You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 41: XXI


Yuan Yuanyuan sat on the bed, looking at the small red food storage box in her hand. She shook it gently and the viscous blood inside flowed out.

… Calm down, she whispered in her heart. There are so many monsters in the world who cultivate with blood… You are not the only one needed. Provide enough blood, and don’t let anything go wrong, then nothing will go wrong. She kept repeating this in her heart, not knowing who she was talking to.

You shouldn't be scared just because you use blood. It's not like you're doing anything harmful. It's completely self-sufficient.

Yuan Yuanyuan remembered that when she first practiced that day, she used her own blood. In a hurry, she bit the tip of her tongue, then recited the magic spell, and then her whole body felt like it was on fire.

She was in so much pain that she was in a daze. She had no idea what she was thinking. She only remembered that she wanted to take someone with her even if she died.

It turned out that what was in her mind at that time was actually known only through the psychological description drawn by Ji Qiu. Yuan Yuanyuan was not surprised at all that Ji Qiu could know what was in her mind, because there were many characters' psychological descriptions drawn there before. From that day on, she guessed that there would be such a day.

Can't forget...

Don’t forget…

For some reason, she was thinking of these two sentences at that time... She suspected that Ji Qiu had the magic to detect people's hearts, but even if so, she knew that Ji Qiu didn't know what her words meant, because even she herself didn't understand.

Also, the updated content of "Demon Records" did not actually mention the death of the big monster, but she heard the rumors brought back by Sister Li Zi and Sister Xue, and roughly guessed what happened. She estimated that someone found the body of the big monster. When combined with the updated content of "Demon Records", she naturally guessed that she killed the big monster.

Yuan Yuanyuan sighed and put the matter aside. She sniffed the blood. After becoming a half-demon, the smell of some things she smelled was no longer the same as before. Just like now, her nose was filled with a very strange smell, a little sweet, and a little bit of her own smell.

The last time she used blood for cultivation was three days ago. She didn’t know when the next time would be. Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t find an exact time from the red jade, so she put the food box back.

I can delay as long as I can, and during this time, I need to collect more of my own blood... Since Hongyu said that human blood can be used for cultivation, then I have half human blood in my body. I can use that method to extract most of the demon blood, and the remaining part will be mostly human blood. It may be better to cultivate this way.

Yuan Yuanyuan put the box back. She wanted to test how long it would take for her to use human blood for cultivation and how much blood she should use each time. This was a kind of limit test. Fortunately, her workplace had to close due to the death of a big monster, so she could stay at home.

She decided to lock the door and not let anyone in. She also had to tell Xiaoying later, otherwise she might be in danger if she accidentally broke in.

Yuan Yuanyuan knocked on Xiaoying's door and happened to see Xiaoying at home. When Xiaoying saw that it was her, she hurried out. Yuan Yuanyuan took her to the corridor and whispered, "Um... I have something to do recently. Don't knock on my door. It's quite dangerous."

Xiaoying was startled, and Yuan Yuanyuan slowly said, "I'm not saying I'm in danger, I'm just afraid you're in danger, so don't go over there, or I might hurt you by mistake."

"... I understand, Sister Yuan, are you going to go berserk?" Xiaoying nodded, and Yuan Yuanyuan said, "Anyway, I have informed you in advance. If you accidentally break in and die, it will have nothing to do with me... Read your books carefully, don't you have a monthly exam?"

Nowadays, people read a lot of novels and watch a lot of cartoons. As soon as Yuan Yuanyuan said that, Xiaoying understood. As soon as Yuan Yuanyuan saw her expression, she knew that she must have imagined some nonsense. However, she was not in the mood to argue at the moment. She first went downstairs to buy instant noodles and pickles, then went upstairs and closed the door.

Yuan Yuanyuan went in on Thursday, and the door was finally opened on Monday afternoon of the following week. When she came out, her face was pale, her hair was disheveled, and she looked slovenly.

She stood in the corridor and looked at the sky outside. It was bright and looked the same as when she had entered last week. Nothing had changed.

—In the first few days after entering the house, Yuan Yuanyuan was relatively relaxed. But on Sunday night, when she was watching the updates of "Monster Records", a sudden feeling came over her heart, causing her to roll off the bed onto the floor, falling headfirst.

The relaxed atmosphere of the past few days gave Yuan Yuanyuan an illusion, so when that feeling came, she was completely caught off guard. She had thought that she might be able to hold on for a while longer, but when the time came, she realized that she couldn't hold on at all.

It was not a painful feeling, nor was it an uncomfortable feeling. On the contrary, Yuan Yuanyuan felt very happy and irritable. An indescribable feeling of happiness made her whole body shudder...

Just before she seemed to transform, she crawled to the refrigerator and took out a lunch box.

The blood jade magic currently needs to be practiced once every eight days. The amount of blood used in each practice is not much, only as much as a small wine cup. However, Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't know whether it will change in the future. After all, she has just started practicing.

The basic formula of the blood jade only has one sentence, and that sentence needs to be practiced with blood. The rest is no different from the usual magic formula, which also has offensive magic and auxiliary magic, as well as some travel notes. Yuan Yuanyuan practiced the offensive magic in the house and found that most of them were fire-based.

Yuan Yuanyuan started to memorize as usual, but for this book she didn't take any notes at all, and even recited silently.

In the update on Saturday, it was written that Faning had temporarily returned to his master's sect with Tong Xin. Because the poison in Faning's body would take some time to detoxify, in order to prevent anything from happening to the two, they had no choice but to return home.

The first time he slayed demons and monsters, he gave up halfway. However, judging from the protagonist's attitude, he will have to come back here for a stroll sooner or later after he finishes upgrading. All the evil monsters in this area cannot escape his grasp.

Yuan Yuanyuan was hoping to learn something about the blood jade in it, but it turned out that Ji Qiu was planning to leave a foreshadowing and hanging people. The whole issue consisted of only a few confusing words between Tong Xin and the elders of the sect, which made the readers even more confused.

Is there anyone from that army still alive

I saw... the one around his neck was indeed a blood jade.

Do you know his name

I don’t know… but everyone calls him Yuan.

Lieutenant General... Lieutenant General... The Lieutenant General who survived that year, that is not our business. If he doesn’t remember what you look like, then don’t go there again. Someone will naturally take care of this matter.

Yuan Yuanyuan was sweating profusely as she watched. Who was that person who said, "Someone will take care of it naturally"? Who on earth would take care of this matter

Is it some old monster too

She has been practicing very fast these past few days. Many of the magic arts that she had been unable to use before are now as easy as eating and drinking, especially the fire magic arts, which are working very smoothly without any hindrance.

Yuan Yuanyuan is now learning all kinds of witchcraft like crazy, from the simplest basic witchcraft to the blood jade witchcraft, she can recite every one of them by heart.

Her wrists were filled with her own memos, densely packed with notes, stacked one on top of the other. She always felt like she had no control over herself. Even though she ate and slept like before, some things were different.

But if you ask her if she regrets saving Fanning that day

She will not regret it. Although she is afraid of death, timid, cowardly, and a little stupid, she still has her own persistence on some major issues.

She has been wandering between monsters and humans for so long, like a wandering soul. If there is someone who can stand up and help those who have unfortunately been killed, why can't she lend a hand

If you ask her if she has ever thought about death... She thinks about how she will die every day, even though this is what she fears the most. When death becomes as likely to happen at any time as eating or sleeping, Yuan Yuanyuan is thinking about death.

Just like you need to prepare well before the college entrance examination, you have to find a good hospital and contact a good doctor before giving birth. For something as big as death, you definitely need to prepare...even if you have to rely on your imagination to find some courage.

After she finished her training for the day, she lay on the bed and read the comments, looking for anything related to him. The elimination round had already begun, and since the last issue was broadcast, she had been leading by a wide margin without any surprises, and had no problem beating her opponent.

Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comments below. Ever since she was called Yuan'er's mother that day, many people in the comments below have been making fun of this name. Yuan Yuanyuan herself felt a little indignant. She was obviously a mother, so why was she described by such a word? It was full of irony.

She thought about it and felt that the name "Sikun" was quite suitable. "Kun'er Niang"...

Yuan Er's mother won't tell a tragic story, I feel like his character is inherently tragic...

An ancient great man, and there was a war, but he was the only one who survived. Just think about it and you can tell there is a story.

What does "don't forget" mean? Could it be that Master Yuan had a relationship with a human woman, and the conflict between the races led to a tragedy

His red eyes are obviously better looking than his black eyes... He has a more neutral aesthetic. I really like this kind of neutral-beautiful guy.

Yuan Yuanyuan clicked on Mengman, looked at the update time, waited until twelve o'clock, clicked on the latest issue, and looked at the updates on it.

The previous parts were all about the normal cultivation process of the protagonist. Yuan Yuanyuan quickly flipped through them until she reached the very middle. She stopped and looked at the man who was lowering his head. He gently took a small wine cup and brought it in front of her.

The man's eyes were red and seemed to be flashing with light. He looked at the red liquid in front of him, and then chuckled, with only one corner of his mouth raised. It was a very standard sneer, and it seemed to carry a strong sense of provocation.

… He was the only one around, and no one knew who he was provoking.

Yuan Yuanyuan slapped herself on the forehead.

Holy shit... I was so funny at that time, I looked like I deserved a beating.

She flipped back again, swiped her face just once more, and then disappeared.

However, the comments section has exploded...