You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 101


Odis opened his eyes and said nonsense, which Qiao Qixi didn't expect. He was in a complicated mood: Brother, you deserve to be a model boyfriend.

The second is to be thankful that Odis does not raise a baby, otherwise the Three Views will be crooked to the horizon.

A sea breeze with snowflakes blew over, causing a faint coolness on the top of Qiao Qixi's bald head.

He shrank his unnecessarily neck and smirked in his heart, just like that, thinking that the episode of'robbing the toy' was over, so he didn't think about it anymore.

Since the last time, Odis has sent six small yellow balls to Qiao Qixi from all walks of life. He has never given a gift again. It seems that Alexander doesn't really want to play.

To this day, Otis seems to have discovered that Alexander’s demand for toys is far beyond his imagination, otherwise, why would he use it

Alexander: Not really! It's purely a joke, I want to find out the other's temperament.

As a result, a bunch of elder brothers were discovered, which was unexpected. Fortunately, the other party did not chase him and chop.

After it snows, the ice layer becomes thick and thick to the naked eye, occasionally forming an encircling circle, which is frozen using a more exotic route. Simply put, it is pits and pits, and places where animals often move will not easily freeze.

This was an operation that Qiao Qixi couldn't be more familiar with. He didn't forget to tell everyone not to be surrounded by ice when sleeping, otherwise he would dive out.

Everyone: "Is diving a bad thing?"

Qiao Qixi:!

Then you can sleep as you like.

Regardless, anyway, it's not a particularly dumb killer whale, and such stupid things will hardly happen.

Balala and the others are not stupid, even if it is the first time to visit the Arctic, they also lived here more proficiently than their hometown.

"Many glaciers." It snowed heavily for several nights, and now the Arctic was covered in silver and snow.

"Eddie, do you think seals in the Antarctic are better to catch, or seals in the Arctic?" Kerry was swimming among the ice floes, rolling his body while discussing this serious issue with his companions.

"The seals that feel the Antarctic are better to catch." Eddie pondered for a moment, and said the answer he thought was correct.

"That's your illusion, because there are more Antarctic seals, so you think it is better to catch, but in fact the Arctic seals are better to catch, they are more stupid." Balara's analysis is well-founded, and it seems his answer more convincing.

"Is it stupid because of being frozen?" Eddie didn't shake his answer, but he found a new problem.

"The North Pole and the South Pole are equally cold, fool." Daya couldn't listen anymore, and felt that his IQ was lowering every day, and the stupidest of them was Eddie.

"I also think Antarctic seals are better to catch." The head of the team cast a crucial vote, currently 2:2.

Kerry: "Obviously the Arctic is better."

Eddie: "Antarctica."

Kerry: "Arctic."

Hearing their endless arguing, the other killer whales seemed to be unsurprising, and Joe Qixi smiled involuntarily. At this moment, Kerry and Eddie asked him in unison: "Alexander, what do you think?"

Hmm, is this fire on yourself

How could Alexander get himself into this kind of dispute, he said with good reason: "I haven't caught a seal, I don't know."

This answer was too convincing, and it caused everyone to let him go easily. No one would deliberately step on the pain point of a little killer whale.

Qiao Qixi: What's the point

As for Odis, no one would ask him, because to Odis, the seals of the four oceans are all the same.

However, Otis is very concerned about this topic that has nothing to do with Otis. It seems that he is worried that Alexander will have a bad feeling of inferiority. Before falling asleep, he inadvertently said to Alexander: "It's okay, don't worry. Happy, you are fine."

Alexander was comforted suddenly, and his heart warmed: Why

This is the sentence pattern to appease small waste, QAQ.

I am not a small waste. In order to get rid of the suspicion of waste, Alexander felt that he should stand up and do something practical.

On a sunny day without snow, everyone is sleeping, and Alexander usually sleeps, and he won't wake up unless everyone wakes up.

Sleeping is so sweet.

But today, Qiao Qixi wakes up earlier than the birds, and he wants to go out hunting alone.

Winter is officially here. In the past few days, it has snowed intensively and accompanied by a little wind and waves. The killer whales stay awake in heavy snow and only fall asleep recklessly when it is sunny.

The premeditated Qiao Qixi deliberately slept on the side when he slept. Here, Otis is very happy that he sleeps like this, and he doesn't like his companions to come together, especially the little Eddie who likes sleepwalking.

Qiao Qixi successfully sneaked out and ran far away after a few flicks. He couldn't be more familiar with the habits of seals. He also knew the advantages of killer whales. It didn't take long for a ringed seal to fall into his mouth. .

This is a routine operation and there is really nothing to be proud of.

For some unknown reason, Otis woke up with a rousing spirit, and saw him habitually spraying a spray of water mist, which immediately turned into dry ice in the cold Arctic.

Odis looked around blankly, and finally found that Qiao Qixi was not by his side: "..."

Without thinking about it, he made a shrill sound of throwing a child around, and all the killer whales of the same kind in a radius of a hundred miles knew that there were similar kinds of people looking for their own companions.

The killer whales say that it’s not necessary. Isn’t it enough to make a one-to-one contact

This "grand" search method is generally used to find disabled killer whales who cannot take care of themselves.

For example, the missing object positioning system has obstacles, or the nerves are not serious.

The brains of some killer whales are damaged, the nervous system will become disordered, can't distinguish the direction, and can't hunt normally.

What's even more exaggerated is that after the killer whales knew that Alexander was lost, they didn't think there was anything wrong with Odis using this method to find Alexander.


Fortunately, Qiao Qixi didn't know this, otherwise he would fight this group of killer whales desperately!

He just heard Odis looking for himself.

"I'm on the road, Otis." Qiao Qixi answered vaguely, sounding a little panting, right! Because he has a plump seal in his mouth.

"Ah, where did you go, Alexander?" "We're here to find you." "Even if they ran out to play while they were asleep, remember to bring me next time." This whispered voice was Eddie.

They swarmed in the direction of Qiao Qixi, and couldn't wait for a moment.

The fastest swimmer is Odis, and his speed makes his companions say it is difficult to catch up.

Originally, Odis was the fastest swimmer, but now the opponent suddenly speeded up, and the companions couldn't catch up even more.

The head of the group is the oldest, he slowed down, and the first to make a sound of recognizing the old: "Hey, I won't chase, I'll take it slow."

"I'm so tired, I also take a breath." Barara said, breathing with a puff of air.

The other three are still competing with Otis, but the captain and Balala bet that they will not be able to catch up with Otis.

Sure enough, Kerry who couldn't afford to play was the first to beep Lailai: "Odis, can you slow down, ah, I can't catch up!"

Eddie and Daya didn't say a word, obviously they could keep up.

This situation inevitably makes the veteran cadres feel sour: "What about catching up, do you have food to swim faster?"

Yes, swim fast and have food.

The three of Odis and Daya reached Alexander's side with their front and back feet. Before they could catch a breath, they suddenly saw Alexander holding a seal in his mouth. They were all...a little dumbfounded.

Is this Alexander

Did he catch a seal

"Are you here? Why is it so quiet?" The companions who were still behind seemed to feel an unusual silence. What's the situation

"It's here!" Eddie looked at the situation before him, wasted a few seconds, and organized his vocabulary: "That's it, a seal hit Alexander's mouth."

ABC: "???"

Qiao Qixi: "???"

Alexander, who was still breathing a little, couldn't help but round his eyes: Brother! You are the killer whale I have ever seen that can distort facts, why don't you become a screenwriter? !

"Idiot Eddie." Daya despised the killer whale who was bluffing next door. How could a seal in the ocean voluntarily hit the killer whale's mouth? ! He was speechless and re-reported the news: "Don't listen to Eddie's gibberish, this seal was caught by Alexander himself, well, do you remember the last argument?" He suddenly remembered this.

The head suddenly announced: "We have won."

Eddie: "???"

Eddie was suddenly ecstatic and won Kerry. He circled Alexander on the spot: "I like you, Alexander!"

Let him win Kerry.

But his body was quickly knocked away by Otis. Otis, who was also surprised just now, came to Alexander and looked at his cutie earnestly, with gentle eyes.

Qiao Qixi felt that his eyes read: Zai, Abba is very pleased.

"..." Isn't it just to capture a seal, watched by so many eyes, Qiao Qixi's tail curled up in shame, it's okay, is this a routine operation for him

He can also hunt big buffaloes and kill wildebeest alone!

So a small seal is really nothing.

Don't praise it, sorry to be embarrassed.

"Awesome." Otis had seen enough of Little Cutie, and moved over to reward Little Cutie for a kiss.

"!!!" The shame doubled, Double.

"Alexander caught the seal, save us some." Kerry realized what had happened, and the first thought that appeared in his mind was: wait until we arrive before eating.

"Huh?" Eddie's first thought after reminding them: Are we qualified to share the seals that Alexander caught

Two pairs of eyes looked at Odis together.

Qiao Qixi: What do you see him doing? Shouldn't it be watching me? I am the owner of this seal.

"I'll eat for everyone." Alexander generously offered the seals out, by the way, he calmed his boyfriend with a whisper: "I'll catch you tomorrow."

"Thank you Alexander." Eddie and Daya looked very happy. One was because there were seals to eat, and Alexander caught them, and the other was because Kerry and the others hadn't come yet, they were commonly known as eating alone.

Odis didn't seem to mind that Cutie shared the first seal he caught with his companions.

On the contrary, Alexander is happy to be able to hunt him on his own. It is very important to survive in the wild, but Alexander's hunting ability and his continued feeding of Alexander are two different things.

The two are irrelevant.

Balala and the others arrived soon, hearing nothing but seeing is believing, they finally accepted that Alexander would catch a seal.

Maybe they think of Alexander as a young cub that has just grown up. The cubs learn to hunt independently is a thing to celebrate.

"It's better that we catch a little whale to eat." I don't know who made such a suggestion.

Then they discussed this topic.

Qiao Qixi knew for the first time that the killer whale had such a sense of ritual.

If you are happy, grab the delicious food, and if you are not happy, grab the delicious food.

In the end, their plan didn't take shape, probably because there were too many killer whales nearby, and the cetaceans on their recipes were not active here. This is really sad news for Kerry and the others.

Cannot find the whale, the killer whales sympathized and sighed: "There is really little food in the Arctic."

The killer whales here are really pitiful.

No whale was found, but they encountered a big shark, a Greenland sleeping shark with a rougher appearance.

It is very strange to say that Qiao Qixi has been a polar bear for so many years and has never seen the true face of a sleeping shark in Greenland. He just met him shortly after arriving in the North Pole.

It is very rare. I did not fall asleep in the winter. It may be that the food is not in place and I want to eat something more.

But I don’t know that I am also at risk of being eaten.

"Eat?" Elliot's style has always been very simple, if his companions want to eat, he will start a group.

"It looks a bit ugly, but the strength is unknown." "Hey, should I go to eat the seals?" It was the first time everyone saw the Greenland Sleeping Shark, and the first impression was that they nodded their heads.

All: "Well, it makes sense."

Then it was so happily decided! They gave up looking for whales, and continued to shuttle the Huo Huo seals around the ice floes.

I'm used to catching seals by the beach, and occasionally a taste of iced seals is also good.

The thinking of the big killer whales is very simple, since Qiao Qixi showed them his hunting ability, the subsequent group hunting operations will no longer exclude him.

Seven killer whales are hunted collectively, the success rate is higher, and there are more group tactics that can be used, such as using huge waves to overturn floating ice and sea leopards. Of course, the more companions the better.

Although everyone thinks it is the same with or without Alexander.

Qiao Qixi: Seriously? ?

It's not that he doesn't. After joining the hunting ranks, he has never paddled in the water.

But this might not be obvious enough.

In order to get rid of the false label that he could not take care of himself, Qiao Qixi fell in love with a single kill. Since the winter, he caught a seal for everyone to eat.

As the saying goes, taking short hands and short mouths, eating Alexandria seals, killer whales give him rainbow farts every day.

By the way, beep Eddie, the lowest output small waste in the whole group: "Why can't you even compare to Alexander?"

This sentence offended both of you at once. Let's have a snack for the killer whales.

The days of eating and drinking passed by, Qiao Qixi counted the time, feeling that the windy day was about to come, so he told everyone to leave the Arctic Ocean before the strong wind came.

Although a little regretful, Odis seems to have no impression of the North Pole.

"Great wind, how strong is the wind?" "We are not afraid of the wind." "What is there to be afraid of the wind?" As if they were not afraid of being surrounded by ice.

"It's not too big." Polar bears can carry it, and killer whales are of course no problem.

It's just that Alexander did not expect that the wind will be particularly strong this year.

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted that most of the Arctic Ocean will have 810-level winds, and even up to 11-level winds in some areas.

Ships sailing at sea have received emergency notifications, and ships that are not sure whether they can withstand the level 10 winds have rushed back.

However, there are also very courageous captains, such as Russian captains, who think this little wind is nothing.

Obviously Otis thought the same way. Hearing Alexander said that he was leaving this icy and snowy world, his heart was a little resisted.

It seems that I haven't stayed enough in this place...

Odis felt a little strange. He hadn't thought of any sea area since he was born. He seemed to have thought of a compromise. He decided to take something from here and give it to Alexander.

That day Alexander went to grab things from the Arctic Ocean killer whales. It was not an episode. In fact, Odis remembered it very well.

It is normal for the killer whale to be alone for a few hours, and it is quite unusual for Qiao Qixi to wake up to find that Odis has gone out.

Before, the other party liked to take him everywhere.

Of course they were still in contact with each other, Odis said softly that he would come back soon, let him stay with his companions obediently.

Qiao Qixi is not the kind of person who makes a serial call without seeing it in three minutes, he obediently responded.

As it turned out, the males' mouths were all flickers very quickly, and Odis didn't actually come back soon.

"What is Odis going to do?" "I don't know, you ask Alexander." "Alexander doesn't know either." Qiao Qixi blinked and said.

"It's windy." Yes, the cold wind like a knife passed over their bald heads.

In the face of ordinary hurricanes, everyone gathered together with experience to resist the power of the waves, and even had time to chat.

It's just that the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it's also mixed with heavy snow. The waves on the sea are like a giant dragon churning underneath, and they jump high every time.

"Oh, it's a bit rare." Everyone said that they have rarely encountered such a big storm since they are sensible.

"Ah, huddled together, don't be swept away by the waves." Such waves can wash away even ships of 100,000 tons, not to mention that they only have a few tons.

Washing away is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is no way to steer. You will die if you hit a glacier. Ships are the same. There is only one dead end when you hit a glacier in the Arctic Ocean.

When the blizzard came, Qiao Qixi's first thought was not his own safety, he thought of Otis who was still strolling in the distant waters: "Odis! The blizzard is coming, you take care of yourself!"

It is definitely impossible to rendezvous at this time. They cannot cross so many huge waves to find each other. It is very likely that they will be exhausted in the process and then be photographed on the glacier.

As Alexander shouted several times, Otis finally heard back and forth: "Don't be afraid, I will be back soon."

Is it so close

Qiao Qixi immediately used the echolocation system to determine his location. Although it was not particularly useful in this extreme weather, it still measured a long distance between them.

It's impossible to come back.

"No, Otis." Qiao Qixi's tone was very strong and demanded: "You stay where you are, don't be hard, save your energy, stay away from the glacier, and we will meet again after the blizzard."

Odis blinked: "Hey..." bubbling meaninglessly, noncommittal.

I guess I have never heard of Alexander talking to him in such a strong tone, and I was surprised for a while.

After a while, he slowly said his thoughts: "I think I can."

Depend on! Why don't you listen to persuasion? !

"You can't, you just be good to me!" Alexandria was fierce at him.

The other killer whales, listening to Alexander's training Otis, were a bit dark and cool.

In other words, they didn't dare to talk to Odis like this.

But it is estimated that Odis would not listen, that guy has always had his own ideas.

Indeed, on such a wild snowstorm night, Odis wanted to stay by Alexander's side. At the beginning, when he pursued Alexander, he said that he wanted to protect him.

There is no response from Odis, what's the matter? Yes or no

"Did he agree?" Qiao Qixi asked everyone inwardly.

Eddie: "I guess not."

Other companions: "There is absolutely nothing."

Eddie's filter on Otis is too thick, Otis is not a good whale, he doesn't care if everyone is worried about him, he only cares about whether he fulfills his promise.

Qiao Qixi's heart felt cold, what happened to the subject!

On the sea with extremely bad weather, the ship was in a more difficult situation than the killer whale. The huge wave surged onto the deck and splashed on the windshield of the control cabin, blurring the captain's sight.

At this time, an experienced, veteran and particularly good helmsman is needed to cope with this critical situation.

It just so happens that the captain at the helm is an experienced helmsman, he even has an unfired cigar in the corner of his mouth.

As the entire ship oscillates more and more, the sailors beside the captain can no longer stand firm, but the captain still stands tall.

Although his body swing is already terrifying, he can completely hold it!

All crew: The stormy day is their critical moment, but it is the captain's highlight moment.

Maybe this is called talent.

For example, Otis, which walks in the ocean, also bears many impacts that killer whales cannot withstand. This is related to good physical fitness, super high swimming skills, and perhaps inner beliefs.

In fact, Odis is also very strenuous. The sea area where he is located has gradually reached level 11 wind, even if it is not to meet his companions, he must leave this area as soon as possible.

In order to control his direction, Odis used every inch of his body muscles, struggling to resist the rushing waves.

In an ocean of fury as terrifying as the entrance to hell, a killer whale floating in it is very small. What will happen to his next fate depends entirely on his own strength.

In an environment with low visibility, the chance of colliding with a ship is very small, but the chance of colliding with a glacier is very high.

Odis passed by the glacier several times because he couldn't see the way forward.

"Odis, are you okay?" The situation on Qiao Qixi's side is fine, although it is a bit strenuous to maintain the distance between each other.

"Hey..." Odis bubbled, saying that he was okay, but he didn't want to say more.

There should be no energy.

Qiao Qixi contacted Otis every once in a while, and then found out that the blizzard could barely cope with the blizzard. It stands to reason that Otis would be too strenuous, but Otis’s voice sounded exhausted. .

Is this guy really on the road

Really, stay where you are and wait for the storm to pass, at best you can wait for one day and one night.

Of course, Qiao Qixi understands that Odis knows better than himself to avoid the danger of survival, but the other party just has a favorite object in his heart that can't let go.

At the moment when he went out to look for Odis, Qiao Qixi understood that, in fact, he didn't care about so many messy conditions. In short, Odis liked him, he liked Otis, it was as simple as that.

In the furious waves, Otis avoided part of the danger without any danger, but the road was so far, he gradually became a little powerless and needed to rest for a while.

However, once the muscles relax, the huge waves will swallow him and take him in an unknown direction.

Odis just slapped in the waves a few times, and for a moment he felt dizzy. He didn't know why, it was the sequelae of the previous limit consumption, or some other accident.

Therefore, the slightest slackness is not allowed.

But this time it was an exception. Odis slackened, but his direction was not chaotic, because a force supported him from under his chest.

"Odis, wake up."