You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 106


The life of a killer whale is very boring, so an interesting thing that happens occasionally in life is worth discussing.

For example, Alexander was learning stranding, and Balara and Kerry looked at them with gusto, only they didn't hold popcorn and Coke.

Even if I look at it, I still like to give pointers. Balara thinks that Odis shouldn't teach like this: "By the way, was Odis so patient when he taught us?"

"No." Kerry remembered clearly, thinking more one-on-one, right? !

Odis taught Alexander to be one-to-one, hand-to-hand, and taught them to be one-to-five, and two demonstrations were enough.

"Sigh." This is a new word Eddie learned from Joe Qixi.

"What's the meaning?"

"Express dissatisfaction!"

ABCDE: "Sigh!"

Qiao Qixi is almost laughing and sulking, are you a ghost? As a result, he deviated from the direction, so that a large piece of seaweed was not touched.

"No, sighing doesn't mean dissatisfaction." After Qiao Qixi laughed, he explained to them earnestly: "sighing means feeling helpless."

"Helpless?" Eddie blinked, still not understanding.

"There is no way..." Probably.

"There is no way, that is not dissatisfaction!" Eddie doesn't care, sighing means dissatisfaction.

"You... forget it, it's up to you..." Qiao Qixi is very helpless now, thanks to Eddie's lack of a language teacher, otherwise the coffin board will not be able to hold down.

"Do you still want to practice?" asked the more calm and unspoken group leader, who seemed to care about Alexander's learning situation. To describe it in a slightly more literate language, it was anxious in his eyes: "I should come here. When to practice?" He recommended himself.

The seaweed never moves. After getting familiar with the movements, you have to touch living creatures anyway.

"Can you?" Qiao Qixi was flattered, it was from the leader's favor.

Although everyone is used to interrogating and playing and mixing together, the killer whales are actually very slow, and the relationship needs to accumulate slowly.

Elliot's willingness to be his own practice object is a very large span emotionally, indicating that the other party not only regards him as a companion, but also contains the emotions of the elders, just like Otis.

"Yes." The group leader said concisely, this is what he always looks like, it seems that he will yell at him only when he is forced by his naive companions, eh.

"Thank you." Otis said immediately. If Ellio is the subject of practice, of course it will do more with less. Otis will not be jealous about such serious things.

He is smart.

"Thank you, head!" Qiao Qixi also knew that there was a rare opportunity.

"Come on, don't be afraid to bump into me, use all your power." The head of the prepared group said to Alexander, taking the place of the seaweed.

"Okay, then I'm here."

Qiao Qixi was really afraid of bumping into the other party at first, but think about it, when he is prepared, his talent is so good that he can bump into the leader. The other party is an experienced suit thug.

Everyone thought the same way, including the head of the team, who really didn't put the coquettish Alexander in their hearts.

"You can't hit it, Alexander wanted Odis to feed him the last meal..."


Hello! Is there any necessary connection between the two? No!

Qiao Qixi feels that his mentality has also been messed up by his companions. That is the taste between lovers. Do you understand the taste

A bunch of steel single whales!

Probably only Odis understood that Alexander was not as weak as they thought, both in talent and experience.

"Alexander, hit Ellio! Come on!" Eddie twisted happily beside him like a cheerleader. No one could see that he was very happy.

Under his lead, other killer whales also twisted, oh, the new pleasure in boring life!

Watch Alexander hit Elliot!

"Come on, come on" they even sang.

Is it necessary to be so funny, Qiao Qixi feels helpless and happy for them, well, he doesn't mind being a monkey again.

When Alexander hit him, Elliot was taken aback. Well, he was very fast and powerful, and it seemed that he was about to be hit if he hesitated for a second.

This level is pretty good.

Ah, it failed.

Qiao Qixi felt both regretful and reasonable, and then stepped back and began to reflect on what she had done just now.

"Oh, come and come again, don't be discouraged." But everyone took it for granted. Success is an accident.

Only Ellio knew that Alexander was actually very good, but he couldn't figure it out. Why should Otis feed him if he has such a great talent

Sorry, he has never been in a relationship either.

How can one know that it is normal for the subjects to feed and feed, and it is not only when they cannot take care of themselves that they need to feed.

"Come again." The team leader dutifully accompanied Alexander to practice.

Otis carefully observed the mistakes of Qiao Qixi, explained to him what should be done to be more efficient, and sometimes rushed with him.


Don't worry about Xiaoya, you rushed over at such a big head, didn't you mess with my mentality? !

The rest of the killer whales are dedicated cheerleaders! I kept creating celebrations around me, sometimes by patting the tail, sometimes by turning over and dancing continuously.

It can be said to be a very loving small group.

The killer whales immersed in their own world did not know that human society began to pay attention to them, and even a photography team wanted to shoot a documentary for them.

Until Qiao Qixi discovered that drones appeared more and more frequently, and even helicopters and other means of transportation were convenient to approach them.

As a former human, he knew that this was a routine operation, otherwise so many well-made documentaries would not be produced.

The significance of the documentary is to allow people to broaden their horizons and discover that there are so many lovely lives on this earth worthy of attention.

To contribute to the cause of animal protection, Alexander is very happy!

But he really minds being an actor of Whale V, ah.

Fortunately, they usually don't shoot at night, and he and Odis doi at night in most cases.

After tracking this group of cute killer whales for only two weeks, people discovered that many of the stereotypes that existed before were wrong. For example, the tolerance of killer whales is somewhat different depending on the species, but it is not that big.

Some of the notorious passing whales still do good deeds and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately when they are not hungry.

Well, different kinds of killer whales have the power to influence each other. For example, in this group, everyone's recipes are gradually getting closer to the Antarctic killer whales.

The problem is that the Antarctic killer whales are the youngest in the group. This is another problem. It is not that the older the older the stronger the killer whales can establish the style of the whole group.

As for the truth, I am afraid that human beings have never thought of it. In fact, power is the final say. Yes, Antarctic killer whales are not strong, but they are strong targets.

As soon as Odis spoke, he asked everyone to eat seals and sharks to eat sharks.

Seriously, is Odis the strongest

This is not a serious comparison, anyway, everyone knows that he is fierce and cruel, just hit them mercilessly.

In fact, it is very simple to bring down the evil force of Otis. Any two killer whales will work together, but do killer whales have this IQ

Do they understand

Qiao Qixi felt that they didn't understand, alas, always felt a little lonely living among a group of elementary school students, but a little fortunate.

Furthermore, they may understand, but they don't want to do that.

Maybe it's cool to be bullied by Odis, this is just shaking M.

The South Pacific in August is an ideal holiday paradise in the hearts of many people. Whether it is along the coast of Fiji or New Guinea, there are many holiday boats floating.

As the saying goes, there is no fish when the water is clear. Although Fiji is very beautiful, Alexander has always wanted to go. The problem is that it is too expensive. He used to have no money!

Now he can go without money, but his companions told him that he would starve to death when he went there.

The water there is too clear!

And there are so many humans, and fish are hiding in the deep sea.

Their killer whales are not deep-sea animals, they only like to stay in the waters at a depth of 20 to 60 meters, and generally rarely go to the deep sea.

Going to Fiji must at least span a very deep sea, and you are hungry and boring. What are you going to do

Through the brainwashing of his companions, Qiao Qixi pulled the grass from Fiji.

They went to the coast of New Guinea and saw a lot of... bikinis.

Joe Introverted Qixi, blushing.

"Ah, let's go to places with few people."

But I have to say that even on the coast with few people, there are hot girls who are rowing boats on vacation. After all, they think so too. Boating on a coast with few people is happier.

It is better not to have too many men.

Balala was so exhausted that he didn't want to swim anymore. He raised his head out of the water to spy on the boat, and then casually commented: "That human looks pretty good."

"?" The evaluation of humans here has not been very good. Suddenly he said that he was good-looking, which aroused the curiosity of Qiao Qixi.

Oh, not just him, but other companions are peeping gossiping.

Qiao Qixi took a look, well, Balala's aesthetic is no different from all the men he has come into contact with, they all like blond, blue eyes and long legs.

The key is to have a good figure...

"Odis is not allowed to watch." Qiao Qixi ordered suddenly, he didn't care about him, what about different species, in short, he wouldn't let you see beautiful women.

"Why?" Odis didn't have a glimpse, nor was he interested in humans. He seemed to be more interested in cuteness not letting him see.

Um, Alexander’s current mood... is strange, Odis carefully savored it, and tasted a bit of sourness.

Few foods in the ocean have this taste. In fact, Odis doesn't like to eat it, but now he has an inexplicable sense of pleasure because of this.


"Well..." If he was facing a human object, Qiao Qixi would say nothing, and ask so much why? But Odis really didn't understand. He couldn't bear to refuse the other's curiosity: "I'm afraid you are like Balala. I think she's cute, more cute than me."

Then he will die of soreness.

"No." Odis is very strange, why he thinks a human is cute, and he doesn't like humans.

"Oh." Qiao Qixi looked at each other eagerly, what else, what else? Say a few sweet words, when not to say it at this time!

Before Odis uttered the sweet words that Alexander wanted to hear, the other killer whales began to interrupt their love daily: "Don't be afraid of Alexander, you are cuter than humans!"

Fear is a very bad emotion. It is their duty to help their companions return to their normal emotions.

"Yes, I also want to raise a baby Antarctic killer whale! But I don't want to raise a human." It can be seen that the baby Antarctic killer whale is much cuter than humans, Kerry thought.


Qiao Qixi is speechless, what do these killer whales think of Antarctic little killer whales? Are you a child bride? ! Still a fun pet!

"Yeah." Otis even nodded seriously, expressing agreement with Kerry's speech.

Qiao Qixi didn't speak because he was speechless, everyone was still comforting him with each other.

Daya: "Well, Alexander, you are our companion, and we love you. Humans are humans. We will find them interesting, but we will not love them."

In terms of logic, Daya deserves to be the leader.

"I know Daya, thank you." Qiao Qixi felt very heartwarming. Yes, the companions will take care of each other's emotions. He quickly relieved everyone's tension: "I am not afraid, I am very happy now. "

And: "I love you too."

Several important men of four to five tons say love to each other, so shy.

Odis was also sour in his heart, but he didn't know if Little Cutie would taste his taste.

The taste here refers to emotions, not the real taste.

"I love you, I love you the most." Qiao Qixi didn't think so much, he just wanted to confess, let Odis know what he was thinking.

The confession will undoubtedly make the other party very happy: "Yeah." Sure enough, a figure soon enveloped him, stacking with him: "You are mine."

Taking the oath of sovereignty, Qiao Qixi was stunned, then laughed again: "Odis, you are jealous."

what is that

There is no such thing as vinegar in Odis's memory.

Qiao Qixi turned over, pressed his chest and abdomen against each other, hugged him and explained to himself: "Vinegar is a sour thing, do you know sour?"

Yes, sour.

Odis suddenly understood, he knew this, that's right: "Have you tasted it?"

His mood is sour.

"Huh?" Qiao Qixi couldn't laugh or cry, it was you who were jealous, you should have tasted it.

The warm embrace did not last long, and the charming atmosphere between them was quickly interrupted by human cheers.

The reason is because a killer whale jumped out of the water and showed them a zero-point entry into the water.

Simply put, there was a large splash of water...

"Oh my god, do it again and again!" The humans on the ship and on the shore shouted frantically, after all, some of them didn't have time to take out their phones to take pictures.

The cheers are contagious, and the killer whales in the water can feel their welcome.

"They are so stupid, they are so excited when they just jump." Balala said calmly, as if it wasn't him who jumped out of the water deliberately to attract the attention of the (blonde beauty) just now.

"But the way they scream is cute." Daya waved his tail, and seemed to be a little eager to try, but this was a bit at odds with his usual style, so think again, think again.

"I'll try!" Eddie jumped up with a plop as the human wished, which caused another big laugh.

Eddie: "Hahaha. They are really a bit stupid." They said that, but they started to prepare for the next jump.

Or go backstroke to the bottom of the boat and make them scream more passionately!

Qiao Qixi doubts life: "???"

I said I was the cutest in the last second, and I started to make my little sister laugh in the next second! Is there really yours

Sure enough, the male's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

But the laughter of the ladies is really healing, Qiao Qixi: I'm here!

Isn’t the Antarctic killer whale better? !


Humans on board and ashore found that these few killer whales with super good personalities and super cute and happy seem to be sexist.

They only move around the little sister’s boat, not at all male...

"Don't you see their upright dorsal fins? They are handsome guys with 7 heads, hahaha." It seems excusable to only make the young lady happy.

Male human: ...feeling a touch of sadness.

But standing farther, the pictures taken look better, so I can only comfort myself in this way.

#New Guinea coast has 7 handsome killer whales with superb personality#

This series of videos were released one after another, and soon became a mess on the Internet. Many people remember: it was them again!

Many people think that the killer whales who rescued people from the battle with the fishing boat last time are too bad.

The character is pretty bad.

But after watching the new video, well, killer whales are also watching the dishes, and they treat the young lady very well.

The girls in the video all laughed tremblingly, but they used to be the protagonists everywhere, and they were destined to be stealing the spotlight with Fat Tiger.

For the first time, people felt that this kind of black and white color matching thing is even more photogenic than beautiful women!

Where they are, the eyes are there.

However, isn't it said that there are 7 killer whales

It seems that there are only three or four of them that have been on the scene. Isn't the other killer whales keen on playing

Of course, they did not leave either, just watching their companions by the side.

It is said that the Atlantic Type 2 killer whale is the boyfriend of the Antarctic Type A killer whale. I don't know if it is a rumor. After all, in the eyes of humans, everything can be knocked off.

Regardless of whether it is or not, one more knowledge is never a bad thing, so the majority of netizens began to learn to identify which one is which one!

If there is no clear picture comparison, the average netizen really can't tell.

Unlike scientific researchers, they are already familiar with the habits of their heads.

Good personality




But one thing is very good, they are very tolerant of their peers.

Recently, in a human marine park, a six-year-old baby killer whale in captivity fell ill and seemed unable to heal.

The museum now plans to release the killer whales.

The baby killer whale left the ocean very early, and now it is definitely difficult to adapt to marine life. Whether it is predation or emotionally, he will be lonely without a companion by his side.

In the aquarium, there are trainers to accompany, although the aquarium is not the living environment that the baby killer whales want, otherwise they will not get sick.

Anyway, the museum had a headache for this for a long time.

I heard that such a group of killer whales appeared in the South Pacific, which contained three different kinds of killer whales, which gave them a little hope.

Maybe this group is willing to take in this sick little killer whale.

I’m sorry, it’s not illegal to trade killer whales in human society. This baby killer whale has been serving the Ocean Park for four years and may not have made a lot of money. Its existence may make the boss feel very unlucky because of illness. It's not easy to deal with.

The release process was very tight, and it was almost implemented after the decision was made.

But after all, I did some field survival training first, and found suitable waters for testing.

When the sick baby killer whale was transported, its dorsal fin was curved, and its body was not as big as the killer whale of the same age, and it was very thin.

There is no charm in the eyes, just play around with others.

The trainer of the little killer whale actually loves him very much, but they can do too little.

I can only accompany him all the time, talk to the little killer whale, encourage him to live hard in the ocean, and restore his body to health quickly.

From now on, the sky will be high and the birds will fly, and the sea will be wide.

So being sick is not a bad thing.

Rather than exhausting the rest of your life in the swimming pool, it is better to make a desperate bet to get yourself a chance to return to the ocean.

In the test site, the baby killer whale touched the long-lost sea water, the same as in the long memory? He was not very sure, so he was a little timid at first, and felt unsafe about this unfamiliar environment.

Later, he seemed to be able to learn without a teacher. He raised his energy and explored outwards. Ah, although there was still a barrier separating him from the sea, he could smell the taste of freedom right in front of his eyes.

There was a little bit of light in the eyes of the little killer whale, and at the same time it was swimming more and more freely.

The trainer cried with joy, he hadn't seen Lucky so happy for a long time.

Oh, there will be no Lucky in the future, only a free little angel, and only his companions are qualified to name him.

Will he have a companion

The author has something to say: Abcdef: If he has a good personality and doesn't eat much, we don't mind.