You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 21


Qiao Qixi's feeling is correct, his face is more than a little wrong, and if this continues, it will be almost asymmetry.

But this is something later. At present, the attention of the two polar bears is on the piece of freshly baked golden honey.


The favorite of bears.

In fact, polar bears were originally grizzly bears on land and evolved slowly. Their nature like honey is as strong as most bears on land.

Even Odis likes to eat honey. Smelling the rich sweetness of the honey block, he licked his mouth and moved his nose to take a bite of a rare sweet.

Qiao Qixi was so happy that he turned around, waiting eagerly for Otis' feedback, his round eyes seemed to say: How? Isn't it delicious

Honey is the best —

It seems that when he was a human, he never found honey so delicious. Is it because the quality of wild honey on Greenland is better


The honey on the domestic market has been brewed through countless processes, and it has lost its original taste and is indeed not original.

Of course the honey is delicious, even Otis did not resist the temptation, but he ate it after a small bite. It was the food of the little polar bear. He pushed it back and let Joe Qixi eat it by himself.

Here comes, and the evil of modesty comes again.

Joe Qixi really has nothing to do with this polar bear that hurts himself. Oh, no, there is a way. First, Joe Qixi bit the honey block and smashed his own mouth. Then he leaned forward and slapped Otis with Otis. I have to stick out my tongue to clean it up, and then taste the sweet taste.

Lao Tzu is really a genius.

Joe Genius Tanabata shared this delicious honey with Odis in this roundabout way.

The two of them licked my mouth and I licked your mouth. This unbearable image was first recorded on the camera.

People certainly don't think that two wild polar bears are making a sweet kiss.

As the saying goes, there must be a reason for the incident. After the joint efforts of colleagues in the office, they finally came to the conclusion that these two polar bears are eating honey.

As for why a pure piece of honey will eat this ambiguous virtue... It is still an unknown mystery for the time being.

God knows and the earth knows, only those two polar bears know.

In summer, sharing honey, oh, the picture is so beautiful.

Watching people is so heart-warming.

: In the hungry summer, they actually found honey, which is great, and it feels sweet to my heart.

: Honey, honey, there is nothing more happy to bears than honey, hahaha.

: Today’s Odis and Alexander are also sweet, so good.

: Although all bears are hungry, but I don’t know why. I just feel relieved to see Odis and Alexander. Wow, eating honey is so happy.

The scene of two bears chewing each other's cheeks was not only put on the forum for thousands of humans to watch, but was also watched by a female polar bear in the distance.

There are more polar bears living on this continent than in other places. After all, even the emblems on this island are polar bears.

It can be seen that the polar bear is a symbol of Greenland.

It's not surprising that I encountered other polar bears on the way, but the identity of this female polar bear is a little bit special.

It is not an ordinary polar bear. It is the mother of Otis. After leaving Otis two years ago, the still young and strong female met her favorite male in the next spring.

Not surprisingly, she became pregnant again and became a second mother.

Unlike the situation in the first litter, the mother bear gave birth to two cubs, but only one survived.

The female little polar bear is about one year old and looks very cute.

Like most polar bears who go ashore in the summer, in this harsh season, the mother and daughter of polar bears who have traveled a long distance for a period of time look very tired and emaciated.

The keen female bear smelled the sweet smell of honey in the air, and also smelled the scent of a strong male polar bear. This was originally a signal to be vigilant and uneasy, but the smell of the female bear is still fresh in his memory.

It still remembers that this is one of its first litters.

Yes, Qiao Qixi guessed it right, Otis really has other brothers and sisters, and there are two.

The sturdy mother bear pulled up three children in the first litter. It was not easy, and it was a miracle.

Among them, Odis has the strongest body, and his character also appears stable. Yes, he has a smart personality that other brothers and sisters do not have. He has always been independent, so he left his mother early and opened up his own life.

Later, the four polar bears, who were only related by blood, were scattered around this polar region and never met each other again.

This is also the norm, because the entire polar region is so vast that it is unimaginable, and the number of polar bears is only more than 20,000 when the number is full. The chance of the four of them meeting again is really too small.

Until now, the mother bear, who reproduced the second litter of cubs, led the only surviving cub, and unexpectedly met her last litter on the road, which can not help but make her memory fresh.

Compared to the Arctic four or five years ago, the environment is now even worse.

The sturdy mother bear was able to pull three children alone four or five years ago, but after four or five years, with experience, she can only take care of the first child.

Except for luck and other force majeure factors, it must be said that it is all caused by the environment.

The mother bear leading the little bear stopped and left here without turning her head. She was sure that Odis would not attack them, but she did not rush forward, because the scene in front of her made it messy in the wind.

The smell is correct, and the memory is correct. The mother bear remembers that the child who left her first was a male, not a female, but now it is stunned.

Next to the child was a sub-adult bear cub, also male.

Is it hunting

No, the mother bear clearly saw her child licking the cheek of the underage male. This is a very intimate action, even if it is 100 times the original basic strength, it will not reach the level of hunting.

So Mother Bear is very messy.

After licking the sweet honey crumbs on their respective faces, the two contented bears finally had the intention to pay attention to the situation around them.

A female bear with a cub appeared, Otis had already noticed that due to the familiar smell, he was not defensive and vigilant, besides, there was no extra thought, even if the other party was his mother.

This is the personality of Odis, a non-sticky mother, the earliest weaning, and the earliest separation.

Qiao Qixi also spotted the female bear, oh, he found that he was lucky, and always met the cubs of the cubs. Look, now there is another one, the only cub with a pretty appearance.

Since everyone is a juvenile bear, he does not have the ability to distinguish whether the other party is female or male from the smell. Only experienced bear mothers can get it.

In fact, I haven't encountered a strange bear for a long time. In Qiao Qixi's memory, the bear I met last time was fat, and the bear I met this time has become a bit thin and tired.

Normally, after all, summer has really come, or this is what they are now, Fatty Qiao thought very unaware.

After staring at each other in the air with the female bear, Odis took the lead to remove his eyes, and then led Qiao Qixi to move on.

Oh, how about meeting so many cute bear cubs

Forget it, Qiao Qixi retracted his gaze with some regret, then twisted his big white butt, against the empty yellow bucket, and turned to follow Odis's footsteps.

At first, Joe Qixi, who was in a good mood, had a very brisk pace, humming an untuned tune in his mouth. Later, as he walked, he felt that his left cheek became more and more numb, and his eyes were seriously affected.

When he touched his paw in surprise, the little polar bear felt that his face was bigger than usual.

To be precise, it is swollen.

"..." The left eye was affected, narrowed into a gap, and Qiao Qixi made an uncomfortable voice crying.

Odis turned his head and stopped to look at Little Bear. He was a little dazed. At the end of the day, he stood up and took off the bucket on Qiao Qixi’s head, and carefully looked at the swollen face of Qiao Qixi...

"Uuuu..." Qiao Qixi cried to Odis, his big eyes foggy.

Some polar bears may never experience being stung by a bee, such as Otis, so he has no experience.

What's wrong

But from the bear's grunt, Odis probably knew that the other party was uncomfortable, so he lowered his head and licked the tip of the bear's nose.

In addition, Odis didn't know how to comfort him.

Perhaps eating a full meal can solve this problem.

The place where food can be obtained is not far away, Otis has already smelled the breath of the special environment, which is a kind of fishy mixed with the smell of various animals.

Odis helped Little Bear carry on with the plastic bucket in his mouth.

Fake crying can't get more comfort. Qiao Qixi has anything to cry, he looks back curiously while putting away the acting skills that can take the golden man.

It seems that the mother and child bears have not gone far.

Ah, it doesn't mean that people follow them, but that everyone's goals are the same and that they follow the path.

This is very good. In fact, as a lively bear, Joe Qixi welcomes polar bears with good temperament as their neighbors.

The premise is that everyone don't fight, fighting hurts peace!

Then Qiao Qixi found that his worries did not exist.

When they... To be precise, things forced the little polar bears to be tired. When they stopped to rest, the mother and child bears were still on their way, passing by them violently, and even the mother bear was still staring at him. After looking at it several times, he looked away.

What are you doing

To be handsome is to attract the attention of the bear. Even the female bear with her cubs loves it. Unfortunately, my brother is still a juvenile bear in the room. I don’t like any fashionable siblings. Qiao Qixi thought in his heart and swollen against himself. Half of the big face plate, hiding in Odis's arms.


This hideout hit a painful spot, so Qiao Qixi finally understood that it was possible that the female bear was staring at his handsome and white face instead of his swollen pig's face.


They rested where they were, then got up and continued on their way.

It was walking very fast, so it quickly passed the mother and child in front of him. This is a must, oh no, Qiao Shishi, a top student of the prestigious school, finally found his blind spot.


First, why didn't this female bear with her cubs avoid Otis a little bit, and second, why didn't Odis, who had always been very concerned about his safety, walk around this female bear

You surpass me, I surpass you, taste, taste carefully!

Another thing happened next, which made Qiao Qixi especially imaginative. When Odis was overtaking the mother bear and son, the mother bear suddenly craned her neck and sniffed behind Otis' ass.

Ah, this...

As we all know, smelling the buttocks in the animal world is a very rascal act, which is very directional and very strong.

Love, what is there to doubt about

In addition to breeding needs, Qiao Qixi could not think of anything else.

Yes, he couldn't even dream of it. Mother Bear just wanted to confirm whether there was a problem with her nose and the child's gender was incorrectly remembered.

It turns out that it did not remember it wrong.

As for why a male polar bear raises a baby polar bear, such a complicated question is not understood by the IQ of a female polar bear, even the scientific genius with an iq of 200 cannot understand.

It's too rare.

Witnessing the scene just now, Qiao Qixi, who is good at screenwriter, has begun to stage a 100-episode romantic idol drama in his mind.

On the barren and arduous journey, the single mother who was tortured to lose hope by life, met the handsome single father, ah, yeah, and the steady brother with the oil bottle, fell in love at first sight.

Next episode...

The screenwriter Joe carefully observed Otis' reaction. Well, Otis didn't have any special reactions. Although he didn't go around the single mother, he didn't take a second look, as if people were air.

That's right, Odis is still under adulthood, and his thinking is serious.

All are still a teenager.

What a coincidence.

Qiao Qixi: I'm sorry, I met the right bear at the wrong time.

As he walked, Odis seemed to have found something wrong. The little polar bear that was supposed to follow him seemed to be attracted by something else.

Yes, he turned his head and found that his own little bear, who had forgotten the pain after healed his scar, was facing half of his pig's face, looking at the mother bear with relish.

But the mother bear with the cubs was not too gentle. She slammed the little polar bear with a strange smell.

There is no malice, just a habitual warning as a mother to keep the other person away from yourself.

Odis refused to follow him, put the bucket in his mouth, and came over to negotiate with Mama Bear.

There was a slap, like the sound of plastic hitting a rock...

Xiao Huang!

Qiao Qixi's hair suddenly exploded, and he quickly cast aside all curiosity to rescue his keg.

Ah, if Xiao Huang has a long and two shortcomings, he and Odis will never end.