You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 123


After training for search and rescue projects this week for three consecutive days, something went wrong in the city.

On the one hand, Yu Shao was worried, and on the other hand, he won the opportunity of field internship for his two dogs. This was also based on his trust in the two dogs.

The general dog does not have the conditions for field practice before the assessment is completed. This time, all reasons are combined, and it is also because of the large-scale collapse that occurred in the province, which requires a large number of search and rescue dogs to help.

So as soon as Yu Shao got the news, he immediately applied for the two Czech wolfhounds to play, they could.

The leader agreed after thinking about it. They sent several search and rescue dogs here to support, and the two small ones were supposed to study.

As long as there is no trouble.

Looking at Yu Shao, the leader felt relieved.

The landslide happened in the city center, a certain hotel, I don’t know why it suddenly collapsed.

This hotel has an underground parking lot. After the collapse, the police and firefighting units rushed to the scene immediately. One side confirmed the victims, and the other side nervously began rescue work.

Qiao Qixi and Odis were halfway through their training, and found that the trainer had gone on a short run. It took 20 minutes to walk away. Hey, is this a relationship? Keep your phone in hand!

Later, I found out that it was not. Yu Shao wanted to take them out. The moment he left was to make a report and take their base practice uniform.

Putting on a handsome uniform, Qiao Qixi thought he was going out to practice again, and he also thought that it was the airport this time. He wanted to show Odis to see the plane.

Both sat in the back seat of the pickup and looked out the window, only to find that it was not the way to the airport, but the crowded city center.

Then they heard the sound of police sirens and the sound of ambulances. This scene... definitely not a drill, it's true, something happened in the city center!

Qiao Qixi took the time to tell Otis the difference between the sound of a police siren and the sound of an ambulance, and the meaning of each.

In the future, we may often have to deal with these two voices. Once these two voices sound, it means something has happened.

Odis: Yes.

Accidents and casualties

Although he has no feelings for humans, he knows what death means, and if you can, don’t die...

Otis, who is also a mammal, has awakened wisdom, although he cannot have feelings for other species, but he can use his wisdom to understand the fetters between humans and humans.

When a person dies, there will be a group of people sad and upset.

Otis did not deny human feelings, human thoughts and art.

Pickup came to the point of the accident and stopped, the police pulled up a cordon, and other people were not allowed to approach.

The tall and upright Yu Shao wore a uniform, and he looked like a mess, not to mention that he also brought two working dogs, but the two dogs looked a bit small.

He negotiated with the police, and the other party allowed them to enter and told them some of the conditions inside.

Qiao Qixi was dumbfounded, this was a real collapse, it was a big one, the whole building was split in half and fell to one side, even the nearby building was affected.

He and Odis said: We have encountered a landslide, and then we will search and rescue the trapped humans and assist the firefighters in the excavation work.

At present, firefighters are shuttled through the broken building to rescue the victims whose locations have been confirmed; the search and rescue dogs assisting in the work are scattered everywhere and focus on their work. They are all excellent search and rescue dogs in a hundred, and the number is very small.

The crane on the street has been in place, and the bulky reinforced concrete is gradually being transported away.

"Go!" Yu Shao patted two dogs.

So Qiao Qixi and Odis immediately went to work, first looking for the source of the bloody smell, so as not to miss the best rescue time.

In order to remain sensitive, the search and rescue dog's paws cannot wrap anything, and can only step on the rubble naked.

Qiao Qixi: Odis, be careful of your feet, don't get pierced by sharp objects.

Odis raised his head: Yes.

During work, there was not much eye contact and physical contact. They all raced against the clock and continued to use their sensitive noses to track the past along the way.

When determining the location of the trapped, they stopped, one barked to attract attention, and the other used its claws to pull the cracked reinforced concrete.

"There are victims here!" their trainer yelled, and several nearby firefighters immediately came over to carry out rescue work.

Next, several victims were also found around, and they also needed to be excavated.

Qiao Qixi thought to himself, there are too few manpower, no way! Are there firefighters

His trainers think so too, and hope that the firefighters on the road now come over and join the work!

At this time, a foreign man with a gray head and face covering his arms was supported by a firefighter and walked over, or it should be said that he was restrained!

Because he refused to go, he always wanted to run back, still muttering some words, what did he say, it was not serious English!

The firefighters holding him didn't understand.

Qiao Qixi can understand it, just English! Just with a heavy accent.

"Wang Wu!" The other party said that his wife was in the parking lot and asked the firefighters to rescue them quickly, but according to the current situation, the ground rescue will take some time, and they can't do anything about it.

However, Qiao Qixi remembered the description of the foreign man, and if given the opportunity, he would definitely help him.

Twenty minutes later, a class of firefighters arrived and joined the rescue work. Their arrival eased a lot of burdens. However, the rescue work was still extremely stressful. Everyone and every dog worked very hard.

During this period, the police did dredging work on the periphery, and ambulances came and went. With the cooperation of multiple parties, the rescue work was carried out smoothly and in an orderly manner.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the scorching sun in mid-May shone on the ground. The firefighters’ clothes were covered with sweat, and large drops of sweat fell on the ruins on their faces.

They could have changed shifts and rest, eating and drinking water first, but no one wanted to leave the ruins.

Because the excavation work is still going on, it is very difficult.

Several search and rescue dogs were also stunned by the sun. Even if a trainer kept hydrating them, it was still very hard.

"The meal is here, the meal is here!" The logistics staff brought in the lunch box and distributed it to everyone one by one: "Hurry up and eat a few bites!"

Yes, I was really hungry and fainted and delayed work. It is recommended that everyone use the fastest speed to stuff rice into their mouths.

Yu Shao received a total of three bottles of mineral water, a lunch box and two dog foods. The logistics was very careful. The dog food he gave was boiled chicken breast, broccoli eggs and so on.

"Hurry up!" The instructor opened two lunch boxes, arranged for two wolfhounds to eat, then opened his own lunch box, and found a place to sit and eat.

The dust was floating in the ruins that were being excavated, and the instructor's sweat was covered with gray and black, but he didn't notice it.

Odis glanced at humans who do not eat meat, and thought he was really strange: Does he not like meat

That's still so strong.

Qiao Qixi stuffed a mouthful of chicken, heard the words, swallowed and said: You don't understand, this is Tiehan's love.

Then he took the meat given by the handsome instructor and ate it happily. After eating this piece of meat, he felt more motivated to work.

Odis was silent for a moment, and gave the piece of meat to the bear: double love.

Qiao Qixi:...


What kind of weird speech is this? !

The bowls of the two wolfhounds were clean. The trainer unscrewed the lid of the mineral water and poured them half of the bowl, and the remaining half was drunk for a while.

And he himself drank half of the bottle in one breath, because he didn't have time to keep hydrated.

"continue working!"

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the firefighters and search and rescue dogs have been working for 6 hours, but they seem to have forgotten the time and are still digging tirelessly.

Several adult search and rescue dogs showed a certain degree of wear and tear on their paws, and even one had heatstroke, which was a golden retriever.

After Qiao Qixi heard about it, he sighed: Golden Retriever's hair is long and thick, and it must be hot. Fortunately, our hair is short, otherwise we will have heat stroke.

By this time, most of the victims on the ground that can be rescued have been rescued.

Like other search and rescue dogs, Qiao Qixi and Odis were so tired that their tongues were sticking out, and their paws were not too much to move.

No matter how careful, the paws walked back and forth so many times in the ruins, inevitably they will still be damaged.

Odis smelled the bloody smell from the little bear, which was different from anyone's bloody smell. This smell made his cold heart no longer indifferent.

Bear, take a break.

Odis would rather double his workload than follow the trainer under pressure.

How can that be

Qiao Qixi also smelled the blood on Odis's paws, and he was on par with him!

How can he take a break? This is the first time he has come out to work, and he has actually arrived at the disaster site. He finds that his hard work is no longer for scoring and assessment. Standing here, he really can't help it!

I want to contribute my own strength.

It doesn't matter Odis, a small one-centimeter wound, just a little carelessness, let's go, let's continue working.

Qiao Qixi was full of energy, and at the same time he remembered the way Odis was angry when he faced his nose injury a long time ago.

Really, it's just a small wound of one centimeter


Odis changed his mind and no longer forced Alexander to rest, but he couldn't help but increase his workload and take over the work that should have been divided equally.

Joe Qixi: Bastard Odis...

But I have to say that he was very moved.

Seeing that the Golden Retriever was suffering from heatstroke, the trainer was also very worried, and was also considering whether to stop work and take two wolfhounds out.

The Golden Retriever is an experienced adult working dog, who can't stand the heat and fatigue. His two wolfhounds are only a little over half years old. They shouldn't have the same workload as other adult search and rescue dogs.

However, after more than 6 hours, Ping An and Dandan have been sticking to their posts, and the workload is not less.

The performance is not inferior to other search and rescue dogs. While the trainer is proud, he hopes that he and the two wolfhounds can stick to the end!

"Peace, Dandan, let's stick to it, okay?" After feeding the water again, Yu Shao gasped and touched them, the brave and outstanding interns: "Look, the ground excavation work is almost complete. Depend on you."

After Odis drank the water, he glanced at him, neither flinching nor resisting in his eyes. It seemed that he had acquiesced to the proposal to stick to the end.

Qiao Qixi whimpered, indicating that the boss is okay, let's rush together.

Although the paw really hurts, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

However, he felt that it was his responsibility to assist the rescue work here, and he had never thought of quitting midway.

Unless it really doesn't work!

"Okay!" The instructor hugged them, and after some cheering, the three continued to work.

The three of them had already attracted the attention of many eyes. When they knew that these two wolfhounds were only interns at the police dog base, the other firefighters were distressed.

But because they were in a stressful job, they couldn't put aside their work and hug two apprentice wolfhounds.

After another half an hour, the parking lot was finally dug. As soon as the crane left, Qiao Qixi rushed over to find the car described by the foreign man.

The firefighter followed the leading wolfhound to the roof of a black car.

Is there anyone in there too

Yes, a lady kept tapping the roof of the car for help after seeing the light.

The firefighter told the lady inside in pure and fluent English: Don't worry, we will rescue you immediately, please sit in the driving position and keep your breathing calm.

After hearing the words, the lady immediately cooperated and repeatedly expressed that she understood, thank you!

She is very worried about her husband, but at this moment, she does not want to cause any problems to affect the firefighters who are currently working.

Even if she is really worried.

Finding that the rescue work here is proceeding smoothly, Qiao Qixi quietly retreated, ready to find the next...

Yu Shao looked at him proudly and drew him back: "Dandan, Dandan, no need to go."

The list of people trapped in the parking lot was all found, a total of six people, and Dandan and Ping An respectively found two.

Qiao Qixi pricked up his ears, a little dull: What do you mean

"Our work was successfully completed." The instructor looked at him and said, "Everyone on the list of victims has been found. Now let's go out and I will take you back to the base for dinner."


Found it all

Qiao Qixi was stunned for a moment, and then he let out a sigh of relief! The tense spirit all relaxed, and the next second excitedly rushed to the firm Otis!

Odis! Yeah!

The first job has ended successfully!

Ahahaha, great!

Odis was not so naive, but his eyes were bright and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Woo..." He pretended to be fiercely resisted, but Qiao Qixi was not afraid, and still rushed on him wildly.

"Smelly boy..." The instructor was infected by this scene, smiled and showed white teeth, tusk tusk, who does he want to hug at this moment.

In the last second, Qiao Qixi was still thumping in excitement, and in the next second, he screamed because of his paws stepping on the gravel ground.

"Okay, let's stop, the paws are going to be useless." The other party didn't care about his paws, and the trainer was still distressed, so he bent down without saying anything, and hugged the humming wolfhound.

Qiao Qixi stayed in the generous arms of the handsome trainer and stopped groaning.

"Ping An, I'll hold my brother, you go by yourself." Yu Shao turned his head and said to Ping Ping. He also felt distressed for Ping Ping's paws, but there was no way. If he could only hold one, he would of course choose to hug Dandan. He estimated that he was safe. I think so too.


According to Odis, he still thinks someone holding a bear is more suitable.

After finishing all the work, Odis also relaxed. He took the lead and walked out in a sloppy pace.

The familiar camera appeared in Odis’s eyes again, as reporters in the city, they were recording everything about the accident.

The search and rescue dog that was hugged attracted the attention of reporters. They squeezed forward and asked two sentences: "Is this search and rescue dog injured?"

The trainer frowned and his face was distressed: "The paw was injured. The two search and rescue dogs I brought were injured. They are still interns on the base and have not officially started their jobs. However, today's workload is no different from that of adult search and rescue dogs. ."

The reporter was surprised, and immediately showed a heartache: "They are great, they have worked hard today!"

Yu Shao got into the car with two wolf dogs, but was quickly stopped by the medical staff, saying that he would treat and bandage the wounds of the two search and rescue dogs on the spot.

It’s not far from returning to the base here. Yu Shao originally wanted to come by himself, but thinking about it, Ping An and Dandan always wanted to contact more people, so they handed over the work to the medical staff.

The medical staff are not afraid of search and rescue dogs biting people. They are very gentle and attentive. When cleaning the wound with disinfectant, they say: "There will be a little pain, but don't be afraid, it won't hurt for a while."

Qiao Qixi saw that the eyes of this lady nurse looked at her with radiance.

The wound on the foot was cleaned with disinfectant, and it was indeed a little bit painful. The mighty-looking wolf dog groaned and buried his face in the arms of the trainer.

Miss Nurse’s heart melted, she could only lighten her hand movements, because she was a little hero who was afraid of pain.

Otis next to him was lying on a mat, and when the nurse cleaned his wound with disinfectant, he didn't respond at all.

The trainer couldn't help but glanced at him. Hey, the personalities of the two brothers are really quite different, one is charming and the other is domineering.

"Does it hurt?" Otis' nurse asked a little worried when hearing another wolf dog yelling.


Alexander hurts, he doesn't hurt.

After some careful dressing, they were sent to the car and both lay in the back row to rest.

It was dark, and the lights outside the window were filled with warm light.

Although Qiao Qixi was tired, but didn't want to sleep, he struggled to sit up and looked at the scenery outside very happily.

Oops, it feels good to glow and heat.

Odis didn't sleep either. He was not used to having gauze on his paws. As for the small wound, he just licked it twice.

Nurse: It's just to prevent you from licking the wound!

The car drove back to the gate of the base, where a group of people were already guarding it.

As soon as the car door opened, Qiao Qixi heard the guide's hearty voice: "I heard that you are coming back soon. We haven't eaten any food yet, just waiting for you!"

Then someone came over to hug them. Usually, there is no such opportunity to move their hands. This time everyone rushed to hug them!

"Hey, don't touch Ping An, he will bite people." The trainer knows his dog's temper and would rather give them a hug than Ping An.

Just kidding, even he himself is not very safe.

The two interns who had done meritorious service were sent back to the base by Zhongxing Pengyuedi. Dinner was already prepared. They had a big meal today, and the food was very plentiful.

Some Odis did not eat, Alexander ate double, double love!

After a while, the other search and rescue dogs who participated in the rescue work also returned to the base. Seeing that all their paws were injured, they felt distressed by the leader and said that they would not give up the task next time.

But everyone knows that next time, next time, for countless years in the future, our soldiers will still go to the front with their trainers to complete the work one by one.

Because the people need them.

It is said that the next day, all the dogs who had been on missions were on vacation to recover from their injuries. Alexander was so happy to hear the news. He will sleep until he wakes up naturally tomorrow!

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.

It was only 7:00 the next morning, an hour later than usual, and Qiao Qixi was awakened by the desire to urinate, which caused his plan to sleep until 12 noon to fail.

So I had to get up for breakfast, and then went to the hall to watch a movie with Otis. If nothing else, they would be so leisurely for the next few days.

After watching, the instructor switched the TV channel to the news channel of the city, and the landslide that happened yesterday was being reported on the TV.

In this several-minute news, all the search and rescue dogs and their trainers who participated in the search and rescue work appeared on the scene.

After watching the news, the trainer tuned the channel back to the movie channel, and the sound was very low. This was to protect the dog's hearing sensitivity. He also wore goggles on his eyes because he wanted to protect his eyesight.

Qiao Qixi hates himself for not being able to speak, he really wants to read the news again!

The reporter's eldest brother took their close-up shots so handsome, it is simply fragrant, heart, arrogant, angry, and guilty.

Seeing that Qiao Qixi was distracted, Odis turned his head and bit his ear: Translation.

Odis is watching a movie to absorb knowledge, and his learning ability is amazing.

The original movie in English is now being shown.