You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 45


Shocked! Hurry up and check out the latest update of the first issue of Monster Chronicles. The little brother in white is drawn again!

Ahhhh my male god, this one is so handsome! So handsome and cool!

I always like this kind of little brother! Ji Qiu, please give me a name!

Holy shit, I just came back from watching this, and this character doesn't even have a name? Will it make money

Yuan Yuanyuan also clicked on the comic. As soon as she entered, she was dazzled by the cold-faced handsome man in a white shirt and white sleeves on the screen. Even she, who knew what kind of person he was, was dazzled. She could imagine how other people would feel when they saw him.

A handsome young man in the prime of his life, wearing a white shirt, feeling cold and fierce.

It can be summed up in three words - ascetic style, add two more words, and that is the abstinence youth style.

The most attractive thing about this kind of person is that cold, abstinent and powerful feeling, coupled with that face, it is inexplicably seductive.

When Yuan Yuanyuan was in school, there was a top student in the science class next door who gave her the same feeling. However, his face was not that handsome, but he had a very cold temperament. He never talked to others, but he finished his homework very quickly and was very good at studying. He was a celebrity in their school at that time and was simply a male god.

He was the closest person to a cool handsome guy that Yuan Yuanyuan had ever seen in the three-dimensional world. Siqun… Siqun was the most misunderstood person she had ever met. Sometimes when she looked at Siqun and herself in the comics, she would always involuntarily have a thought in her mind—

Ji, Ji Qiu, have you always been drawing blindly

Siqun is extremely good at fighting. She thinks Siqun must be a very powerful monster, but she doesn't know what his prototype is.

Now looking at the four groups... Not only did she not think that this guy was her male god, but she felt inexplicably weird when looking at her previous male gods.

Especially when she came home from get off work yesterday and met Xiaoying, who looked very excited, blocking her door, and excitedly asked her if she knew which monster on the monster's side was wearing a white shirt, was very good at fighting, was very good-looking, and didn't like to laugh, and also asked what the monster's name was... she became even more subtle.

How should I put it? Looking at Xiaoying was like seeing my old self, and then I inexplicably had a feeling of idolization.

It seems that Siqun has really attracted a lot of fans. I guess with this face and his personality, he is sure to win. He is not like her who is clueless and has no idea about her own personality. She is even scared about whether she can make it through the elimination round.

She sighed. Ever since the last time the four groups foolishly rushed forward, his figure had been drawn in the "Demon Records", and it was drawn in two issues.

There was a small figure and a huge figure, the contrast between the two was quite shocking, but the small figure had no expression on his face.

With a loud bang, the tall figure was smashed into the ground, while the relatively small figure turned around gracefully and fell to the ground.

When Yuan Yuanyuan was reading the comics, she was a little stunned. The four characters in the comics looked handsome and charming. Apart from certain preconceived notions, the four characters were definitely characters who could make a mark in the two-dimensional world.

When he fell from mid-air and kicked the monster below hard, he was so domineering and looked inexplicably reliable.

The four-man character in the comics... well, he is completely different from the one in the three-dimensional world. Of course, the scenes in which he is drawn are all violent.

Sister Li Zi has been very irritable these days. Yuan Yuanyuan also doesn't understand why Ji Qiu, who was painting the protagonist's cultivation so well, suddenly turned around and painted four groups of people in one stroke.

There is no cause or consequence, it is just a simple insertion into the protagonist's daily practice, making it look like the four groups are beating up some monster.

She lowered her head and placed the wine glass on the plate, then slowly knocked on the door. When she heard the sound of someone coming in, she gently pushed the door open and lifted the curtain inside.

There were a few people sitting there drinking. Yuan Yuanyuan quietly walked over and put the wine on the table. When she was leaving, a guest suddenly said, "You look familiar."

Yuan Yuanyuan smiled and nodded, then walked out with the empty wine jug.

Ever since a customer got drunk and went crazy in the pub that day, she asked Sister Lizi if she could go out to serve drinks, as she didn't have enough money on hand. Although Sister Lizi was very upset recently, she still helped her out, and Yuan Yuanyuan started to help out in the front.

She didn't really like the job of pouring drinks, but the drunk customer that day gave her an idea. With so many customers, there were bound to be a few who knew about what happened in the past, and they might tell it out after drinking too much.

What happened in "Monster Records" in the past few days was definitely a big deal. As expected, many monsters talked about the events of the past when drinking, and most of them just blurted out what happened while drinking. Yuan Yuanyuan gained more knowledge from the drunk guests in the past few days than she had gained in the past few years.

If what she learned from the pebbles at that time was only the cause and time of the war, then during the half-month career as a waiter, she learned about the status of the war among monsters and its impact on them.

It’s almost like the Three Kingdoms, everyone knows about it... Even children have heard the stories of that war, and many monsters grew up listening to those stories, and quite a few of them still vaguely remember those events.

Yuan Yuanyuan had never paid attention to these things before, but after paying attention to them recently, she discovered things that she had never noticed before.

Each of these things can fully reflect the status of this war among monsters.

For example... there is a kind of drinking game that seems to be related to this thing. Another example... there is a wall in their tavern that is covered with paintings. She used to think that the paintings were just of beauties or handsome guys, but now she knows that they are all heroes who became famous in that war.

Everyone knows it.

The Blood Jade Demon Army was considered a relatively famous army in this war. In the past few days, she heard several demons say after drinking too much that if they met that demon, they would kill him in some way.

That emotion... was quite genuine. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this matter was really difficult to deal with. To be honest, Ji Qiu still asked her to transform herself and go out for a walk regularly. She hadn't dared to transform herself for two weeks.

If she didn't go, Ji Qiu himself would come to urge her again. She didn't want to be urged by that pervert Ji Qiu at all.

Yuan Yuanyuan returned to the kitchen and looked at the listless Siqun. She felt that Siqun had been treated very badly by Sister Lizi recently. He couldn't eat or sleep well, and was not even allowed to go out.

She threw the orange in her hand to him, sat next to him, peeled one and started eating it. While peeling the orange, Siqun secretly looked at the door to see if his sister had come.

Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the small wine bottles beside her. Sister Li asked her to go to the front to serve the dishes and pour the wine these days, so she and Siqun met less and less. Although she felt very sympathetic towards Siqun in her heart, he was another monster that was played badly.

Although she was also to blame that day, when Siqun was in the comics, she had a vague feeling that Ji Qiu would not let Siqun go, and it turned out that he was waiting here.

"Hurry up and eat, your sister hasn't come back yet." Yuan Yuanyuan said. She opened her phone and browsed the forum and post bar. While browsing, she was thinking about how to avoid these angry monsters, and then she transformed and went out for a walk so that Ji Qiu would not come to find her.

Do you want to go to the next province? Although the people in the next province are said to be tough, there are not as many monsters as here. But you have to save the round-trip fare...

Yuan Yuanyuan was casually looking at the forum, and suddenly remembered something. She searched for the word "妖记" in the forum, waited for three seconds, and suddenly found that a search result appeared.

Hey, there really is a demon record, right

Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t expect to be able to search it out, but after she found it, she was stunned for a moment, then clicked in to take a look.

Several of the latest posts were actually just a few minutes ago. It seemed that this forum was more popular than she had imagined.

Yuan Yuanyuan saw a post titled "Top 20 Analysis of the Strength of Yaoji Characters", so she clicked on it and took a look. She read it from the beginning and her face turned red.

The author of this post summarized twenty characters, all of whom have appeared many times in the current Monster Records. Among them are many big guys, who, in Yuan Yuanyuan's opinion, are very powerful in the three-dimensional world. As a result, the top 1 in the strength ranking is actually Yuan.

Yuan Yuanyuan herself found it unbelievable. She looked at the replies and found that most people agreed with her opinion. There were quite a few controversies regarding the rankings at the end, but no one refuted the fact that Yuan was the most powerful character in the comics.

Of course, many people believe that among the characters that have appeared so far, Yuan is the strongest, but there may be bigger bosses in the future, just like in Dragon Ball, each one is stronger than the other, such as Frieza and Super Saiyan... The author makes money by prolonging his life.

After all, although the background has been slowly revealed, there are still many mysteries, and we may never be prepared for a super boss to appear behind the scenes.

Oh shit... I feel like you guys are going to kill me. I have blood-letting once a week and I'm as weak as if I have kidney deficiency. How come I'm being pushed to the forefront like this

… Ultimately, it’s all Ji Qiu’s fault. His paintings are too misleading.

Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she was in a dilemma. Although it was just a post, it could reflect many things. She looked again, flipping through dozens of pages, and suddenly saw a post that was a bit strange.

Who is that Yuan? Does anyone know? Whose father knows about what happened back then? Come here and discuss it.

The other posts were all about homosexuality, lesbianism, or analysis, but there were a few words in this post that were particularly strange, at least they looked very strange to Yuanyuan.


This word... is a very strange word to use in the second dimension.

This post was published three days ago and has already sunk to the bottom of the thread. Yuan Yuanyuan clicked on it with her heart pounding, took a look and was speechless.

The sofa is used to scold the OP for having a chuunibyou.

The bench is a string of ellipsis.

Floor is a dirty word.

The fourth floor is the poster. He left a Penguin group number and asked anyone interested to join the group.

Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the group, and somehow copied the string of numbers and searched for it.

However, just as Yuan Yuanyuan was playing with her mobile phone, the situation outside changed and something big happened.

Just as Yuan Yuanyuan thought... being first is always a very eye-catching thing, not to mention the historical factors.

A famous monster in their district issued a challenge to Yuan, challenging him to a duel within the next month. When the news came out, the whole district was shocked.