure had already come behind the big guy, and was now squatting and holding a girl, covering her mouth...

Yuan Yuanyuan was almost scared to death. As soon as she arrived, she smelled the strong smell of blood and thought the person was dead. But when the big guy turned his head, she realized that there was a girl hiding deep in the alley. She didn't know if she was scared or cold, but she was huddled there and shivering.

She saw the No. 4 Middle School uniform on the girl at a glance, and immediately felt relieved. She hurried over, picked up the person who was curled up on the ground, and covered her mouth to prevent her from shouting.

As for the pool of blood and flesh on the ground... Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know which unlucky guy it was.

Yuan Yuanyuan hugged the person and wanted to leave quickly, but things did not go as planned. Although the big guy looked stupid, his intuition was quite sharp. After he found that the black shadow had disappeared, he turned around and yelled at the back, and bumped into Yuan Yuanyuan who was holding Xiaoying and trying to escape.

The big guy shouted at Yuan Yuanyuan, then ran over. Yuan Yuanyuan saw that she could not run away, so at the critical moment, she instantly burst out her demonic power.

--Suddenly, several bright red things like willow branches appeared from under her windbreaker. Each branch was very long and tough. These willow branches grasped the ground tightly like tentacles, and then swung upwards suddenly. Yuan Yuanyuan and Xiaoying were thrown into the air.

A black figure rotated 180 degrees in the air, turned its feet in a circle in the air, and then suddenly landed on the ground and clamped the neck of the big guy on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a snow-white knife stabbed into the big guy's crown from top to bottom.

"Ah--!" Xiaoying, who had been protected in Yuan Yuanyuan's arms, finally couldn't hold back and screamed. Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't free her hands to cover her mouth, so she could only hold her in her arms with one hand.

Yuan Yuanyuan listened to Xiaoying's screams in her arms and gritted her teeth. She pulled out the knife with her hand and ran out of the alley without caring about Xiaoying.

No one knew what happened to the big guy, and Yuan Yuanyuan didn't dare to look back. She could only hold Xiaoying and walk through the streets, trying hard to suppress her evil spirit.

It was raining heavily that day and the road was very long, as if it had no end. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know how long she had been running. She only knew that her head was dizzy and she had turned countless turns.

Just keep running... keep running...

Xiaoying was shaking all the time. Yuan Yuanyuan heard her crying softly. Warm liquid dripped onto her neck, but she felt that it was not rain.

The two of them were like criminals on the run... Of course, this might just be Yuan Yuanyuan's feeling. The girl wouldn't necessarily think that the two of them were in the same group when facing a person of unknown origin.

Yuan Yuanyuan ran for an unknown amount of time before she finally stopped. She sniffed the air and felt that the information left by the two people had almost dissipated.

"Where do you live?" Xiaoying suddenly heard the person holding her ask in the darkness.

"Go ahead, to the community next to the train station." Xiaoying's voice was shaking as she spoke.

Of course Yuan Yuanyuan knew where Xiaoying's house was. After all, they were neighbors. She just asked and pretended that they didn't know each other.

Her mind was still blank and she was acting completely on instinct until she saw the familiar neighborhood and the faint lights coming out of the windows. Then she suddenly came to her senses.

"Go back." Xiaoying heard the person who was holding her say. She had been held by that person the whole time and dared not move. She didn't even see the person's face clearly.

She only heard the man's voice, a very clear male voice, with a faint sense of magnetism, and he spoke very softly.

Xiaoying sniffed and looked around, only to find that she had already arrived downstairs in the community.

She felt a little dazed, looking at the light coming out of her window, and had no idea what day it was.

When she finally came to her senses and looked behind her, the place was already empty.

Yuan Yuanyuan climbed in through the window and sat down on the windowsill.

She sat there for a long time without saying a word, only the sound of shallow breathing and a slight tremor in her breathing.

After a long time, messy footsteps sounded in the corridor. Yuan Yuanyuan walked slowly to the coffee table, picked up her phone, and made a call. "Hello? Auntie, it's me, Yuanyuan. Xiaoying is back. You don't have to look for her anymore. Um... don't worry..."

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Yuanyuan looked around with a slightly dazed look in her eyes. She slowly got up, walked into the bathroom, took off her clothes and threw them into the tub, stripped herself naked, filled a tub with hot water, stood in the tub, and rinsed herself from head to toe several times.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps in the corridor, and Yuan Yuanyuan heard a burst of crying that was close to collapse. She slowly washed her hair, then walked out of the bathtub, picked up the towel and wiped the water droplets off her body.

"Where have you been! You damned child!" The neighbor's mother's voice came with a sobbing tone, followed by Xiaoying's heart-wrenching cry. Yuan Yuanyuan ignored them all. She sniffed her body and made sure there was no strong evil spirit emanating from it, then slowly walked out of the bathroom.

She mopped the floor and wiped the water stains on the windowsill. Then she washed the dress, spun it dry in the washing machine, ironed it, and hid it at the bottom of the box.

As a half-demon, Yuan Yuanyuan can suppress her demonic energy for a short period of time if she wants. According to past experience, no one should know that person is her.

She hoped that group of people wouldn't find her tomorrow. She had finally found such a safe place.

She didn't know when Yuan Yuanyuan's face returned to its original appearance. She rubbed her face, took a deep breath, and returned to the bedroom. The bedside lamp was still on, warm and peaceful.

She fell on the bed, stared at the ceiling for a long time, fumbled for the bedside light switch, and turned it off.

The bedroom fell into darkness.

Three days later.

"Yuanyuan, you'd better be careful recently. The old monster living in the circle building has been killed recently." Sister Xue said.

"Which old monster? There are so many old monsters." Yuan Yuanyuan said while chewing bread.

"You probably don't know him. He was a killer in his early years. He escaped because he couldn't make it outside. He looked very ferocious. No one knew what his prototype was before. Only after he died did we find out that he was a big gecko..." Sister Xue said as she walked. She suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and asked, "By the way, I haven't figured out what your prototype is yet."

Yuan Yuanyuan stood there, letting Sister Xue guess for a long time, "Is it a rabbit?"

“… He loves to eat dried fish so much, could he be a cat?”

"It's not that I like dried fish, it's just that Gatorade has a special offer on dried fish recently, so I stocked up on so many of them." Yuan Yuanyuan let Sister Xue guess many times, but in the end, no one guessed right.

After Sister Xue left, Yuan Yuanyuan closed the door and felt her heart still beating. She thought about the windbreaker that had been hidden in the bottom of the box and wondered whether she should find a place to burn it.

"Sister Yuan!" The door was suddenly knocked again, and Xiaoying's voice came from outside. Her voice had returned to normal and sounded quite energetic, "Do you want pot stickers? My mom made a lot."

"Eat." Yuan Yuanyuan opened the door, took a plate of pot stickers from Xiaoying, picked up one and stuffed it into her mouth.

The weather was fine, and the air seemed quite clean after several days of rain.

Yuan Yuanyuan returned to the bedroom, turned on the light, and browsed her phone. Suddenly, the comic app sent her a message: the comic book "Yao Ji" that she was following has been updated!

She lay on the bed, picked up a bag of Gatorade dried fish, ate it while opening the app and watching the latest episode.

The moment she opened the latest chapter, she suddenly frowned and looked at the screen full of black and red.

--On the screen, a person in a black windbreaker was running in the rain, holding someone in his arms. The whole picture was dark in color, with a hazy tone.