You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 400: (Complete) 宺灹谄


A month later, the comic was still being drawn, but it was already showing signs of being finished. Fanning was on the right track, and it looked like he was going to conquer both humans and monsters.

This is basically a life player. For a comic book, this is probably about Naruto finally becoming the village chief and Ichigo finally marrying the one with big breasts.

Well... it seems to be about to end. Considering the special nature of the demon record, this comic will not be drawn to the time when Fanning gets married and has children. Yuan Yuanyuan sometimes complains, is it possible that the ending of the male protagonist of the shonen comic escaping from breeding, which has not been realized in Japan, will be realized in their flower-growing country? Then... in a sense, it is really a victory.

Even if Faning really got married, she probably wouldn't be able to go and see it. It was good this way, she didn't have to pay for the wedding gift. She was working now and was still very poor.

"Your lady boss is really amazing..." said the fat cat, licking his paw, "She actually seized this opportunity to come back and open a shop again."

"Now... the situation is different. We don't have to hide here and there like before." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

She took a bite of cantaloupe and said, "But I don't have much money now. The pub is going to be renovated soon, and the boss lady has deducted the wages of our old employees..."

"... You can even afford cantaloupe, what else do you want?" Fat Cat looked at Yuan Yuanyuan with disdain.

"Oh." Yuan Yuanyuan took another bite of the melon with an expressionless face.

She went back to work in the kitchen. Her life might be very comfortable now. The only thing that made her unhappy was that Siqun was missing.

Disappeared without a trace, not even the shadow was known. Yuan Yuanyuan now washes cups by herself every day, and it seems that she can no longer find the feeling she had back then.

Sister Li was looking for her, but even Sister Li couldn't find him.

"It seems like this incident has a big impact on the monsters." Fat Cat said, "I see a lot of monsters are applying for teacher positions?"

"Yes, I know someone. She is going too. She is going to her alma mater. She is going back to teach tricks." Yuan Yuanyuan said. A figure appeared in her mind. It was Tang Shi.

I heard that Qiu Ling also wanted to be a teacher at that school, but the two of them would definitely teach different classes. Tang Shi would teach the monster class, and Qiu Ling would teach the human class.

The two were good friends in high school and stayed together until graduation. Now they may even teach in the same school. They are a rare pair of friends and they can be a role model for the children below.

Well... as long as these people don't learn the insensitivity of Tang poetry, it will be fine. Yuan Yuanyuan is upset.

"I still feel a little uncomfortable." Fat Cat said, "I don't understand."

"What's so hard to figure out?"

"Why don't you say he... fights?" Fat Cat said, "If we really fight, with our strength, we will definitely not lose." Fat Cat said, "Maybe after we win this time, we monsters will really have the upper hand, and then we can do whatever we want. But he actually chose a posture to exit... I really can't understand what he is thinking."

After hearing this, Yuan Yuanyuan looked towards the window and didn't say anything for a long time.

She knew who that "he" was. Ever since Fat Cat came back last time, he never mentioned Yuan's name again and always used "he" instead.

"I... don't know what your life was like before." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "Anyway, I used to live in the open air all the time. It's hard for a little monster to live, but it's easy to die. Even if you didn't cause any trouble, you would die inexplicably."

She thought for a moment and said, "Actually, for ordinary little monsters like us... it's better not to have a war. Whether we win or lose, it won't be easy for us."

The fat cat in her arms said lazily, "So you admit that I'm a big monster?"

"Hey, how can I be the only one to admit it?" Yuan Yuanyuan lowered her head and looked at Fat Cat, "You must have at least a dozen monsters under your command."

She ignored Fat Cat's joke and continued, "This kind of thing... who is right and who is wrong, who can say for sure? I think he himself can't say for sure... But I suddenly remembered something, what is your signature? 'I hope for world peace'?"

She looked down at the fat cat, who thought for a moment and meowed, "Oh, that... It was written five years ago, and I almost forgot about it."

"If that's what you said, why don't you work hard towards your wish? I think it's not easy to do what you say." Yuan Yuanyuan asked, "Or is it just to show off to follow the trend? My fat cat?"

"..." Fat Cat stared at Yuan Yuanyuan, "I'll go change it in a while."

Then Yuan Yuanyuan saw that afternoon that Fat Cat’s signature had been changed to “My roommate is annoying, as annoying as a dog, as annoying as a durian.”

Yuan Yuanyuan, "… "

She didn't think the fat cat was strange. The world is full of vicissitudes. No one can be content, and the same goes for monsters.

To be honest, she has many wishes that have not been fulfilled, and sometimes she feels like a jerk, but as long as she is alive, she can still take things slow.

To put it more bluntly and simply - if you have the guts, just kill her. That's all you can do.

Gao Ling was so annoyed these days that she almost jumped off the building, because the short comic strip she drew last time accidentally turned into the Emperor of Prophecy again.

As for Hua Yuan, he might have died without anyone knowing... Although Yuan did die in public, the true circumstances of his death were unknown to others (from the perspective of others).

For readers, the most sad part of the whole incident is that no one in the outside world knows how Yuan died. They all thought that he was no match for Fanning and was defeated.

Oh my god... This thing can hit the g-spot, okay? Most people are attracted to it and can't resist it at all. No matter from which angle you think about it, you can feel the different taste, which cannot be described in words.

Most people would feel a surge of chuunibyou in their chests just thinking about it, and then they couldn't control it...

So even though the voices from the outside world are different, the voices on the Internet are consistent, and everyone feels that this character has been sublimated.

No one thought that he was willing to commit suicide in order to stop the war between humans and monsters. In the later part of the comic, there were several scenes where other monsters or humans scolded Yuan for being a weakling who couldn't even beat Fanning.

Yuan Yuanyuan didn't even know which ravine these people were dug out from. She was too uninformed. She cursed Yuan with all her heart.

The more harshly these background passers-by cursed, the more the readers were abused. In just a few days, he attracted a group of die-hard fans who cheered for him in various forums every day.

Yuan is beautiful, strong and miserable. He also has the buff of sacrificing himself for peace. His power is so great that he can kill anyone who stands in his way. Even before this year's cute battle has begun, everyone has already confirmed that Yuan is basically the king.

Ah, so many people don't know how he died! It's too cruel. If it were me, I would probably die of frustration.

… My good CP was broken up like this. Well, now Fanning has become a widow.

Well, the widow attribute of the woman in red was actually thrown to Fanning.

I don’t know why, but when I gave this attribute to Faning, Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to laugh.

When Gao Ling was lying on the table to recover his health, someone said in the chat: Boss, I found something for you, you will definitely be happy after reading it.

What is it? Gao Ling tried to cheer up a little.

Holy shit! I tell you this is amazing, it’s simply a masterpiece, the person on the other end of the computer said.

Gao Ling looked at the words, his face froze, and then he lay back down again.

Oh shit, don’t even mention the word “masterpiece”. He has already developed a psychological trauma from this word.

The person on the other end of the computer looked at her for a long time without any response, so he knocked on her again, "Speak up, boss! I've been watching Monster Records again recently... Yuan's death was so tragic, so many people don't know that he died like that."

Gao Ling didn't say anything after hearing this, and just lay there pretending to sleep. But after a while, she actually started crying secretly.

—They all know it.

Everyone knows how Yuan died, everyone knows it!

But would Yuan know that everyone knew how he died? He himself would not know this.

That day, Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting on the sofa petting the cat. Fat Cat lowered his head and talked to her, "You talked to me that day, and I thought about it later... Although I still don't understand it clearly, I don't plan to think about it anymore."

"Oh my God... You are still thinking about it." Yuan Yuanyuan touched the cat's head, "Don't think about it anymore, don't think about it anymore."

"In fact, I think Yuan has a good vision. He picked Fanning at first sight. He is really a good person. If it were him, he might really do it according to Yuan's wishes... It's just that his brain is not that smart."

Yuan Yuanyuan was so amused that she giggled. She stroked the cat and said, "Fuck, how did you know he was a good guy? Did he know that you gave him the good guy card?"

Fat Cat looked at Yuan Yuanyuan and said, "Actually, I didn't think so before, until I found out something."

"What's the matter?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked casually.

"A long time ago, not only monsters believed in the theory of bloodline, but humans did too," Fanning said. "Humans also wanted to kill all monsters. The descendant of the leader who believed in the theory of bloodline back then was Fanning."

Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned.

"About four months ago, when Fanning had just gone to the northwest," Fat Cat said, "his old family members came to him and asked if he needed their help... Fanning refused."

"So I think Faning might be able to inherit the will..." Fat Cat said lazily, "He and his master are the same kind of people, um, although in my opinion they are both idiots... Hey, wait, where are you going?"

Yuan Yuanyuan came to the street in a daze. The incident just now had a huge impact on her. She didn't know where to go. She came to the pedestrian street in a daze and walked to the backyard of the kitchen as if by instinct.

As if she suddenly realized something, she looked up.

A jade-white butterfly landed on the cloth curtain in the back kitchen, its wings trembling, and suddenly flew into the sky right under Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes.

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