You Look Like You’re Drawing Me

Chapter 56


Ji, why did Ji Qiu paint like this

No, I'm not sure... But I always feel... I'm very excited now, an inexplicable impulse rises from my lower body...

... Wait a minute, upstairs, what the hell did you think of

Ahhhhh, what the hell are you doing! Are you kidding me, my readers? My little sister Ran is so pretty, don't draw her nonsense, or I'll send you razor blades in a minute!

Are you looking for death, Ji Qiu? Are you kidding me by doing this all of a sudden

Hmm... I feel like most of the guys in the comment section are going crazy... But why do I feel pretty good about this

Upstairs, are you a man or a woman

A man.

So, the meaning of Ji Qiu’s painting is…

Don't tell me! Don't tell me even if you guessed it! I'll kill anyone who tells me!

Yuan Yuanyuan stood under the plum tree and looked up at the plum blossoms on the treetops. The plum blossoms were so beautiful that they looked almost fake, without even a single missing petal.

A fragrance rushed into her nose. It was the first time she smelled such a fragrant plum blossom. In fact, there were very few plum blossoms in City C. Unless you went to a flower shop or went to the wild, you couldn't see them at all.

This was the first time Yuan Yuanyuan saw such beautiful plum blossoms.

Ah... witchcraft is so convenient. You can make any flower bloom as you want. Although this witchcraft seems useless, she really wants to learn it. After all, her living habits are still human. She always feels that it is very convenient to make a winter plum blossom bloom out of thin air.

Yuan Yuanyuan just stood there staring at the plum blossoms. She actually didn't know why she was there. She only knew a few moves.

Apart from the Tiangang Zizai Jue, she only knows a few minor magic techniques, such as fireball and water column. Apart from disguising them as the Great Fireball Technique and the Great Waterfall Technique, they are probably meaningless.

Therefore, her only tactic is to burrow underground first, and then look for opportunities to attack, which is equivalent to slowly wearing away her health.

Ah... Can you show me some more powerful magic? I don't ask for Susanoo, Amaterasu, Samsara Eye or other bloodline cheats, but a meatball will do... Ah, did she go to the wrong set...

"You seem to have changed a lot." A voice came from behind, "I remember that you used to like wearing red clothes the most. Every time before going to the battlefield, you would always put on the reddest rouge."

Yuan Yuanyuan didn't stop looking at Meihua, nor did she move her eyes. In fact, she didn't know when the person behind her came. However, it was not the first time that someone touched her from behind without any sound... so she didn't panic at all.

She had her back to the person behind her and felt that the pause was long enough, so she slowly turned her head.

Because she didn't know whether her every move would appear in the comics. If it did, it would be embarrassing if she didn't manage her expressions and movements well.

She saw that the person who just spoke to her was a man in black. How to describe this man... His facial features were very deep, and his eye sockets were so deep that they didn't look like Asian features.

His eyebrows and eyes are incredibly clear, and the corners of his eyes look like he has eyeliner drawn on them. He looks like an extremely reserved man. Yuan Yuanyuan is quite fond of this kind of person. His voice is also very reserved, low and magnetic.

His nose was very high, and he had very smooth black hair that fell on his shoulders. Yuan Yuanyuan seldom saw men with long hair in real life, so when she suddenly saw this kind of hair, she took a closer look at it.

Yuan Yuanyuan heard that the Wu Jin who was going to have a decisive battle with her was originally a crow, which was quite consistent with his appearance.

All in black.

Coincidentally, Yuan Yuanyuan was also wearing black today.

She turned around and faced Wu Jin, put her hands in her trouser pockets, and looked at him, "When does it start?"

Wu Jin looked up at the plum blossoms and closed his eyes, as if he was smelling their fragrance.

Yuan Yuanyuan quietly waited for him to open his eyes. His eyes were dark and he said softly, "Now, please teach me, Senior."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Yuanyuan disappeared from the spot, leaving only a trace of red smoke. The wind blew it into the shape of tree branches, which looked particularly beautiful against the plum tree behind.

"Wait, wait a minute." Gao Ling was looking at the latest updated comic alone, completely stunned.

She read the magazine over and over again, and finally closed her mouth.

Although Ji Qiu didn't explicitly state it, the meaning of this issue is obviously... Ran Niang and Yuan are the same person, right

Gao Ling now felt that his three views were a little wrong. Ran Niang and Yuan, the girl in red and the man in black, two people who were eight hundred meters apart and could not even match each other... How did they bump into each other!

Oh, yes, this is not just a random drawing by Ji Qiu, this thing is connected to the three-dimensional world... But how is it connected? ! Yuan, what happened to you in the past? Such a good guy, why was he a cross-dresser in the past!

Gao Ling took a last look at the "Ranniang's Happy Life" that he had almost finished drawing, silently opened the file, and threw it into the Recycle Bin.

The officials force homosexuality... and leave no way for people to survive.

The atmosphere on the official website was extremely enthusiastic. The Mengman official website was almost occupied by "Yaoji" that day. Even readers who didn't read "Yaoji" knew that today a comic book changed the gender of a popular female character to a male...

Everyone was amazed at how bold the author was, for doing this in a hot-blooded boy comic. The level of his work was no less than writing the first and second female characters in a stud novel as a lesbian couple... However, many readers went to read it out of admiration, and after reading it, they inexplicably felt that once they accepted this setting... Shit.

These readers are currently reluctant to show up. After all, there are too many angry male readers. If they suddenly show up to express their opinions, they may be torn apart.

On the distant Sanquan Mountain, readers had no idea that a group of monsters were gathered there to watch a duel.

A person was hiding in the darkness, looking at Yuan Yuanyuan who had just been standing under the tree admiring the plum blossoms. He suddenly chuckled, "He didn't even have any reaction when he saw the plum blossoms?"

"Is that him?" asked another person next to him.

"Let's wait and see." The man said: "The first attempt seems to be useless, but we can't make a decision, so let's wait a little longer."

Yuan Yuanyuan hid underground, listening quietly to the sounds from above.

The first few times, she was running around like a headless rat at the foot of the mountain, but gradually, she could hear the sounds coming from the ground clearly.

In the junior high school physics textbook, it is written in black and white that sound is transmitted faster through solids than through air.

Hiding underground, Yuan Yuanyuan could hear almost all the sounds on the ground if she wanted to. She could hear a lot of footsteps in the distance, which she had not heard on the ground before.

She was originally wondering where all the onlookers had gone, but she didn't realize that they had already arrived and she just didn't notice.

Searching for Wu Jin's footsteps amid the chaotic sounds, Yuan Yuanyuan quickly locked onto a person. She closed her eyes and listened quietly.

At one moment, she suddenly jumped up from the ground and released a magic fire in front of her. Wu Jin only saw a red smoke inexplicably gathering in the air in front of him, and a very delicate face emerged from the red smoke.

It was like a beautiful woman peeking her head out from among the red plum blossoms, half-hidden and half-exposed, with a smile on her face.

A stream of fire rolled towards him. Wu Jin was startled and immediately dodged backwards, thus avoiding the tragic situation of being burned. The flame rushed straight across the ground, leaving a black mark.

The red smoke dissipated in an instant, drawing a charming arc in the air, as if no one had ever appeared.

"Wow, so powerful!" The monsters who had been hiding nearby couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

What kind of magic is this? It's so powerful that it burned a black mark. I guess it's hot there now.

"That is... the Demonic Fire Art?" However, a sharp-eyed monster frowned and looked at it for a few seconds, then suddenly said in confusion.

As soon as the three words "Demon Fire Art" came out, all the monsters around were attracted. They looked up and down at the mark left on the ground and said, "How is it possible? Look at the burnt ground. How can the Demon Fire Art be so powerful?"

“Yeah, that’s right.” The monster who just spoke said, “It’s also possible that I saw it wrong. After all, he is an old monster. The Blood Jade Demon Art has been lost for so long that we can’t recognize him. Maybe he just looks a little bit similar.”

"Idiot, that's the Demonic Fire Art." Jixiang Yu, who was squatting at the back and setting up the camera, silently complained, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of being beaten by others.

He coughed. Dressed in modern clothes and holding a camera, he looked particularly conspicuous among the monsters, like a lunatic. No one dared to approach him.

"Really... He's changed a lot, but I'm sure it's him." Jixiang Yu looked at the "Yuan" in the camera seriously and murmured.

After thinking for a while, he silently took out his phone, which actually had two bars of signal, as if it was not affected by the surrounding evil spirit. He sent a few words in the group.

Group owner: Hey, I’ll give you a live broadcast now.

Group leader: 1. He was not wearing red clothes, but black clothes. This is very interesting. I don’t understand why he suddenly changed his attire.

Group leader: 2. He was not serious this time, because he just used the basic Demon Fire Art and did not use any more advanced magic. It seemed that he did not even want to use it. But I realized today that the ancient monsters are really powerful... Even a Demon Fire Art is not something we can resist. You will watch the video later.

Group leader: 3. He didn’t wear any makeup this time.

Black and Red: Wait, wait, no makeup? He certainly didn't fight seriously, but I've always wondered why he always puts on makeup before going to the battlefield.

Group leader: Uh... According to gossip, he always put on makeup before going to war because he was afraid that he would not come back alive, so he had to put on makeup before going to the battlefield and die in the most beautiful image... Of course, just listen to the gossip, don't take it seriously.

Yuan Yuanyuan seized the opportunity and climbed up again. This time she used the Demon Water Technique. This time the onlookers could really see clearly that this was the basic magic.

"Oh, my God... Even basic magic can turn things like this." Some monsters turned pale. The ground that had just been burned black had now been washed out into a small lake.

"We may have... thought wrongly." Another monster said, "The ancient monster... is indeed different. Fortunately, it seems that he doesn't intend to take it seriously."

Wu Jin in the field also did not look very good. After dodging two attacks, he looked around and saw that he was surrounded by enemies.

Wrong estimate...